Always Aaron

By Auroraxxwrites

355K 7.8K 5.8K

"Two damaged souls who fell in love at a school meant for fucked up rich kids." Bryce Weston is an uptight s... More

Character Aesthetics + More
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's notes
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's notes
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
New books

Chapter 55

2K 53 11
By Auroraxxwrites

YESTERDAY WAS INTENSE but today would be a whole other story. I swiped my phone from my desk and quickly send a quick text to Catherine, promising to call her soon. She worried and I was pact with stress and anxiousness but there was no need to cater larger to her already erupting troubles.

"I brought you some chocolate cheesecake and stir fry from the cafeteria." Aaron entered the dorm kicking the door behind him. I took the bags from him and kissed his his lips.

"Thanks." I say opening the plastic lid of the cheesecake and forking some into my mouth. The heavenly taste soothes my senses instantly.

As I chew Aaron just gives me a calculating look trying to figure something out. I place a hand over my mouth and ask, "What?"

"You are tense." He examines placing a hand on my back. "When you are anxious or just tense your whole stance shifts. And you become rigid. What's wrong?" I sigh idly scraping some of cheesecake with my fork.

"What isn't wrong?" I mutter nibbling on the ends of the black plastic fork. Aaron just sighs understanding what I mean.

We both were waiting for the process of healing to start but the endurance of pain was still to be met.

We just had to be patient... something neither of us were good at.

"After all of this... I want to go on vacation. With you." Aaron slides his hands around my waist. "Just something before... before that happens and university starts. I just need one last time." I look at him with my lips parted. I had forgotten about our exchange of words.

"I'd love that." I wrap my arms around him and bask in his hug. The scent, heat, muscle of him fitting perfectly against me and comforting more then anything could. He tightened his hold around me as I closed my eyes against his shoulder.

I do not think Aaron Mercer begins to realize just how amazing his hugs really are.

It fascinates me how much of a long way we have come together. The asshole boy with the bitchy girl. Both broken and both utterly lost. And then they found peace in the other. Peace that may have to be detached in the matter of mere months.

Aaron kissed my head. "Do you know you are my favorite person."

I laugh pulling back just a little so I could see his face. "That's amusing."

"I'm serious." He grins. "You are my favorite person out of every human existing and to exist." He kisses the corner of my lips to prove his point.

"Careful you may just make Reuben and Owen jealous." I tease.

Aaron gives me a lop-sided grin. "Trust me they are just aware how much of a favorite you are." I swat his chest and pull back only for him to grab my arm and spin me back to him.

"You are a very dirty minded man." I laugh pointing my finger to his chest.

He lowers his head down to me so our noses are slightly brushing. "Well you aren't exactly a saint in bed either."

"You've never complained about that." I smirk at him.

"I don't intend to. You know what? I don't mind laying on the couch and letting you have your way with me." I slap my hand to his mouth shaking my hand as his body vibrates against me in hysterics.

"I don't think there is a single saint in the sky to help you Aaron Mercer." He bites down on my palm making me glare at him. "But then again I don't think anyone could put you in your place."

"You could." He whispered against my ear. "In a very preferred way too-" I pinch his rib and have him jump back from me.

"Exactly my point. Now if you excuse me I have to talk to Reuben and you need a serious session of mouth rinsing with holy water."

"I could say the same for your mouth when you use it to-" I shut the door before he could finish his sentence.

Shaking my head I cannot help but smile as I walk down the stairs.


I walked down to the library first feeling a pain well up in my abdomen. I have been having cramps for a while now and they hurt more and more.

Today it felt like a blistering pain was being jabbed into me.

I take out my phone and press on Catherine's contact. She picks up instantly. She was always punctual. "Hello?"

"Hey." I breath walking up the steps. "You wanted to talk?"

I hear her sigh form the other end. "Yeah. Somethings have happened." I drew my eyebrows together. What more could become worse at this stage? "You remember how the tabloids were after your dad passed?" I remember them vividly. I used to be tagged down the street with reporter and paparazzi's chasing me about.

That's why I got to academies. School was to open to them. They would climb into class and not care whether a restraining order or fine could be put upon them. I had to go incognito all the time and it messed with my ability to heal and be normal.

My mother was always pretty strict about how I acted and what I wore. In public or private it did not matter because they could see. I was being sexualized and thrown around newspapers like I was some hot topic that needed to be gossiped about. Eighty percent of them was always fake.

Welton however was a second chance school and my mother had kept it as private as possible. With the Weston Inc. and Mercer co. There was a lot of mishaps bound to happen. Aaron and I were both rich and came from wealthy families which meant that people were bound to talk about us.

"Yes." I answer placing my palm on the navy blue door and pushing it open.

"They found you." She swallows and I froze in my tracks as the door closed behind me.

"What do you mean?"

She pauses and then speaks. "Apparently the hospital that had your grandmother admired in- they leaked her records. And since then people have been able to access personal information about your health records. Bryce they have your medical history and where you've been." I gaped gripping my phone tightly.

"It's a hospital! It's confidential!" I shout.

"I know. But someone sold it down. Jake and Amelia have pressed charges but we are still waiting to bring it to court. We have lawyers working about it but please for your own safety don't go out. They are people waiting outside the school. And if you can tell Aaron the same. People are obsessed." She emphasized the last word with injections of poison.

"What about you?" I whisper rubbing my eye.

"I'm not as famous as you Bryce. I'll manage but... you have it harder. I know Louis is concerned too."

"Because of her baby?"

"Well yes but because your school has just had murder. And don't deny it it's all over the news." Catherine sternly says. "I'm in Archdale but Simone won't let me in. She's guarding the school like I'm the Voldemort to her Hogwarts." I sigh into a smile.

"It's alright Cath. All of this will blow by. They can't keep us here forever." I assure her looking up to see Reuben. I hold up two fingers and mouth seconds.

He nods at me calmly. Take your time.

"I'm an over-thinker Bryce. I've got one problem and a million sub-problems. It's my curse." She groans. "Just be safe. Promise me that?"

I place a hand at my throat and stare down. Thank god she could not see me. "I promise." We exchange our I love you's and goodbyes before I place my phone away and turn to Reuben. "Sorry about that. Catch's been out of her mind worried about everything."

"It's alright." He smiled as we walked to the far end of the library. "It must be nice having sisters."

I glance up at him as he pulls a chair out for me. "I never thought I would have any but... it's wonderful. Do you wish for any?"

He sits down opposite to me and shrugs. "In all I've known Aaron the most from all the boys in the group. We basically knew each other since we were embryos. He's as much of my brother as I am his. It's a fulfilling relationship. Evan and I are pretty close too. And then this whole sparrows group doesn't tempt me for any other relationship." My mouth stretches into a wide-grin. We were all family. "That's why there is no line I won't cross to save us."

I look at him in awe. "I'm glad we are on the same page." I told my hands in front of me and sniff. "What do we do about Madison? We decided to get information out of her but when?"

Reuben mimics my hands and bites the side of his cheek. "Today." He nods assuring not me but himself too. "We will have to do it today and then...then I think we should..." He did not have to finish the sentence for me to understand.

I had the same decision in mind. No matter how much Madison was part of our lives she destroyed everyone. I may be selfish to admit but I will never forgive her for that. One day I might look at this back when I am older, married and have children and think... she was just a child. But decisions of the damned does not come with an age control. She did what she thought and still thinks is right. Tears and forgiveness do not remove the sin or the damage. "I want that too Reuben. It's hard but it's what I am going to do. It's what all of us need."

He tilted his head and peered at me. "I want that too Bryce. That's why I am ready to report her and have justice. That's why we need to talk to Madison."

"Where is she?"

"Tim has eyes on her in the sports court. She's been in public eyes as much as possible. For reasons I think involve Liam." I grip my hands tighter, the spaces between my fingers hurting.

"Liam wants me. Madison has given him me for the money." I bitterly spat. "Which means Liam is doing something."

Reuben gripped my hands free and looked at me. "We are going to find that out. No way in hell are we letting you get taken away from us. You're one of the sparrows. We stay together." I close my eyes and bop my head dully in agreement. "Aaron and I are here for you. Jordan is too. So are the girls. We all are willing to do anything and will do anything no matter what you say." I swing our joint hands a little.

"Thank you Reuben." I smile at him. He gives me a look that says don't mention it. "We'll go at night."

"Alright. By that time everybody will be in their dorms too. I'll tell Sersha to stay with Aaron. Actually all of the sparrows stay in one room." I agree with him on that. Better to stick together then get picked off one by one.

We pull back our chairs and head for the door. I turned the handle waiting for Reuben to come but he holds a plastic bag in his hands filled with paints and pallets. "A gift for Sersha."

I give him a huge grin to which he rolls his eyes. "Reuben and Sersha sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First come love then comes sex. Then come the babies sitting in a carriage." I sang at him as he trips me over.

"That's not how the song goes."

"That's how your song goes." I bat my eyelashes at him.

He scoffs walking ahead of me but I do not miss the small smile painting his lips. "I can. Why Aaron and you are a match made in heaven."


I walk to the room only to have the door open and a pair of strong arms grab me. I do not have the time to shriek as they lift me off the ground, holding the back of my thighs whilst lips press on my pulse.

"Holy fuck Aaron." I breathe as I lean back to close the door. He kisses my collarbone in the mean time and walks us over to the couch.

I laugh down at him as he lays me down with his body caging over mine. "This is a lovely way to greet. Should I get used to it?" I ask tracing his shoulder.

He leans down placing his lips back on the pulse at my throat and sighs against it. "You should." He murmurs pulling back and smiling down at me lazily. I push his dark hair away from his forehead and stare at him with unbridled emotions. "I missed you in the span of the seven hours you were gone." He kissed my cheeks. "And every millisecond of those hours-" Aaron kissed my forehead. "- I though of you like some batshit crazy middle school boy." He kisses my lips finally making me grin against them as I delve my tongue into his mouth fighting against his. He eases his way into my mouth and kisses me hard and more passionately. I arch my back up knowing it drives him insane at the multiple points of proximity between us.

We pull back and I stare at him with his lips pinker and swollen. Mine were the same most likely. "I missed you too." I tell him honestly and kiss the space between his jaw and neck hearing him suck in a breath. I know his sensitive spots and I know which parts he loves and which parts make him see the stars.

He cradled my head as I kiss his own pulse feeling his heartbeat on my lips as I pull back and stare into his endless eyes which resembles the purity of ice and water.

He rested his forehead against mine and exhales contently. I keep my palms on either side of his bare torso as my eyes flutter close.

I see why people called us whipped.

Because I could never be mad at this man even if I tried. He just made me happy to the point I was half expecting it to be a fantasy.

"I made us food." He tells me still pressed against me. I hum at him not wanting to break this aura. "Rigatoni with spicy tomato sauce."

"Our favorite." I pull back from him and get up so I was straddling his body which was pressed to the couch. He looked up at me with with an unfathomable emotion. "And... I did get you a little something too."

"What?" He eyes light up better then any Christmas tree.

"Rings...and a little tour arranged for you when you graduate."

He leaned up on his elbows curiously. "And what would that be?"

I grin down at him unable to hold my own excitement. "I talked to Charles the car manager. And Weston Inc. had a new model being made and surprisingly they need somebody to test and promote their newest sports car and-" He smashes his lips against mine.

"You have to stop buying me expensive presents." He mutters against my lips. I kiss him harder.

"I'll stop when I want to. This is for you." I mumble against his mouth. "I want to give you this because I love you. Not because I'm trying to show-off or one up you." He pulls backs holding my face in his hands.

"Last one okay?"

"Okay." I lie kissing his palm. "But you have to see the rings." I take them out my back pockets and give him the large pouch. He opens them up and stares at all of them in love.

"This- this is amazing." He breathes and places a Capricorn symbol on to his index finger. "I love it. You. I love you." I grin and get off him.

"I'm glad you do."

"Is there a reason why I'm the birthday boy today?"

I shrug and decided to tease him. "I don't know. You looked extra hot today." He gasps and springs out the couch.

"Liar." He mocks at me. "I look hot everyday. And you know that."

"Of course I do. I'm the one who has to put up watching you do your beauty session in the mirror." I lie as he throws me over his shoulder making me scream.

"Take that back." He grits. "Or you get no food."

"I surrender." I immediately shout and have him put me down on the floor. "You play very dirty."

He placed his hands on his knees and smirks down at me. "I intend to play even dirtier with you in bed tonight, love." I bite down on my lip to control my crazy fast heartbeat.

Aaron swipes his thumb between my lips and straightens up. "Dinner time." I am still on the ground taking shallow breaths.

"What's for dessert?" I ask kicking my legs onto the couch.

Aaron looks over his shoulder as places pasta on two plates. "Feel free to spread your legs anytime."


Aaron traces works across my hips making me shiver slightly. I do not think his touch will ever be familiar to me. And that makes me feel elated for some reason.

I swing my legs against the ledge of the roof we were sitting on currently with a large blanket wrapping us both. I had made coffee for the both of us.

We had counted the stars in the sky and he had told me about each of them and what all the stars signify. Then I had found out he was reading a book that I was reading too.

I had squeezed his embarrassed frame only for him to mutter.

Then we had put on face masks and I had taught him how to apply a hair mask too which he was currently obsessed with. We even put those star pimple stickers that belonged to him.

Now we both were sitting and drinking against the pleasant weather. The snow around us was already more then halfway melted. The air however was getting more dewy and the temperature was rising.

Spring was near.

I take his phone in my hand and smile at his lock screen which was a picture of us. I checked the time and pouted. "I have to go."

"I want to come." He stubbornly says placing his red mug down.

I look down at my blue one and sigh. "Madison needs to be talked to in another way Aaron. I'll be back before you know it and then we'll figure out the rest later."

He shakes his head unconvinced. "I don't like the thought of you walking at night with a killer who wants you, West."

"I know. But I'll be safe Aaron. I promise." I kiss his forehead and get up placing the blanket down on him.

He scowled staring out at the view. "Take a gun with you at least."

"Alright." I agree. "I'll take one." I left him there hesitantly and walk down the staircase down to the elevator. Reuben was already there and with the look on my face he gave me a sorry look.

"He's worried." Reuben tells me as I press the metal button.

"I know." I sigh as we get in. I pull my hair into a ponytail and lick my lips. "Madison?"

"Her room." Reuben confirmed. I pulled Aaron's hoodie closer to me. I still felt a little unsettled walking out the elevator.

We walked towards the girls dormitories and saw from afar as Emery, Sersha and Jordan run to the boy dormitories. We waved them and went along our path.

Reuben rubbed his hands next to me feeling as nervous as I was. I gave him a reassuring look as we went to Madison's room.

I raised my knuckles and knocked them against her door.

Two minutes, no answer.

"Here." Reuben walks forward and takes out a Lock pick and torque wrench. He jingled a few and I heard the click echo.

"Handy." I murmur twisting the knob.

"The boys would pick some things up." Reuben shrugged as I pushed the door open and my eyes widened at the mess around us.

Clothes were strewn everywhere and so was the furniture. I edged past the jutted couch and into the only open room. I walk in only for Reuben to grab my arm.

"What?" I ask keeping my voice low. He pushed past with a frown like he did not want to be first.

"Aaron will skin me alive." Was the only answer he muttered as he wearily walked forward. I rolled my eyes and followed through to see Madison laying on her bed with a vodka bottle in hand. My eyes dart to the vinyl spinning on the turntable and emitting a song that I did not recognize. It was very contrasting to the mood and sent chills up my spine.

She tilted her head to us and hiccupped. "What the fuck do you want?" She squinted pushing her curly, greasy hair back.

Reuben screwed his nose at the smell and pushed past the fallen closet. I looked around a little weirded by the mess. What did she do now?

"Oi." She yelped as I sat down on the side of the closet. "What do you both want?"

"You smell like ass and look even worse." We're the first things I said to her as she sat up. Her eyes were not droopy luckily. "And you most definitely are not full on drunk."

"How would you know?" Madison hiccupped but her neck did redden.

I gave her a pointed look. "Good point." She pursed her lips and glanced at Reuben. "What do you both want? I reasoned it isn't about gaining my forgiveness?"

"Correct." Reuben clicked. "We want your information only." She scoffed her eyes darting from us to behind us.

"You can do better." I tell her with a shrug. "You took a life. You can save more."

"That doesn't make up for it." She snaps at me.

"I know. But it's a start."

"To what? I'm going to hell anyway." Madison's eyes watered. "I've committed sins." I did not realize she was religious but she seemed to hold faith. It was the opposite of me but I did not mind.

Instead I understood. But I could offer her nothing in return. "You can try to fix them with good things too." Reuben said. "Maybe be a decent person." She sighed wiping her eyes and nose.

"I don't know how to be one. I'm too greedy." She confesses pressing her thumb and pointer to her eyes. "I don't know..."

"Then try." I tell her feeling sympathy rise in my heart. Fucking emotions. I have to learn to hate one day. Cause this heart is malfunctioning. "Help us Madison. We need your help." She nods and wipes her nose with the top of her shirt.

"What do you want to know?"

Before I can speak Reuben beats me to it. "What's Liam's plan?"

"He didn't tell me anything." She puts out at us disappointingly. "He just told me that Bryce has enough money to use and to target. He said if I concentrate on getting her money then she won't notice what he will be doing behind the scenes. I do know that that date you went on at the restaurant- it was set up. He wanted your trust. He kept talking about you like you were some belonging to him. I found out a few days ago that he was admitted to a psych ward. He broke out and his wealth kept the news quiet." I sucked in a breath looking out her window.

So Liam was psychotic. Fucking hell.

"And about the Vipers?" Reuben presses. "Does he have a plan to-"

"He killed the previous leader." Madison cuts him off. "He took the ring and became the leader. He signed the legal documentation to transfer all details, money and assets to him. Everybody is under his palm. They plan to sell a million marijuana and cocaine package to the highest bidder. His plans got delayed after he found his eyes on you." I dig my nails into my palm and hold my breath as she stares at me.

"He wanted to kill Aaron but I turned the tale around for him. He just wants you Bryce. Just you." I look into her brown watery eyes with nothing. "And he will get you."

"He won't." Reuben sternly puts out as I release my breath and inhale again. My body was shaking already. "Liam won't get his hands on her."

Madison stayed quiet as I stared at the rising sun outside. The music rose around us as I muted everything but it and focused on my thoughts. Every piece of me was broken and dimming and all I wanted was for my friends to be okay.

And I would do whatever it took.


"Reuben." I warned him as we got into the elevator. "There's watch." I jut my chin to the window outside. He grips his hair and legs put a train of curses as we watch security guards walk around the perimeter.

They would bring us to the principle or police if they found us.

I bit my lip glancing over my shoulder. "You go first. I'll wait three minutes and go throw the bushes at the cafeteria."

"No fucking way." He rejected my idea. "Go first and I'll keep a watch behind and make sure they don't see you." I purse my lip but he gave me the look that said 'I like my balls intact'.

"Fine." I muttered walking down the emergency staircase. I look up as he nods at me. My feet shakily walk down each white, stony step as I look over the railing and stare at the dark spiral below.

There was no light and my heart was already screaming in my chest. I quickly tiptoed down and made it to the exit. I glanced at the guards and side tracked to the pavement between the red brick of the school walls and the trees.

Luckily I was wearing black so I would blend somewhat in the shadows that had not been touched by the sun yet.

I kiss as twigs scrape against my skin as I climb towards the space between the two boy dormitories. I could climb up the pipe and make it to Aaron's window.

Bracing my hands on the large metal pipe, I gag at the sight of rust and overgrown green grasping it.

Fuck it.

Wedging my feet between the small gaps of the pipe attachment I pinch my knees on the metal. A low moan escape the interior and I cringed at it.

I push my hands surrounding the metal and slide it up only for it to fall down. I slid it back up and held in my laughter at the mental image forming in my head.

I reached a few more centimeters up wincing at every sound that escaped the lousy pipe work. My breath became labored as my muscles stretched as I reached another meter up.

Moving my legs up I pulled up-

"I was looking for you." Hands grasped my waist and I hold in my scream as they jerk me down into their chest. I knew the feeling of Aaron's arms and this was not it.

My fists acted swiftly and I brought it down to Liam's thigh. He hissed as jerked me into position. "Stay fucking still." His heaps on my hands tightened to the point of excruciating pain. He pushed me forward into the sun where the security guards glanced at us. One of them nodded at Liam and signaled his fellow to walk forward.

"Of course." I muttered as he turned me around to look at him. His blonde hair fell on his forehead as he smirked at me. "You bought the entirety of the people here."

He grasped my chin. "I did what I had to, to get you back. And now I have you."

I snatch myself away from him but he gripped me like a starved animal. His eyes drilled on to my face as a malicious smile painted his lips. "You are mine. And I always keep my belongings close to me."

"I don't belong to you-" His hand connected with my face and I staggered in his grasp. His eyes immediately widened and he clench his fist down.

"Don't test me Bryce." Liam muttered as I bit at the side of my cheek, the stinging sensation kissing me alive. "You belong to me."

I opened my mouth again. "You won't be able to get me out of here without being seen." I spat at him.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh I think I will." Just then a man in a blue uniform walked forward with tattoos scrawling up his face. But my eyes darted to the ones I knew since my days as a kid.

They had Archer.

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