Chapter two

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Maybe they can be saved

Anger. It's a powerful emotion caused by the adrenal glands that flood the body with stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. There are three types of anger which help shape how we react in a situation that makes us angry. These are: Passive Aggression, Open Aggression, and Assertive Anger. And right now every form was burning inside Nathan Scott but he had to keep his cool for now because a young girl was unknowingly counting on him.

"As you were emancipated you probably could get this over turned and explain it was your fathers doing." The sheriff explained, he had hear all the stories about the Scott family and understood that Dan Scott was a real piece of work. "I'll show you where she is." Jackson said to the couple, "however I must warn you she isn't by herself." This made Nathan and Haley confused, "Raven foster brother Will Heart is with her. You won't separate the two where one is so is the other, she won't leave him" This made Nathan glad she had someone life until the sheriff continued his sentence as he looked down at the reports, "they rob together, fight together and have even been to juvie at the same time."

"I'm sorry did you say she's been in juvie?" Nathan asked feeling shocked from this development, as the sheriff nodded his head. "She had to many strikes and the finial one was taking a baseball bat to her foster dads car." Sheriff Jackson read of the paper as Nathan looked at Haley both now feel sceptical which the sheriff picked up one "she's a good kid. Look I'm going to play this back to you but don't tell anyone." Jackson sighed as he got the film from the cells earlier that evening.

Nathan and Haley look at the computer screen seeing two brunette teens leaning against opposite end of the wall, legs hidden under a blanket, the eerie quiet was eventually broken by the young girl brunette who Nathan quickly realised was Raven. "Think we're really going back to juvie?" Raven asked the boy sitting on the same bench as her, "that was the aim wasn't it?" The brunette male asked the girl in return. "Yeah, I know." The brunette haired girl sighed as she played with the end of the blanket. "Look we will be alright okay?" The young male said as he reached over grabbed her hand slightly giving it a squeeze. "It's you and me against the world right, Will?" Raven said with a smile on her face, "always RJ."

"They want to go back?" Haley asked almost shocked at what they had heard as the sheriff just nodded his head all of them couldn't believe the horrors the teens must have seen if juvenile detention centre was better for them to be than a foster home. "We'll take them." Haley said without hesitation making Nathan snap his head at her as if she had spoken some foreign language. "I'm not leaving them here. I saw Lucas grow up without a dad I'm not doing that to her. And if Will is part of the package then I don't think Jamie would say no to an older brother." Thinking of the youngest Scott back at home as it was still the early hours of the morning.

The sheriff was beyond pleased, thinking to himself maybe just maybe he'd saved the two troubled teens from their own chaos brooding beneath the surface. As he left to fetch the two Nathan turned to Haley, "are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked her wondering what sort of resentment the young girl was going to feel towards him like he does to his own father. "They are two children who need to be loved, so far they've just been tossed aside." Haley spoke putting a stop to whatever question where to come her way.

Although not many questioned would be asked as they heard conversation coming closer to the door, "look man it's Friday night, your tired, I'm tired how about we call it a night, me and my sister will be on our way." From a male as well as snickers, "yeah come in Jackson you booked us last night just put x2 on the end." Along with a slapping sound they assumed was a high five as laughter continued, Nathan shuck his head at their sense of humour. "Oh no I have a special treat for you two." Sheriff Jackson told the two as they entered the room without seeing Nathan or Haley. "Their making an up an extra cell in jail for us?" RJ asked innocently with a smirk, "maybe we can room together." Will respond without missing a beat using the same innocent act she was.

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