Season 8 Episode 17

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It was early the next morning, the teens were helping clean the house

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It was early the next morning, the teens were helping clean the house. It was the little things they could do to help Haley as she was coming close to her due date. The day after the teens found out they were having a sister it all felt very to real, the felt a need to distance themselves. It was like they were recoiling into their old selves, both teens had memories of families getting younger kids and then kicking them out because who wanted a teenager? However their fears of being outcasted were quickly pushed away when Nathan took them out for the day, it was the first time the man had really seen them vulnerable in the few years he had been taking care of them.

So while the teens tided they heard Haley in the kitchen, the woman was getting a glass of water however she managed to knock it over spilling the contents onto the floor. The teens heard the water against the cold flooring and rushed to the kitchen, thinking it was Haley water that had broken.

The two teens looked at each other, "I'll get the bag." RJ as she sprinted up to her parents room.

"That leaves me with mom." Will said as he felt nervous, the boy walked into the kitchen as saw his mom, "okay mom all you have to do is breathe." The boy said. Haley looked at her eldest son confused until she saw the water doing the front of her and on the floor, she knew he thought she was having the baby, in doing so the woman let the scene unfold as she fake winced in pain, "RJ is getting your bag, Jamie is out, your shoes are by the back door and I have my keys to the truck we already filled it with a pillow incase." The boy ranted of a check list as he guided his mom towards the door as his sister came down the stairs holding her hospital bag.

However, before they reached the door Haley started to laugh. This made the teens look at her confused especially when she stopped walking. RJ turned to her mom, "no, no, no you can't stop. Okay? Hospital that way." She said as she pointed towards the door.

The mother just let out another laugh, "I'm not going into labour." She told the teens. With how quick the teens looked at her she thought they may have managed to get whiplash, "I still a glass of water." As she pointed to the now empty glass on the side.

Will let out the biggest breathe he was holding in, "oh thank god" the boy said as he dragged a hand down his face, "that was cruel to let us think you had mom." The boy complained as they made their way to the sofa.

"It's so sweet you two have everything planned incase your here though." Haley told her eldest kids as she kissed their heads.

Suddenly a smirk came across RJ features, "isn't aunt Quinn on her way round?"

A plan had been formed.

Quinn had come round to keep an eye on Haley incase she went into early labour as the woman was close to her due date, plus who doesn't enjoy hanging around their family.

So right now the teens were in hiding with a video camera filing Quinns reaction to Haley water 'breaking'. As the toaster popped up with whatever Quinn had put inside the woman started to sing a cheesy commercial song while pouring some type of syrup from a packet, "Toaster pastry, you taste so good and yummy, toaster pastry, get into my tummy, frosting doodle on my strudel and now I'm gonna eat you up."

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