Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1

763 34 3
By AshleyH713

Four Years Ago

Hikari: Age 16

Four Months before Valkyrie

Allowing a hopeful smile to spread across her lips, Hikari gazed out towards the setting sun before her with bated breath, waiting for her best friend to show up again for their weekly chat.

Sure, Touya had never actually called her his "best friend" once but the girl had seemingly taken on the title regardless, the two still meeting at least twice a week in order to just talk about their lives and to get away from whatever reality had given them.

And these little moments were what Hikari treasured most, they were the things she thought about when she was out on missions, when she was forced to seduce or manipulate another client, when she was touched and hurt emotionally and physically.

Time and time again she would always just think about the moments after the trauma, the time when the job ultimately ended and she would be back in her safe space once again. That's what she reveled in, seeing the boy she loved once more.

Hikari's face fell at the very term, knowing that her feelings for the boy were still sometimes rather hidden to him. Hell, Touya didn't even know that he was the one she thought about every single time she had to let someone do as they pleased.

His kiss, it still lingered in the back of her mind, causing a light blush to reach across her cheeks. And maybe it didn't mean anything to him but for Hikari, that singular kiss was something she would never forget, even if Touya never knew her feelings.

He had enough to think about anyways, with his father and his family. The last thing she wanted to do was hinder him from his dreams and ruin everything with her foolish weak little heart.

But even still, the bird knew she loved him, she loved him so much that she could barely even stand it. Her Touya, the boy that came into her life and made her strong, made her believe in herself.

She loved that ever since the night she told him about her assault, Touya had doubled their meetings, always making sure to get her mind off of whatever disgusting thing she had to do prior, she loved that he never mentioned it unless she was comfortable, she loved that he was always there for her, emotionally and physically.

That's all she wanted after all, not someone to take away her pain or erase the horrible events but rather just someone to be by her side no matter what, someone to give her hope that someday things will be better.

And Touya was her hope, just as her brother was all those years ago.

Just then, the door to the rooftop flew open as Hikari's heart immediately did a small summersalt inside her chest, already knowing who was on the other side. "Ah, welcome back Touya!"

Yet the moment she turned around, the girl felt herself pause, taking in Touya's strange outward appearance all at once with a confused flap of her wings.

He didn't look happy in the slightest. In fact, the boy looked rather angry, with his hands balled into tight fists as heavy smoke and blue flicks of fire peaked from under his arms and bandaged palms.

On further inspection it seemed that Touya also had dried tears strained across his eyes, the boy's cheeks red and puffing from his overwhelming emotions. But what the hell happened? Why did he look like that? "Touya, what's wrong?"

Knowing he hadn't fooled her in the slightest, the white haired boy pushed his lips together with unkempt disdain before walking past her with a huff. "I can't believe it, I can't believe he'd do this to me.."

Hikari didn't like the way he was acting though, the girl following his steps before reaching forward and placing a light hand on his cheek. "Hey, slow down. What's going on? Come on, talk to me.."

The surface was overly warm, causing the girl to grimace slightly before Touya seemed to realize the reason, panic lining his face as he pulled her hand away in order for her not to be burned by his quirk again.

Looking down at her small delicate hands, the boy then sighed to himself, grasping onto the surface with a shaky squeeze as he let his devastation crack through. "My old man, he...he really has given up on me."

The words seemingly slapped her in the face, Hikari already shaking her head at the meaning. What was he saying? That couldn't be true, her friend had worked so hard to get where he was.

Trying to offer him some reassurance, the girl then pressed her lips together with a frown. "What? Touya, that can't be true. You're the best person I know."

Yet Touya didn't take any of the warmth, his eyes still playing with cynical memory."Oh yeah? Tell that to the man that just told me he's shipping me off for a quirk marriage next month."

At those very words, Hikari felt her heart completely stop inside her chest.

A quirk marriage? Touya's dad was going to make him marry because of his quirk? Was she really not going to see him again? Would this be the last time she would get that feeling of comfort?

As selfish as it may be, the words seemingly made the girl sick to her stomach, picturing the boy she loved attached to another woman. No, she didn't want that. She didn't want to lose the only person in her life that cared, that showed her respect.

Forcing a response to come to her lips, Hikari's shaky breath just barely managed to respond. "A quirk marriage? Wait, why would he.."

Touya seemed to be at his breaking point, the very phrase causing his palms to smoke and spark with even more devastation before the boy ripped his hands away in order to create some distance from the girl to be safe.

Hikari then watched as he began to pace back and forth, his eyes wild and his voice sarcastically cruel. "Because I'm not good enough, because he said that the only way I can be useful to our family is by getting out of his life and making kids that have better quirks than me."

Feeling a twinge of anger in her throat, Hikari couldn't help but shake her head, not understanding what he was saying. Did his father really say something like that to him? How dare he, how dare he shut his own son down for just waiting to exist!

Her feathers began to twitch and sharpen at the very idea, the girl scoffing before flapping her wings twice with pure shock and fury. "What?! That's disgusting. How can he even say that? Doesn't he realize how hard you work for this? How much you really want it?"

Her raised tone only seemed to make Touya even more unhinged though, a cruel and cold chuckle escaping his lips at the amusement of it all. "All these years and he hasn't even looked my way once, and now he really just wants to get rid of me."

Hikari didn't see anything funny though, noticing the sadness around her friend's eyes. She could tell this was destroying him, that he was using humor as a way to not crumble down completely. It was sad to see, Touya looking so lost and distraught like this.

All he wanted, all he ever wanted was to be included in his own family and yet his father only saw his usefulness, he only saw the tool and not his son. It made Hikari so angry to see her friend break himself down for absolutely nothing, for him to be spit out and thrown away like trash even after hurting himself to do this.

And sure, if Touya really wanted this quirk marriage then Hikari would have shut her mouth and ignored her feelings but she was not going to let the boy she loved be sold off without his permission.

No, he deserved better than that, he deserved the world.

Racing forward to meet him, Hikari lifted her hand up before grasping both of his shoulders with such passion and honesty that it couldn't help but make the boy pause. "You can't let him do this, Touya. You deserve to be the Todoroki's successor, you deserve to be happy and successful, not be sold off into a marriage you don't even want."

Touya took in her serious expression before letting his own eyes fall to the ground in slight thought, knowing that she was right. "I know, there has to be something I can do, something that will change that bastard's mind about me. I'm not just gonna let dad forget about me. I just need to make him notice me, one way or another."

And although the girl fully agreed, she was lost on how he was going to accomplish it. As far as she knew, Endeavor was a very difficult man to change. "But how are you gonna do that?"

Even Touya seemed to have doubts in his own question, thinking about the conversation he had with his father prior before closing his eyes in silent thought. "I don't know..but I..."

Although that's when the boy seemingly got an idea, reopening his eyes and staring into Hikari's amber expression with a kind of intensity that made the girl get goosebumps. "That's it."

Not fully understanding, a light hue of pink filled her cheeks from all the staring before the girl felt her lips move on their own. "What?"

Reaching forward to squeeze her shoulders, Touya lips curved into a devious smirk before speaking his very plan. "You. You're gonna help me change my dad's mind."

The girl couldn't help but pause at that, pointing a finger to herself in question. Maybe she heard that wrong. "Me? I'm sorry I'm not really following, how would I..?"

Yet that's when the boy's previous sad disposition turned into something sinister, a small chuckle escaping his lips before letting go of her girl and lifting his arms out in excitement.

"There's a party at the end of this month that my dad wants me to attend, and what a better way to say fuck you then by bringing another girl to my own engagement party."

Widening her eyes at his words, Hikari felt her feathers twitch in anxiety at the crazy plan he was suggesting. "Wait wait wait wait, you want me to help you crash your own party? But Touya, what about the other girl, the one that you're engaged to. I don't want to make her feel...."

Yet Touya's face only turned annoyed at the idea of his future marriage partner. "I don't give a shit about her. It isn't about that anyways. This is about showing my old man that he can't tie me down so easily. That I won't stop until I get what I want."

Hikari still wasn't sure though, taking in her friend's new cynical approach before rubbing her arms nervously. She had never seen this side of Touya before, so unhinged and desperate.

Standing here, he kind of looked like a villain, the way he was laughing and speaking. It was new to the girl, and she didn't know how to take it, how to react to this new emotional Touya.

He didn't seem to notice her discomfort though, the boy's smoking palms lighting up with pure blue fire before Touya spun around in a circle of his own self induced madness. "I mean, just think about it, Princess. You and me, screwing over everyone and making a statement. I can just picture the pissed off face my dad will make. Then he'll have to notice me, I just know it!!"

Chuckling even louder, the boy leaned over to hold his stomach before Hikari finally found the words to speak, trying to make sense of his illogical thinking. "So let me get this straight, you want me to be your fake.."

Touya finished the sentence immediately, his voice serious. "Girlfriend, yeah."

Although it seemed that just after he uttered those words, the boy stopped himself, Touya quickly turned around so she couldn't see his expression.

Then hiding his reddened cheeks from the girl, he began rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Uhhh I-I mean, just long enough so we can screw with everyone, obviously."

The words caused Hikari's face to light up as well though, thankful that the boy had turned away so he couldn't see the embarrassment they brought.

But when still, Hikari had doubts. She wasn't a villain after all, what Touya wanted seemed to be risky, so much so that the girl replied. "O-Oh, uhhh don't know, Touya. Doesn't this sound a little, dishonest?"

Still turned away from her, Touya couldn't help but scoff at her words, crossing his arms over his chest with an unknown smirk. "Says the bird that lies for a living."

Feeling a sour taste in the back of her throat, Hikari couldn't help but frown at that. Sure, Touya was right in some sense. Riku had made her quite good at his horrible missions throughout the last couple months, but that didn't mean she liked them.

Afterwards they always made her feel so vile and dirty, the regret of her action never far behind. "H-Hey, that's different. Those are orders, and I don't really have the choice if I want to lie to people or not. Riku makes me do it..."

And that seemed to make Touya finally stop his madness, the boy growing silent as he knew he misstepped and was insensitive. Of course Hikari didn't want to do Riku's orders. She was forced, that's always how it was.

Sighing to himself, the boy finally turned around before strolling up to his friend quietly with a newfound understanding, his voice softer than before. "Come on, stop being such a Princess. It's not a big deal. Besides, if we don't do something then my dad will just be able to do what he wants, and I can't let that happen. Can you?"

His words made the girl pause, taking in his overly emotional cerulean gaze before letting her own crumble. Of course she couldn't let that happen, she couldn't let him be unhappy, not after everything he'd already done for him.

Sighing to herself in defeat, Hikari then took a step forward before reaching forward and grasping onto his palms once more, the heat from his quirk giving her the reassurance she needed to speak.

"No, your happiness will always be the most important thing to me. I want the best for you, and I already said I'd help you in any way I can.."

Silence filled the space then, her utter honesty causing Touya to freeze before melting his gaze into hers, absentmindedly reaching a hand out to brush a piece of hair from her eyes.

Feeling her breath lodge in her throat at the action, the boy then turned away, a small gentle smile across her lips knowing that she supported him. "Then it's settled. Come on, we gotta get started if we wanna be convincing enough."

Then before the girl could process it, Touya's hand reached hand and intertwined his fingers into hers pulling the poor bird towards the exit. "W-Wait, where are we even going?"

Yet the boy only smiled, a knowing look on his face before squeezing her hand once with reassurance, already knowing where to begin.

"Don't worry, Princess. I'll take care of everything."

And just like that, the two kids became partners in crime.


Allowing Touya to pull her to whatever destination he had planned, Hikari could only focus on their intertwined hands as the two kids walked down the street, a small blush on her cheeks at the very action.

She was probably being silly though, it was obvious he didn't care about this kinda thing.

Although her bliss was short-lived when they turned the corner and found a very familiar house just a couple feet away, causing Hikari's heart rate to immediately increase.

Wait, why were they here?!

Feeling her feet glue to the floor in absolute terror, Hikari's wings flinched underneath her before the bird pulled on Touya's arm to stop. "Wait, wait wait wait. What are we doing here? Touya, I can't do this..."

The boy felt the pull before turning to find the very frazzled bird having a panic attack in the middle of the street. "What's got you freaking out? It's just my house."

Pointing towards the place in question, Hikari only grew even more scared though. Yeah they were standing in front of his house, but that also meant they were standing in front of Endeavor's house.

And that was terrifying for a multitude of reasons.

Playing with her hands in front of her, the girl let her eyes fall, feeling slightly foolish for her newfound social anxiety. "I'm still not used to talking to people, and what if your dad is home? He might see me and report me to the commission and.."

And all of those reasons were the absolute truth, Hikari folding her ugly deformed wings behind her back before pushing her lips together in shame. For as many missions Riku had forced her to go on, Hikari still wasn't comfortable with being out in public like this.

Touya was different, but surely his family would think she was ugly with her broken quirk. Maybe they'd even forbid her from ever seeing him again, and then she'd have no one.

Yet the boy seemingly watched her eyebrows knitted together in extreme thought before sighing to himself. He had been with the girl long enough to know that she was letting herself spiral about something again.

Softening his eyes ever so slightly, the boy awkwardly tapped her back once, bringing her out of her own trance. "Don't worry, Princess. I just gotta get something really quick. You can stay here."

His words brought comfort to her, Hikari nodding her head absentmindedly before glancing at the Todoroki house silently. He was right, she needed to stop arguing before someone found them. "Okay...hurry up though..."

Touya couldn't help but become taken back by her blunt tone, an eyebrow raised with interest before whistling back. "Oof, so demanding. I didn't know you had that side of you."

Knowing they were wasting time, Hikari then reached forward before grabbing onto the end of his shirt, her eyes pleading and still slightly anxious. "Please, Touya..."

And that seemed to make the boy pause, getting lost in the desperation of the action in silence as the two stared at each other in silence, almost like they were having some sort of internal battle.

Yet whatever it was, Touya seemingly only lasted a couple seconds, his cheeks turning flushed before sharply turning his head away with a cough to cover up his real feelings. "Mmm fine. You know those puppy dog eyes of yours are killer.."

Turning her head to the side, Hikari only frowned though, not understanding why the boy in front of her was so flustered. "Huh?"

Although before she could question any further, Touya was already halfway to the front door, the boy waving his hand away in order to erase the conversation."Never mind. Just stay here and try not to follow anything shiny."

At his condescending tone, Hikari felt her cheeks puff up in annoyance, knowing he was making fun of her for the bird-like tendences of her quirk. "I don't do that!"

The white haired boy only chuckled under his breath though, clearly making fun of her as he fully stepped inside of his house. You gotta stop being so fun to tease, Princess. It makes it hard to ever stop.

Just then, his bubble seemingly popped as another voice appeared from his left, his voice full of interest in the state Touya was in. "Hey there big bro, what are you doing? What's so funny?"

Turning his head in dread, the boy found his brother, Natsuo, staring back at him, probably wondering why Touya was acting so uncharacteristically happy for no reason.

It was odd after all, knowing that Touya didn't usually smile or laugh in front of him.

And just the sight of his brother alone was enough for the oldest Todoroki to drop his lips back into his usual frown, all the happiness draining from his face as he realized he was caught in such a weak moment.

Already focused on the task head, Touya only shook his head, already making his way to the kitchen as he just barely muttered back. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

Not even noticing his brother's confused expression because of the whiplash, Touya continued on his way, finding the kitchen in a couple seconds only to see his sisters back by her stove. Out of all days, why did they have to all be here today?

Groaning, the boy frowned at the idea before pushing himself towards the coat rack in the corner of the room as his little sister finally recognized his presence, her eyes turning up with surprise. "Huh? Touya, there you are. I was thinking about making lunch and.."

Yet once again, the boy only shook his head, reaching into the pocket of his dad's jacket before pulling out his wallet with another mutter. "Not hungry."

Eyeing the object with confirmation, Touya then turned around before immediately heading back towards the door, knowing that Hikari was probably still anxious about this whole thing. The sooner he could get out of here the better.

Yet before he could enter the entryway, he was stopped by both his brother and sister, the two following him every step of the way as Natsuo frowned. "Hey, come on Touya. Where are you going, you just got home. How about we.."

Balling his hands into fists, the white haired boy only scoffed though, knowing this was not the time for family bonding. No, he had other things on his mind right now. "I already said I'm not interested, just leave me alone. I'm busy."

Then before they could interject, Touya threw open the door before slamming it behind him, a breath of relief escaping his lips as he noticed a very familiar shade of red from a couple feet away. "Told you I'd be back."

Moving closer to her, the boy then showed Hikari the wallet before pulling out a gold colored credit card with a knowing smirk. "With this we can really screw him over."

Yet before Hikari could open her mouth to reply, another set of voices beat her to it, her wings immediately flinching inwards as she stepped behind Touya while they hummed with interest. "Oh? And who is this?"

Touya also seemed rather shaken, his face morphing into one of irritation before turning and finding his siblings staring at him from just a few feet away. "W-What are you doing?! I told you to leave me alone."

Although they didn't seem intimidated in the slightest, Natsuo raised an eye at the newfound female presence before giving a knowing smirking. "Now I get it. This is what you meant by busy.."

Watching as his big brother's cheeks morphed into a hard blush, Touya immediately shook his head, trying to counter his nosey brother. "Hold on, that's not what I..."

Yet Fuyumi seemingly cut him off, already stepping closer in order to notice a flash of red from behind her back and widening her eyes. Wait, she had seen something like that before, but could it be?

Narrowing her eyes in memory, the Todoroki daughter tilted her head in question. "Wait, I know you. You're the one that visited Touya in the hospital, right?"

Hikari only shrunk at the gaze though, her wings folding even more closer to her body as she gave a shaky head nod, causing Fuyumi to literally scream with delight. "Ah! I knew it. It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Touya's sister, Fuyumi.."

She lifted out her hand in order for Hikari to take only for Fuyumi to be bumped aside by Natsuo, his excitement equally matched. "And I'm his brother, Natsuo. This is crazy, I didn't think my big bro had any friends."

The over excitement and attention only seemed to make the bird shrink even closer into herself though, the girl pushed her gaze to the floor as she stepped closer to her friend.

She wasn't offended that Touya hadn't spoken about her to his siblings, knowing how strained their relationship was. "N-Nice to meet you.."

The siblings watched with interest at the action, Natsuo whistling at the sight before him. He would have never thought his brother would be friends with such a scared little girl. "Wow, you're really shy, aren't you? You don't have to be afraid, we won't bite.."

Touya only frowned though, feeling Hikari's shaking fingers grasping his coat before groaning at his siblings' antics. "Natsu, stop it. Can't you see that you're making her uncomfortable?"

Fuyumi's face fell at that, her eyes softening ever so slightly at the accusation. "We weren't trying to, we just wanted to meet her."

His brother still didn't seem bothered though, revealing the idea that Touya, the grumpiest person in the world, was protecting this random girl. It was very interesting to say the least.

Plus, anytime he could tease his brother was something Natsuo couldn't pass up. "Awww look at him, he's so protective of her. I never thought I'd see the day."

Registering the words immediately, Touya's eyes began to widen at the tease, not wanting to feel weak or pathetic, essically in front of his siblings as his cheeks flushed with even more embarrassment.

What were they even saying? Why were they acting like he had a crush on her or something? He didn't care about this idiot bird like that. "Both of you shut up already. It's not like that."

Natsuo still didn't let up though, the boy only raising an eye in question. "Then what is it like?"

The question made Touya stop immediately, the girl noticing as he purposely turned his head away and rubbed the back of his neck with a random cough with a slight stutter. "I-It''s none of your business. Now leave us alone, we're busy."

Obviously trying to get away from the situation as fast as possible, the boy then snaked his hand into Hikari's before taking a step away from his nosey and invasive siblings. Perhaps he was nervous about this as well?

At the action, Natsuo couldn't help but drop his smile though, seeing his big brother trying to walk away as the boy followed them with a frown. He didn't really get to talk to Touya like this and he really didn't wanna end it so soon. "Where are you going?"

Touya only groaned though, throwing up his father's credit card with a slight mutter, hoping it would be enough for him to give up. "To go screw over dad.."

That seemed to make Fuyumi gasp though, a hand to her lips as she stepped forward with anxiety at her brother's crazy plan. "With his credit card? I don't know Touya, dad's gonna be really mad when he finds out."

Seemingly fed up with their consent poking and prodding, the boy then rolled his eyes before finally turning around again with slight irritation, knowing that his sister didn't know what she was talking about. "He deserves it for arranging a quirk marriage for me."

And then, everyone grew silent as his sibling's face seemed to pale almost automatically, the words like acid in the air as they tried to process what their dear lovely father had done to his oldest son.

Twisting his face into disgust, Natsuo was the first to speak, all joy and curiosity seemingly erased as his mouth hung open with horror. "Whoa, hold on, he did what?!"

The idea only caused Touya to laugh though, his insane giggles returning once again as the sadness in his eyes never dissipated. "Stupid old man, won't listen to a thing I say so I'm gonna teach him a lesson. He can't sell me off that easily. I'll show him."

Balling his hands into hard fists, Hikari watched as his own veins began to pop out of his skin, obviously trying to to calm down and hide his unstable quirk from his siblings for whatever reason.

But that was strange, considering he had shown Hikari his quirk multiple times. Perhaps he was still sort of self conscious about it? He did always wear thick bandages on his arms to cover the after effects anyways.

And the only one that was ever allowed to see under them was Hikari. Sure, it took years before she could change his bandages, to see the long lasting scars and dead skin, but the fact remained. He trusted her with them, and for that the girl was thankful.

Although it was kind of sad to know that he didn't trust his family in that kind of way.

Fuyumi didn't seem to notice his struggle though, still lost in her own thoughts as she tried to process what her brother had said. "I can't believe dad would do something like that.."

Shaking his head with fury, Natsuo furrowed his brow in response, a lowly scoff escaping his lips as he knew his father was awful, just not that awful. "I believe it, although I never thought he'd ever stoop that low."

There was silence then, causing Touya to sigh heavily as he used the time to calm his emotions, hoping that his stupid brother and sister would give up after that and go back into the house. He had given them what they wanted after all, an explanation.

Yet that's when Fuyumi took a step closer before frantically grabbing her brother's hand with slight desperation and pleading eyes. "Well, what can we do to help?"

Widening his eyes at the sheer absurdity of the idea, Touya scoffed, knowing his siblings would never help with anything before. They usually just ignored him or had their own life going on to ever care about him.

But out of all times, Touya knew this wasn't the time. This was his battle to win after all, and he knew his father would never accept such a weak offering. No, he'd probably laugh if he got help.

Swiping the hands away from her pleading palms, the white haired boy frowned in response, taking a step back with disgust. "Nothing, just go away already."

Natuo wasn't one to give up like that though, patting his big brother's back with reassurance as he smiled back, still used to his behavior. "Aww don't be like that bro. We can't let our brother be sold off like that."

Nodding back, Fuyumi replied "You're right, I don't like the idea either."

Clapping his hands together, Natsuo then beamed towards Touya and Hikari, his smile taking up the majority of his face before nodding in agreement. "Then it's settled, we will help you out!"

Touya couldn't help but frown at the sudden decision though, knowing that his brother and sister were confirming something he'd never ever agreed on. "I don't ever remember asking for your help..."

Yet Natsuo only cut him off though, obviously already set in his choice as he moved closer to Hikari with a knowing look. "Nonsense, it will be fun! Plus, we can spend a lot more time with your little friend over here. Now what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Seeing him approach, Hikari couldn't help but panic though, his wings twitching with anxiety as she tried to put her hands out with fear, not wanting Touya's brother to get too close to her. "Uhh I don't think.."

As pushy as he was though, the boy didn't take no for an answer, ignoring her small pleas to stop before reaching forward and grabbing onto her arm in order to pull her away from Touya. "Don't worry, it will be fun!"

The action was so sudden that Hikari couldn't process it in time, her nerves immediately jumping inside her chest as a wave of panic overtook her before she could even realize it.

She couldn't help it, still shaken from past memories of others touching and hurting her to fit their own agenda. And even though Natsuo didn't mean it, his sudden move reminded her of a thousand other moments she'd like to forget.

Then before she realized it, her wings extended out in surprise, her feathers twitching as the girl flitched at the touch, eyes wild as Natsuo immediately froze at the sight before him.

And just like that, her wings were on full display for the Todoroki siblings.

A set of gasps echoed back immediately, both Fuyumi and Natsuo wearing looks of terror and fear as they took a shaky step backwards from the broken and grotesque skeletal structure before their jaws dropped to the floor.

Natsuo was the first to speak, his eyes glued to the sight as he just barely whispered. "Whoa..."

Fuyumi's hand covered her mouth a moment later, her voice also clearly shaken and horrified in a number of ways. "Oh my goodness..."

Realizing what had happened, Hikari immediately felt sick to her stomach, The Todoroki's gaze causing her to fold her wings back behind her back before glueing her gaze to the floor with shame. Oh no, they saw. They saw them. What's wrong with you? Why couldn't you hold them back? Now they'll hate you just like everyone else.

Yet before she could process it, a flash of white hair appeared in her vision as Touya pushed his brother back by his shoulders. "Hey, back off already. Quit staring, she obviously doesn't like it. Take the hint."

The hit seemed to wake the boy up though, Natsuo snapping out his own trance before blinking once."H-Huh?"

Hikari still only felt shame though, the girl grabbing onto her friend's jacket before poking her head from behind his shoulder so that his siblings wouldn't be freaked out again.. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

Touya couldn't help but scoff at that though, glaring at his family. "Stop saying stupid shit, Princess. It's their fault, not yours."

Yet looking between Natsu and Fuyumi caused the Hikari to slump her shoulders even more. It was obvious to see that her ugly quirk scared them, so much so that they back away and couldn't stop staring.

Perhaps it was better to just leave, considering she had already ruined any chance of friendship with his brother and sister now. She couldn't blame them though, why would anyone want to be friends with a freak like her?

Feeling tears brim the corners of her eyes at the idea, Hikari then sniffled to herself before already turning around to leave, her voice small. "Maybe I should just go.."

Although the moment they saw her leave, Fuyumi's eyes widened with anxiety, already racing forward as she seemingly woke up from the shock as well. "Hey, wait, hold on..don't leave..."

Stopping ever so slightly, Hikari paused for a moment, her wings twitching. "What?"

Touya's sister then slowly moved up to her, the girl's steps ever so small as she eyed Hikari's red wings with an invisible gulp before smiling softly in her direction, almost to show that she wasn't scared anymore.

And even though Hikari knew it was a lie, she still remained still, watching as the girl reached her hand forward ever so slightly before very carefully grasping her hand in order for her to feel comfortable. "You think something like that's gonna turn us away?"

Realizing she wasn't freaking out this time, Natsuo followed suit, reaching his hand forward before lightly grasping Hikari's other hand with a small squeeze of reassurance. "Yeah, Yumi is right. Come on, birdie. Let's go help Touya out together, okay?"

And their smiles seemed to be infectious because Hikari felt instantly relaxed at their words. She thought they wouldn't even get close to her again after everything, but here they were, showing her that her quirk hadn't scared them away.

Nodding her head, slightly, Hikari couldn't help but squeeze her hands back, giving into their kindness with a small whispered reply. "Okay..."

Natsuo and Fuyumi immediately brightened up at that, the boy's smile growing even wider before pulling her down the road, the two obviously excited about the day ahead. "Great, now let's go have some fun!!"

The action was sudden, causing the girl to practically be dragged off her feet before looking back at her friend with wide and surprised eyes. "Ah! Touya!?"

Seeing that his siblings kidnap his friend caused Touya to widen his eyes as well, the boy already chasing after them as the two family members giggled at his behavior from a couple feet away. "Hey, both of you get back here!!"

Natsuo only giggled even more though, lifting a free hand up to his lips before winking at his grumpy brother's expression. Ah how cute, he was jealous. "Not a chance big bro, your friend is our friend now!"

His sister seemed to share his playful behavior though, lifting her hand that was intertwined with Hikari's before sticking her tongue out in his direction. "Yeah! If you wanna take her back then you gotta catch us!!"

At the word though, Hikari couldn't help but pause, the words playing on her tongue rather strangely. Did they just say what she thought they did? No, impossible. "D-Did you just say friend? I'm your friend?"

Natsuo only beamed though, picking up speed as they raced down the street without a care in the world. "Of course, new friend! Now come on, Run with us!! The last one there is a rotten egg!"

Feeling the wind through her hair, Hikari felt the pounding inside her chest before a small smile couldn't help but work its way to her lips. Did she really have more than one friend, was that okay for someone like her?

Her wings couldn't help but twitch at the very idea, the objects extending outwards ever so slightly before her legs started to move faster and faster in time with Natsuo and Fuyumi.

And just like that, the only thing she heard was the sound of her own beating heartbeat, Natsuo and Fuyumi's soft giggles, and Touya groaning in the background at their antics as he tried to chase after them from behind.

"Ah, come on! Not you too!!"


Once they had reached the fancy dress shop at the edge of town, Fuyumi and Natsuo led the girl inside, each of the siblings hooked around her arm as Touya glared from behind the happy trio. They were really being so obnoxious, thinking their little game would get a reaction out of him.

And of course that wasn't going to happen. It wasn't like he was going to let them win.

Although he couldn't help but feel a swirl of something unpleasant as his little brother touched Hikari's shoulder while he told her something far too close to her ear a moment later. Why was he that close? Stop being such a creep Natsu.

But what Touya didn't know though was that Natsuo was watching his every movement, the boy's lips turning up ever so slightly as he saw his usually moody brother being all bothered and such. Well, that was rather new.

Fuyumi had a softer approach though, taking the girl to the large racks in the corner of the store before filtering through them with a smile. "Alright, if you're going to be at this party then we have to make you look like the best one there. Now, let's see.."

Yet as the white haired girl zoned out with all the pretty dresses, Hikari's feathers couldn't help but pick up the whispers and gossip all around her, all of them equally rude and unpleasant.

Wandering eyes scanning back and forth as they took in her raged appearance and broken ugly wings with either whispers of horror or giggles of mockery, causing the girl to immediately stand to shrink inside herself.

Sure, she had gotten used to the stares and the mean comments throughout the last couple years but this was the first time she felt so confined, so small inside this rich boutique. So much so that she felt bad for Natsuo and Fuyumi for having to be with her like this.

Why would they ever want to hang around a freak like her anyways?

"What are you spiraling about this time?"

Blinking in surprise, Hikari then turned her head upwards only to find Touya staring back at her intensely, their distance only mere inches away from each other as he frowned. Wait when did he get there, and so close at that?!

Panic coursed through her at the action, the words growing numb on her lips as she couldn't help but stare into the endless cerulean gaze that had overtaken her. "H-Huh?"

Touya only seemed to roll his eyes in response though, obviously used to her oblivious nature before reaching his hand upwards.

Then the boy poked his pointer finger in the empty space between her two eyes to prove his point. "Don't Huh me. You know what I'm talking about. You're doing that thing with your forehead again, when it gets all ugly."

Feeling super self conscious, Hikari immediately paled at his words before slapping her hand over the forehead only to find exactly what he was describing, two large wrinkles across the center. How did he notice something like that?

If she didn't know any better it was almost as if he really paid attention to her.

Yet the girl quickly shook it off, knowing that Touya didn't care about her all that much. He was just here to waste time, that's all. She was just getting carried away again.

Sighing at the reality, Hikari then allowed her hand to drop before looking at all the dazzling and expensive dresses with sadness."Oh. I guess I'm just nervous. I've never been in a place like this before, so I don't know where I should start."

And that was true. In fact, just looking at all these fancy clothes was making her feel really uncomfortable, like she didn't really belong. The whispers and gossips around didn't seem to help either.

Touya only scoffed at her explanation though, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well standing there like an idiot isn't gonna help."

Although he was right, Hikari couldn't help but frown. Sure, standing here wasn't helping the situation but everything was just so overwhelming for her.

What a baby she was, unable to handle the smallest things. She probably bothered Touya with her anxiety. She wouldn't blame him if he was. "Sorry.."

A small echo of silence appeared then, Hikari watching as her friend pushed his lips together in silent thought. Perhaps she was right after all. In fact, she was just waiting for him to just walk away all together.

Sighing to herself, Hikari then decided to make the first move, turning around to look through the racks of dresses, each of them a myriad of different designs. She didn't even know where to start with this.

Yet, after a few more seconds Touya spoke again, his voice just above a mutter. "Color."

Not understanding, Hikari stopped at a yellow fitted bodice before turning around to see that he was looking anywhere but her. Maybe she heard wrong. "Hmm?"

Pushing his lips together once again, Touya then began to shake his head, eyes still glued in silent thought as he continued. "Start with a color. Like pick your favorite or something I don't know."

Hikari didn't know why, but it sounded like he was kind of uncomfortable about this conversation, almost like talking about girly things like dresses was embarrassing to him.

Wait, was he trying to help her?

"My favorite?"

Realizing she wasn't getting it, Touya groaned before finally turning to look in her eyes, his own playing with embarrassing frustration. "You do have one, right? Or is that idea too small for your pea sized brain?"

The insult was lost on her though, Hikari only thinking about the question at hand. Usually someone would have an answer like that right away. But what about her? What was her answer?

Because as sad as it was, the girl had never really had the chance to think of such simple questions like that. Sure, when she was five she told Kei-chan that her favorite color was pink, just like all the pretty princess dresses she saw in the windows on their way home.

But what about now? Because looking at her now, Hikari knew she didn't fit the perfect definition of princess pink anymore. Not with her deformed ugly wings and horrible life.

So if that was the case, what was her favorite color now? What was the color that made her heart feel at ease, the color that brought her happiness and hope for the future? What was the color that she loved to see more than anything?

She got the answer a moment later, a wave of emotion coursing through her throat at the very thought. There was only one color that evoked all of that.

"I like red."

And that seemed to catch Touya off guard as well, his eyes widening with pure genuine surprise before curving his brow in disbelief. "Red? Gotta say, not what I would've expected from a princess like you."

Moving her hands to the strings on her jacket, Hikari only frowned though. There was no point in lying to him about her reason, even if it was rather foolish.

Closing her eyes, the girl then pictured a very familiar pair of red wings and blonde hair as she answered back honestly to her friend. "Red was Kei-chan's favorite. Seeing it makes me feel close to him."

Yet after she spoke those words, the room was silent, Hikari opening her eyes with questions before turning to find Touya completely and utterly stunned, all the color erased from his face for some reason.

His gaze was hollow, obviously lost in his own memories as the girl twisting her brow in concern. Wait, did she say something wrong? Why did he look like that?


Although before she could get a response, Fuyumi's loud voice cracked through the surface, the girl popping their bubble as she held up a huge stack of twenty different dresses. 'Ah, there you are! Touya, stop hogging our friend."

In fact, there were so many that Hikari couldn't even see the white haired girl anymore, her body completely covered by the mountains of fabric. "I hope you don't mind, I already started picking out some options for you. Come on, let's look through them!"

Blinking at the whiplash of the conversation, the bird turned around to find Touya had disappeared from her side, causing Hikari to move back to Fuyumi instead.

Maybe she offended him after all? She sure hoped not.

Not wanting to be rude to her new friend, the blonde then looked between all the colorful shades of fabric before answering softly. "These are a lot of dresses."

Laughing at her nervous demeanor, Fuyumi only smiled though. "Sorry I just couldn't help it. I've always wanted a sister to dress up like this."

And that was somehow sweet to Hikari, knowing that this was some kind of dream for the white haired girl. Yes, she was still uncomfortable and nervous but at least she could make Touya's sister happy. "It's okay. I don't mind."

Fuyumi seemed to scream in delight at her confirmation, the girl jumping up and down once as she moved towards the fitting room, joy in her every step. "Really?! Oh thank you! Now let's go to the changing room and you can pick out your favorites. What do you think?"

Because her joy seemed infectious, Hikari began to smile as well, following the girl towards the fitting rooms before hearing a very familiar male voice to her right. "Hey.."

Just then, something flew at her, the girl gasping as her entire vision was covered when a large piece of crimson colored fabric plopped onto her head. "Ah!"

Quickly pulling the object away, Hikari then looked down at the projectile only to find a red colored dress in her hands, her fingers lighting touching the beading on the bodice. Wait, why was this..?

Yet that's when Hikari turned to find Touya immediately averting his eyes. "Don't look at me like that. You said you wanted red, right?"

Still not processing his words, Hikari only blinked once before looking back down at the long red dress in her hands. Wait, did he pick this out for her, because she said she liked the color red? That's where he disappeared to?

And as the pieces clicked together, Touya only seemed to grow even more embarrassed, a light shade of pink covering his cheeks as he coughed with fake frustration. "Try it or whatever. I don't care either way."

Then the boy turned around and walked away, Hikari still frozen as Fuyumi moved past her with a huff, only seeing her brother throw the dress and not hearing any of the conversation. "Touya, that was rude! Come back here and apologize to your friend ."

Realizing she wasn't going to get a response, Fuyumi sighed a moment later before turning back to Hikari with a sad smile to fix whatever mean thing her brother possibly said. "Sorry about him. He means well. Now, which one do you want to try on first?"

Hikari seemed to know the answer right away though, running her fingers across the red fabric that Touya had picked out for her before lifting it up for Fuyumi to see. "This one."

Looking between the dress and Hikari, Fuyumi's eyes then widened with realization before allowing a sly smile to form on her lips. Oh, so that's how it was. Seems she had it wrong after all, Touya wasn't being mean back there.

How very interesting.

"Ah, I see. Good choice."


Smoothing out the fabric with her fingers, Hikari looked down at the beautiful crimson color before frowning with uncertinaly. Could she really wear something like this? What if she looked like an idiot? But Touya did choose it, so she had to follow through.

Still not turning to the mirror behind, the girl felt her feather twitch with anxiety. Come on Hikari, stop being a baby. It's just a dress. You can do it, you just gotta turn around. You're freaking yourself out for nothing.

Folding her wings as small as possible into her back, the girl then took a slight breath of courage before closing her eyes and balling her fists. That's right, she could do this.

Who cares if she hated herself, if she hated looking at herself in the mirror. Touya had picked this beautiful dress just for her, even if she probably didn't suit it.

Hikari then took one more breath before finally turning her body around, the girl's eyes reluctantly gazing at the reflection in front of her willingly for the first time in years.

And all at once, the girl's heart stopped.

Feeling an intense wave of emotion appear, Hikari felt shaking fingers reach up before touching the shoulders of her dress, considering she never really looked at the shape until now.

The bodice was covered in beaded floral embroidery cut in a slight V although it was nothing too revealing. For that the girl was thankful, knowing the outfits Riku forced her into for her missions weren't nearly as considerate.

Although the thing that Hikari noticed the most wasn't the beads or the color or the length. No, it was the long pieces of fabric that covered her shoulders, trailing down to the floor almost to look like a pair of crimson colored wings.

And she wasn't sure if Touya meant to pick this kind of design, but Hikari couldn't deny that this simple dress reminded her so much of Keigo that it hurt.

The fabric that resembles his warm and inviting embrace, it felt like he was giving her an invisible hug, so much so that all of her previous anxiety and fear seemed to melt away into nothing.

All of it screamed Keigo, and all of it caused Hikari to cover her mouth with a small shaky breath. She had never felt like this before, not because of a stupid dress. How did Touya know? Did he know she would react this way? Or did he just pick randomly and got lucky?

Either way Hikari was thankful, her fingers already moving towards the curtain in order to have him explain his reasoning. She needed to know why he picked something that was so clearly reminiscent of her brother.

Stepping outside of the changing room, Hikari then peeked her head around the corner to hear the tail end of another conversation, the girl seeing Touya stand up from his current seat with unsaid anger.

"This whole conversation is stupid, I told you there's nothing...!!"

Yet before he could finish, Touya turned his head to lock eyes with Hikari accidentally, all of his previous words completely evaporating as he mouth dropped open with shock.

The silence was quickly replaced by his siblings though, Natsuo whistling widely as Fuyumi clapped her hands with a happy little scream. "Ah! Oh my god, it's perfect. You look so pretty!"

Natsuo couldn't help but nod in agreement as well, the boy slapping a still stunned Touya on the shoulder with a sly smirk. "Not bad big bro. Who would've known you were a stylist too?"

All the attention was certainly overwhelming, causing Hikari to push a piece of hair behind her ear before smiling nervously towards the ground. "O-Oh, uhh thank you.."

Yet the siblings were nowhere near finished though, Fuyumi scooting over to her silent big brother before gesturing to Hikari with a small knowing look. "What do you think Touya? Doesn't she look pretty?"

That seemed to wake Touya up, the boy blinking away his hidden thoughts before immediately averting his eyes to his left as he coughed once to cover the heat across his face.

And when he did respond, it was raspy and small, barely above a mutter. "It's alright.."

Although Natsuo and Fuyumi knew that his reaction showed far more than he wanted to admit, causing his sister to giggle under her breath. Aww how cute, she didn't think Touya would ever act like this, but it seems even he had a heart under all that angst.

Wanting to push him further, Fuyumi only waved a hand away at his lackluster response. "Oh shush, don't you dare start that. You just don't want to admit it."

Natsuo seemed to agree as well, opting to slap his brother on the back once more as it annoyed him. "Yeah, I bet he's probably screaming on the inside."

Glaring immediately, Touya couldn't help but scoff at the accusation, shoving his brother's hand off before answering a little too fast to sound believable. "What are you saying? I am not."

Fuyumi seemed to squeak with delight though, seeing the red on her brother's cheeks started to grow even more evident and loving every minute of it. "He totally is, he's even blushing how cute!'

Pointing his finger towards the evidence, Natsuo felt his lips echo a small chuckle before stepping closer to fully see his flustered big brother. And what do you know, his sister was right. "Aww you're right Fuyumi, I can see it right there!!"

Yet that seemed to be the breaking point for Touya, the boy groaning to himself before physically slapping Natsuo hand away with an angry shout as his palms smoked and sparked with emotion. "God, would both of you shut up!? You're ridiculous."

The raise of volume seemed to get the attention of the store, many onlookers turning with confusion as Hikari took a step forward to quell his anger. Perhaps his siblings did take it too far. "Touya..."

Shaking his head in frustration, Touya only rolled his eyes though, the boy already turning his back so that he couldn't be made fun of even more. "You are all delusional. Why would I ever act so weak around a shitty bird like her?"

And seeing him leave brought a sense of unease to the girl, Hikari lowering her eyes into concern as she watched him go. "Wait, where are you going?"

Throwing his hands up in the air, the white haired boy replied back roughly, his back still facing away. "Literally anywhere but here."

And just like that, Hikari watched as he stormed outside of the shop, a small bell dinging as he practically threw open the door. His quirk was probably overheating again, that's why he left so quickly. Touya never really did handle emotions well.

Sighing to herself, it seemed that Fuyumi saw the motion before speaking up, obviously trying to ease the atmosphere. "Don't listen to him. Touya is just moody and doesn't know how to say things sometimes."

Her use of wording couldn't help but make Natsuo snort in reply. "Most of the time actually.."

Fuyumi muttered something back in response, the words growing lost on Hikari as she stared at the door of the boutique, wondering if her friend was okay after all. Even though she knew he didn't have the best relationship with his siblings, this must've been really hard on him.

Wanting to make him feel better, the bird then found herself taking a step closer to the door as his siblings argued only to stop at the sight of a large floor length mirror angled to the side of the shelves.

Sure, the dress was still beautiful but from this angle, Hikari could very clearly see her folded red wings attached to her back, the broken and disgusting sight taking all previous comfort away in a single second.

That's right, they were still there.

Even if she tried to hide them, even if she pretended not to see him on her first look, those horrible ugly reminders were still there. She didn't see Keigo anymore, she didn't see hope or beauty. No, she only saw herself.

And Hikari hated herself.

Just then, it seemed like the mummers and gossip seemed to re enter her hearing, each feather picking up every single cruel word that was muttered across the store.

Before she could drown it out but without Touya there to distract her, it was all she could focus on.

"Oh my, did you see that? Her wings are rather..."

"I know, I feel bad for the poor dear. Having to walk around with a quirk like that."

"Who even let her in the store? She's rather dirty looking."

"Wait, I know those two over there. They are the Todoroki's. I can't believe their father would let them hang out with people like that."

"She probably can't even afford that dress. How much do you bet they pity her?"

Balling her hands into fists, Hikari then looked down at the extravagant fabric before discomfort started to appear almost immediately as reality crashed down on her.

Sure, they were rude but Hikari knew they were right. She was just a homeless bum with a broken quirk. This place wasn't for her.

And sure, all those years on the roof with Touya were wonderful but it blinded her into the reality of the situation. Because when they were alone the two didn't care, but here in reality, it was very obvious to tell she didn't fit in his world.

Even now, people were gossiping about her, hurting her friend's reputation just because he had spoken to her. And that was only a small shop, who knows what his father or other heroes would say about her knowing him? She was sure it would only end in disaster.

She didn't want people to whisper about Touya, she didn't want anything bad to happen to him and yet it seemed that just being near her was causing that effect, and she hated it.

Turning back to the mirror, Hikari then extended her wings outwards only for the reality to smack her in the face all at once. Sure, she could put on a pretty dress but that didn't change who she was, it didn't make her actually pretty.

No, it only covered up the truth, the truth that she was ugly, and in no way a match for the boy she loved.

And if she went to this party, then she'd only embarrass him more.


Not having the heart to tell Fuyumi and Natsuo no, Hikari clutched the bag that held the dress between her fingers as the Todoroki's siblings left Touya to go get some ice cream before heading home.

And speaking of Touya, he had been completely silent since his outburst at the store, the boy pushing his hands further inside his pocket as he leaned back against the wall with a sigh.

The atmosphere was certainly strange to say the least.

So much so that Hikari decided to make the first move, pushing the pretty papered bag in her hands towards Touya silently, causing the boy to finally snap out of his own thoughts with a frown. "What are you doing? I'm not holding it."

The girl only shook her head though, moving her eyes towards the floor so she couldn't see his reaction as she muttered her reply. "I can't do this."

And it seemed like Touya was rather surprised by her outburst, the boy pushing himself off the wall in order to understand the situation. "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Pausing for a moment, Hikari only frowned. "I can't be your fake girlfriend. I know I'll only embarrass you at that party. I'm sorry, tell Fuyumi and Natsuo I'm sorry for wasting their time.."

Then before he could interject, the girl turned around in order to walk away.

Although she was quickly stopped when Touya's hand wrapped around her arm, pulling her backwards into him with a huff of concern. "Whoa whoa, back it up Princess. Where is this coming from? What kind of idiotic things are you saying? How would you embarrass me?"

Hikari was over everything though, her head shaking with a bitter scoff before pulling her arm away from Touya's embrace and stepping backwards to get away. He wasn't understanding, didn't he get that she wasn't good for his plan to be a hero?

Lifting her wings outwards to prove a point, she noticed a mother pull her child closer at the sight before replying with self hatred. "Touya, just look at me. You heard the people in the store. I don't belong out here. I don't belong with you. I scare people, my quirk is.."

Yet it seemed like he didn't care for her explanation, the boy frowning in response. "You act like I care about what other people think. I don't give two shits about what they say.."

Realizing he wasn't getting it, Hikari then lowered her eyes, knowing the one thing that would get him to listen, even if it was a rather dirty method. "But what about what your father says? You care about that, don't you?"

And of course just as expected, Touya did in fact pause, his eyes widening with displeasure before turning his head with a scoff. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Of course Hikari didn't mean anything bad by it, knowing that his fathers approval was the most important thing to Touya. That's why he busted his ass and hurt himself anyway. She had seen it time and time again, how he broke himself down to be loved.

But Hikari also knew that sometimes she needed to go to the extremes for him to understand, the girl shaking her head with sad honesty. "Touya, I'm a freak. You know it, I know it, your siblings know it. I'm not Kei-chan, I'm not some kind of fancy hero. I'm dirty, I'm homeless, I have no family and my quirk is hideous. People take one look at me and run away. I'm the last person you should bring to show off at that party."

Taking the truth to heart, Hikari was disgusted with herself as she actually said the words out loud. Sure when the two of them were alone it felt normal but here in the streets, hearing the rumors and the cruel insults in person, it was obvious to tell that everyone else wasn't as accepting.

He was a Todoroki after all, and she was a nobody.

And normally she wouldn't care but if he wanted to bring someone to crash his engagement party, then Hikari knew she wasn't the best choice, especially when Touya so desperately wanted his fathers approval. "I-I'm sorry I just can't do it, I can't walk into that party and have everyone stare at me, laugh at me. I'm not storing enough for that Touya, I'm just not..."

Hikari then finished sadly. "Plus, if the commission finds me then I'm dead. So, it's just better if you find someone else, for your reputation and my safety."

Feeling tears brim the corners of her eyes, Hikari quickly shoved them down mentally before rubbing her arm to erase the evidence as Touya watched in stunned silence. "I'm sorry for disappointing you."

Hikari then turned around with the intent to leave, only for her friend to finally find the words, reaching out with rushed desperation. "Hey, hold on you can't just..."

Yet the girl only smiled sadly, the tears reflecting in the sun as she pushed the pretty colored bag forward once more, forcing Touya to take it before it fell to the floor. "Here, you can give this to someone who suits it more than me."

Then before she could reply, Hikari walked away, causing the boy to tighten his hold on the bag with a thousand overwhelming emotions. Idiot, didn't she know he picked this stupid dress out for her? How dare she think someone else could wear it.

He even purposely picked something that looked like that shitty brother of hers.

A voice seemed to break his bubble a moment later, Natsuo appearing seemingly out of nowhere as he looked down at the dress in his brother's hand with a frown. "Whoa, a lovers quarrel already? Isn't it a little early for that?"

And usually his words would've caused Touya to blow up, to yell at his brother for suggesting such a stupid idea. But this time, the boy was distracted, his eyes still not letting up from the bag in his hands.

Instead he spoke, his voice strangely serious. "Natsu, you still have that friend, right? The one that works on support items?"

Not understanding, his brother only raised his brow, pressing a finger to his chin in silent thought before nodding once. "Uhh yeah. But his stuff is mostly prototypes, why?"

Just then, Touya sighed to himself before turning to look at his brother, his eyes pleading with a kind of desperation his little brother had never seen before.

"I need a favor."


One Week Later

Singing to herself, Hikari looked up at the old rusty ceiling before turning to her side of her old creaky single sized bed at Riku's compound. It had only been about a week since her outing with Todoroki and his siblings but she just couldn't help but still feel rather sad about everything.

Maybe Touya had found someone else to take her place by now? She wouldn't blame him if he did, considering she was only ever around to waste time. That's what he said from the beginning after all.

And even though she loved the boy, she knew that her presence at that party would only hurt him more in the long run, and that's the last thing she ever wanted. No, she wanted Touya to succeed, that's how much she cared about him.

Feeling a slight chill through the crack in the window, Hikari then righted herself up before moving outside in order to get her mind off of her wandering thoughts. Riku and everyone else were probably sleeping right now anyways.

Pushing open the thick metal door, the bird stepped into the chill a moment later, her hands shoving themselves into her pocket before hearing something shuffle to her left.

The girl paused at the sound, her feathers ruffling with anxiety before turning towards the noise with a frown. What was that? Someone trying to overthrow Riku? That wasn't overly strange, if that was the case.

Picking up the slight sound of footsteps, Hikari then narrowed her eyes before detaching four feathers from her wings and shooting them in the direction of the noise, latching onto the attacker as they gasped in surprise.

The girl only huffed in response though, her entire body prepared for a fight as she pulled the stranger forward into the light. Whoever this was, she wasn't going to go down easy.

Hikari then pulled one long feather from her wings, holding the handle of her makeshift sword before the man was pushed into the ground with a groan. "I'm warning you, you don't want to do this."

Although before she could threaten him again, Hikari seemed to realize his white hair and bandaged arms immediately, the boy groaning under the pressure of her quirk. "Idiot, let me go.."

Widening her eyes at the voice, the girl seemed to forget her intimidating voice in an instant, her feathers detaching from his clothes before Hikari took a step forward in shock. "Touya, what are you doing here? It's dangerous, I could've hurt you."

Touya only seemed annoyed by her words though, his fingers igniting with blue fire before grabbing onto one of the floating feathers and burning it into nothing. "Speak for yourself, Princess."

Wincing at the slight sting, the girl frowned back. "Hey, stop that."

Touya only shrugged though, grabbing onto another feather before doing the same exact thing as if to prove his point. "Oh please, they grow back. It's not a big deal."

Although that caused the girl to pause. Wait, how did he know that? She was pretty sure she never told him about all of her quirk capabilities. But if that was the case then how did he figure it out?

"Wait, how do you know that?"

And even though she was curious, Hikari soon realized she had more pressing reasons on her mind, forgetting the seemingly meaningless conversation for something more urgent. "Never mind, what are you doing here? How did you find me?"

It seemed Touya welcomed the change as well, the boy answering a little too eagerly. "Riku's compound isn't exactly a secret, and I need to talk to you."

Hikari only frowned though, finding his words sweet but not really wasn't the time, especially in this kind of place. She didn't even know what he was thinking. Touya had never visited her like this before.

He didn't know how dangerous it was, for both of them.

Quickly pressing her hands into his back, Hikari then began to push the boy away from the compound, her voice rushed with a harsh whisper. "You can talk later. This is bad, you're not supposed to be here.. If Riku saw you, oh I can't even imagine what he'd do to you."

Touya didn't care though, the boy only rolling his eyes at the scent of a challenge. "Like I care, I'm not scared of that red haired freak."

Hikari only groaned though, frowning as he shoved her hands off of him. "Well you should be! Look, just..."

Although before she could finish, Hikari's wings picked up on a couple different voices, each of them a couple feet away as all the color seemed to drain from her face. Oh, this was bad. People were coming.


Not sensing the danger, Touya only found amusement in the insult though, his lips curving into a small chuckle as he hummed. "Ah, I don't know that was in your vocabulary, Princess. Gotta say, I'm kinda impressed."

Hiakri didn't seem to feel the same though, the voice approaching even closer before the girl lifted her wings and practically shoved the boy inside of the compound a moment later, her voice harsh. "Just get in here!"

Shutting the metal door as quickly as possible, the girl then grabbed onto the boy's hand before dragging him to her small room and closing the door with a loud exasperated sigh. That was a close one.

The girl then opened her eyes to find Touya staring wordlessly at her plain tiny room, eyeing the completely empty walls and shelves before saddening at the small old mattress on the floor to his right.

Ah, that's right. He hadn't seen this before, how she lived.

It wasn't something Hikari liked to brag about, just barely having a shelter every night. Sure, it wasn't fancy but it beat living on the streets that was for sure. Of course, Touya probably thought it was awful, considering the mansion he lived in.

Wanting to change the subject, the girl then cleared her throat before stepping in front of Touya in order for him to avoid asking about her poor living conditions. "What did you want to talk about?"

And that seemed to do the trick, Touya blinking in sudden realization before absentmindedly reaching his hand into his pockets. "Close your eyes."

Not expecting that, the girl questioned. "Why?"

Yet he only groaned, obviously nervous or anxious about this upcoming conversation. "Just do it."

Hikari seemed to cave at that, trusting her friend before her amber eyes shut a moment later, the girl shrugging her shoulders in reply. "Fine. What's this all about?"

Although that's when she felt her friend grab her hand before turning her around to face a certain direction as the small rustle of paper was overheard. "Just relax, Princess."

Almost on cue, she felt her shoulders sag under the calming words before Hikari felt his fingers lightly grace her collarbone, spiking her nervous energy up to its maximum level. What was he even doing?

Feeling her cheeks start to rise with heat from the touch, Hikari felt her heart pound as Touya's fingers brushed her skin and moved towards the back of her neck.

She didn't know what was going on but the pace he was taking was so agonizingly slow that it was driving her internally crazy.

Then his hands touched the nape of her neck, brushing her blonde hair away from her face before something cold and foreign laid against her previously bare collarbone as his hands found its way to her shoulders. "Open them."

Not knowing what to expect, Hikari felt herself take a shaky breath of anticipation before doing as requested as she found herself standing in front of the mirror that was placed in the corner of the room, her own reflection looking back at her.

Except this time, the girl widened her eyes for a different reason.

And that was because there on her neck was a crystal necklace, the clear color shining with every move as a matching gold chain danced around her collarbone.

Lightly touching the precious stone with her fingers, Hikari looked down at the object only for Touya to start to push her shoulders to shift her body. "Turn around, Princess."

Although that's when the girl froze, recalling her ugly wings that were there before forcing her body to remain still. She didn't want to see that, not after such a lovely gift. "Touya, I can't..I.."

Yet he seemed to understand her worry, Touya's voice lowering into the soft coaxing tone that always drove her crazy. "Hikari, turn around."

And that seemed to make the girl comply, her body reluctantly moving as his hands shifted her body around, Hikari already cringing at the sight she was about to see. She was sure it was going to be the same exact sight from two days ago.

Yet, as soon as her back appeared in the reflection, Hikari froze.


Widening her eyes once again, the girl gasped at the sight before her before allowing a shaky hand to reach forward and touch her back as tears began to fill her eyes in conformation.

Her wings, they were gone.

Those ugly, hideous things that she hated, the ones that the commission destroyed, the ones that everyone was scared of, they were now gone, only replaced by bare skin and Riku's previous old scars.

But how was that possible?

As if reading her mind, Touya seemed to answer her question a moment later, his lips traveling dangerously close to her ear. "My brother has a friend that makes support items. This one hides a mutative quirk when attached."

The words were overwhelming to say the least, Hikari turned around in a circle before processing what he was saying. This necklace could make her normal? It could hide her wings? It was almost too good to be true.

Still feeling rather shaken, the bird replied. "H-How did you..?"

Touya only groaned though, rubbing the back of his neck with nervous anxiety before pushing his cerulean gaze away from her. "I asked a favor, considering you seemed bothered by it."

And although the boy would never admit it, he couldn't help but recall the previous conversation with his brother, knowing that he promised to do Natsuo's laundry for a month just for this.

So she better like it.

Hikari was only stunned though, her heart twisting with so much emotional joy that it caused happy tears to brim the corners of her eyes.

Did he really do all of this just because of their conversation, because he knew about her insecurities and wanted to fix them? That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her.

Realizing the silence was getting rather awkward, Touya then lowered his hands from her shoulders before stepping back with a sigh, almost like he was extremely nervous for what he was about to say.

"Look, I'm no good at these kinds of things but what you said before was stupid. Giving that dress to someone else, choosing some other bitch for the party, don't you get it? It can only be you..."

Hikari couldn't help but pause at that, turning to the boy she loved before her heart flipped inside her chest. Did he just say what she thought she did? No, it couldn't be. She was just making things up.

Touya only continued to speak though, his voice so incredibly fragile. "Idiot, that dress could only ever suit you. That's why I chose it."

Pushing his hand down, he then lightly wrapped his fingers around Hikari's crystal pendant before twisting it between his fingers as her breath caught in her throat at the touch. "So now you can wear that and not worry about stupid shit."

And as she looked down at the pendant, the girl felt her heart melt. He was so considerate, making sure she was okay after everything. He even asked his brother for this necklace so she could feel better about herself.

She didn't deserve him, that was for sure. He truly was the sweetest, even when he didn't realize it. It almost made her cry.

But one thing was for sure, she had truly fallen in love with him even more after this.

Brushing one of the stray tears in her eyes, Hikari sniffled at his explanation before reaching down and detaching his hand from her necklace so she could grasp it instead. "Touya...I...thank you..."

Touya then watched her tear filled expression before his lips twisted in some sort of conflict, his hand tightening around her own with a frown. "But don't get it screwed up, okay? I didn't do this cause I think your quirk is ugly."

Hikari couldn't help but pause at that, blinking another tear away before twisting her brown in confusion. What was he even saying? Even she thought her quirk was ugly. That was just the truth.

"Then why?"

The boy couldn't help but shake his head at that, hand tightening with some sort of unknown frustration before his body pushed the girl backwards into the closest wall and slamming her captive wrist above her head.

Feeling all the breath leave her lips, Hikari then watched as Touya ripped the crystal pental from her neck only for her wings to spring outwards in surprise a moment later, his eyes deepening at the sight.

And when he spoke, it was low and serious as he stared straight into her soul. "Because with me, you don't have to wear it, because if anyone is gonna stare at them, it's me. Not some other random bastard on the street."

His rough nature was something Hikari had never seen before, her cheeks turning bright red just from the very position they were in. Did he really mean that? That he really didn't mind seeing her wings? That he wanted to...stare at them..?

His words, it's like he wanted to be special.

The idea caused her heart to hammer back, watching carefully as Touya's gaze lowered ever so slightly before she couldn't help but flash to his lips and recall the kiss they shared previously.

And it seemed like Touya had the same silent idea, his head pushing itself closer before stopping just inches from her mouth, his lips ghosting hers with the slightest touch.

Sucking in a heavy breath, Hikari then closed her eyes, granting him permission before soaking in the anticipation of recreating that night on the rooftop. She had thought about it for months after all, what it felt like, how it made her heart flutter with invisible butterflies.

And that was because he was the one that owned her heart and body, he was the only person she trusted whole heartedly and loved with everything she had.

Yet just before the girl thought about closing the distance, Touya seemingly pulled away, his lips groaning in frustration, almost like he was having an internal battle with himself.

Then the boy lifted a hand up before placing the crystal pendant in her palm, taking a step back as he did so as if he couldn't trust himself with the distance.

Speaking ever so slightly, Touya then rasped back, his voice still filled with hidden desire and intent. "Just come to the party..."

Still feeling rather flustered, Hikari processes the words even so slightly before slowly nodding her head. She didn't know why he pulled away from their kiss but it seemed like he had his reasons.

But even still, she already knew her answer to his question. Touya had gone out of his way for this after all. She couldn't deny it now. "I will."

Nodding back once, Touya still seemed lost in his own thoughts, the boy turning back towards the door, his mind in a chaos unknown to Hikari.

Unknown for now at least.



As Hikari snuck Touya back out of the compound, she didn't seem to notice Riku watching from a floor above, his hand tapping on his cane as the girl pushed Touya away from the scene.

Running up to the window in question, Haruto couldn't help but gawk at the sight. "Boss, did you see that? Takami broke the rules and let someone in the compound. What a little slut.."

Riku only hummed though, his eyes narrowing at the sight. "Yes, that seems to be the case.

Hatuto raised his brow at that. "What are you going to do about it?"

Smiling ever so slightly, the red haired boss only shrugged though, turning away from the window before lifting his cane upwards. "Patience, Haruto. The time will come. Let's see how their little relationship progresses and what happens in the future. For the time being, let's find out who this young man is.."

Then Riku reached into his pocket before pulling a small dagger, taking out the blade before running a finger across it slightly. "Besides, that wasn't very smart of her, having such an easy weakness."

Giving a dark chuckle, the boss then threw the dagger at Haruto, the man ducking just in time for the knife to zoom over his head and crack the wooden beam behind him.

"How simple he would be to use if she ever steps out of line."


AHHHH I finished! This chapter was so long and kicked my ass. I've been working on it for like three weeks but the holiday season has me working 40+ hours so I never have time to write. I'm trying my best to get those updates though!

Lots of things in this chapter as we see more "Dabi" traits start to show up in Touya as the flashbacks reach the end. We see the origin of the crystal necklace that Hikari still wears today along with Fuyumi and Natsuo's relationship with her.

And of course the "favorite color" conversation comes up which now explains why Dabi knew about that in the present. Things are starting to tie together and I'm very excited!

Also, this chapter is in Hikari's point of view mostly, so the conversations Touya shares with Natsuo and the fight with Endeavor about the quirk marriage thing is purposely left out under we get his POV and the full story. We will get back to it.

Part two of the engagement party will be a few chapters later just because lots of major big things happen during it and it's the major turning point for both Hikari and Touya to change to who they are currently. You'll see. I have big plans.

Next Chapter: Back to the present, Hikari meets Endeavor's work study students and work together to bring down the liberation. We are getting closer to the season finale while shit hits the fan, get ready! 

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