Light and Shadows (Thranduil'...

By Cineva999

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The Elvenking is like a very strong, old tree, deeply rooted in the kingdom he pledged himself to protect. He... More

Prologue - Clouds
Memories of Mirkwood
Promises of new beginnings
Pure Starlight
Of old and new
Prelude to war
Behind the mask
An unexpected meeting
Heading to battle
The fall of Dol Guldur
Scars of the past
Sweet madness
A bright new beginning
Galadriel's mirror
Light and Shadow
The Feast of Starlight
Broken promises
Two Crowns
Battle for Dale and Erebor
Dain's Fall
A brighter light
Of stars and shade
The flames of war
A deeper shadow
Winds of change I
Winds of change II
A New Era
A much anticipated return
Family matters
Feast in the woods
A place called home
The heart of Legolas
The purge of Gundabad
Fire within
The White City
On the road
The Glittering Caves
There and back again
A final goodbye
Greenwood the Great
Epilogue - Into the Light

Wild hearts

237 36 32
By Cineva999

Don't own the video and song. Lyrics by Tolkien. 

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
Toward the Moon or to the Sun.

Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe,
Let them go! Let them go!
Sand and stone and pool and dell.
Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
Away shall fade! Away shall fade!

A red sun was rising over the trees of Mirkwood. It was a chilly morning and a gentle breeze was making Tauriel's red locks move across her pale face. She fastened her black velvet cloak around her body and placed the hood over her head. The kingdom was not yet fully awake. She passed a few guards and stepped further outside of the fortress, walking towards the thick trees, taking the way into Mirkwood. She only had a dagger with her but that was enough. She wanted to be alone, she wanted not to think about enemies for just one morning. 

The forest was just as she had seen it for the past 300 years. Desolated, cold, even frightening. The only parts of Mirkwood that were still keeping it bearable were the enchantments the elves had placed on trees and rivers that were driving away the eery feeling and the magical creatures that were still inhabiting it. Vague distant memories came back to her, memories of an old life, another life, when she was just an elfling wandering joyfully into Greenwood, a place so beautiful and filled with wonder. 

She walked gently onto the red and gold leaves, on the soil where poisonous mushrooms had grown, and near tree trunks where spider webs were still present, in spite of the elves always hunting the giant beasts. She passed by a spring and felt the elven magic protecting her with every step she took. She had been on that path hunting with Legolas and training in archery many times in the past, still, she never took him to the place she enjoyed most. It was a small clearing, surrounded by a few very old trees, guardians of the forest. In better times, the grass would have been green and vibrant with many wildflowers. Now, only dead leaves were scattered on the dark soil. 

Tauriel stood there still as a statue, feeling as if both she and the forest had been frozen in time. She felt an emptiness inside her heart matching the emptiness of the clearing. Time did not exist for elves, not in the way that it existed for dwarves or humans, but in that moment she wished time did not exist at all. She wished everything would stay the same before it could get tainted even further, before any more loss could occur. What was to come? What would become of the world she once loved so much?

Just as her thoughts were becoming more hopeless, her eyes spotted a few scattered white flowers that were still blooming here and there in Mirkwood. An enchanted type of flower that the elves had awakened in the forest with their magic and that filled Mirkwood centuries ago. Ullúme...The name meant 'forever'. She walked gently into the clearing, looking at the packs of small white flowers with the shape of ice crystals. She bowed and picked one with her hand.

A sudden presence made her turn around as she took her dagger out, ready to fight. Her eyes widened with surprise when she looked at Thranduil's tall figure, wearing an embroidered silver robe and looking as composed as always. His sword was hanging by his belt and no guards were with him. She knew he also liked having alone walks in Mirkwood but she never came across him before which meant he probably took paths less known to her. 

'Mind if I join you?'

His voice was cool and composed as usual but had a soft undertone.

'Of course not, my lord', Tauriel said quickly, still shocked by his sudden appearance. 'I was just having an early patrol.'

She quickly glanced at the white flower in her palm and then let her hand fall, feeling a bit nervous.

'You should not be alone in the forest.', she added. 'It's dangerous.' 

'I needed to get out of the kingdom. I usually have a walk at this time, before the day breaks. Also, I can see I'm not alone.', he said as he gently started walking closer to her. 

Thranduil looked around at the clearing and the old trees surrounding it, a pale blue morning sky starting to creep above them. 

'I know this place', he said softly, his blue eyes suddenly filled with memory. 'I know every single place in Mirkwood. Every tree. Every spring. Every path.'

Tauriel watched him as he was now standing next to her, taking in the place.

'I used to come here with my father and train in archery. Further down, along that spring', he said pointing a finger gracefully, 'I met my first riding elk. It was a rare white one, strong and beautiful, with magic in its blood. It was the first time I saw such a creature. I knew I had to make it mine. It came to me on its own', he added with a familiar proud little smirk she would often see on his face, 'and we bonded through elven magic.'

'I have never seen a white elk', Tauriel said, looking at him a little enchanted. 'What happened to it?', she asked softly, though a part of her was somehow already imagining. 

'It died the day my father was slain. At the Battle of Dagorlad.' 

Tauriel swallowed nervously and looked away again at the desolated clearing, where only a few flowers reminded of its beauty. 

'Come, have a walk with me', Thranduil said, looking at her with an unusual softness on his face.

The sun was now starting to shine through the dense branches and somehow it felt like part of the evil that lurked over the forest for centuries had already lifted. They left the clearing, walking next to each other under the trees. 

'Over there', she said with a smile, pointing with her finger towards a portion of trees and rocks further ahead, 'that's where I had my first mission and annihilated a nest of spiders for the first time. It was both scary and thrilling. I did not want to return until I killed them all.'

'I know', Thranduil said calmly while walking next to her.

Tauriel turned her face towards him with a surprised smile.

'Legolas told me back then', he added. 'I also remember you defeated Aldon in your first sword combat contest that spring.'

'He did not take it too well', she laughed. 

'You were highly acclaimed. You proved your skills in combat and earned my captains' respect.'

'I did not think you would remember it.'

'Of course, I do. This happened right after your trials. Nobody could say that you did not earn your position.'

'However, it was all possible because of you.', Tauriel said, while walking with her eyes down, looking at the fallen leaves. 

They walked down the river path, getting closer to the kingdom, still concealed through by the massive trees. 

'Since we are here, my lord, I have to report to you that we have sent scouts to get news about Rohan and Minas Tirith, as you have instructed. They will tell us more about the enemy's plans and if they have already attacked them by now.'

'Good.', Thranduil replied.

'Dale is quiet for the moment but we do not know for how long.'

'Erebor will surely be struck as the dwarves have refused Sauron's hand therefore Dale will also be struck along with them. It is a matter of time.'

'A horrible fate for a city that has already seen too much ruin...', she said with a sad voice.

Thranduil suddenly stopped and turned towards her. His intense blue eyes searched hers for a few moments, having a serious expression. She stood next to him, not knowing exactly what he was about to tell her but anticipating that it was something important.

'If I were to sail West, would you come with me? Would you want to abandon these lands and forget all about war and suffering?'

She stared at him with a confused expression that slowly started turning into one of disappointment. 

'My lord, I am not sure what you are saying. Are you thinking of leaving Middle-Earth? Now, when war has started?!'

'You have not answered my questions.'

'You asked me if I would abandon this land and chose to run away while leaving Middle-Earth to a sad fate. It's dishonourable and selfish.'

'Yet we would all have to leave sooner or later as our time here is ending, whether we like it or not.'

Tauriel opened her mouth but words did not come out as she would have liked. He was right, they all knew their time in Middle-Earth was slowly ending, but it was something that was rarely discussed openly. 

'Myself, Galadriel, Celeborn, we all felt this long before this war.', he said with a more powerful tone. 'Even if we will ensure victory over Sauron, men will be the ones taking rulership over Middle-Earth. The line of Numenor is not dead and it is very possible to rise again. We are fewer and fewer, Tauriel. The Earth is changing. Sometime in the future, there will be no more choice. We will either take the last ships to Valinor or fade.'

'I don't believe you. I don't believe you truly want to leave.'

Her words had been softly spoken yet her gaze was direct and intense, her green eyes almost looking into his soul. 

'You are right. I have grown very attached to this land. However, if I were to instruct my people to leave for Valinor, would you follow?'

'Many wood elves would never abandon their home.', she said with honesty.

'I am asking you, Tauriel. Would you abandon it?'

She was finally understanding the true meaning of his question, though he had tried to disguise it. Thranduil let his defences down and asked again more openly:

'If I were to leave tomorrow, would you follow?' 

Part of her heart wanted to say yes. She wanted to run away with him. Far from suffering, war, loss and the bitterness of mortal creatures. His inviting eyes and the sudden thrill at the idea of sailing away with him into an eternity of peace were making her heart flutter.

'You were ready to abandon everything and run away with that dwarf.', he said, remembering the bitter betrayal. 'Would you do the same with me?'

'And if I would, what then? If you leave, who would take care of this realm and of the elves that stay behind?'

'If Legolas wants to stay behind but not take the throne, I could appoint a regent for the remaining elves. There are ways, Tauriel. So I ask you again...Would you follow me?'

She pondered for a few moments, leaving any mask behind and searching inside her heart before she finally gave him the answer, clear and honest: 

'Yes...I would.'

Thranduil was partly surprised and partly relieved by her answer. He studied her face carefully with piercing eyes.

'Is that only because you are tired of this war? Or is it because of the newly found loyalty for your King?' he asked with a slightly sarcastic tone on the last question. 

'No.', Tauriel answered, letting her eyes fall down. 'I would follow you because I care for you. And, though stubborn as you are, you need me.'

He knew her words were true and went straight to his heart. He knew he was difficult and stubborn and nobody dared confront him on any matter, except for her. She had always been his match, his right hand, and he needed her, as much as he hated to admit. Thranduil smiled subtly and raised his chin.

'You care for me out of duty or habit?'


She paused, then looked him straight in the eyes again with defying gaze.

'You know very well that my heart lies with you. I cannot stop it from feeling this way no matter how much I have tried in the past.'

There they were, the words he wanted to hear from her! He could not help himself from displaying a satisfied smile as Tauriel's expression seemed to get angrier at his reaction to her feelings.

'And what of the dwarf you abandoned me for? Did you not claim to love him as well?'

'You assumed I loved him in the same way. I did not. I loved him just as I love Legolas, as a friend, and was drawn by his free spirit and the way he made me feel. I did love him in some way, yes. But not in the same way.'

She looked away and it felt like she was opening up to him even more to what truly lain within her heart. Thranduil knew she felt vulnerable opening her heart to him in that way, much like he did perhaps when he was trying to express his own feelings. He erased his smile and listened to her. 

'He made me feel desired and cherished for the very first time. It felt good.', she explained, still looking away. 'I may have been able to love him more with time and forget all about you, yes. I may have been able to be happy with him. But now, I'll never know.'

'Run away with me', he said, feeling that he could not contain his words anymore and giving in to his selfish impulse. 'Run away from all this sorrow, far away from this wretched land.'

It was now or never, he felt. They had gone too far already to go back. Thranduil felt ready at that moment to abandon it all for her and with her. He took a step closer and touched her face with his fingers. Tauriel flinched.

'My lord...', she started, her mouth slightly open in shock, trying to find her words. 

'No.', Thranduil whispered and his face came close to hers, until he was touching the tip of her nose with his. 'Say my name.'

He gently brushed her mouth with his lips, feeling her startled breath. Her soft, warm skin and her lips were so inviting, yet he just teased her with his closeness without kissing her, feeling as his desire for her was growing stronger than it had in centuries. 

'Say it', he whispered again, as he let his breath warm the corner of her mouth.

He felt her stand her ground stubbornly, neither pulling away nor responding to his desire, just standing still and allowing his touch. Then she half-opened her eyes, looking through her eyelashes at his face, while her breath became heavier on his cheek.

'Thranduil...', she finally whispered. 

It felt so strange and foreign to hear Tauriel say his name after centuries of formality. His name muttered by her mouth made him lose his last drop of composure and he kissed her hungrily, stopping briefly only when he ran out of breath, then kissing her again while hearing her soft moans through the silent forest. Then, when he felt satisfied, he pulled away just as suddenly as he had kissed her, looking at her pleasure-filled eyes. 

'Come, we should not linger in one place for too long.'

They started walking again slowly, keeping silent for a while, heading in the direction of the fortress under the trees of Mirkwood.

'Have you made any plans for departing?' she asked, looking down as she walked upon the fallen leaves. 

'No, I did not discuss this with anyone but you. It was a thought that started growing in my mind after the battle in Dol Guldur.'

He suddenly stopped and turned towards her. 

'Do not tell anyone about this conversation. I wouldn't want people to panic before anything is settled.' 

'Would you really want to abandon everything?'

'I believe I have finally seen enough of this Middle-Earth. Why linger around? I want a fresh new start. And my heart desires it with you. There I would love you freely, without the burden of the crown. I need to know if you also want this with me.'

'I do. But abandoning everything we know, everything we fought for to protect, may not be the answer to that, Thranduil.'

His name spoken by her lips felt so natural yet so unreal as she whispered it.

'You can love me freely on these lands, even right now, right here.', she whispered. 'If it weren't for Maldir's scouts patrolling this area at the moment, I would give myself to you right here under the trees.'

Thranduil's heart started beating faster at her words. He knew Silvan elves were known to make love freely under the stars and the trees. For them, love and nature were a sacred bond that was undivided. Tauriel was no different. Her love for Mirkwood was just as strong as her love and desire for him, he felt.  Her wild green eyes looked at him unapologetically, sparkling with her inner fire. 

'Come to my chamber tonight.', he said with a low voice. 'Do it late, when everyone is asleep, and do it discreetly.'

They were both distracted by noises they heard from afar coming from the elves within and around the fortress that were starting their day, sending out more patrols and chatting away in the distance. Thranduil turned his head towards her again and added:

'Let us talk more about any plans then.'

She bowed her head with a neutral expression.

'I should go then, before they ask for me.', she said.

Thranduil gave a slight nod and she left, disappearing through the trees. He waited a little before he himself started heading back towards his kingdom. Plans, he thought. He was always so careful with all details and so very afraid of making any mistake when Tauriel did not care for any of those matters. She did not need to sail away to be with him. Her words about giving herself to him there and then came back to his mind, making his heart beat faster once again with a sudden thrill he thought he lost long ago. Could he be with her so carelessly?

The evening came fast and the whole kingdom slowed down. Thranduil was already in his chamber, dressed in a fine silk robe and drinking some wine, waiting for Tauriel to show up when the guards patrolling the halls changed shifts. In truth, he did not know what to expect from that evening. Had he been honest about wanting to sail West? Yes... Something changed in him after the battle in Dol Guldur. Finishing the once major threat over his forest gave him a certain completion, in spite of the war continuing still. It also made him realize that he did not want to fight more fruitless battles in vain. The elves themselves did not have the power to stop Sauron. He had already seen the same war before, been through it all. Also, Tauriel's broken spirit after the battle made the thoughts of leaving become even stronger. She was tired of fighting, just as he was. For the first time in his life since he became King, he was thinking of following his heart instead of his duty. 

After what felt like a long time for Thranduil, he heard his door open and finally Tauriel slipped in, closing it behind her. She was wearing a dress and a woodland necklace she had made herself long ago and her hair was braided differently. Thranduil could not help but wonder if she had done this for him and the thought made him chuckle. They gazed at each other for a few long moments, then he pointed towards a seat in front of him. He needed to know if she was ready to follow him into a new life, into the West. Her answer would make him decide if he was going to leave or stay and if Tauriel would indeed occupy a greater place in his life or if he would carry on alone, as he had done for nearly two millennia. Thranduil took a deep breath in. That night was going to be a fated one. 

What do you guys think will happen? :) Will they run away? Will Tauriel say yes?  leave me your thoughts in the comments, hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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