Chapter five

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2 weeks that's 14 days a total of 336 hours of which Will Heart and Raven Jade had been missing

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2 weeks that's 14 days a total of 336 hours of which Will Heart and Raven Jade had been missing.

After the two had legged it out the door, Lucas and Nathan had tried to catch up with them but they were just to quick. They had searched for them day and night, everywhere they had been picked up in the arrest reports, possible homeless hideouts but no they were nowhere in sight anyone would think the two didn't exist.

Some that leaves the question of where had the two young trouble makers ended up? One thing about growing up with nothing, you meet others who grew up the same. Many had been in the system and then left as they reached a certain age, these friends had allowed them to couch surf until they where certain no one was looking for them. As nightfall had dawned on them deciding know one would be looking for them they decided they could sneak in a quick surf, something they hadn't gotten round to doing for a while.

"Come on," Will said to his foster sister shaking her shoulders "it will be fun, me and you. Just the waves." Encouraging her this was a good idea, since leaving the Scott residence she had been feeling down on her luck, finally a family opened their arms to allow them in and what do they do? Rob their old clothes and eat their food. Borrowing their friends swim suits Raven reluctantly nodded her head, quickly changing and grabbing two boards running towards the sea, paddling out to the middle of the water not to far out from land but enough to float in the middle far away from their problems.

Laying on her board looking up at the sky Raven realise the peacefulness of everything, unlike the raging storm happening blow the board quickly snapping out of her thoughts as she sees Will heading towards the waves, rushing over to join him. Dropping in on his wave, smirking as she heard him yelling at her, for those 30 seconds or less she was free, skimming her finger tips over the surface of the water as the wave began to curl above her as she crouched down, letting out a breath as she got to the end before it crashed Raven thought she was clear. The wave caught the end of her board sending her into the water however what the two hadn't realised because the signs had been taken down she had gotten herself caught in a rip, dragging her further and further down into the depths of nothing. Darkness. Alone.

As Will caught his next wave without his foster sister dropping in he looked around realising she was nowhere to be seen, looking over at the beach thinking she might be waiting for him there but she wasn't. They had a rule, no leaving each other in the sea ever, especially if they were surfing. This made Will panic as he quickly stuck his head under the water to see an unconscious RJ being pulled back and forwards in the water. Without thinking twice, Will dived into the water, swimming as fast as he could but the tide was making it difficult as if he was pushing through concrete. As he was starting to get blurred vision himself he saw the tide change pushing her in his direction a fraction, Will used this to his advantage grabbing onto her finger tips locking their hands together using his last strength to push them to the surface.

 As he was starting to get blurred vision himself he saw the tide change pushing her in his direction a fraction, Will used this to his advantage grabbing onto her finger tips locking their hands together using his last strength to push them to th...

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