Every New Beginning... (Chris...

By belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... More

.167. ~FINAL~


594 25 7
By belleofmarvel

Chris POV

   I'm up before the sun, hazard of the job. But I also want to make sure Opal doesn't head back to the hospital by herself today. After a quick shower, I get dressed and send a text to Jameson letting him know I wouldn't be around until later in the day. Unsure of how long we'll be gone, but I  know we'll be back in time for the rehearsal in order to fulfill both of our duties as best man and maid of honor.

   When I've filled my pockets with my wallet, cell and keys I head downstairs. It's quiet, only the small sounds I can hear are coming from the kitchen and the young woman standing behind the front desk.

   "AnnaBeth, is it?" I ask her as I walk towards the desk.

   "Yes sir. How can I help you?"

   "Do you happen to know Opal's favorite coffee or breakfast item?" I inquire.

   "This time of year it's pumpkin coffee and a cream cheese and pumpkin muffin," she answers.

   "Okay. Any idea where I can find those items around here?" Couldn't have simply said plain black coffee and a glazed doughnut?

   "Just up the road actually. It's called Cafe Shay. You'll make a right and it's about three blocks down," she offers up the information.  "They just opened about ten minutes ago so you shouldn't have much of a wait."

   "Perfect! Thanks again."


Opal POV

      I'm not ready to face this day. Today was just suppose to be girly fun in preparation for the big day tomorrow. A check in with Pops after his treatment. Now, I'll be hanging out at the hospital hoping for answers that don't break me.

    I prepare for how cold I know I'll be at the hospital and toss a hoodie over my purse.  A messy bun won't even cut it today so I'm glad I packed a ball cap. Add in jeans, a tee and my converse and I officially look like I'm back in college.  Today is also a no makeup day. I just don't have the energy to care.

   My phone rings. Glancing at the clock and seeing it's just 7 am, I think it's way too early for anyone to be calling me, which in turn sends me into a panic.  Relief washes over me as I see it's just Lily.

   "Hello my beautiful bestie!" I answer, trying to get my heart back into a normal rhythm.

   "Hey. How are you doing this morning? Did you get some rest?"

   I go on to tell her that I'm doing fine and was able to sleep a bit. "I'm about to head up to the hospital now. I'll be back later this afternoon to fulfill my other duties."

  "You  know I'm not worried about all of that right?"

   I think to myself she must be drunk. She's never not wanted things done her way. "No, it's fine. I'll be back in time for everything."

   "How was it having Chris with you?" I knew I wouldn't be able to get off the call without that question.

   "It was okay." I somewhat lie.

   "Just okay?" she wants more information but thankfully there's a knock on my door.

   "Hey, I've gotta go. I think AnnaBeth is knocking at my door. I'll update you when I know something." We say our goodbyes and I drop my phone in my purse.

   When I open the door, I don't see the blonde standing in front of me. Instead I see enchanting blue eyes attached to a scruffy faced man.  "Can I help you?"

   "I come baring breakfast," Chris says with a smile.


   "Because I'm taking you back up to the hospital. Didn't we discuss this last night?"

   Of course it was mentioned but I figured he was just saying that nonsense in front of Pops.  "You don't have to. I'm sure I'm okay to drive this morning."

   "I mean, you can drive if you want to but I'm still going."

   "You're stubborn," I tell him, narrowing my eyes.

   "You're beautiful," he quips back.

   And this is when it dawns on me that he's seeing me in all my unkept glory.  Shouldn't bother me, right? If he hadn't made that comment I wouldn't have even thought about it.

   "I thought I told you last night, that line doesn't work."

   "Guess I'll keep trying it until it does." And there's that smug smirk again.

   "I'm driving," I tell him, giving in.

   "That's fine, but the coffee and muffin are in my car. Guess I'll just have to enjoy Cafe Shay by myself. I hear their pumpkin coffee and muffins are really good."  Oh he hit below the belt with that one.

   "Let me guess. AnnaBeth?"

   "I never give up my sources. Just good detective skills, dear."

    I contemplate whether or not I'm willing to forego the best coffee and muffin I've ever had in my life. Looks like he takes note of it and teases me.

   He lifts his left hand. "Coffee and muffin for a ride with me." He lifts his right hand. "No coffee and no muffin for a ride alone." He moves his hands up and down as if he's weighing something.

   "Fine. Let me grab my stuff," I huff.

   "Yes! Evans 1, Opal 0," he snickers.

   "Incorrect Officer Evans.  Pumpkin 1 Evans 0,"  I correct him as I breeze past him, closing the door behind me.

"I'll take what I can get," he snickers after me.


  The ride to the hospital is more relaxing than the night before. There's no rush. There's still fear, but it feels differently today, maybe because I was able to see him last night.  To see that he's still physically with me. 

Conversation along the way is relatively shallow. Neither of us go very in depth with questions or answers. We're still merely acquaintances at this point; I wouldn't call him friend quite yet. And in just a couple more days, life will be back to normal, both of us forgetting these moments with one another.

   Today, Chris parks and we both go in together.  I'm very aware of the fact that each time he let's me move ahead of him, whether it be into an elevator or a room, he rests his hand on the small of my back. I don't know if it's specific to me or just a gentlemanly habit with all women. Probably the latter from what I've been able to gather from him the last few days.

I don't hesitate opening the door once we reach Pops room. "You decent old man?" I ask.

"Never!" he calls back as we enter the room.

Chris doesn't hang back like he did yesterday. He's right beside me as I lean over to hug my grandfather. Once I pull back Pops has his hand out ready for a shake. Chris happily obliges and returns the handshake.

"You're looking a bit better this morning," I tell him. He's no longer on the oxygen mask, just a nasal canula. "Did you get some rest?"

Pops gives me a funny look. "How much rest can you get when someone is coming in every two hours checking blood pressure and other stat crap? I'll tell you, it ain't much."

"Officer Evans," Pops starts. He doesn't get far before Chris interrupts him, "Please, call me Chris."

"Chris," he starts again, "how long have you been on the police force?"

"It's almost been ten years, sir."

"You go in the academy right out of high school then? You don't look that old." Pops has a way with honesty.

"Actually I went and got a two year degree first. I went into the academy when I was 20. I'm 31 now," Chris answers.

"So you and my Ope are close in age then?"

Chris looks over at me, he's looking at me as if to ask if that's correct. I nod. "I'm 30."

"So you two really don't know much about each other then, I'm guessing."

We share another look and I can tell Chris is holding in a laugh. His chest shakes just a little. It's cute.

"How many new numbers did you manage to add to your collection last night?" I ask changing the subject for both of our benefits.

   Pops scoffs. "Not a single one."

   "I don't believe you!"

   "There were no red heads in the bunch," he admits.

   "I'm more of a brunette guy myself," Chris adds to the conversation, glancing at me.

   Apparently Pops notices, "is that so?" 

   Chris grins. "Yes sir."

   "Ya know, Ope here is a natural brunette."

   Chris looks at me pointedly. "You don't say."

   I'm about to open my mouth to change the subject again, but the door opens. A woman, mid 50s, walks in wearing a long white coat.

   "Mr. Lucas, how are you feeling today?"

   "Doing alright, Dr. Wagner.  This is my granddaughter Opal and her 'friend' Chris," he says introducing us. He's such an ornary old man he even used air quotes around friend.

Chris is quietly laughing as he moves back against the wall behind me to give the doctor her space to check on Pops. I remain seated beside his bed. The doctor holds his chart open and flips a couple of pages.

"We've been able to decrease your oxygen a bit, so that's good. We can go ahead and do your treatment today. Since it was already planned I don't see reason to skip it. However, we did find something on the scans last night."

My heart stops. I grasp Pops hand in mine. He takes a breath, face hard as stone. "Go on," he tells the doctor.

"There's a new mass on your right lung that wasn't there a month ago."

"Wait. It's grown there since he's been taking his chemotherapy treatments?" I ask. My empty hand is now clutching at my chest.

"It has," the doctor sighs.

"So now what? Surgery?" I'm not letting Pops speak at this point, too afraid of what he'll say.

Dr. Wagner pauses. "Surgery is an option. But, in my opinion, it's not a safe option." She turns her attention away from me, placing it solely on my grandpa. "Mr. Lucas, I'd like to change your treatments up just a bit. Add to it, so to speak."

I feel a hand rest on my shoulder. Without thinking I grasp it with the hand that was once clutching at my chest. A strong grip envelops my hand immediately.

My eyes plead with Pops. I know he said he wasn't going to do anything else if these treatments didn't work. He looks back at me. "I'm, uh, I'm gonna need some time to think this over, Doc."

"Of course. We can do the regular treatment today. I do want to keep you here for a couple more days though, while you make a decision. Is that alright?"

"If you can find me a red head then you've got a deal," he bargains.

"I'll see what I can do," she says with a wink before walking back out of the room.

I let go of Chris' hand and bring it to meet my other. While holding Pop's one hand in both of mine I squeeze it tightly. "You have to do it. You have to."

"I'm gonna step outside and give you two some privacy," Chris tells us, already walking towards the door.

"My sweet Ope. We've talked about this, sweetheart." Pops brings my hand up to his lips to kiss it. "I'm tired."

"I can go so you can rest. We can talk about it later. You just rest." I stand from my seat, ready to give him some time alone.

"Opal. You know that's not what I mean."

"Pops, you can't give up. You can't leave me too," I cry.

"Angel, I don't want to leave you. I just don't know how much more this old body can take."

"Think about it. Please. Just think about it," I beg. He pats my hands, nodding. "Okay. Okay."

I rest my head in his lap. He gently rubs my back as I let silent tears fall freely.  We stay this way until my breathing steadies.

   I lift my head at the sound of knocking on the door. Chris walks in quietly. "Can I get anything for y'all?" 

   "I think I'm gonna go grab a drink," I say, trying to regain my composure.

   "I can do it for you," he offers. "I really don't mind."

   "I need a few minutes, please," I tell him as I exit the room leaving him with Pops.

Chris POV

   I give Opal her space and sit in the chair across from Mr. Lucas' bed. 

   "So," Mr. Lucas starts. "How did you really meet my granddaughter?"

   My palms are getting sweaty. I drag them along my thighs, drying them off on my jeans. "We met while she was in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago. She actually had lost her purse."

   "I knew  there was more to this story than y'all let on last night."

   "You are very perceptive, sir," I chuckle.

   "That's not all though. Is it?" he asks.

   I'm sure my face is doing the talking for me. I've been told my eyebrows have a mind of their own. "You'd be correct. Well, sort of."

   "Sort of? That doesn't sound promising."

   "Opal, she's ah, she's a tough shell to crack. Stubborn as a mule," I tell him. "But somehow I'm pretty sure you already know that."

   "Where do you think she gets it from?" Mr. Lucas laughs. "She learned from the master."

   "You taught her well then," I let him know. "I want to get to know her more, but she's keeping me at arms length."

Mr. Lucas nods his head. "That doesn't surprise me. Not in the least."

"I did take your advice last night, though. Treated her to those empenadas you mentioned."

"Good. That's a start," he tells me.

"It won't get me far though. She still refuses to give me her phone number. And in a few days I'll be back in Atlanta. But I want to continue to get to know your granddaughter." Honesty is the best policy and I don't see any point in lying.

   "Ope doesn't let many people in," he admits. "I don't know you from Adam, but you coming down here with her, twice, speaks volumes to me. I'll see what I can do."

   "What are you gonna do?" Opal's voice interrupts us.

   Mr. Lucas plays it off. "Oh, Chris here's gonna go find me a red headed nurse. He's gonna tell her I'm his older, slightly less attractive, brother. Think it'll work?"

   Opal bursts out in laughter. "Living in a dream world, aren't ya Pops? Officer Evans here doesn't hold a candle to you." She kisses him on the cheek before tossing a wink my way.

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