Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly


629 31 4
By AshleyH713

Four Years Ago

Hikari: Age 16

One year before Valkyrie


Content Contains Dark Themes. Might be triggering to some

Lifting her hands towards the sky to try and touch the clouds, Hikari gasped to herself before pointing at the little puffy shaped one in front of her. "Touya, look! That one looks like a giant ice cream. Do you see it?"

Kicking her feet slightly in excitement, the girl giggled from her spot laying on the floor only to find Touya giving a light hearted chuckle back. "Are you sure you're not just hungry?"

HIkari felt herself puff her cheeks out in annoyance at that, her lips turning down in a frown before lifting a hand and pushing him by the shoulder with a huff. "N-No! I really see it. It's right there.."

The white haired boy only rolled his eyes though. "Sure sure, whatever. I get it already."

Knowing he still hadn't believed her, Hikari then lifted her arms back up towards the sky in exasperation. "If you don't think so then tell me, what do you see?"

He was silent for a moment, turning towards the girl who wasn't paying attention before his heart twisted in all the best and worst possible ways.

It had been three years since his little breakdown and Hikari had still vowed to never leave his side, foolishly might he add. No, in fact this idiot took the job as his friend ever so seriously, the two now meeting at least once a week to get away from their hellish lives.

And as much as Touya didn't want to admit it, it felt nice. Being able to have a place to come to, being listened to and respected. It was something the boy had never had before and the very idea carved into his lonely soul.

Sure, staying with her was selfish, so incredibly selfish. So much so that at first the boy promised he'd only indulge himself with these meetings once or twice and then never see her again. That would've been better for everyone involved.

But as days grew from months into years, Touya found himself coming to this rooftop even more, to see her goofy childish grin and hear that sweet beautifully gentle voice he longed for.

She was like a drug in all the most lethal and addicting ways, and this idiot didn't even know it. No, Hawks' sister still seemed to be as oblivious as always.

Feeling his voice soften without permission, Touya then stared at his newfound self with a gentle nature he didn't know he possessed.

How could he look at some stupid clouds when the most interesting thing was already lying beside him? "Well, right now all I see is an idiot."

Not understanding the implications of his words, Hikari only turned with annoyance only to find his ever constant cerulean gaze, staring so intensely that it made her flush with embarrassment.

Why was he looking at her like that?

Hikari then forced herself to turn away from him, staring back at the sky with a roll of her eyes in order to hide her reddened cheeks. "Vey funny, Touya. You know that's not what I meant."

She heard his usual little chuckle next to her a moment later, making her heart do an unnecessary flip inside her chest as he beamed. "No, but my answer was way better than yours."

Hikari couldn't help but linger on it, knowing that Touya's emotions were much more easily displayed to her now. When they first met he always seemed to try to shut himself down but now the two seemed way more comfortable with each other.

And Touya's little chuckle was one of the things Hikari loved to hear the most, the utter genuine nature of it ever telling as she felt herself twist her lips into her own smile. "How can it be better when you didn't even answer the question?"

Feeling his body shift, Hikari then widened her eyes when the ever distant clouds were suddenly covered by Touya's body, the boy placing a hand by her head to brace himself as he hovered above her.

His look played then with a mischievous grin before leaning down with a lowered, slightly raspy tone. "It got you flustered though, didn't it?"

As her brain practically malfunctioned at his words, her tiny reddened cheeks seemed to spread to her entire face before she felt her head spin, slapping her hands to cover her face.

Speaking with a heavy stutter, Touya heard her obviously distressed words from under her muffled palms a moment later. "Ahhh! Stop teasing me! You know I get embarrassed easily!"

He only found amusement in her reaction though, seeing as she peeked over the top of her handmade shield only for him to grin. Ah, she's so cute, so easy to tease. "Yeah I know, that's part of the fun."

Puffing her cheeks out in frustration, Hikari then lifted one of her hands and sloppily slapped it over his face, roughly pushing the surface away as he laughed. That jerk, he was messing with her on purpose. "You're ridiculous."

Touya hardly cared though, already used to her antics. "Better get used to it, Princess."

Yet that's when the boy spotted something concerning, grabbing onto her arm in the next second only to rotate it with a fixed serious expression.

There he found a small scar, trailing across the upperpart of her forearm as Touya couldn't help but frown, running a singular finger across it only for Hikari to flitch at the lingering pain. "This one's new."

Already knowing what he was talking about, Hikari eyes saddened in memory of her training just hours prior before perking up like nothing was wrong. "O-Oh yeah. But you'll be proud of me, the last training session I only broke like three bones! That's progress, dontcha think?"

Touya didn't really look proud though, only staring at the scar with an unreadable expression as he thought about what she had been going through the last couple years.

Yeah, he wasn't an idiot. He knew about Riku and her training. He knew everything, mostly because Hikari would tell him everything. Sometimes she'd even show up crying when days were a little too rough for her.

He knew it was none of his business but everytime he saw a new scar or lingering effect, Touya's heart couldn't help but twist with unnecessary displeasure.

Hikari seemed to realize what he was thinking though, dropping her fake perky tone only to lift a hand up and cup his cheek with a sigh. "Don't give me that look. You know I need to do this to be stronger. Besides, you're one to talk. I don't nag you about your scars."

And that was something else.

Touya knew he couldn't judge her for her choices, given that he was pushing himself like she was. The two were kind of in the same boat after all and telling his friend to stop training was just as hypocritical as if she said the exact same words.

So much so that he slapped her hand away a moment later, letting go of her arm before pushing himself back to the sitting position he occupied before. "You're making things up, Princess. I don't care about stuff like that. I was just pointing it out, that's all."

He was thankful when she didn't linger on the moment, Hikari turning her head to look at him from over her shoulder. "How's that going by the way? Have you made any progress with Endeavor?"

All at once, she watched as Touya's eyes seemed to grow darker at the statement, the girl already knowing how much pain his family brought him.

Pushing his hands into a fist, the boy then glanced to the floor before answering, his voice far more emotional than moments before. "I just need to try harder, that's all. I doubled my workout yesterday."

Already knowing he was giving his everything for his dream, Hikari then forced herself to her feet before dusting off her clothes and looking out towards the setting sun. "Well, keep your chin up, I just know he'll notice you someday."

He couldn't help but raise an eye at that, looking up at the girl with question. It wasn't like he doubted his goals but she always seemed to believe in them like nothing. "What makes you so sure?"

Yet that's when she turned around to face him, smiling beaming with so much pure honesty that it made Touya's heart flip. "Because, I think you're pretty great. To me you are the best hero out there."

The scene looked like a damn painting, Hikari standing in the middle of the setting sun as she said such passionate and foolish words. It was like she really believed them, like nothing else could be the truth other than that.

No one had ever called him a hero before either, so hearing it from her lips was something Touya didn't know how to process, his mouth dropping open like a damn idiot, a loss for words. "Y-You don't really believe that, do you?"

Putting her hands on her hips, Hikari couldn't help but huff, the genuine honesty in her tone never dissipating. "Of course I do. If anyone deserves to be a hero, it's you Touya. I believe it with my whole heart, that you are. In fact you can count me as your number one supporter!"

Sure, those words should have made Touya happy, they should've given him encouragement for his training. And yeah, they did do that, but they also brought a wave of overflowing shame with it.

Mostly because of the inevitable fate that they would share in the future, the one that the boy couldn't ignore no matter how much he tried. The real reason why he saved her that day, the reason why she thought of him as her savior.

How could he tell her it was all bullshit?

Realizing the mood had shifted, Hikari then looked down at her friend before Touya spoke a set of words she had never heard before. "Stop saying shit like that already. I can't take it anymore."

His eyes played in a chaos unknown to the girl, Hikari taking a step forward in question. "What do you mean?"

Then she watched him suck in a heavy breath before balling his hands into fists, purposely looking down at the ground. "Saying I'm a hero, saying that I'm this good person. What if it turns out I'm not anything like that. What if, I'm not this person you've built up in your mind? What if...I'm not as great as you think..."

And as the air turned silent, Touya closed his eyes, dreading whatever response his friend would give. She was probably deciding whether to abandon him or not, just like his family had done.

He knew where this was coming from in the first place as well. Hikari was just lonely for her idiot brother, that's why she was projecting this kind of hero facade on him. He was a replacement, plain and simple. That's why she tolerated him all these years.

That must have been it and he just took advantage of her lonely heart.

Because there was no other way she would've wanted to stay with someone like him.

Ah well, maybe it was for the best. With her gone he wouldn't have to worry about the plan anymore. He wouldn't have to worry about breaking her heart in the future.

Yes, her leaving would just be a blessing in disguise, that way she'd never know his sins.

Yet that's when the bird lifted her arms up before making a large X with her arms, speaking back automatically. "Wrong!"

This caused Touya to pause with surprise, finally looking up. "What?"

Smiling to herself, Hikari then collapsed her hands behind her back before beaming back with that same sickening honesty she always seemed to possess, the one that made his head spin and heart hurt all at once.

"What you said can't be true because to me, you are and will alway be my hero. You are Todorok​​i Touya, one of the most important people in my life, one of the people I care about the most. No matter what happens, that will never change."

Feeling his own eyes widened at her declaration, Touya felt his hands start to smoke and spark with flames for a millisecond before his entire face turned a light shade of embarrassing red.

He didn't expect her to say it like that. In fact, he hadn't expected her to completely reject his words of warning like that.

Quickly placing a hand to his face to cover his own surprise, the boy then turned away, his happiness unmatched as his selfish heart seemed to twist and turn all at once.

Then he realized he couldn't get rid of her now, not when she was saying things like this, things that he had always wanted, things he desired more than anything.

So instead, Touya chose to live in the fantasy of her always accepting him, muttering back a choppy response. "You have really shitty taste."

Hikari couldn't help but find asumenent in his sentence though, lifting her wings up as they blocked the sun with a small chuckle. "Shitty taste for a shitty bird, am I right?"

Knowing she had used his nickname for her, Touya's lips couldn't help but turn upwards in a smirk as he finally found the composure to turn back around. "Yeah, I guess so, huh?"

Just then, Hikari's phone began to ring in her back pocket, the girl turning her eyes in confusion before answering the surface with a small "Hello?"

A sharp chill couldn't help but run up her spine at the response, Riku's voice echoing through her immediately. "Ah, there's the birdie I wanted to hear. I'll cut this short, I've been impressed by your advancements in your training and think it's time to use you in the field."

Widening her eyes at the information, Hikari felt her head start to spin. Wait, Riku was letting her in on a mission? He finally saw her as strong?! She finally did it?!

Not knowing how to respond, Hikari remained silent before the leader responded back a second later, almost like he already knew she'd agree. "I'll take your silence as understanding. Meet back at the compound so we can discuss your role. If you fail to show then there will be serious repercussions. That is all Takami."

And just like that, Riku hung up a moment later, leaving Hikari stunned as her friend couldn't help but notice her spaced out aura. "Hellooo? Earth to Princess, you in there?"

Yet that's when the girl seemed to snap back to life, running forward before practically knocking Touya over as she shouted towards him all at once. "Oh my god, Touya, Touya, Touya, won't believe simply can't believe it!!"

Touya only seemed confused though, leaning back as he tried to get some distance from the overexcited bird who was bouncing up and down on her knees "Okay okay okay, spit out already woman! You're gonna have an aneurysm like that."

Realizing she hadn't actually said the actual reason for the excitement, Hikari's eyes blinked with clarity only to reach down and grab onto her friend's shirt, shaking him around like a crazy person as she beamed.

"Riku told me I was strong enough to be out in the field, I finally did it! I'm going on my first mission!! I can finally stop training!!"

The boy seemed to register her words immediately, blinking in disbelief as a small wave of jealousy couldn't help but enter his throat at the idea. He was working just as hard as her, so why did she get recognized first?

In fact, he had been busting his ass and training for far longer than her and yet she was the one that was accepted, not him? It wasn't fair. Why did a literal villain seem more accepting than his father, aka the number two hero?

It was bullshit, the whole idea of it was god damn bullshit.

Hikari seemed to notice his distaste though, immediately slapping herself mentally as she thought about his own struggles and backtracking. "O-Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to brag. Of course you'd be upset about it. I'm sorry, just forget I said anything.."

Although the more he watched her jump up and down like a puppy, the more her wings extended and fluffed with overwhelming joy, Touya felt his shoulder's slump.

Yes, he was upset with the fact that Hikari accomplished her goal first, but he couldn't help but sigh for whatever reason. Touya had seen her scars firsthand after all.

He knew how bad she wanted this after all.

He couldn't be angry after seeing her like this.

Perhaps this was just some sort of karma, given the unsavory and destructive path he had forced her down, an eternal punishment for the choices in his life.

Yeah, that had to be it.

Reaching his hand forward, Touya then placed a warm hand on her head before a gentle tone escaped his lips. "Good job, Princess. You deserve it."

Hikari felt his gentleness all at once, knowing that it took a lot for him to be proud of someone. And the fact that he was proud of her spoke volumes in itself.

It made her feel like she could do anything and everything.

And even though Hikari didn't know the extent of what would happen that night, she still couldn't help but be happy with the mere idea that she was now in the same league as her big brother.

Just watch me, Kei-chan. Watch me reach you, all by myself.


When Hikari reached Riku's compound, she wiggled herself in between his followers before the red haired man seemed to notice her presence and lift a beckoning finger in her direction. "There you are Takami, come here."

Gulping at the sudden attention, everyone seemed to turn to her only for Hikari to shrink. That was one the biggest drawbacks of sharing her fathers last name, it being so painfully obvious that she was the old boss's daughter.

It brought a lot of unnecessary eyes, that was for sure.

She then moved to the center of the circle reluctantly before Riku spoke again. "Now, your role will be one of the most important in the raid. Do you think you can handle it?"

Already feeling her nerves get the best of her, Hikari couldn't help but turn her head in confusion. "What do you want me to do?"

Riku was happy to clarify though, moving over to a file on the desk next to him. "Nothing you aren't used to. We will start you off easy since this will be your first mission. All you have to do is provide the distraction, just like how you used to as a child."

The words couldn't help but bring a horrible nostalgia into her ears. He wanted her to be a distraction, just like her dad always wanted.

Her skin began to crawl just thinking of all the lies she told as a small seven year old child to make her father happy. Could she really do that again, did she have the heart?

And even still, the term felt bitter on her tongue. "You want me to be a distraction?"

Nodding back, the leader then picked up the file before throwing it in Hikari's direction, causing the girl to just barely catch the object before it hit the ground. "Precisely. Take this file and remember it well. This is the target you must engage with. His quirk can alert other individuals and we can't have that. I need you to lead him away from the ballroom while we complete the job. He can't know what's going on."

HIkari then opened the files only to find a list of facts and a small picture of a man in his early twenties. He looked to be some kind of foregin rich guy from the looks of it, his entire aura giving her authoritative mannerisms.

Louis Kadamada.

That was her target.

The girl then looked up from the photo with a new question. It had been years since working with her father after all. "How do you want me to do that?"

Riku seemed to tire of her unsure attitude though, his tone slightly rougher than usual as Hikari jumped in her own skin. "That's for you to figure out. Enough with the questions. I gave you the assignment. I expect you to follow it through, without complications, understand? If you ruin this then I'll have no choice but to double your training sessions."

Feeling her heart squeeze inside her chest, Hikari's eyes flashed with fear, terrified of his words. She could barely take his regular training, neither mind double. He knew that would surely break her.

And as she nodded her head at the orders, she couldn't help as a small scared stutter slipped from her lips. "I-I understand. I won't disappoint you."

Riku didn't seem to care though, only turning around with his followers as he lifted his jeweled cane upwards with unsaid warning. "I should hope not. Now, take this and prepare yourself Takami."

Just then, one of the men seemed to throw something in her direction, Hikari squeaking with surprise before she just barely caught the fabric in her hands.

Holding it upwards, the girl's eyes then widened at a simple dress between her fingers. It was beige in color, almost matching the girl's skin tone with a low cut front as it trailed to the ground in a simple elegant line.

Hikari couldn't help but twist her eyes in confusion at this, causing Riku to question. "What is it now?"

The bird couldn't help but flitch at his tone, the darker aura forcing herself to draw into herself as she quietly responded. "N-Nothing, I just...isn't this a little revealing?"

The leader only narrowed his eyes though, obviously displeased by the defiance. "Are you questioning the nature of my judgement, Takami?"

Feeling her skin shiver at the coldness in his voice, Hikari immediately shook her head, not wanting to be hurt again like in her training sessions. "N-No! No, not at all. I was just.."

Immediately speaking over her, Riku snapped. "You were just what?"

Hikari felt the unsaid threat immediately, flinching at the words before forcing her head into a bow of respect. One word from him and she'd be out of the street again after all. "N-Nothing sir.."

And it seemed like he knew this, the boss lowering his shoulders at her compliance before tapping two fingers onto his cane with authority. "I thought not. Now, hurry on little birdie. I expect great things, Takami."

And just like that, Hikari knew she couldn't mess this up.

She had to make this mission successful, for her own sake.


Standing in the middle of a fancy party, Hikari looked down at her glass of alcohol between her fingers as nerves started to get the best of her. Riku and everyone were already hiding in the crowds so that meant it was up to her to start the job.

It's okay, It's okay, you can do this. You're Takamki's daughter, you've done this before. Stop being such a coward and relax. This is what you wanted, to be stronger, so be stronger.

Then as the sea of people disappeared, she found the man she was looking for, talking to a few unknown people as they gave a hearty laugh from a couple feet away.

And that's when her panic multiplied tenfold. Ah, I can't do this. What am I thinking? This is going to be a disaster. How am I going to distract him? I'm not that interesting!

Yet after a few moments, Hikari forced her emotions down the best she could before shaikly making her way over to the guy, her own legs failing as she wasn't used to heels.

Soon enough, she had entered his bubble, Hikari opening her mouth before the first thing she thought of came pouring out. "So, uhhh come here often?"

Cringing as she heard her own embarrassment, the blonde haired girl felt the need to go crawl into a hole and die. That's like the most clique line ever, what are you thinking?! He's never gonna buy that! It's over, you're so dead. Before you even started also.

Yet for some crazy reason, Louis seemed to find her pathetic exchange amusing, giving a hardy chuckle before scanning the new female. "Actually, not really. Right now I'm just on some business ventures. What about you? Does a beautiful girl such as yourself come here often?"

Wait, that actually worked? No way.

Blinking in surprise, Hikari then felt herself gasp back a response. "O-Oh! Uhh no. This is my first time here. Sorry I guess I'm a little nervous. It's just this place is"

Once again, Louis only seemed to find her nerves charming, taking a step closer and raising an eye. "That's alright, darling. I understand. Not used to this kind of thing, are you?"

Hikari felt shoulders cave at that though, giving the first real response of the night. "Yeah, you have no idea.."

Sucking in a heavy breath, the girl then tried to compose herself before getting down to business. She couldn't just be awkward all day. Riku was watching her. "Anyways, I was hoping that I could hang out with someone so I'm not as nervous. You know, like a buddy?"

The question seemed to cause Louis to pause, staring at Hikari with a question before giving another low chuckle and replying with an outstretched hand. "Alright, I suppose I have time to escort a beauty such as yourself. Let's see if we can loosen you up a little, hmm?"

Feeling slightly uncomfortable at the lewd phrase, she simply brushed away before reaching her hand out to grasp him reluctantly. "Y-Yeah, that sounds really great. But uhhh do you think we could start outside? It's just so crowded here and overwhelming."

That seemed to make Louis even more excited though, purposely moving his hand down to rest on her hip and pull her even closer towards the exit. "As you wish, darling."

Following her pace, the two walked together until they reached a long hallway away from the ballroom before Hikari finally broke away. Alright, that should be far enough away. Now to just keep him here with my stupid small talk.

Doing her best to giggle, the girl then took a few steps away from Louis's wandering eyes before starting a new topic. "So...what brings you to Japan? You said business ventures? That's...super fun..."

Sighing at the topic of business, the blonde haired man muttered. "Yes, I'm just transporting a rather important package. Shouldn't be here for far too long though. Just a day or so."

To that, Hikari couldn't help but turn her gaze away with slight pity. That's the package Riku is trying to steal. Sorry random guy. Looks like you won't be transporting anything anymore.

Realizing she was far too silent, the girl came up with a random response to fill the air. "Oof, that really stinks. You won't even get to see the sights of Japan."

Yet that's when Louis's voice lowered two whole octaves, the very sound causing HIkari to jump with surprise as he stalked closer. "Oh darling, are you offering to be my personal tour guide?"

And as he got closer, the girl felt herself backing up in order to get away from him. She didn't know why but he made her feel really uncomfortable, especially the way he was staring at her like that.

It felt like he was trying to look through her clothes.

"Uhhhh well no. I was just saying that..."

With every step, Louis only seemed to accept the challenge though, moving closer until Hikari's back hit the wall with a heavy thud, leaving her with no room to run anymore.

Reaching forward, his hands then reached up to touch her face, stroking two fingers across her quivering lips as he hummed. "Hmmm? What were you saying, beautiful?"

And as more warning bells started to go off in her head, Hikari only felt her body freeze, Louis's fingers trailing down to her chin only to lift the surface as she was forced to stare into his eyes. "W-What are you doing?"

The foregin man only seemed to find her terror alluring though, his fingers stopping on her red lipstick before rubbing over the surface painfully slow. "What they said was really true. Japanese girls really are the most beautiful, and you are no expectation. I mean, how could I possibly control myself now?"

And as he moved closer, Hikari forced herself to back up into the wall even though there was no space to do so, her head turning away from his disgusting comments with a slight whimper.

Feeling her voice shake with every breath, Hikari forced herself to not break down, knowing that the mission was on the line more than anything. "L-Listen I think you got the wrong idea, I'm not.."

Yet that's when she felt it, the man's lips forcing themselves onto hers.

Pushing his body into hers, Hikari's eyes widened at the motion, feeling his mouth collide with hers unwillingly, Louis moaning into the surface in pleasure as her entire body seemed to freeze completely.

It was like her nerves and brain had stopped functioning, clouded in confusion before a million warning bells forced themselves to go off, causing the girl to let out a gasp in surprise. What was happening!? No, no she didn't want this.

Feeling tears start to prick the corner of her eyes, Hikari tried to move away only for Louis to push himself into her even more, restricting her movements before she lifted her hands up in order to slap him.

Yet he seemed to expect this as well, quickly grabbing onto her wrists and slamming them above her head with a groan of distaste as she was rendered helpless underneath him.

Louis didn't mind though, in fact it seemed like he was enjoying her panicked nature as Hikari whimpered at the very action, his hands traveling lower the longer he kissed her. No, no, get off of me. Stop it, I don't don't want this, not like this.

That's when she felt his tongue force its way into her mouth, the girl choking at the disgusting and violating sensation as the tears in her eyes poured down her cheeks.

All she wanted to do was to get away, but she couldn't, not like this. Kei-chan, I'm scared, I'm so scared. Please, help me. I'm sorry, I'm not strong, I can't do this!!

Opening her eyes with the hope that her brother would appear, Hikari stared at the empty hallway with devastation only for a very familiar red haired man to cross her plan and stop right in front of her.

Feeling a sense of hope in her chest, Hikari then forced her blurry eyes to lock onto Riku's before silently screaming out for help, to get him to stop with man and whatever horrible ideas he had in his mind.

Inside her heart, she screamed and screamed towards the leader, wiggling underneath Louis as more tears poured from her eyes. Oh thank god, Riku please help me....please just get him off...please hear me....I'm begging you...

Yet that's when Riku glanced at the situation at hand only for his lips to curve up into a cruel unfeeling smile before purposely turning away from her in order to finish the mission.

And as she watched him go, Hikari felt her heart shatter into a thousand tiny pieces.

He just left.

He left her there, just like that. Even after he saw her crying out for help, even after she very clearly didn't want this man's touch, Riku just left her alone, alone to be assaulted, alone to be tortured by this man for the sake of a mission.

The shock was something Hikari couldn't fathom as Louis' movements grew even more needy. No, she didn't even notice his body pressing itself closer or the moans of satisfaction he gave as time progressed.

No, instead Hikari was utterly frozen, staring at the empty hallway with numb hurt as silent tears pooled across her cheeks with the reality that no one was ever going to save her.

The reality that she was alone.

It was only when she felt his hands travel lower that Hikari seemed to be forced back into reality, gasping in bolts of fear as Louis's fingers moved under her dress and squeezed her upper thigh with a growl.

Just then, all of the lights in the hallway seemed to go out all at once, causing Louis to finally stop and look up for the first time since his violating actions.

Groups of screams seemed to appear from the ballroom a moment later yet Hikari hardly noticed, forcing her own lethargic body to move in order to get away from him as fast as possible.

Running towards the end of the hall, she heard his voice immediately, Louis shouting before reaching forward and grabbing onto Hikari's forearm with brutal force. "You bitch, were you a part of this?!"

Her skin began to crawl at the contact, the girl immediately pulling back with fear of being violated a second time. "D-Don't touch me!!"

Yet the foreigner was fuming, tightening his hold on her skin, so much so that it started to bruise as Hikari gasped with pain. "Oh I'm gonna do a whole lot more than that. You messed with the wrong person, girlie!! I'm gonna skin you alive for what you did!!"

Feeling her heartbeat pound through her ears, Hikari breathing started to labor before pulling back once more. No, she couldn't do this. She couldn't let him catch her. He was going to touch her again, he was going to hurt her. He was going!!

Suddenly it seemed like something seemed to snap in her mind, all of the feathers on her back sharpening with lethal intent only for them to detached themselves from her body all at once.

Feeling her head start to spin, Hikari then lowered her body, covering her ears at the loud shouts and screaming around the room before shouting at the top of her lungs. "I SAID, LET ME GO!"

Louis widened his eyes at the scene, watching as her feathers barreled towards him all at once before five of the sharpest ones longeded themselves into both of his shoulders, legs and chest.

The others zoomed right past him, just barely missing his body as they forced themselves into the wall behind him, leaving cracks in the plaster like a silhouette around him.

Gasping out in pain, the foregin man then shakily lifted his hands up to the wounds only for a small pool of blood to escape his lips before he fell to the floor in a heavy thud.

At the sound, Hikari forced her eyes open in order to uncover her shaky hands before gazing at the destruction she created for the first time in horrible eerily silence.

Then all at once, the panic seemed to appear, the girl gasping in horror as she placed a shaky hand to her mouth. What just happened? My feathers...they...did they really just...

Taking a shaky step forward, she then touched one of the feathery objects with shock. She had never attacked anyone like this before, not even in her training. How did she even do this? It was almost like she couldn't control them.

Hikari then looked down towards her shaking hands before a newfound shame and fear mixed inside her chest. I hurt a an unfeeling monster...why couldn't I control myself? I hurt him like a villain...but why...I'm not a villain...

She was quickly shaken out of her own thoughts when a slew of voices seemed to grow closer, causing Hikari to immediately gasp when one stopped at the end of the hallway. "Hey, you!! Don't move!!"

Widening her eyes in panic, the girl then felt herself take one step back before shakily putting her hand out in defence. "D-Don't come closer...I can't...I won't be able to control them...I'm sorry..."

Yet her words meant nothing as the group ran closer, causing Hikari to quickly call back all of her feathers and run away down the opposite end of the hall in order to get away.

And as her heart pounded inside her chest, the girl ran through the large mansion out the front steps as Hikari soon realized that Riku's gang was no longer even in the building.

That he had already stolen the item and left her to die all by herself.


When Hikari returned to the compound, she was surprised to find that everyone was already there, all of them talking to themselves about the successful job as the girl trudged through the crowds with her very obviously messed up clothes and dirt-caked clothes.

She looked like a mess compared to all of them and that only made her angry boil even more, knowing she was the only one that suffered for their reward.

How dare they act all happy when she was literally left for dead.

Riku seemed to notice her first, his eyes casting to the unkempt appearance before smiling that same cruel unfeeling smirk as before. "Ah, Takami. I was beginning to think you would disappoint me but here you are. Although, I should expect nothing less from Takami's daughter."

Yet this time Hikari felt bold, she felt furious for the stunt he had pulled, talking back for the first time since meeting him. "You left me."

The red haired man chose to ignore her tone though, blinking once in innocence. "I'm sorry?"

Feeling her teeth grit together with unkempt emotions, Hikari then felt herself growl under her breath. How dare he act like this wasn't a big deal, how dare he sit there with his smug face while she suffered tonight.

She then began to shout in response, lifting her shaky hands outwards. "You left me!! You saw what was happening and you just walked away!! How dare you, leaving me with him, letting him do that to me!! You left me for dead!! What is wrong with you?!"

Riku didn't seem to be bothered though, answering plainly. "I believe I already told you, you were to serve as a distraction. And what a fine one you were tonight."

Yet his words seemed to bring some sort of clarity to Hikari. Why he gave her that revealing dress in the first place, why he called her to be the distraction, why he didn't seem bothered by her being violated.

" knew this was going to happen, didn't you?"

A small bit of silence seemed to be her response, Hikari's eyes widening in shock. He set her up to be the victim, didn't he? He knew about Louis' sickening track record and set her up like a lamb for the slaughter.

This was all his fault. The reason she felt so disgusting, the reason all of this happened, it was his fault.

Riku seemed to confirm the fact a moment later as well. "I called you here so that you could be useful to me, Takami. Is this not what you wanted, to be used out in the field?"

Feeling her blood start to boil, Hikari then felt herself stomp up to her boss before getting into his face with sickening hatred, yelling until her cheeks turned red as she screamed. "Not like this!!! Not so I can be used and violated for your sick orders!! Don't you get it, didn't you see I didn't want it?!!

Yet that's when all of her words were cut off as Riku harshly slapped her across her face, Hikari widening her eyes at the newfound pain before his hands wrapped themselves around her chin and forced her forward.

And when she looked into his eyes, they were nothing but cold, cutting through her confidence and silencing her immediately. "Now listen here you little brat, I don't care what you want or don't want. You are only useful to me by what you can provide. Now, I suggest you shut that pretty little mouth of yours before we have a problem, hmm?"

Gulping at the nature of his voice, Riku continued as his fingers tightened around her jaw all at once. "Don't forget what you are, Takami. I own you, you signed your life to me, remember? That means I can do whatever I want, when I want. You work for me, and I'll use you how I see fit."

The leader then lowered his eyes before twisting his lips into a cynical smirk. "Besides, this is just the start, little birdie. In fact, I'm going to need you to be a good little distraction for me on many, many more jobs in the future."

Widening her eyes at the implications of his words, Hikari began to panic. Did that mean she'd have to do this again?! That she'd have to just sit to let anyone touch her and have her in a way she would never consent?

No, no she couldn't do it. It would break her. Just the idea felt so disgusting and violating in itself. This couldn't be her life, it just couldn't.

Finally finding her voice, Hikari forced herself to speak, stuttering as she felt Riku's fingers tighten even more around her chin with every word. "W-What? No, I don't want to...I won't do this..."

The leader paused at that, looking down at the terrified and shaking bird only to finally give a dark little chuckle before pulling her face even closer to his silent threat. "Fine. If you really disagree then leave. But then that also means you'll be back out on the street, fighting for your life. I give you food, security, your safety. Do you really want to pass all that up?"

That's when Hikari realized she had walked into a trap unknowingly, and that was because he was right.

The only reason she hadn't starved to death was because of Riku, the only reason she wasn't shivering in some alley or scared about crackheads or murderers was because of Riku.

He was pulling the strings on her entire life, keeping her confined in his little bubble and blackmailing her so that she couldn't escape. That's why he offered her safety, strength and security in the first place.

It was so he could take it away if she acted out of line.

And Riku seemed to already know this, his voice turning rather condescending as he mocked her. "I mean really, what's your plan? What are you going to do, run away from here? Don't make me laugh, we both know you have nowhere to go."

Hikari's face began to dim with realization at that, knowing her brother wasn't waiting for her in the slightest or planning on rescuing her from her own personal hell.

He was right, she did have nowhere to go, no one wanted her.

Twisting his lips into that same cruel smile once more, Riku's voice echoed back once again, his eyes playing in villainous intent with that same painful reality she had already known.

"Face it, you're stuck with me birdie, stuck forever. Better get used to it."

The realization was too much, so much so that Hikari felt all of her breathing lodge inside her throat before slapping Riku's hand away from her face and taking a shaky step back.

It felt like all of the walls around her were closing in and she needed to get away.

And so, she ran. She ran out of the compound in order to calm her own erratic heartbeat and suffocating breath as she tried to physically escape a fate that was already decided by Riku.

He watched her go with silence, his eyes playing with amusement only for one of his men to lean forward with question. "You want me to bring her back?"

Yet the leader hardly seemed concerned, Riku only shaking his head before turning away from the door with a cruel chuckle. "No need, she'll return soon enough. That girl already knows who she belongs to after all."


Running through the crowded city streets, Hikari forced herself to continue moving in order not to break down, dodging in between people as she felt the world spin around her. She needed to get out of here, she needed to get away from everything before it destroyed her.

She felt herself cough at the lack of oxygen only to find lean over with a gasp as tears began to blur her vision. Why is this happening to me? I just wanted to be like Kei-chan, I wanted him to love me. Not this, I didn't want this.

After a few moments, Hikari forced herself upwards only to find herself on the very familiar street. Wait, she had been here before...

Twisting her eyes in confusion, the girl then took a shaky step forward only to read a small plate in front of a building that read Todoroki as she froze.

So that's why she knew this place, it was Touya's.

She remembered walking him home a couple times but the girl hardly ever stepped past the entrance, Hikari pausing as a newfound loneliness crept into her soul.

Maybe that's why her feet had carried her unknowingly, because she wanted to see him.

Letting out a shaky breath, Hikari then felt her hand raise upwards in order to knock on the door in front of her, her fingers pausing an inch from the surface as they hovered in silent wait. Come on, just do it. He's your friend, right?

Although just then, a vivid memory seemingly forced its way into her mind, causing Hikari to widen her eyes with realization and the deja vu of the situation.

She recalled herself back as a seven year old child, waiting at the commission to visit her brother after those kids at the orphanage bullied her and called her a villain. Back then all she wanted was to see her brother, for him to tell her that everything was okay.

But then she remembered that her cry for help only seemed to be an annoyance for him, knowing that Keigo had not once answered a letter of hers, even though she had desperately wished for it.

No, her weakness only bothered him. Her brother wanted nothing to do with her.

That's when Hikari couldn't help but feel shameful for her actions. What was she doing, Touya was going to be annoyed with her also if she showed up like this. She shouldn't be bothering him with these kinds of things.

Slowly letting her hand fall to her side, HIkari felt her tears travel down her cheeks before closing her eyes in realization. What are you doing? Why are you letting history repeat itself? He's not going to care, he'll just think you're annoying like Kei-chan does.

Sniffling at the idea, the bird then froze when she heard someone's voice approach from a couple blocks away, causing her to immediately panic. She knew that voice anywhere.

Quickly hurrying away, Hikari just barely made it behind the nearest pole as Endeavor stomped into view, banging on the surface of his own door before a girl with white hair answered. "Ah, Dad there you are. I made dinner.."

Yet Endeavor seemed to hardly care, moving past her a moment later. "Not now Fuyumi, I have to train Shoto. Give it to your brother."

Flinching at the sound of his booming voice, Hikari shrunk closer towards the poll before watching the number two hero leave inside a moment later.

And she didn't know much about Touya's father, she couldn't deny that he was really scary. Almost like the commission president that took her wings. In fact, they were the same kind of scary.

Kei-chan really likes someone like him? He doesn't seem like a hero to me.

Although once he was gone, Hikari took her chance to leave, not wanting to bother anyone with her problems with fear of them hating her.

No, she had to handle it alone.

Yet as she left, Fuyumi couldn't help but notice a small bit of red from a couple feet away, twisting her eyes in confusion as she recalled the same shade of red before.

Wait, wasn't that the girl that visited Touya in the hospital?


Looking out at the skyline before her, Hikari sniffled through her tears as she gazed at a massive billboard of her brother just a few feet away. It seemed almost comical in a way, having such an awful thing where her safe place was.

In the place where Touya had given her to cry, even now she was still haunted by the rejection of her brother. In fact, he was able to debut as a hero soon and yet here she was, stuck in an inescapable hell of her own design.

Sighing to herself, the girl felt her hands lift out towards the unreachable, closing her eyes as she felt the pull of her feathers from miles away, sitting locked away at the commission.

She could alway feel them, mocking her in a way.

Did her brother know about them? Did he find out what happened? Did he even care? Those were questions Hikari never wanted the answers to, knowing that Keigo...

No, sorry.

Knowing that HAWKS was a part of them.

A bitter distaste couldn't help but appear then, causing Hikari's body to shake as silent tears ran down her face. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't have been different? Why couldn't he just have loved her?

What was she even doing? Being strong, wanting to be like her brother? It was all just a fucking joke, wasn't it? She wasn't Keigo. She was just a crybaby Hikari, inside and out.

And now her life had deteriorated into something that was utterly disgusting, knowing she'd have to let others touch her in order to please Riku. She'd have to get used to the idea of..of...

Feeling a bit of bile work its way into her throat, Hikari swallowed it down before stopping her lingering thoughts. What was the point anymore? No one cared, no one wanted her.

She was alone, just a burden to everyone and everything, wasn't she? A pointless waste of space only to be used and manipulated by others.

That's all she was good for, being a bother.

Sucking in a shaky breath, Hikari then closed her eyes before lifting her wings out even more in order to feel her trapped feathers at the commission, her hand outstretched with every ounce of strength.

Yet it seemed she leaned forward a little too much, the sudden gust of wind causing her to lose her balance before Hikari slipped off the edge of the roof with a gasp.

And for a moment, her entire life seemed to flash through her eyes, knowing that she was hundreds of feet above the ground with no chance of flying.

No, she was utterly helpless as she watched the top of the rooftop seemingly start to disappear. That was it, wasn't it?

She was alone up until the end, wasn't she?

Although just as she thought that, a hand seemingly reached down and grasped her own, stopping the fall.

Hikari looked up at his shaking fingers before the boy above her shouted back. "What are you doing?! Help me, you shitty bird!!"

Widening her eyes, Hikari recognized the voice immediately, her broken wings flapping up and down in order to give him strength as Touya pulled the girl up to safety a moment later.

The two began to gasp and heave in exhaustion before Hikari felt shaky hands grasp onto her shoulders for dear life, shaking her back and forth with aggression. "Hikari, what do you think you were doing!? God damn it, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Blinking in surprise, Hikari couldn't help but feel her head spin at his sudden anger, still recovering from her near death experience.. "H-Huh? Touya, what are you doing here..?"

Touya only spoke quickly though, almost like he couldn't control his own anxiety. "Fuyumi saw you by our house and told me. I got here just in time to see you take a swan dive off the building."

Widening her eyes at his words, Hikari couldn't help but sit in silence.

Swan dive? Wait, did he think she tried to..?

Yet Touya didn't even give her room to respond, the girl watching as his own eyes started to fill with tears as his shaking hands tightened around her frame. "What makes you think you can do something like that, huh?! Scaring me half to death like that, what makes you think you can do that?!"

Just then, his own tears spilled from his eyes before he spoke in the tone that Hikari had never experienced before. It was desperate and small.

"Y-You can't just leave me, you're all I have left..."

Forcing himself to suppress a sob, Hikari gazed at the boy before her own eyes saddened. Did he really feel this worried about her?

Then she forced herself to speak, reaching forward before placing a hand over a one holding her shoulder in order to feel his shaky palms. "Touya I didn't jump, I fell."

Blinking away his tears with clarity, Touya then stared at her with desperation, squeezing her shoulders a little tighter. "R-Really?"

Hikari only nodded though, causing the white haired boy to seemingly soak in the words before giving an exhausted sigh and rest his head on her shoulder. "Still such a clutz."

Giggling in response, Hikari only placed a hand on the back of his hand before rubbing it slightly in order for him to calm his nerves. "I was just trying to feel for my feathers and I slipped. Sorry I worried you..."

That's when Touya pushed himself back up before scoffing. "You didn't worry me. I wouldn't worry about a shitty bird like you."

Hikari only saw his defence as comical though, raising an eye as she purposely brushed a lingering tear from his eyes. "Oh? I beg to differ."

This caused the boy to pout in response, playful slapping her hand away in order not to acknowledge that he had been worried about her. "Shut up."

Wanting to get away from his own emotions, Touya then changed the subject, hoping it would drop the attention away from him and his moment of weakness. "Why are you here in the first place? You even showed up at my house..."

Yet that's when the playful atmosphere seemed to disappear, Hikari recalling her own trauma before immediately growing quiet as she turned away. "O-Oh, it was nothing, don't worry about it.."

Sighing at her own words, Hikari then turned back only to find Touya a couple inches away from her, his eyes narrowing. "Bullshit. I've known you for three years. I can tell when something's wrong."

She began to gasp at the close contact before immediately turning back away in order to stare at the floor as she muttered. "Nothing's wrong..I just.."

Although Touya wasn't fooled, his voice never changing. "Then look at me. Tell me to my face, Princess."

Feeling herself gulp with anxiety, Hikari could already feel the tears start to work their way into her eyes once more, the girl biting her lip to stop her own sadness before she finally turned back to him.

And the minute Touya saw her tears, his lips twisted into a frown.

"Yeah, I thought so. Come here, idiot."

Scooting himself closer, Hikari complied until they were side by side as he wiped a lingering tear from her eyes with a sigh. "You don't have to do that shit with me, remember? Stop hiding it. I've seen you cry for years, I think I'm pretty used to it."

She felt a wave of embarrassment appear at his words. Of course he had already seen her cry, but each time still felt so shameful. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to b-bother you..."

Touya only rolled his eyes though, bumping his shoulder with her own. "You not telling me and blubbering like a baby is bothering me more. So go ahead and spit it out already."

She supposed he had a point, Hikari's eyes casting down towards the floor. "I-I had my first job tonight..with Riku..."

Raising an eye, Touya's chest pooled with that same heavy amount of jealousy before answering back. "Oh yeah? How'd that go?"

Yet Hikari didn't seem to notice it, too focused on her own horror as flashing images and Louis' fingers started to dance across her skin and make her feel sick. "I..I..."

Watching her breathing shallow, Touya then frowned before reaching forward and placing a warm hand to her head, his voice lowered in concern. "Hey, take your time Princess. There's no need to force it."

His softness was something Hikari took to heart, forcing herself to feel Touya's hand instead of that foreigners unwanted touch. "H-He said I had to be the distraction, to keep this guy busy while they got the job done."

Feeling herself start to fall apart at the seams, Hikari forced herself to continue, knowing she had to get it out. "I didn't know...I didn't know that he would..."

Touya was ever patient though, leaning forward as he watched his friend close into herself by the second. "He would do what?"

And as horrible visions played in her mind, Hikari felt a small whimper escape her lips, leaning forward on her knees before speaking. "H-He kissed me. He backed me up against the wall and put his hands on me. When I tried to move away he pinned my wrists and...and..."

Stopping as a sob worked its way into her throat, Hikari cried back. "I didn't want it...I didn't want him to...but he did..."

She didn't even see Touya's reaction, terrified that he would call her a slut or abandon her for being used like that. No, she couldn't bear it if that happened.

So instead, she carried on plainly, eyed casted towards the ground. "A-And then Riku showed up and I begged him to help me, to do anything...but he just walked away...he left me with that man..."

Picturing Riku's cruel words and gaze, Hikari felt herself flitch in response. "And when I confronted him about it...he said t-that was only the beginning. That in the future I'd have to do more of that...."

She then stopped herself once more, gripping her hands onto her knees so hard that they turned white as she sobbed. "T-Touya, I'm scared. I'm scared of what I'll have to do for him. Tonight was my first kiss, and it was so awful, so violating. I feel so disgusting and vile for it. I just want to erase it, to erase everything......"

After that, she closed her mouth, crying silently as she waited for Touya's response. What would he think after that? Would he hate her, would he abandon her like her brother?

Yet that's when she felt her body shift as a gentle hand worked its way to cup her face. "Hikari, look at me."

Complying at his words, Hikari turned to find his ever constant cerulean gaze, Touya brushing a couple more tears from her eyes before returning to her face. "Listen to me. No one, and I mean no one has any right to do that to you. You are not disgusting and vile, they are for making you go through that."

The girl only continued to cry though, too wrapped up in her own breakdown to respond as Touya sucked in a heavy breath at her response, knowing she was too far gone right now.

So he tried again, desperately reaching forward to gently touch her face as he wiped a sweaty piece of hair from her eyes. "H-Hey hey hey, they deserve to suffer for what they did, you don't. You don't deserve to suffer because of them, because you are to good, too fucking good for everyone, you hear me?"

Yet as she continued to cry, Touya grew more panicked, reaching forward before wrapping her in a hug as Hikari clinged onto him for dear life. "I-It hurts Touya, it hurts so much, I just want it to go away, I want everything to stop..I can't take it..."

As memories of wandering hands slammed into her vision, Hikari tightened her grip onto Touya's shirt before she was physically ripped away from her safe haven in order to look into his eyes once more.

"Do you want to forget?"

Blinking in surprise, the girl paused before stuttering back a response. "W-What?"

Sighing out a heavy breath, Touya traced one finger across her cheek before firmly placing his entire hand there."You said you wanted to erase it, what happened, your first kiss, right?"

Hikati nodded back in response, still confused. "Y-Yeah, but how can I.."

Yet that's when the boy seemed embarrassed because of his next words, groaning as he replied. "Those things, you deserve the choice, you always deserve the choice. Things like your first kiss, that's something you should always get to decide."

The girl only turned her head though, taking in his flushed cheeks before replying. "I don't understand..."

Growing even more frustrated with the softness of his words, Touya then gave up before locking eyes with HIkari all at once. "I'm saying, you decide which kiss is your first. If you didn't want it, then it doesn't count plain and simple."

And that seemed to make the girl pause. "T-Tonight, didn't count?"

Nodding back, Touya then pushed her face forward playfully before finishing. "Nope, which means that asshole didn't take anything from you, okay?"

That's when something clicked into place for the girl. Yes, Louis may have forced himself on her but was Touya actually right? Could that horrible experience actually mean nothing?

Could she really still have her first kiss just like she wanted?

The idea was overwhelming, knowing that she had a choice after all, knowing that something precious wasn't taken from her after all. "It's my choice...I get to decide what's my first.."

Nodding his head in confirmation, Touya couldn't help but smile, brushing another strand of hair from her eyes. "That's right, Princess."

Yet as he pulled the strand behind her ear, his fingers lingered ever so slightly, causing her heart to flutter with a thousand butterflies. He was always so gentle and kind with his girl, so much so that she couldn't take it.

Just then, Hikari's gaze traveled to his lips before sucking in a heavy anxious breath.

If this was her choice, then she already knew who she would pick in a heartbeat.

Touya seemed to notice the atmosphere as well, his hand still unmoving as he absentmindedly ran a finger across her soft lips before retreating back to her cheek.

Feeling her voice echo with nothing but a whisper, HIkari spoke. "Touya..."

Already wrapped up in his own mind, Touya could only hum before his fingers trailed across her skin as he gazed at every feature. "Hmm?"

Then, Hikari found herself leaning forward, her own face flushed with embarrassment before her fingers reached to cup his cheek gently.

Stopping just before his lips, Hikari then lowered her eyes to the surface before speaking into them so incredibly quiet that only he could hear. "I think I want to forget."

Touya seemed to know the words immediately, his own gaze traveling to her lips before he felt his arms start to heat up with heavy smoke, wrapped in his own delusions.

And they lingered there, in that very close position as both seemed at war with the decision before Hikari took his silence as rejection and pulled away. "What am I doing? Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Let's just..."

Yet that's when she felt his hand turn her back to his gaze, hunger and desire in every corner as he just barely huffed out a raspy breath. "Hikari.."

Then before she could realize it, Touya's lips were on hers.

Widening her eyes at the contact, Hikari registered the situation before closing them a second later.

And the moment she felt his lips touch hers, the girl couldn't help but feel her entire head spin, his gentle and soft skin just barely there as he treated her with the utmost respect and care.

He wasn't forceful or invasive like Louis was. No, in fact Touya was the opposite, letting her take the lead as she savored the moment between them. Waiting for her consent with every second and touch.

Reaching forward, Hikari's fingers ran through his hair as the boy groaned in acceptance, wrapping his bandaged arms around her frame and pulling her closer.

And for the first time in her life, Hikari felt truly adored and loved.

She wasn't alone or lonely, she wasn't hurt or crying. No, this time she just felt utterly content, longing for this moment of bliss to last forever before she was thrust back into reality.

Yet a moment later, Touya broke away first, his breathing labored as he chose to look anywhere but the girl, almost like he was ashamed of his actions as he finally spoke. "Well, have you forgotten?"

Also feeling rather disoridated from the kiss, Hikari only nodded her head, not noticing his strange mannerisms. "Yeah.."

Touya seemed to accept that, moving away from her a moment later and turning away to hide his face from her with an embarrassed mutter. "Good."

Then while Hikari was spaced out, the boy took his chance to leave, speaking one last thing before he disappeared. "Just remember what I said."

Hikari hardly noticed though, reaching forward before brushing a finger over the spot where Touya's lips were, only for her entire face to light up in pure bright red.

Slapping her hands to her cheeks, Hikari then came across a terrifying realization.

One that she hadn't realized until this very moment.

She had feelings for Todoroki Touya.


One Week Later

Another order.

Another job.

Hikari felt her own eyes lower as the unnamed target pulled her closer by the waist as he whispered something unsavory into her ear and pushed her to the nearest sofa.

And as she laid herself down, the man seemingly pressed his lips onto hers a second later as a lingering moment of disgust crept up into her throat before pushing it down.

Closing her eyes Hikari then forced herself to recall back to that night on the rooftop, replacing the man's lips with Touya's soft ones, changing his awful lewd words into the gentle mummers of encouragement of the boy she actually had feelings for.

Then all at once, the horrible situation melted away into her own delusions, forcing her through as she focused on the job ahead.

Yes, she couldn't decide to leave this situation, she didn't have that choice, Riku had made that perfectly clear.

But she could decide how she felt, she could decide her emotions and she could decide if she would let it affect her, she could decide who she replaced mentally in this moment.

She could decide who she willingly wanted to give both her body and mind to.

And whether she knew it or not, Touya's kind words that night became her lifeline.

It was the very thing that pushed her through even the darkest of jobs. He was her constant, her beacon of hope, the only thing good in her life.

He was her world, and she loved him because of it.

She loved him even if he didn't know it.


Oof. Okay so this is a rough chapter. We got some serious things but I've been building up to this chapter since the very first chapters. If you go back you'll see lots of foreshadowing of the things Hikari has been through. A lot of terms like "choice" and "wandering hands" and such are used over and over again to imply things.

I also used some quotes in the past chapters that appear here. Extra points if you can find them.

But yeah, she's been through some shit. This is also why Hikari hates Hawks' "for the mission" philosophy, because Riku literally set her up to be assaulted just "for a mission" and that's why she'd be really bitter about the commissioned soldier side of her brother. Whatever it takes, right?

Also I want to make it clear that Hikari is basically stuck in her situation. She could leave Riku but that means she'd have no food, no shelter, no protection from villains and no strength. He basically manipulated her into thinking she can't do anything without him and she is worthless without his help.

Also, Hikari's feathers growing out of control with her emotions, keep an eye on that.

Next Chapter: Hawks deals with the information. Touya's death anniversary is here.  

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27.6K 703 27
Y/n Todoroki, twin sister of Shoto Todoroki and daughter of pro hero Endeavor. Y/n has always been pushed harder than anyone in her family to be perf...
191K 6K 35
bnha x reader (the mature warning isn't smut, is just violence) y/n Takami is.... a "normal" girl, that doesn't have wings, or any kind of power, or...