LewRice Chronicles

By seaycee_incorporated

34.8K 589 56

We're back up and running! This is a test run and possibly the new one shots book. Sean x Kaycee One Shots... More

Jealousy Game
Mad At You
First Day (pt.1 & 2)
Secret's Out
Happy Little Pill
Breaking the Silence
Be Heard
One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure
Search Party
Dreams Do Come True
Bon Appétit
I'm Here
The Runner
Turning Tables
Don't Leave
Help Me
Sneak Peek?
The Summit
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Summit (2)
Dance For You
Dance For You (2)
Here We Go Again
Spreading the Word
A Broken Promise
Losing Control
Jealousy Game (2)
Jealousy Game (3)
Our Favorite Dance
The Collaboration
The One I Want
Worth The Pain
Worth The Pain (2)
The One I Want (2)
Our Creation
Saving Me
Stress Ball
Saving Me (2)
Never Enough Love
Back-Up Plan
Break the Rules
Saving Me (3)
Cause A Scene
Saving Me (4)
The One I Want (3)
Safe (2)
Damsel in Distress
Damsel in Distress (2)
Flashing Lights
Missing You
Decisions, Decisions
Damsel in Distress (3)
Part of Me
You're Right
Damsel in Distress (4)
Just Wait & See
The One I Want (4)

Live A Little

317 8 0
By seaycee_incorporated

Sean's POV

"I told you, Jules! Girls like her and guys like me don't mix!" I exclaimed while getting books out of my locker. It felt like my bed was just calling my name for the entire day at school and finally, I'd be able to lie in it.

"But she asked you to attend her party. Her birthday party, might I add!" He countered. I'm thankful he's my best friend but sometimes- correction, majority of the times, he's the devil on my shoulder and a lingering pain in my-

"Oh, there you are! I've been looking all over for you guys!" My other best friend Tate ran up to us exhausted and heavy breathing. It was easy to tell she'd been running around due to her breathing and blood rushing to her cheeks.

"Why, what's wrong?" Julian asked, stepping closer to her. Tate's face turned as red as a tomato at their proximity. It was no secret that they had a thing for each other. The way they constantly argued like a married couple but were still the firsts to hold each other up at the bad times was impeccable.

"I-" She cleared her throat uncomfortably. "I wanted you guys to read the poem that I'm entering into the contest. Tell me if it's good?" Tate asked with hopeful eyes. Julian lit up at her request and immediately snagged the paper from her, eyes beginning an eager scan.

I stood there, letting my eyes wander the nearly vacant halls until a girl caught my attention. From a distant glance, I could see her natural glow. Her hair fell down her back in long brown waves, bouncing with every step as she walked with confidence and substance. Like she owned it.

The girl's clothing was baggy with a loose black graphic tee, orange sweatpants, a beanie, and some combat boots. However, the people that followed her were the opposite. They were the same girls that came up to Julian and I earlier. They wore skirts or skinny jeans that fit their body and a mix of crop tops or dresses.

Once I went back to her, our eyes locked instantly but I looked away quickly as Julian got my attention. "Sean, are you going to read it?" He asked, gesturing to the paper.

"I'll send you a copy. My mom's outside waiting. Bye, guys!" Tate said, reading her phone before looking up at us. We gave her a quick farewell then watched as she bolted to the exit.

"Ready to go?" Julian asked, playing with the car keys in his pocket. I nodded then went alongside him to the exit.

I only made it 4 minutes into the car ride before Julian started talking about the party again. I ignored his absurd statements out of annoyance. He spoke about what if I was going to lose my virginity tonight or drink for the first time or meet my potential girlfriend. All types of stupid expectations.

Once we got to my house, we laid around for a couple hours before realizing it was time to go to the party. Nervous was an understatement to how I was feeling. I was more terrified if anything. This experience could go south fast. What if I drugged? What if I accidentally fall off a roof? What if I get pushed off a roof? What if-

"Sean, stop freaking out! I can see it in your eyes." Julian groaned before grabbing my shoulders. "You are going to let loose and for once, just try to enjoy your high school experience. These are years you're never going to get back. Live a little bit."

"Besides, I'm going to be right there with you. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He reassured me. I gave him a thankful smile then proceeded to look for something to wear. After 10 minutes, I decided to wear a blue shirt, a black zip up jacket over it, black sweatpants with my regular Nike shoes.

We left the house soon then went to the address the girls gave us earlier. When we pulled up, our ears were instantly filled with blasting music and the shouts of intoxicated teenagers.

"We are in for a treat, Seanie!" Julian smirked while turning his car off. He rubbed his hands together excitedly as he got out of the car. I gave him a small smile and got out myself. The nerves that wafted through my body got a bit stronger once we entered the house.

People danced carelessly with their friends or even strangers. Julian put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. "You guys made it!" Tati squealed. She came towards us with open arms and a tiara placed on top of her head perfectly.

She gave Julian a hug then gave me one. "Glad you could make it. Just make yourself at home. Have a drink, I insist." She greeted us.

"Uh, we don't drink." Julian chuckled smoothly, glancing at me knowingly.

"One won't hurt." She smiled, patting us on the arms. One of the girls that were with her earlier whispered in her ear, making Tati perk up. "I have to go handle something, but please meet us upstairs in the third room on the right at 9 on the dot. See you there!" She said hurriedly.

I gave Julian a nervous look to which he just laughed. "Don't sweat it, bro. It'll probably be just some game. It'll be fun!" He said with a smile. We made our way to the kitchen to grab snacks and I actually was getting more comfortable as I realized they were all just people trying to celebrate.

But my mood shifted as it struck 9. My heart dropped to my stomach once we made it to the closed wooden door. "I'm right here, you don't have to worry. You are the smartest and funniest guy I know. They are lucky to even be in your vicinity." He said, ruffling my hair in affection.

"Julian, you're in here. Only Sean goes in there." One of Tati's friends said while opening the door across the hall.

"What? No, Sean and I go in rooms together, nothing else." She said sternly.

"Sorry, but the birthday girl insists. In you go!" She said gesturing to the now open door in front of her. Julian sighed and gave me an apologetic look.

"Hey, it's okay. Like you said, live a little." I smiled. He nodded then gave me a pat on the back before following the girl. I entered the room to see Tati and some of her other friends scattered around the room.

"Great! He's here." I heard excitement ring through the atmosphere as the girl from earlier spoke up. Her hands clapping and her body straight as it looked like she wanted me to be here.

"Hey, Sean. Please close the door behind you and take a seat." Tati said while rising from her own.

Kaycee's POV

I hated parties with a passion. It was just an excuse for horny teenagers to get intoxicated and forget about their problems and I hated every minute of it.

I was late because my friend Tati wanted me to run some errands before coming, claiming they were "too important". But I got them anyway because I wanted to spend the least time here as possible.

"Hani, have you seen Tati?" I asked one of my closest friends, who was cuddled up on the couch with her boyfriend Kobe. "How are you just now getting here?!" She asked incredulously. I gave her a look, which made Kobe laugh. "She's upstairs with the girls and some boys."

"Boys?" I asked, my confusion taking over. She hummed in response, glancing at Kobe. Tati doesn't even have a crush and I knew of everyone she wrote on the list of who was invited. Hell, I typed it out.

"What did they look like?" I asked, trying to think if she spoke about anyone earlier. "Uh, normal. They looked familiar. One always wears a hat, the other has Asian roots. Why?" She shrugged.

I thought back to earlier in the day, thinking of any detail I might've forgotten. Then it hit me. "Oh my god! Guys go upstairs and find Julian, the guy with the hat. I'll find Sean. Hurry!" I said hurriedly. I couldn't believe she was going through with this.

They're unproblematic, reserved guys and she's over here trying to make him look bad. We rushed up the stairs then began checking the rooms.

"Kayc, I think he's in here." Tahani said quietly, pointing to the door. "Come up with something that'll get him out of there. Tati texted me earlier that she'd be in her room so I'll be back with Sean." I said in relief then speedwalking to Tati's room.

Once I arrived, impulsive Kaycee started to kick in so I burst through the door without a second thought. When I opened the door, I was welcomed with a blindfolded Sean with Tati and the other girls surrounding him, holding cameras. "You can't be fucking serious! Really guys? You should be ashamed of yourselves." I yelled, storming towards them then slapping the cameras out of their hands.

They gasped. "Kaycee, that was $300! You owe me." One of the girls exclaimed.

"And you owe him an apology, guess we can't all win." I sassed, throwing my hands into the air before grabbing his hand to guide him out of the room.

"Seriously Kayc, loosen up. It's not that big of a deal." Tati groaned, rolling her eyes. I squinted my eyes at her like she was stupid, however, in this case she was. "I think it is, being that it's a form of sexual harassment." I corrected her.

Quickly, I led Sean out into the hallway and immediately saw Tahani and Kobe talking to a frazzled Julian. "Let's take them to the backyard. It should be empty." I whispered to Tahani. She nodded in agreement then proceeded to lead Julian downstairs and through the crowd of people while I did the same thing with Sean.

"Um, excuse me, beautiful?" I heard a clear, soothing voice ring run through the air. I looked to see it was Sean. A nervous chill went down my spine at the gentleness of his voice. "Yes?" I responded hesitantly.

"May I ask what happened and why I'm blindfolded?" He asked kindly. This made me even more upset. They were going to take two generous, likeable guys and make a fool out of them for their amusement.

"Sorry, Sean. My friends and I are taking you to the backyard to tell you all about it. We have Julian too." I informed him. He let out a genuine laugh, causing me to look at him weird. "What's so funny? Watch your step." I asked, walking through the sliding door that Tahani opened. I made sure to hold his hand tighter so if he tripped, he wouldn't fall.

"I kind of can't when I'm blindfolded. Also, it's my own humor. You wouldn't get it." He laughed with a wide smile on his face. I picked up on how soft his voice was. I mean, seeing him around and being in his classes for the last few years, I knew he was the shy type other than when he was with Julian and Tate or in the musical theories class at school.

Okay, so what if I knew his history?! A girl has to be aware of her surroundings and that includes the people too. "Humor is humor, Sean. Many people have the same humor." I responded.

"Just like many people have different humor, beautiful." He threw back at me. "Got me there and stop calling me that, it's weird." I said, spotting a chair he could sit in.

Shortly realizing he couldn't see, I helped him to the chair then told him to sit. I then took off his blindfold. After wiping his eyes, he looked at me and made a face I couldn't recognize the emotion of. "It's not weird, it's true." He said softly. I surprised myself by slightly blushing at his statement.

"Sorry, I probably should've taken that off sooner." I sighed, sitting beside him.

"You apologize a lot. You should stop doing that." Sean chuckled while looking at me. I'd be lying if I said his gaze didn't make me feel anything. I've never been this close up to see his true eye color.

"Well sometimes it's necessary, especially when you have something to do with the issue." I replied, thinking it was obvious.

"Yes, but you're supposed to act on what you decide. To be unapologetic about your actions. And in this case, you saved me so thank you.." He said with a knowing smile.

"Kaycee. And it's my pleasure." I said, holding my hand out. He shook it but still looked at me with an intense gaze. "It fits you." He said shamelessly.

I found myself smiling at him. It was contagious, I couldn't help it. I had to force myself to look away before I could speak again, otherwise I'd stumble. "Moving on," I paused, clearing my throat. "I'm really sor- " Sean cut me off with a look. I sighed, not able to hold back my smile. "I hate that Tati decided to do this to you and Julian. I told her not to earlier but she clearly didn't care at all about what I said. But anyway, you guys don't deserve that and shouldn't have had to even come close to it."

He turned his body to me fully, letting his smile falter a bit. "You know, Julian was trying to get me to branch out into this whole 'embracing the high school experience' thing. So when Tati invited us, we thought, 'hey maybe this is a shot at getting out there'. It was stupid, we shouldn't have come." He said, looking down at his hands. They moved in motions for emphasis.

His words struck me more than they should've. I felt for him. "A wise man once told me that I should act on what I decide to do and be unapologetic about it." I spoke, causing him to laugh. "I think you should embrace that. You learned something today. You're less naive than you were an hour ago." I reassured him, giving him a nudge.

"Besides, you shouldn't change yourself for people. You're you whether you like it or not." I shrugged, putting my hand on his. Sean slowly looked up and into my eyes. "Your you is beautiful, Kayc."

"It's...alright. I have my flaws." I shrugged with a small chuckle. "Who doesn't? The way I see it, that's what makes you Kaycee." He said while staring deep into my eyes. Sean's chocolate orbs held hesitance and desire.

"I should get going." He said calmly while examining my face. I shook myself from my deep, paralyzed daze. What was that? Why am I staring into the eyes of a guy that I barely even know? And why am I blushing?!

"Yeah, yeah you should. Julian is probably ready to kill you for leaving him with the 'Golden Couple'." I said, jumping up off the bench. Sean let out a cute laugh then stood, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, um, see you around, beautiful. Oh, and thanks again, Kaycee." He said while walking to Julian's direction. I reflected his wide smile effortlessly as he waved.

"Not a problem." I said with a slight shake of the head. Him and Julian left after Julian thanked us all again for our actions, leaving me with my brain that was swarming with questions about who this quiet, level-headed, caring guy really was.

See you around, Sean Lew.

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