Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


524 26 6
By belleofmarvel

Opal POV

The ride back to Magnolia felt a bit different. I felt more at ease, not as nervous as I had been earlier.

"Did you enjoy our first official date?" Chris asks as we come to a stop light.

I find myself humming, a sign of contentment. "Best 'first' date ever." I choose to use air quotes around first because let's face it, we've already had multiple dates without calling it what it was.

"Air quotes? Really?"

"You and I both know that all the times we've been alone could easily be considered dates," I tell him.

"I seem to recall that I tried that approach with you already, and was shot down rather quickly I might add," he points out to me as the light turns green.

"I seem to recall, no such thing." I lie through my teeth finding it increasingly difficult to hold back a smile so I move my hand to rest over my mouth, elbow on the car door.

"Wonder if I need to refresh your memory then, sweetheart," he begins. "The Mexican place after taking you over to the hospital. The Arts Market that we spent the afternoon at after visiting Pops. The limo ride to the rehearsal, and I'm gonna say it, the walk home from the rehearsal including falling asleep together on the patio-"

"You make me sound like a hussy, Evans. It's not like I actually 'slept' with you," I interrupt.

"Which is why I said falling asleep. Now quit interrupting, woman," he jokes. "There was the wedding, which obviously we were each others date. You just need to stop denying it."

"Wow. You're right," I begin to tease him. "I mean that's already five dates. Guess the honeymoon phase is over then. Just pecks on the lips and a goodnight for you now."

He lifts one hand off the steering wheel. "Whoa now, hold on. You can't say that because we're still in the getting to know you phase. Last I checked you weren't keen on the relationship aspect." He pauses, glancing over to me. "Unless you've changed your mind?" There goes the eyebrow again.

I felt the shift. The conversation going from joking to serious even if his demeanor and tone is still lively in our banter. No, it's shifted. But honestly so have my feelings.

He takes note of my change, but doesn't push anything. I know we need to have a talk but the night has been too wonderful and I'm afraid of putting everything I'm feeling out there, so I bite back my words for a little longer.

The journey back to the Inn is quiet, the sounds of the radio playing are all that can be heard although I'm shocked he can't hear the loud thumping coming from my chest as it resounds in my own ears.

Chris breaks the silence as we pull down the drive to Magnolia. "I know that I don't really have a place to be saying this, but I'd be more comfortable if you'd stay inside tonight, instead of in the carriage house."

My brow furrows. "Why do you say that?"

He puts the car in park, the lot completely empty. "I've been around enough trauma, big and small, to know that you're still going to have moments of fear or even nightmares when you sleep. I won't know if you need me if you're all the way across the yard in a separate house."

I find myself wanting to argue the fact that I'm an independent woman that doesn't actually need a man, but looking back in his soft eyes I know that's not what he's insinuating. His honesty and concern is truly bewildering to me. The only person to ever show this amount of concern for me has been Pops, so hearing it from the handsome young man in front of me is surprising to say the least. But yet from what Chris has shown me, it shouldn't shock me at all. I'm sad to say that I truly expected the wedding weekend to be the end of the chase. Yet, here he is, rescuing me again.

Before I can say a word though, he continues. "I know you're completely capable of taking care of yourself, I wouldn't question that at all. This is truly more for my minds sake than yours." His expression coming across with a slight plea in his eyes as he takes my hand in his own.

"Well, I mean, if you need me to be there to save you from the Inn monsters then I guess I can stay in a room, Officer Evans," I tease, lightening the mood again more for my own sake.

"The two headed ones scare me the most," he responds clearly understanding my moment of teasing.

I place my hand on his cheek and look deeply in his eyes. "You just yell if you need me, okay?"

He nods his head, leaning in to meet my lips. "Yes ma'am."

"Good boy." I toss a wink as he chuckles.


   After returning back from the carriage house I lock up all of the exterior doors of Magnolia except one as Chris does a walk around the property since Burt also has the night off. I wait by the back patio door for him to return, gazing up at the moon as a soft breeze flows through the trees surrounding the property.

   "Looks like everything is good out here," he says as he steps up onto the patio and comes towards the door. "Looks even better in here though," he continues as he stands in front of me. My cheeks flush again. Who am I kidding, my face may as well stay tinted pink as long as Chris is near me. He rests his hand on my upper arm. "Tired?"

   "I'm okay for a bit longer, I think. You?"

   "If you're up, I'm up," he says with a grin. "Whatcha wanna do?"

   I move away from the door so he can come in completely, locking it behind himself. "We could raid the kitchen fridge? See what kind of leftovers there are, if you're in the mood for a midnight snack."

   "I could eat. How about we get more comfortable first? Are you okay with that?" he asks me.

   I wear modest pajamas so I'm not concerned by that. "Sounds good to me. See you in five?" It was really a ridiculous statement since we are staying directly across from one another.

   I take my time changing, going ahead and removing my make up since he's already seen me at my worst anyway. I guess I take a bit longer than I originally anticipated as I hear a knock on my door. "Opal?"

   I rush over to the door. "Sorry! I went ahead and did my nightly routine," I tell him but suddenly stop. Chris' hands are filled with items from the kitchen.

   "I got a bit impatient," he says with a shrug and a chuckle.

   I open the door wider, welcoming him in. I'm actually in one of our small suites for the night so we have a little sitting area with a couch, and coffee table in front of the television. "Did you find anything sinfully good?" I ask as he sits the food on the table.

   He turns to look at me once his hands are emptied. "In the kitchen? No." He saunters over to me, his hands finding my hips. "In here, that's a different story."  My breath hitches as I see the look of lust in his eyes. He must notice how flustered I've become because he winks before placing a simple kiss on my forehead and moving away from me once again. I swallow the thick lump that has formed in my throat before joining him on the couch.

   "Cute pajamas." He laughs out as he motions towards my orange and blue Gator inspired plaid pajamas.

   "They're soft and cozy, that's what matters," I sass him. "It's not like yours have any personality."

  Chris looks down at his navy sweatpants and grey tee. "I'm a guy, my pjs shouldn't have personality."

   "I beg to differ," I scoff. "I think you'd look great in pants covered in palm trees."

   "Palm trees, huh?"

   "Ooh! Or something more manly. Maybe some Captain America footed pjs! Yes! I'm gonna be online tomorrow hunting for them to give you for Christmas," I squeal.

   When I calm down over my excitement I see Chris' head cocked to the side, looking at me. "What?"

   "Christmas gift, huh? Planning on still talking to me then?" he asks with that blasted smirk across his face again.

Here's an opening. I'm just not sure I want to take it yet. I decide against it. "If not I'll just gift them to myself, or Laura. She has a real obsession over the guy."

"Well, at least you've got a back up plan," he says before leaning over and grabbing the pan of salted caramel brownies. "Now, the real question is, do we have to cut them out or can we just dive in with a fork?"

"I'm diving in. There won't be any left anyways." I lean over and pick up the two forks he had brought up, handing one off to him before we cheers tapping them together.

I watch him take his first bite, noticing the sigh his entire body makes as he relaxes into his first taste of the delicious brownie. "Is there anything Mila's not good at cooking?" he asks around the mouth full.

"If there is, it hasn't been discovered yet." I take my own bite. "Salted caramel anything is one of my absolute favorite flavors. Coffee, brownies, cookies, pie, you name it and I'll eat it if it includes sea salt and caramel."

"Good to know," he replies before taking another bite. "So, you like Mexican food, pumpkin flavored coffee and muffins, salted caramel anything. What else do you like?"

Something flips in my brain and I can't help but burst this little intimate bubble with loud laughter. Chris doesn't join me, of course because he's looking at me like I'm crazy instead. "Sorry," I bark out. "It's just when you asked that a song just jumped right in my brain and I couldn't stop myself."

"Enlighten me. What song?"

   "If you like piña coladas
   And gettin' caught in the rain
   If you're not into yoga
   If you have half a brain
   If you like makin' love at midnight
   In the dunes on the cape
   Then I'm the love that you've looked for
   Write to me and escape"    

   I sing out between bursts of giggles. "Oh gosh, I think I'm getting the sillies again."

  "That's the song where it ended up being his wife that wrote the ad he answered, right?" Chris asks. I nod my head. "So, in that situation, who was wrong first?"

   "I'm too punch drunk tired for that question," I laugh out again. 

   Chris sits up straighter, moving to the edge of the couch. "We can call it a night, I don't mind."

   "No!" I yell out a bit louder than I had originally intended. I not only surprise him with my response, but also myself. Question is why? Is it because I don't want to be alone, or because I don't want him to leave? 

   "You've had a rough twenty-four hours, sweetheart," he rests his hand on my knee. "It's okay if you want to get some rest. I'll be just across the hall." Now he moves to stand, but it's me this time that grabs his hand, pulling him back down to the couch, right next to me, our legs brushing against each other. 

   "Stay. Please," I ask softly. "Just a little longer."

   He nods, eyes watching me closely as he relaxes back into the couch opening his arm up to me. I welcome the invitation and lean into him feeling my body soften against his hard muscular chest. 

   We sit snuggled into one another for several minutes in complete silence. I actually have the thought that Chris fell asleep, until he starts running his hand through my hair. "This is nice," I say quietly. 

   "Best moment of my life," he says with such confidence that I'm taken aback.

   "Surely you've had better moments than this?" I ask, sitting back up a little in order to look at him directly. 

   "At the time of those moments I thought they were the best. But then you happened. This time with you surpasses them," he admits, his blue eyes gazing back at me.  He takes a deep breath. "You were unexpected, Opal. I could never have anticipated feeling this way for someone so quickly."

   My own breathing picks up, a familiar sense rising in my chest that I attempt to squash quickly, unwilling to ruin this moment with an anxiety attack. Apparently I don't hide it well enough as Chris pulls me closer to him again. "Sh, sh. I've got ya." His voice is soothing so I concentrate on it and manage to push my anxiety down enough to form a coherent sentence. "The way you look at me, it's almost unnerving," I confide. "No one, and I really mean no one, has ever looked at me the way you do. Pops even mentioned something about it. That you looked at me like a prized possession."

   "Well, he's right. I know you're not mine, Opal. But I would do everything possible to protect you, honor you and eventually I hope to love you." 

   Again, his eyes give him away as I see a genuineness shining through them.

   Taking all the courage I can muster I tell him, "I'd like that too."

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