The unknown raven

By Phoebexhayward

92.8K 1.4K 66

One tree hill What if Nathan Scott fathered a child before Jamie? But didn't know. I don't know own any of th... More

Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Extra Cast
Season 5 Ep1
Season 5 Ep2
Season 5 Ep 3
Season 5 Ep4
Season 5 Ep6
Season 5 Ep 9, 10 & 11
Season 5 Ep12
Season 5 Ep 14, 15 & 16
Season 5 Ep 17 & 18
Season 6 Ep1 & 2
Season 6 Ep 3, 4 & 5
Season 6 Ep6, 7, 8 & 9
Season 6 Ep10
Season 6 Ep13
Season 6 Episode 15
Season 6 Episode 17 and 19
Season 6 Episode 22, 23, 24
Extra Characters
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Season 7 Episode 1, 2, 3
Season 7 Episode 4, 5
Season 7 Episode 8, 9
Season 7 Episode 12, 13, 14
Season 7 Episode 16, 22
Season 8 Episode 1, 2
Season 8 Episode 3, 5
Season 8 Episode 6 and 9
Season 8 Episode 10 and 11
Season 8 Episode 12
Season 8 Episode 13
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Season 8 Episode 17
Season 8 Episode 19
Season 8 Episode 20
Season 8 Episode 21 and 22
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter one

5.2K 85 2
By Phoebexhayward

The start of everything.

Raven Jade. RJ to most sat in the back of a cop car, now some of you may be wondering how did she get here well she wasn't the only one. No, herself and foster brother Will Heart thought it was wise to get into a fight at a beach party and then proceed to run away from the cops only to land up in the back of the vehicle with their arms behind there back cuffed.

RJ turned to her brother with a smirk playing on her face, "nice black eye." She teased him. A beautiful shade of blues and purple where forming around the young males dark brown eyes. As he looked at her dead in he noticed the bruise taking form on her cheek and split lip, "well no one going want to kiss you any time soon." He bit back jokingly making them both laugh as the cop in front turned to both of them.

"you are aware those teens will be pressing charges. What are you laughing about?" The cop barked at them only earring more laughter from the two delinquents. "What's the worst that could happen? Juice?" RJ asked the man rhetorically waiting for her brother to finish the sentence. "Been there. Done that." Will said in a sing-song voice. As the cop became that these kids just didn't care. The rest of the drive to the station the two couldn't help but laugh about the looks on some of the kids faces when RJ punched a girl in the face for accusing her of trying to get with her boyfriend, those fights seemed petty to the two but growing up in the system they developed some serve anger issues and just couldn't help themselves.

As they walked into the station giving a head nod to some of the people who work there as they had known them from their earlier times in the station, "you two have just been let out why are you back?" Sheriff Jackson said to the two, before they could answer the man who had arrested  them butted in. "Caught starting up a fight on the beach with alcohol in their system." The sheriff looked at the two sighing knowing exactly where they were going, down a long hard spiral until they reached rock bottom, but to them. They where already there, "so is our usual cell occupied? Or should we just go and make ourself at home?" RJ asked innocently as all the sheriff did was point towards the cells as the two teens walked towards the familiar room. "Home sweet home!" Will all put shouted as the two sat either end of the bench with their backs towards the wall, legs tangled together. Will reached underneath the bench and pulled out a blanket draping it over their bodies.

"You know we're going to have to call your parents or guardians." Sheriff Jackson told the two as he came into view, "if you two don't change your looking at juvie." Hoping this incentive would put a stop to the dangerous game they were playing.

Unfortunately it did the opposite, "did you hear that Will? We get to go back to our friends in Juvie." RJ spoke putting her hand up for Will to high five her which he gladly did. "We will be welcomed back Will the king and queens we are." The brown haired male said laughing fist bumping the air. As they both turned to look at the sheriff who just shuck his head, "if you don't change, you'll end somewhere worst than juvie more like Jail."  As the two mocked by dragging out an 'ooooh' as if they were scared. The sheriff gave up and closed the cell locking the door walking back to the front desk picking up the records of the two.

As he called their foster home only to be told they would no longer take them in by a drunk woman, he sighed and rubbed his hands over his eyes. Looking over Raven Jades file he noticed her brith certificate seeing the fathers name, Nathan Scott. At first he couldn't believe it this young girl father was famous for playing in Tree Hill basketball team and didn't live far in fact his father Dan Scott owned a beach house exactly 100 yards from where the fight broke out. Even though it claimed he had sighed his rights to Raven away some part of him told him to pick up the phone and give the Scott residence a call.

A very groggy Nathan was woken up by the sound of the phone ringing, part of him was hoping whoever it was would end the call before he got up to receive it but it kept ringing this time waking Haley up as she started to slap his arm making him sigh knowing he now had to answer.

Picking up the phone and going down the stairs Nathan Scott finally answered. "Nathan Scott?" The voice down the phone said as Nathan yawned out a tired 'yes'. "It's sheriff Jackson, we have your daughter in custody." And all of a sudden Nathan was wide awake, "I don't have a daughter?" He told the sheriff on the other end but it came out more of a question. "That's not what her birth certificate says. I understand you signed your rights away from her but right now we have no one to take her in." A dumb-folded Nathan sat at the bottom of the stairs couldn't believe what he had heard. "I'll be there in 10." He quickly said as he ended the call rushing towards his room to grab some clothes and shoes, taking a quick look at the time 2:35am.

Due to him rushing around the place he woke Haley up, "what are you doing?" She asked him making him come a sudden stop he looked at her and his face was completely pale, "apparently I have a daughter who is sat in a cell at the station." He was honest after everything the two had been through he thought that was the best option. Serval emotions passed Haley face, first was anger she assumed he had cheated but then the child would have only been a few years old so they wouldn't end up in a cell making her confused, and then she realised this girl had to be old enough to be held accountable for but wasn't of the age of adult to a parents or guardian need to be there which left her with sadness. As she stood up and started to find out jeans and a top Nathan looked at her curiously, "I'll call Skill get him to watch Jamie." Haley informed Nathan as she stood up and walked out the room towards the bathroom.

Back in the cell the two teens had fallen quiet for the first time that night, anyone would think they where asleep but none their dreams where full of the worst nightmares, parts from real life parts where the dream had taken control and messed with reality, "think we're really going back to juvie?" RJ asked her foster brother, "that was the aim wasn't it?" He asked her both had discovered it was actually better than some of the homes they had been in. "Yeah, I know." The brunette haired girl sighed, it wasn't hard for people to believe they were brother and sister, the two looked awfully alike. Brown hair, brown eyes, similar heights they just matched each other. "Looked we will be alright okay?" The young male said as he grabbed her hand slightly giving it a squeeze. "It's you and me against the world right, Will?" RJ said with a smile on her face, their lives were pain and heartache yet sat in a cold cell, with a itchy blanket draped over their legs looking at her foster brother, "always RJ." Both letting themselves fall asleep, the weight of the last two days stress almost washing away.

Unknown to the two delinquents Nathan and Haley where stood at the front desk waiting on sheriff Jackson. As the Sheriff walked from his desk at the back towards the front having heard the doors open he saw Scott parents of Jaime, "hello Nathan, Haley." He spoke as he put his hand out to shake theirs to which they did. As he then guided them towards his office to break some very heavy news. The two took a seat as the man shut the door behind them sighing making his way over to the desk with the files on there already. "Nathan I need to ask you. Did you know a Molly Jade?" Now that name took Nathan back, the young girl who had big brown eyes and dark  use to live in the house next door, home schooled, traveled a lot with her parents until they magically uplifted and moved without a word to anyone around. Nodding his head at the sheriff for the man to continue, as the sheriff then opened up a file they came into view of a police record and at the top a picture of a young girl.

"That's Raven Jade." The sheriff said as he passed the photo to the couple, Nathan could already see the resemblance of himself in the girl, but waited for the man to continue before voicing anything for fear of being wrong, "after she was born her mother sighed the birth certificate and named her....only then to sign her rights away from her." This made Nathan look up at the sheriff, the Molly he knew would never have done that, "if she signed her rights away why wasn't I informed?" Nathan almost stuttered out, "you were." The sheriff told the basket ball player, "because you were underage they contacted your father." The youngest Scott brother knew exactly where this was going once his father was mentioned, "as you weren't emancipated at the time your father had rights over you. He signed your rights to the girl away. Claiming you weren't fit to look after her."

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