Loki X Reader

By serpentinejellyfish

299K 9.6K 4K

You are eighteen, antisocial, a violinist and a nerd. You thought your life was perfect. Nuh uh. Not anymore... More

Loki X Reader, Yet to be named
Why he can't
Thrift Store
Birthday party
The Fluffiness! (XD)
Magic and Music
Prisoner of S.H.E.I.L.D
What even!?
Fire and Ice
A Mother's Wisdom
Moving Away
Off to Dinner
Sleepy Cuddles
Soda and kisses
Texting Madness
Cannon Building
Changing, Part 2
His Daughter
Butt Kicking at it's finest
Coming Home
Loki's Story
Family Reunion
New Magic
Coffee Tricks
The Deal
Pop-Tarts and Back Rubs
More Pop-Tarts and Back rubs
We blew up a table...
Raphael's Return
Rude awakening
Demon's Entrance
Flames of Anger
Take a Hint
The Aftermath
I'm doing a rewrite!


2K 81 5
By serpentinejellyfish

"You're a dick." You sighed in relief. "Why'd you come anyway?"

"You seemed pretty defenceless without me, love." He said snidely, opening his arms out for a hug.

"I think he dislocated my arm." You say. Loki rolls his eyes, telling you to look at something as he pops it back in. You watch Raphael, grimacing as Loki pushes your arm into place. Once that was done, you hugged him. Someone in the crown shouted a "Why should we trust him!"

"Because, believe it or not, he's helped me in more ways than I can thank him for in the last few weeks. The Avengers are skeptical about him already, but I'm not. He's too scared of me to take advantage of me." You laugh and Loki pouts. Someone in the crowd laughed, and then you stepped out of the hug. "Okay, now I'm being serious. You need to evacuate now." People started getting worried, and moving faster. Loki went to grab Raphael, slinging him over his shoulder.


As the two of you got back into the tower, nearly everyone huddled at the couch, and Loki instructed Thor of where to keep Raphael's sleeping body. Then the two of your went over to the couch. On it, very red-faced and a little scalded, was Pepper Potts. Her head was on Tony's lap and Jane was trying to wake her up. Pepper was breathing, slowly, and you kneeled in front of her. Posseion had taken it's tole on her. You looked up at Tony.

"Who found her?" You asked him.

"I did. Reindeer Games told me you ran off and I went searching." He said quietly, before smacking you in the head. "Numbskull! Don't fucking disappear like that!" He glared at you, before dropping his attention to Pepper, who's breathing had increased in rate. Steve didn't look like he could stand that well, and you figured it probably reminded him of something from the war, which ultimately felt pretty upsetting and kind of your fault.

"Nothing's working." Jane sighed. You rolled your eyes, scooting closer. You could hear her breathing, just... not very well. You looked closer and saw that when she opened her mouth, there was something stuck inside.

"Tony, hold her mouth open." You said, looking up at him. Tony hesitated, you carefully reached inside, pulling out the small object. Pepper started coughing, waking up slowly, but you weren't paying attention. You were oooking at the object. You stared closely, before screeching and throwing it at the floor. It was a pendant, an owl.

The same one you have to your mother a few years ago, just scorched and riddled with magic. Loki picked it up and you smacked his hand down. He looked at you, seemingly hurt.

"Don't touch it!" You snapped, tears welling in your eyes. Loki peered closer at it, before straightening up.

"It was laced in a sleeping enchantment, made by Lucifer. That is never a good sign." Loki said, holding it out to you. "Burn it."


"Burn it. He could be using it to track us down." Tony said, getting the idea of what Loki said. You sighed, taking it into your hand, and slowly making it become nothing but a charred lump of wood that you threw out the window and far away.

"Tony?" Pepper coughed, reaching up her hand to his stubbled face. Steve walked over sitting beside them. Tony looked over at him, making a face.

"Tony if that's you asking if we can keep her, yes." Steve sighed. Tony grinned.

"You don't mind sharing?" Tony said and half the room struggled to contain their laughter. Steve shook his head.

"Wait now I have two moms." You sighed. Pepper looked at you carefully, before looking at Tony for an explanation.

"Steve and I unformally adopted the little brat."

"Correction, little shit." You said, smirking. Tony gave you a wink and you couldn't help but laugh. Pepper grinned at you. She tried moving a little, only to hiss in pain. Loki gave you a sideways glance as a signal to leave the room. You nodded, saying goodbye to the dorks on the couch and a very relieved Jane.


"Show me your shoulder." Loki said, sitting on the edge of the bathtub while you soaked in the bubbles. You scooted a little so he could take a look at it, and the rest of your arm, which was covered in bruises. You winced as he poked and prodded at it.

"Careful, my arm took a beating from him." You said, wincing halfway through the sentence. Loki smiled softly.

"Thor has him chained up." Loki tried to say reassuringly.

"Yeah, well that's not what I'm worried about. Why'd you want me to stay and not fight Lucifer?"

"Because. You still need time to train your magic. You're also impulsive, annoying, stubborn, a complete and utter doofus, and-"

"Weak." You said, glaring at him.

"Oh god no, more like my partner in crime and you need to be kept safe. But you're certainly not weak. You're stronger than you look and I'd rather not have you punch me in the jaw." He smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead. "No more fights." He said.

"No more fights." you repeated, smiling.



Tony laughed at the screen. His hidden cameras were laced all over the country, and he was looking at the one that was closest to Lucifer. God. Lucifer was a dumbass.

He was yelling in some foreign language, telling them to decipher the sign in front of him, because Lucifer couldn't read english.

'Seattle, 500 miles.'

Lucifer shouted more, moving his flaming horse towards the sign, and getting off. As soon as Lucifer took a few steps, he fell to the dirt, gasping. Steve emerged in the hall.

"Wrong side of the country?"

"Wrong side of the country." Tony laughed. "This idiot has no idea how to track." Pepper scooted closer to the couch, holding her phone. She had no idea what was going on, or how she took no notice of the past three months. When she last saw tony, it was raining in the morning, now it was cloudy at night and the month was far away from the last one she remembered. All she did know was that she'd had something done to her and now she was constantly on the edge of falling asleep.

She'd ask you about that later.

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