Chapter four

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Mother hen

Happiness, created by  the chemicals in the brain know as dopamine is often referred as the reward or pleasure chemical, "That to truly know happiness is to know the fleeting nature of everything, joy, pain, safety and happiness itself" - Miriam Toews.

It was fair to see that the two teens sitting at the Scott family table understood that meaning down to the last second, which was why they were now looking for an escape plan out of the house, for fear this had all but been a dream and they were going to wake up back in the cell they originally fell asleep in. If they had ever read the story of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe they would probably described it if they had found their own Narnia. But with every fairytale there's always a villain. In the teens case it was reality, to them Nathan and Haley were just being kind enough to offer them food but would then ship them off to someone else because they couldn't handle them. However unknown to the two delinquents it was going to be a lot harder to get rid of them.

As they had now finished their food, Haley was taking the plates to the sink to clean as the two teens where looking at the door, Nathan thought they may bolt any moment but it seemed as if they were worried someone was going to come and take them as he watched their fingers curl around the chair as if to keep themselves planted their. Deciding to break them out of their own tournament, "hey why don't you go shower, change and then we can all do something?" He offered the teens who only looked down at their clothes. "These are the only clothes we have" Will spoke up, Haley had heard what was said and couldn't take it any more and dropped the plate it breaking in the sink, however she didn't get round the coroner in time to watch them flinch at the sound, but Nathan did. "Okay, come on." She said to the two as she made her way behind them putting a hand on their shoulders, she had given up Nathan's way of treading lightly, she was going full mother hen. With a forceful but gentle grip she guide the two up the stairs, Nathan couldn't help but sigh having felt this coming since she saw them on the computer screen. As Haley guided them up the stairs and to two bathroom, "go jump in the shower, I will get you some clothes I'm sure we have some old clothes from mine and Nathan's teen days around here somewhere." There was no room for argument even though the teens shuck their head at the women, "don't argue with me on this you won't win. Shower now" she pointed at the bathrooms, "leave your clothes by the door and unlocked I will come grab them to wash and replace." With that the teens made their way into separate bathrooms.

Pealing away the dirty clothes they had been wearing for a few days, and dumping them by the door as they had been instructed to do, in either room they turned to look at themselves in a mirror for the first time in a while. They weren't surprised to see their bodies littered with bruises some old, some new.

Haley walked into hers and Nathan's room, going through boxes until she found out something for them to wear, just a couple of T-shirt and jeans along with underwear, a old but hardly warn sports bra for Raven. As she opened the doors, she quickly swapped over the clothes. Before making her way down the stairs to Nathan. "I can't believe this was all they had. Literally the clothes on their backs" she said pulling up Wills top that had holes in, she'd be surprised it would last a wash. "Did you have to go mother hen?" Nathan asked her in response, as his approach had been acting as if he wasn't to bothered, which had managed to convince them to come to breakfast, as Haley went through their jeans to make sure there wasn't anything they shouldn't wash but pulled out something else. Two bags containing something they shouldn't be, weed and pills but that wasn't all in Raven jacket was a pack of cigarettes. "Clearly I should have." Haley spoke slowly as she turned around to Nathan showing him what was in the bags and the cigs, all he could do was sigh and run a hand through his hair. They'd already dealt with Deb and her drug addiction, now they had possibly had two teens to deal with, "don't make it a big deal yet, we need to get them to trust us" Nathan told Haley which she nodded in agreement, as Nathan took the objects and placed them high up on a shelf only he could reach.

Not long the two teens then made their way back down the stairs with wet hair clinging to their faces, stood in-front of the adults were almost two different teens, now longer had blood or grim smeared on their faces, the dark clothes were replaced with blue denim jeans, and light coloured tops. What surprised Nathan was Ravens hair was actually curly instead of straight. But what did catch his eyes were her shaking hands, he now didn't know if it was nervous or drugs as he watch her eyeing their clothes choosing not to bring it up at that moment "I hear you two Will playing basketball?" Almost out of nowhere Nathan produce a basketball from behind his back, let's go shoot some hoops and we can look at getting you some more clothes and stuff later.

Will was starting to feel unsure about this hole thing, people weren't this nice without a price, "ok what's the deal?" He asked out of nowhere making Nathan stop mid step and Haley turn to look at him, "you track us down, feed us and give us clothes. What do you want in return?" Now standing next to Raven protectively.

"We don't want anything in return other than two happy, healthy teens. This" Nathan said as he pointed around the house, "isn't going anywhere. Your options are juvie or giving us a chance."

But what shocked Nathan was what was said next from, "but you didn't want me in the beginning so why do you want me, us now." Nathan looked at the girl and could physically feel her heart break, "I waited for you! For years!" He watched as the tears pooled behind the girls eyes, "you know what they tell you? Suck it up your alone now, unwanted and unloved so please figure us for thinking you now all of a sudden care."

Just at the moment the front door was open wide as Lucas Scott walked in to see two bruised up teens, a crying Haley and a angry Nathan but he could tell his anger wasn't directed at them, he pieced together what was going on from what Skills had told him, the brunette girl was Nathan unknown daughter and her foster brother.

But what this allowed the teens to do was run... same as at the station, the legged it over the couch jumping it like a hurdles, Will was already out the door when Lucas caught on fo what was happening standing in front of the door to block Raven from living she skidded underneath his legs, picked herself back up and ran after Will who had his hand out to her which she grabbed onto.

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