Secrets: The Blood and the Ch...

By lucidality

11.5K 213 16

*This book was once considered finished but I'm now realizing a book could never be finished. So I'm doing so... More

Chapter 1 done
Chapter 2 done
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 31

175 6 0
By lucidality

I groan as the light blinds me. I squint my eyes a bit then hide my face in Shawn's hair. I hear her giggle but I just ignore her, pulling her into me more and let myself fall back asleep.

"Siva," I hear Shawn whisper.

"No," I whine. I hear her laugh a bit. I groan and lift my head to look at her.

"I think you're having that dream again," she says. I look down at my hand, which is currently groping her breast. I quickly take my hand away.

"Sorry," I mutter and sit up. I then notice we're still in the middle of the forest... and naked. "Weren't we supposed to go back to the pack house at three?" I ask Shawn. She shrugs. "My da is gonna be pissed," I mutter.

"Not really," I hear someone say. I turn and see Cole walking toward us. He hands me a blanket and I quickly cover both of us up under it.

"What are you doing here, Cole?" Shawn asks. he chuckles a bit.

"Yesterday Siva's da called and told me how weird Siva was acting. So I got on a plane and here I am," he explains.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Twelve, now get up you two love birds," he says and walks away. I lay back and groan.

"I don't want to get up," I grumble. I put an arm around Shawn's waist and I pull her back down next to me and she giggles a bit. "What do you say we stay a little bit longer?" I suggest with a cheeky grin as I drape my leg over her.

"Siva, we have to get home. The kids," she says. I groan and sit up.

"Fine. I guess we can go back to being responsible adults," I mumble.

We both get up and I wrap the blanket around both our shoulder. "I don't know about you but I wanna see our children," Shawn says. I chuckle.

"Of course I want to see them. Its just hard having a responsibility like that," I mutter.

"You think I don't know that? I went through the pain of giving birth to them," she replies. I nod.

"Alright, you got me there," I say and we both laugh a bit.

We get to the pack house and my dad hands me some shorts and Shawn a large t-shirt. We nod our thanks and quickly get the clothes on then we go inside. "Let's go home," Shawn whispers as we sit on the couch.

I lean down and kiss her quickly. "Sure," I say. "After we eat though?" I ask. She shrugs and we stand up, walking into the kitchen. We get some food and pretty much end up feeding each other than we decide to leave. I drive us back home. And yes, we are fully dressed. My da had gotten our clothes from the forest and gave them to us.

I pull up to Darwin and Cecile's place and turn the car off. "Ready to deal with the little monsters?" I ask Shawn. She smiles big and nods excitedly. She gets out of the car and runs toward the door but stops to wait for me. I get up and speed walk over to her.

She pushes the door open and the first thing I notice is loud baby cries. Three of them. Uh oh. Shawn and I look at each other then hurry in the door and into the living room.

"Mummy!" Rosie screams from Darwins arms.

"Daddy!" Lucien screams from Ceciles arms.

"Wah!" Snow just generally screams from the crib. I chuckle a bit and walk over to Cecile, taking the little boy.

"Daddy!" he keeps screaming, tears coming from his shut eye lids. I chuckle a bit.

"Oh, it's okay," I say to him in my baby talk voice. He opens his eyes and looks at me. He grabs my shirt tightly. I laugh a little. In case you're wondering, yes he is only a month old and he can talk. Only three words though; mummy, daddy, and food. But it's kinda like how Shawn was only pregnant for four months. Werewolves work differently than humans do. Females are only pregnant for four months and our young grows considerably fast. As for me? I was almost fourteen when puberty finally hit. The reason being I wasn't around other werewolves much while growing up. And Shawn was turned into a werewolf last year, but she still has the four month pregnancy trait, along with most of the others as well. I think she has a little bit of werewolf in her family line way far back.

"Daddy!" I hear Snow scream from the play pen. I walk over and scoop him up. He holds onto my shirt the same way Lucien is.

"Hi, babies," I say. I look over at Shawn and see Rose is asleep in her arms.

'Cute!' I mouth to Shawn. She smiles. I maneuver around the boys and grab my phone from my pocket and take a picture.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask Shawn. She shrugs.

"How about we put them down for a nap then later we'll take them to the park?" she suggests quietly as to not wake the sleeping child. I nod and we head up stairs. Shawn puts Rosie down in the crib and I set her brothers down on each side of her.

"Protect her, okay?" I say to the boys. They obey and cuddle up to her sides. I smile then after kissing all of their little foreheads I leave the room. I walk down stairs into the living room and see Darwin and Cecile passed out on the couch cuddled up.

"They must have kept them up since they got home," Shawn says. I nod and smile at the two cuddled up on the couch.

"I feel guilty," I mutter to Shawn. We head up stairs after draping a blanket over the two.

"Why is that?" Shawn asks.

"Because I feel like I've taken Darwin's life. I'm Alpha now and I've sorta taken his house and I just feel bad 'cause he's all stressed out," I reply.

"It's okay, Siva. He knows we're having trouble and this is to be expected of us," she reassures. I sigh.

"I know but I feel like I've stolen the thunder. But really it was forced on me. And he's worked so hard his entire life," I reply.

"I know. He knows. He also knows you don't want any of this," she assures. "Don't worry about it. He knows you're struggling to get back on your feet and he is more than happy to help. He's told me himself," she says. I nod and we go into our room. We quietly lay on our bed and Shawn smiles as she closes her eyes.

"Tired?" I ask her, brushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her smile grows a bit.

"Just a tiny bit," she answers, cuddling closer to me. I give a small laugh and put my arm over her. I watch with a smile on my face as she falls asleep. You know, most mates would probably say "she's perfect," and all that glittery shiz but I can find flaws in her. She has a scar above her left eye brow, I can tell she had her nose peirced. Her cheeks have a slight redness to them, giving her an uneven skin tone. But you know what? I love her flaws. Those are what make her Shawn and herself. I love her with all my heart, along with our three beautiful children. And I will, and do, love every bit of her. Okay, so maybe she is perfect to me? I'm not gonna be all mushy though and start glittering. That'd just be stupid. But I will do what I can for this family to be able to be on our own if we ever are.

I let my eyes droop a bit as I trace circles on Shawn's cheek and eventually I find myself in the land of sleep, but very lightly. For some reason, my body stays on edge.

And that's when I hear the scream.

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