Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


520 23 2
By belleofmarvel

Opal POV

   I'm not entirely sure where that wink came from. 

   Maybe I experienced an outer body experience? Maybe an alien took over the functions of my face? Maybe my heart and brain are not in the mood to argue with each other anymore? I'm not sure, but I know that smile Chris just gave me is different from his others. This one accompanies a slight tinge of pink across his cheeks. What on earth did I just do?

   I already know the ride back to Magnolia will be insufferable. 'Get it together and stop the inner monologue,' I tell myself.

   I go back to sitting next to Pops, leaving Chris in the chair across from him. "I brought you a newspaper, and a crossword book. Figured you might like something to do other than watch television."

   "Thank you, love." He takes both items from me and places them on the table next to him. "So what are the big wedding plans for today?"

   I cast my eyes back at Chris who shrugs his shoulders. "I've got no clue to be honest. Haven't even actually spoken to Jameson today."

   "Some best man you are," I tease.  "We have the rehearsal and the dinner. Nothing too crazy I don't think. I'll probably spend most of the rest of the time checking on things at the Inn."

   "You should enjoy yourself too, ya know," Pops says. "You're not getting any younger."

   "Not really a reminder I need Pops. Trust me."

   "You always care for others more than yourself. I'd like to see you be a little selfish at some point," he confides. 

   That's not in my nature and he knows that. Everyone else does come before me, I don't have any idea how to actually be selfish. "This isn't something we should be discussing in mixed company. So, can we let it go?"  I don't even have to look at him to know that Chris is shifting around in his seat.

   There's no chance for him to answer me as a nurse comes in to tell him it's time for his treatment. Since he's having it here in the hospital they don't allow anyone to sit with him during the procedure. She informs us that it'll take about four hours.

   "I'd planned on hanging out with you for most of the day," I tell him. 

   "Nonsense! Go, and enjoy the festivities. Maybe show Chris around a bit," Pops suggests. 

   More time spent with Chris, one on one, will only lead to me opening up to him, and that's not gonna happen if I can help it. "We'll see how the day goes," I concede even though I know my decision. "Take care old man. I'll try and come by tomorrow but it'll be late."

   "You come back and see me on Monday, after things calm down."

   "Yes sir," I tell him, going in for another hug.

   "And Chris, if I don't see you again, have a safe trip back home. Take care of yourself, son. You've got a life ahead of you as well. Don't take it for granted," he advises.

  "I certainly do, sir. Thanks for letting me tag along. It's been a pleasure to get to know you," he admits. They shake hands again, probably for the last time. 

   "Love ya, Pops. Be good!"

   "Where's the fun in that Ope?" he laughs. "Go on now! Go be young and carefree."

   I give him one more smile and blow him a kiss as we move to the door.  

   Carefree. What does that even mean? 


   "So, where to next?" Chris asks me once we're back in his car.

   "Back to Magnolia." It's close to lunch time now. I'm done at the hospital much earlier than I expected. 

   "Why don't we go somewhere else before we head back," Chris suggests. 

   "Like where?"

   "Well, I'm not sure," he chuckles. "I'm not from here remember. I kind of need your advice on that part."

   I stop to think about what Pops said. Be young. Carefree. Show Chris around. Then, it dawns on me. "There's an arts market if you want to check it out. Some vendors, artists, and food trucks. Kind of like a farmer's market. It's actually close to Magnolia."

   "Sounds good to me. Just tell me where I'm going."

   I direct Chris towards Riverside, pointing out historical places along the way. And include funny little stories as well from our time in college, still not getting too personal. 

   Chris is a good listener. He'll catch something I say and then ask another question to accompany it, leading me towards opening up a bit more. I still keep my answers surface deep. 

   When he parks the car and starts to get out I move a bit quicker, to keep him from coming to open my door. He shoots me a look of disapproval. "What?"  

   "You're not gonna make this easy on me are you?" he asks.

   "I don't know what you're talking about, Officer Evans." Why can't I stop doing that? Maybe because I know it gets to him. I laugh as he tilts his head back and groans. Mission accomplished.

   We start a leisurely stroll through the market. It's a gorgeous day, still pretty warm for October in Florida. Chris keeps his hands tucked away in his pockets except for when he stops to look at an item and picks it up to inspect it. I watch him. He's in to details, intricacy of things. He asks the artisans questions about their pieces. There is definitely a genuineness about him that I've not seen in  many men before. 

   About an hour into our adventure I suggest we find a spot for lunch.  After taking a look at multiple food trucks we decide to get a couple of different things to share. "The spicy mac bites are unbelievably good. I definitely want those. What are you thinking?"

   "The mac n cheese with fresh vegetables sounds good. What do you think?" he asks me.

   "Whatever you want to do, lunch is on me today."

   He gives me the same look as when I jumped out of the car before he could open the door. I just smirk back at him and place the order. We also order fresh shrimp tacos from another truck before moving on to find a shady place to sit.

   "I really wish you'd have let me pay," he insists. 

   I shake my head as I pop a mac n cheese bite into my mouth. "Nope.. You've already bought me dinner last night and breakfast this morning." I wipe my mouth with a napkin. "Can't let you think this is a date or something." 

   "And what will it take to get that date, Opal?" He glances at me over his taco.  

  'About 300 miles,' I think to myself.

   "There's only room in my life for one man, Evans," I tell him. "You've met him so you know he can be a handful." 

   "Your grandfather seems like an amazing man. I'd love to continue getting to know him. But to be honest, I'd like to get to know you more," Chris retorts.

   Again, I find myself shaking my head no. "No time for that sir. Too much going on these days."

   He looks at me questioningly. "What are we doing right now?"

   "This doesn't count. I'm repaying a favor, while also following the direction of my Pops."

   "That's okay. I'm gonna get my date, Opal Lucas." He sounds so sure of himself that I can't help but play along.

  "Is that right? And what, by kidnapping me?"

   "No. But I do have Jameson and Lily to thank for it."

   "What on earth are you talking about?" I ask.

   "Best man and maid of honor. We're automatically each others date." There's that dang smug smirk. He even throws in a wink as a period to the end of his outrageous statement.

  "Whose to say I don't have a plus one, Evans? He could be a big burly, bearded, hunk of a man that doesn't like other guys hitting on his woman." I'm stretching, I know it. But I can't give in to this fine man sitting in front of me.

   "You don't. I know you don't."

   "Oh you do. And how so? It's not like I've given you any major details about me or my life."

   "Detective remember, doll?  I've listened to you, and asked my sources." He takes another bite of his taco. "And I've not seen anyone else rushing to your side the last two days."

   "You've got me all figured out."

   "I'm certainly trying, but you don't make it easy," he admits. 

   I lean back on my hands, lifting my face to the sun. "Just give it up, Chris.  I'm not changing my mind." 

  "And why is that, Opal? You don't find me attractive? Don't like my company? I'm not your type? Give me some reason why you don't want this to go any deeper than surface." His voice sounds dominant now. I feel like I've been given a glimpse of him as an officer during an interrogation.

   I brush my hands off of the grass and dirt. "I'm gonna run to the restroom and then we can go back to the Inn. I've got other things that need my attention."  I walk off, away from him, even though I hear him calling after me.


   Thankfully, the ride back to Magnolia is short and quiet. I can tell I've pissed him off by not answering his question. His jaw line has been tight ever since we sat in the car together. I'm surprised he still opened my door for me.

   Once the car is in park I jump out and go straight into the Inn and make a beeline for my office. As soon as I'm inside I sit behind my desk, dropping my head onto my arms that sit on the desktop. I don't know why I am the way I am. Who am I kidding? Yes I do. I just don't need him to know the details. There's no sense in it. 

   There's a knock on my office door. "Come in."

   AnnaBeth walks in with a small stack of papers in her hand. "These are for you. Messages from this morning."

   "Thanks. Why don't you take a break for the rest of the afternoon. I'll just need you back by 5."

   "Okay, thanks. I appreciate it," she says walking back to the door. She stops with her hand on the knob. "How was Cafe Shay this morning with Mr. Evans?"

   "I knew it was you," I chuckle. 

   "He's cute. And willing to get you your favorite things? That's marriage material, Opal."

   "Not you too," I moan.

   "Well, I mean, if you're not interested I may know someone who would be."

   I look back at her. Of course she's talking about herself. She'd be dumb to not be attracted to him. I'm attracted to him myself, but that doesn't matter.  "Just remember you're at work, AnnaBeth."

   "Not for the next three hours," she says as she walks out of my office.

   'Guess Chris may have the plus one tomorrow,' I think to myself. 

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