Every New Beginning... (Chris...

بواسطة belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... المزيد

.167. ~FINAL~


527 27 3
بواسطة belleofmarvel

Chris POV

I have been a part of hostage situations. I've been shot at on more than one occasion. I've been in many a high speed chase. But this woman, I swear, will be the death of me.

When Opal left my car and came inside I saw her go directly to her office. She's refusing to give me any indication as to why we can't even fathom going on a single date. It's frustrating. I stayed in my car for a few minutes, texting Jameson, letting him know we were back from the hospital.

I don't go directly upstairs to my room. Instead I go out onto the back patio and go out towards the edge of the property to sit where we sat Friday night before Opal received the call about her grandfather.

"Mr. Evans," I hear someone call out to me just before I sit down. I look over my shoulder to see the blonde, AnnaBeth from the front desk.

"Yes," I answer.

She walks closer to me, more relaxed than when she was up front this morning. "Can I get anything for you? A drink or maybe a snack? Our chef, Mila, made an incredible soup for lunch today. I'd be happy to bring you a cup."

"No, thanks. I'm fine actually. Just want to enjoy the quiet for a bit." I sit down and put my focus on the fire pit in front of me. It's obviously not lit, but it's something to focus my attention on rather than the frustration I'm feeling.

"Would you mind some company?" she asks. I can't help the strange look that I'm sure comes over my face. She notices it and interjects before I can say anything. "Opal, she gave me a break until this evening. I don't really live close enough to go home just to come back."

The gentleman inside of me says I should offer her a seat and welcome conversation. But, my mind is set on one woman and I need to figure out how to break down her walls. I don't need a lengthy distraction from figuring out what to do.

I look back up at AnnaBeth, ready to give the gentlemanly answer. That is until I see the way she's looking at me, batting her lashes and suddenly acting very shy.

    Nope. No ma'am. Not happening.

"Actually, I'd like to be alone, if you don't mind," I make her aware.

"Oh, um, alright then." She steps back and begins to walk away. I feel bad for coming across ugly, but I'm not about to welcome unwanted attention in that way.

"AnnaBeth," I call out.

"Yes, Mr. Evans," she says turning back to face me.

"Thanks for you help this morning, the breakfast for Opal," I say. She nods and says you're welcome. "I need a bit more help, though. Do you have any idea what her favorite color or her favorite flower is?"

She offers me a smile before answering. "Favorite color is navy, and her favorite flower is actually tulips."

I stand back up to my feet and pull the keys out of my pocket. "Thanks AnnaBeth. I appreciate it."

"You like her don't you?" she asks me as I head back towards the parking lot.

Looking back over my shoulder I give her my answer. "Yeah, I really do."


Opal POV

Lily text me to let me know that the limo they rented for the bridal party would be at Magnolia to pick us up at 6 pm. That leaves me exactly one hour to make myself not look like the college version of myself.

I decide to curl my hair in loose waves. Make up is very similar to the night we went out in Atlanta, just a little heavier than what I normally wear. I look over the three dresses I brought specifically for tonight, trying to decide which one to choose. I can't help but let my mind wander and think which one Chris would like most.

What is wrong with me? Here's this seemingly amazing man, who the universe has brought back into my life, and I'm still not giving into him. Why? Maybe because my focus is everywhere except my love life.

I shake the thoughts out of my brain and focus back on the dresses. One dress is beige, midi length and covered in lace. Another is a sleeveless number in burgundy that hits just above the knee. The last option is navy and cream. I'm leaning towards this more than the others. It lands about three inches above the knee but has a longer overlay skirt that covers the back and sides but leaves the front of my legs open. The top is navy lace over the cream. Yep, I think that's the one.

My alarm goes off just as I put my earrings in, letting me know it was 6 pm. I slip on my nude heels and grab my clutch before walking out the carriage house door. I don't bother going through the house since I already told AnnaBeth I would be unavailable the rest of the evening. Instead I take the sidewalk around the side of the Inn to the front.

Just as I come around the corner I see the black stretch limo waiting for me. I can't believe Lily and Jameson decided to do this, it's really not necessary and just an added expense if you ask me.

As I get closer the driver comes out and opens the door for me. I slide into the seat and notice I'm the only one in the car. Just as I'm about to pull out my phone to text Lily the driver opens the door again.

I look up to see Chris stepping off of the porch. He's wearing a lovely navy suit that fits him perfectly from what I can tell. And in his hands are tulips. Confusion clouds my face as I hear the driver say, "Good evening, Mr. Evans."

Chris slips in next to me. "You look stunning, Opal."

"Thank you, I think."

He chuckles. "You think?"

"I'm a little confused. I thought we were the last to be picked up since the museum is only about ten minutes from here."

Chris smiles at me and for whatever reason my heart beats a little quicker. His grin looks to be hiding something. "These are for you."

"I'm so confused, Chris."

   "Don't get upset, but the limo is just for the two of us," he says slowly, obviously afraid of my reaction.

   "I thought you wouldn't kidnap me," I remind him.

   "No kidnapping," he holds his hands up in surrender in front of him. "Just a short ten minute date. If after tonight I still haven't convinced you that I'm being honest with wanting to get to know you, I'll stop. I'll go back to Atlanta and never seek you out again."

I pause. The limo hasn't started moving yet. I can easily leave and take my own car to the rehearsal. But then I look back, into his pleading blue eyes, and I cave. "Okay," I say quietly. I want to be snarky and throw in that I'm only giving him these ten minutes, but I decide not to. If he's going to be open, honest and willing, then so will I.

His face lights up. It reminds me of a child opening their most desired gift. I can't help but match his expression, feeling a blush rising.

"So...now what?" I ask. " How is this car ride going to be any different than the two we've already taken together?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure. I was pretty positive you were going to turn me down again," he reveals with a tilt of his head and a smirk. It's not the usual smug smirk. It's kind of soft, boyish. Definitely not the confident man I met two weeks ago.

   "Hmm... funny questions or serious ones? My vote is funny."

   "Funny getting to know you questions it is!" He exclaims. Chris moves his body, angling himself towards my direction as I do the same towards him. "How passionate about chicken nuggets are you?"

   "What!" I laugh out. "Am I like seven or something?" He looks like he's offended me and starts to apologize. "I'm joking! I love chicken nuggets! It's my go to at Chick Fil A."

   Chris breathes a sigh of relief. "My turn," I say. "What's the worst thing about being a guy?"

   "Oh, now that's a good question! Can I give a serious answer and a joking one?"

   "Of course," I laugh out.

   "I'd have to say wearing a cup for sports," he barks out in laughter. "But on a serious note, doing something nice for a female and she automatically thinks you're interested," he adds.

   He asks me to answer the same question from a female perspective, requesting a funny answer and serious.

   "Hormones are terrible little buggers. Like, one minute I can be laughing and carrying on, but in the next breath I'm screaming in tears. So annoying," I admit. 

   "I'm not sure if that was the funny answer or serious one," he quips with another laugh.

   "You have a very attractive smile," I express. Crap. Where did that come from? My hand goes to cover my mouth, shocked at myself for being so open.

   I didn't think it was possible, but that smile of his got even bigger. 

   "Does that mean I can compliment you now?" Chris questions.

   "You've already complimented me enough," I tell him. I can't look him in the eye right now. If I did he'll see my embarrassment written all over my face. Who am I kidding? He's a cop, he can read me like a book.

   It's then that I feel the warmth of his hand as he picks my own hand up, off of the seat. I turn my gaze back to him. He holds it softly before bringing it to his lips, rewarding me with a gentle kiss to my knuckles. My breath hitches without me even realizing it.  

   He lowers my hand back down to the seat, but doesn't release it from his. He watches me for a moment, gauging whether or not I'm going to pull back. I surprise myself. I don't move a muscle except for my eyes as they remain planted on his hand holding mine. 

   "When I say, what I'm about to say, it has a different meaning than previously," he describes. "You are beautiful." 

   I try to control my eye roll, which is difficult.

   "Hear me out. You are visually beautiful, I've already told you that multiple times. Stunning even. But, your heart, what little bit you've let me see, is beautiful." His thumb runs along my knuckles, still not letting me go. "The way you love your Pops. The way you love your friends. The sweat and tears you've put into building your life...it's all beautiful, Opal. You. Are. Beautiful."

   Chris releases my hand, only to bring his own up to my face. I'm frozen in place, unable to move. His hand rests tenderly, where my jaw and neck meet. I watch as he brings his tongue over his lips, wetting them. Unknowingly I mirror his action. His face, mere inches from my own, moves closer before resting his forehead on mine.  As I allow my eyes to break from his, only to close, I can feel his breath as he exhales.

   Our moment ends before it begins as the driver opens the door, alerting us to the fact that we've reached our destination.  

   Chris lets out a small chuckle before pulling back. "Why am I not surprised?" 

   He turns to slip out of the limo, leaving me a moment to myself. It's a short lived moment, only long enough for me to fan myself to try and relieve the red tint that has overtaken me. Lifting my eyes back towards the door I see his warm hands, inviting me to join him. I take his in mine and use it to help myself out of the car. 

   'Alright universe, what else is up your sleeve tonight?' I think to myself as I rise from the limo.

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