Season 5 Ep 9, 10 & 11

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For tonight you're only here to know

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For tonight you're only here to know

Finally game day, ravens vs lasalle. As RJ and Will walked round corridors all the cheerleaders wearing there cheer uniform as the teen Scott's had their letterman jackets on.

As everyone got into there basketball uniforms, RJ was starting to feel the nervous she'd never played in front of her dad and that's who she was more nervous about, knocking on the boys door doing a special knock that her and Quentin made up to basically ask if they were all dressed and decent, he opened the door wrapping his arm around the girl Scott, walking her over to sit by Jamie, whom was extremely pleased to see his brother and sister play. "Alright let's go listen up." Skills said over the music they were all listening too, RJ looked up to see her dad and both uncles in smart dress suits, she tried her best not to laugh especially when Nathan sent her a small glare telling her to listen.

"For years ago we won a state championship. Since then there's been a lot of losing. But this is a new team and this is your house. Good teams win at home. Every game. And this is a good team. Believe in that. Believe in each other. It all starts tonight, boys" Lucas stated before turning to his niece sending her a wink, "and girl." Everyone started high-fiving each other agreeing it was their night to win, but Lucas wasn't finished, "a new team deserves a new look." Skills pulls out a two new tops, one a girls which he gave to Nathan to pass to his daughter, Nathan inspected it first it at Scott written on the back which made him smile and then Skills pulled out a men's while muttering that's they should now win half of their games for looking good, "Jamie Scott." Lucas called out to his youngest nephew, making the room stop their cheering, "you'd better suit up too son." Before chucking him a top with Scott on the back.

Lucas told RJ to quickly change tops in his office which she did as she opened the door she came face to face with her dad, "I just wanted to say good luck and whatever happens I'm proud of you." Before he brought her in for a hug.

So now walking through the gym doors in their uniform was the tree hill basketball team, with Skills, Lucas and Nathan leading the way as well as Jamie if you looked down at the ground.

It was fair to say the game did go well as the team won but that wasn't what they took away from the experience, it was the first time they played as a team, all together as one and for the first time the team had RJs back as she scored baskets.

Season 5 Episode 10

Walking into the House Nathan had his arm around his eldest kids as Jamie raced in, "Ravens Win! Mommy ravens win!" He then rushed off to the kitchen with his siblings following behind in need of a cold drink. Nathan looked around for Haley, "that's weird. I thought mommy would have beat us home by now." Just as Nathan's phone rang the teens and Jamie could only here his part of the conversation, "hey...yeah um, what happened? Where are you?" If only the teens could hear Haley they would have know the reason she wasn't at the game was because she got locked in a library with Linsey, Peyton, Brooke and Mia the new girl who sighed with Peyton record label. "Alright well I'm just about to put Jamie to bed, the teens are" Nathan looked over to see they had cuddled up into each other and fallen asleep on the sofa, "already asleep on the couch" he sighed with a smile, "and then I'm gonna take a shower. Oh and Haley I love you."

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