Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

By AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... More

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
Whatever It Takes
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Pull and Push

818 37 1
By AshleyH713

Strong hands pushed a silver haired boy out into the crowd as his own eyes were covered by a thick black blind fold. There was a small mummering of voices next to him but he hardly cared, the kid only drowning them all out.

And as he was dragged through the people, the child could only allow it to happen, knowing that it was pointless to run away, to wish for something different. He learned that long ago, the last time he tried to leave still burning inside his mind like a horrible reminder.

That's right, no one wanted him, he was alone, broken and unneeded.

It all started seven years ago, the boy recalling the first time he was taken from his family before watching them being murdered and sold off to some sort of rich villain across the country.

Back then it was all so scary, being claimed and owned by some random group.

But then it happened again and again, the boy continuing to be hopped around after being proved no longer useful for various different reasons. Sometimes it was because his quirk wasn't powerful enough for them, sometimes they just didn't like the way he acted, and sometimes it was simply because they had just gotten sick of him.

That's why he was here this time anyways, because his last owners proved it more valuable to sell him then keep him around for whatever villainous purpose.

And as sad as it was, the silver haired kid had gotten used to the routine, his covered eyes glazed over as he was pushed into the center of a large crowd before rough hands removed the blindfold.

Fixing his gaze, the boy then found hundreds of people staring at him, all of them hungry for whatever he could offer as their masked faces made his head spin.

He wondered what kind of master he would have this time, what they would do to him, what they would be like.

The burly man quickly raised an eye before pushing the kid by the shoulders, his voice loud and booming, so much so that it made his ears hurt. "Next up, we have number zero. Quirk: Information. He can gather data, speed read any length of writing in a millisecond and has an extensive memory. Who wants to start the bidding?"

Voice began to bustle and raise at his description of the boy, their eyes scanning everything about him in order to see if he was worthy enough of their time or not. He hardly seemed to care though, his vacant eyes still staring ahead in hopes that this nightmare would end soon.

But just like all the times before, he knew there would be no one to save him.

Yet that's when he heard one voice above the rest, the tone carrying through the entire room as a female's hand raised from the back room. "Oh, I'm gonna stop you right there. Bidding won't be necessary."

Then everyone turned to find a singular woman towards the entrance, her amber filled eyes gazing at the tied up child before her with such curiosity and silent wonder.

And as the two stared, the silver haired kid couldn't help but notice two things about this strange new girl in front of him.

The first was her presence, simply commanding the room into silence with no more than a couple words. He didn't know why, but the moment she spoke, it seemed like everyone stopped, like they could feel the changed air also.

And the second was black cane she was leaning on, the top shining with a massive large jewel as swirling it around in her fingers. Wait, he knew that cane anywhere, the boy having seen it at couple party's and gathering with a couple of his last owners.

Wasn't that Riku cane? But he thought that guy was dead.

Then she spoke again, her black raven hair sweeping from her eyes as she gestured to the chained boy in the center. "May I?"

The burly man holding him then nodded before taking a step back just as the strange woman moved forward, fully aware that everyone was watching as she finally came face to face with the kid.

Leaning down ever so slightly, the black haired stranger then gazed over his various cuts and bruises only to frown. "How old are you, kid?"

The kid couldn't help but slightly intimidated by her watchful bird-like yellow eyes, causing the man holding him to growl before kicking the child in the back with a shout. "Answer her!"

Gasping out in pain, the boy hunched over onto the ground before quickly stuttering back a response, not wanting to be hurt again. ""F-Fourteen..."

Then the kid then watched as the woman's eyes filled with something he hadn't expected. She looked sad, almost like she wanted to cry for some reason.

But that didn't make sense, none of his other owners felt any pity. They just did as they pleased, used what they paid for. It was always nothing more than that. So why did this woman look so sad?

It was almost like she understood his pain somehow. But that was impossible, right?

Pushing herself back up to meet the eyes of his holder, the black haired woman then lowered her eyes before turning around in order to stare at the crowds of people watching her. " I see. I think I've seen enough."

Then she leaned forward on her jeweled cane before speaking out to the strangers. "Looks like your little auctions have attracted the wrong attention. So sorry but it looks like I'm going to have to shut this down."

All at once, the room seemed to grow outraged, hundreds of people yelling as the leader seemingly shouted back with fury. "Shut us down?! You can't come in here and do what you want!"

Yet the girl didn't seem to mind, only spinning on her heels before locking her predatory amber eyes on him. "Oh? Well, it seems that's what you've been doing for years. Maybe I should chain all of you to myself and have you serve me as payment for what you've been doing to these kids? That does have a sense of irony to it, doesn't it?"

She then laughed at her own cynical joke before turning to the silver haired boy with a serious stare, her voice commanding and low. "Close your eyes, kid. Don't worry, it will be over soon."

Not knowing what to do, the kid complied, closing his eyes tight and blocking out the heavy lights with fear and confusion to what was going on.

Just then, the ballroom burst to life as many of the masked guests removed their coverings before they stood beside the girl, all of them ready to fight.

Wait, how many of them had gotten in here?! How many followers did this random chick even have?! There were so many.

Taking a shaky step back, the leader couldn't help but gasp at the scene before him. How were they overpowered that quick? "Who do you think you are?! Some kind of hero?!"

Yet that's when the woman laughed, lifting her hand up to touch a crystal pendant on her neck with a dark gleam.

"The names' Valkyrie and I'm certainly no hero. Be sure to remember that."

What the boy heard next was utter chaos, screams and shouting filling the space as his eyes stayed shut, terrified to really see what was going on just a couple inches away.

He heard the voices of his captors, seemingly running away for their lives while other guests gasped out in pain one by one. It was horrible, the sounds, the smell of blood. He just wanted it to stop.

And then, nothing.

All at once, the silver haired kid's frame began to shake as an eerily calm silence appeared before he found the courage to uncover his eyes and take in the sight before him.

That's when he noticed he was standing in a circle of carnage, everyone that was laughing or staring at him before now laying down unconscious in their own blood.

They seemed to be alive as their chest rose up and down but the boy couldn't help but feel a scream lodge inside his throat. It seemed he was the only one left unharmed for some reason.

Although that's when he turned and saw it, two horrible grotesque crimson red wings staring back at him, the very sight causing the kid to immediately grow pale. What kind of quirk was that?

She seemed to notice the staring though, the girl turning before letting out a sigh, almost like she was disappointed in him. "I didn't say open them yet. This is what I was trying to avoid."

Feeling himself stunned into silence, her wings then gave a small flap, knowing what he was staring at before taking a step towards him "Are you scared?"

Although due to how overwhelming the situation, the boy felt himself shake even more, wondering if he was next, if she was going to hurt him for seeing her quirk, the one that she obviously wanted hidden.

The girl seemed to catch his fear though, stopping herself immediately before lowering her eyes in sadness as she glanced to her wings with hidden disgust. "Who am I kidding, of course ya are. I would be."

Then she lifted up two fingers as a feather seemingly detached themselves from her wings and flew over to his chains, wiggling through the link in the center with extreme care before the boy heard a click.

Wait, he was free? This stranger just freed him, why?

Feeling his wrists finally free, the feather then made its way back to the villain as it attached into her wings before turning away from the silver haired kid. "Come on, we're done here.

His eyes couldn't help but widen at the sight, his gaze watching as the girl and her following seemingly turned to the exit without another word. Hold on, where were they going? Weren't they going to take him hostage or hurt him or use him?

Sure, she hadn't bought him with money but the boy was sure that she wanted him for something. Why else would she have taken down an entire quirk auction ring?

Feeling his voice appear once again, the kid began to cry out, stopping the girl in her tracks as he did so. "Wait! What are my orders? What should I do?"

Then the stranger turned back to him, her wings lifted out in response as she spoke, her words coursing through his soul with every single word.

And what she said next was something the silver haired boy later known as Alpha would remember for the rest of his life.

"There's only one thing I want you to do.."


As Dabi banged on the door to the bathroom, the villain couldn't help but groan in frustration. "Hurry your ass up, Princess. Get out here so I don't have to spend any more time with this pile of bird shit and your rat."

It had been exactly thirty seven minutes since Hikari had left for the bathroom to get ready and those thirty seven minutes were outright torture to the villian, given who he had to deal with.

Sure, Hawks was a pain but now he had to sit here and listen to Hikari's rat as well. And that was simply the last straw for him. Bird shit was one thing but now he had two people he hated under one roof.

He couldn't stand one of them, never mind both in the same room.

Her voice appeared a moment later, obviously bothered by his interruption. "Stop complaining and shut up. I'll be out soon. Some of us don't want to look homeless all the time."

Playing along, the villain couldn't help but chuckle, knowing that Hikari usually preferred hoodies and simple clothes over anything fancy. She was hardly the one to tell him that. "Could've fooled me."

Yet Hikari only answered in a straightforward manner, almost like she was busy with her makeup or hair or some shit. "Hysterical. Now go away. You're distracting me."

Feeling his lips push into a frown, Dabi then leaned closer before trying a new tactic, his voice lowering a couple octaves to sound raspy and low. "If you open the door I could give you even more distractions."

His eyes then turned towards the door handle, only to be disappointed when it didn't move. In fact, the only thing he heard was her slightly flustered voice from on the other side

"Nice try, not gonna work!"

Dabi then slumped his shoulders in defeat, knowing she was serious about finishing up before turning back towards the hallway with a heavy sigh. This wasn't fun at all. "Fine, but don't take too long or I'll commit arson on your bird brother."

He paused after that, hoping it would be enough for her to show a little bit of concern only to still be met with silence. Fine, if that's how she wanted to play then so be it.

Moving back into the living room, the villain couldn't help but groan as both Hawks and Alpha's gaze moved to him, an unnecessary bit of bile working to the back of his throat.

Sure, he agreed to join them for this little liberation meeting but just the idea of having to "work" with pigeon dick and rat number one felt like some kind of unknown torture. And it wasn't like he was actually going to work with them, the two just shared similar goals for now.

Although, Dabi's eyes then flashed to Hawks' wings only for a wonderful idea to pop in his head. It was a sure fire way for Hikari to join them whether she liked it or not, a way to surely entertain him.

Pushing his hands into his pockets, the villain then began to feel around for something. "Hey, you two wanna see something interesting?"

The villain began to smirk before pulling out a single red feather as Hawks couldn't help but watch with curiosity. Wait, how did he get one of his feathers? When did that happen?

Yet the closer he looked, the more Hawks realized something else. "Hold on, that's not my feather.."

Dabi couldn't help but chuckle at the confirmation before pushing the object up to his lips and speaking through the light blisters. "Exactly."

Then before anyone could speak, the villain stuck out his tongue, licking the entirely of the feather with a quick motion, just before a loud thud was heard from the bathroom at the same time.

It kind of sounded like something fell, or someone fell for that matter.

Just then, the door to the bathroom seemed to rip itself open as Hikari's loud voice shouted through the entire apartment. "DABI I SWEAR TO GOD..."

The villain couldn't help but enjoy the tone, his half lidded gaze turning towards the hallway as heavy heeled footsteps approached them from the hallway like some kind of horror movie. "What's wrong Princess, are you..."

Yet when she turned the corner, Dabi's smile couldn't help but fall as he watched her huff out an angry breath from just a couple feet away.

But that's not what he focused on the most. No, instead the villain found himself utterly frozen by the sight of the newly dressed Takami Hikari.

Gone was her oversized hoodie, now replaced with a low cut simple black dress with a slit halfway up the side. Even her hair was down in soft curls as they framed around her face with thick black winged eyeliner and gold colored jewelry.

And to put it simply, Dabi was stunned into silence, drinking in everything about her. Her body, her dress, her face, her entire aura. It was more than he could begin to process.

He felt like an utter fool, the villain realizing he was staring with his open mouth as the villain tried to regain his composure but failed miserably.

Although how could he, when she literally took his breath away?

Lucky for him though, he didn't have long before Hikari snapped him out of his trance herself, the girl's face entirely fuming with anger as she shouted. "DO THAT AGAIN, I DARE YOU, SEE WHAT HAPPENS.."

Dabi then blinked in surprise before taking her entirely red face and glancing to the feather with an unsaid challenge. "If you say so..."

Opening his mouth one more time, he lifted the feather closer only for Hikari's eyes to flash with fear before stomping forward. "That's it, you've lost your feather privileges. Come here!"

All at once, Hikari then latched herself at the villain, using one of her shoes as a projectile before pushing his shoulders back with a heavy shove.

But because of Dabi's injuries, the move caused the man to cave, Hikari falling on top of him as she tried to wrestle his arms and legs in order to get the feather between his fingers.

Reaching forward, the girl growled with frustration before Dabi joined in on their little game, gripping the feathery object a little tighter before purposely rubbing his finger over the top as slowly as possible.

All at once, Hikari's wings started to stutter without meaning as she stifled a groan from the movement before her face turned even brighter red, causing the villain to chuckle at the state she was in. "F-Fuck, I'm gonna kill you.."

And that bastard knew it also, purposely using her weakness against her. "What's wrong Princess? Is it hot in here, cause you look kinda red."

Growling once again at his statement, Hikari then pushed her legs forward to lock him down between her thighs before waving her arms around at the feather.

If only she could use her quirk instead but that asshole was gripping onto the damn thing too hard for her feather to wiggle out of his grasp.

Her voice then replied a moment later, fury, embarrassment and frustration taking up her entire aura as she shouted back. "That's it, Hawks, where is your staple remover?!"

Lifting her wings out in determination, the two continued to battle for a couple more minutes before Alpha couldn't help but clear his throat, calling out to his boss in order to get them to pause. "Umm, sorry to interrupt boss but the liberation meeting starts in thirty minutes. Maybe we should start to get going?"

All at once, a wave of clarity seemed to wash over Hikari, the girl nodding to herself before pushing herself off of Dabi and giving up on his little game in order to get serious. That's right, they had the liberation to deal with.

"Ah, you're right. We still have to go over everything."

Dabi couldn't help but scoff at her reaction though, an unwanted twist of disgust inside his chest at Alpha's words. They had only broken apart because of him after all, and the villain was less than pleased to say the least.

Brushing off his jacket, the stitched man then sat up before glaring at Hikari's right hand man. "What does it matter? It's not like you're invited."

Yet that's when Hikari put her hands on her hips before replying plainly. "Actually, Alpha is going to the meeting as Valkyrie's representative."

Feeling his own eyes widen ever so slightly, Dabi felt that same uncomfortable twist inside his chest before immediately turning her down. He wanted nothing to do with that guy, the one that was always chasing after Hikari like a pathetic puppy.

"What? You've gotta be fucking kidding. I don't want to share any space with that rat."

Although Hikari didn't seem to agree, the girl slowly walking over to the silver haired boy before stopping to place her hands on his shoulders from behind. "I can't attend the meeting as Valkyrie cause they already know my face. Having Alpha go in my place will allow me to be in two places at once. It's not uncommon for me to send him to represent me. The liberation will know that."

And that was true. In fact, Alpha was no stranger to representing Valkyrie so she was sure that she could trust him with this as well. It wasn't like he was new to these kinds of things. Actually, the man was a pro by now.

Dabi didn't seem to agree though, knowing he'd have to watch this guy next to Hikari all night, listening to her every word, hanging onto her like some kind of Valkyrie simp. He didn't want to see it, he didn't even want to think about it.

Crossing his arms over his chest, the villain scoffed once again. "Yeah well, I don't need him. I can take care of those shitbags myself."

Hikari couldn't help but roll her eyes at the statement, dismissing it before trying to reason with the illogical man.

Dabi was always the kind of guy that didn't really plan anything, unless it involved Endeavor. He was always just a "kill and ask questions later" kinda guy so of course he would want to go into the liberation without a plan.

Yet, the girl was completely different, knowing they had to be smart in order to get closer to the liberation. They had already had their ass beat once after all, she really didn't want that to happen again.

"Now is not the time to be cocky Dabi. I know thinking and logic isn't really your thing but we can't be rash about this. The more eyes we can have on the liberation, the better. So he's coming."

Then to seal the deal, Dabi's shock allowed Hikari to finally move the feather between his fingers back to her before placing it in her breast pocket of Alpha's suit with a slight pat.

"Here, put one of my feathers in your pocket so I can hear every conversation that takes place, even the ones in private."

Alpha only nodded at this, his orders clearly stated. "Of course, I will do my best boss."

Yet Dabi couldn't help but be pissed, seeing his feather now taken away and used by some homeless piece of shit. It made him angry, her giving it to that pathetic rat.

So much so that Dabi felt his voice mutter back bitterly, a childish and immature tone present as purposely bumped his shoulder with annoyance. "Simp."

Hikari seemed to hardly care though, ignoring the villain's rough comment before turning towards her brother with a newfound serious glare. "And you, for the love god, don't ruin this, okay?"

Blinking in surprise, Hawks then pointed to himself before his mouth flew open. "How would I..?"

Yet the girl seemed to answer for him, her voice exacerbated just thinking about his usual antics. The last thing she needed was for him to go all "big brother" in front of the liberation and fuck everything up.

"Listen Hawks, for once, I'm going to need you to shut your mouth. That means just letting whatever happens, happen. No matter what you see or hear, you have to remain neutral or you will blow our cover."

Not understanding, the bird tried to process her words. What did she mean? This wasn't his first villain mission. In fact, he had already done plenty of horrible and disgusting things to get Dabi to trust him. This wasn't going to be any different.

Of course he could remain neutral. That was his whole entire job, what he was assigned to, to ignore crimes for the greater good of society.

Realizing she was indeed serious, the hero felt his mouth drop open with disbelief. "Hikari, I think you forgot I'm a commission agent. I was trained for this kind of thing."

Then all at once, Hawks watched as his sister seemed to register her words before her eyes clouded with a thousand unspoken emotions he couldn't quite place.

And when she did speak it was so incredibly strained, just like she always was whenever he brought up the commission. They were bitter and angry, taking up the entire space. "As if I could forget something like that.."

A small air of silence appeared after that, Hawks taking in the pure disgust that her words brought. Perhaps he shouldn't have brought up the commission like that. It seemed to make her still so emotional for some reason. If only he knew why.

Feeling himself give a defeated sigh, the hero then turned the conversation around before trying to give her a reassuring smile in order to even the awkward air. "Ah, well you don't gotta worry Hika-chan. We are all on the same side, right?"

Yet Hikari's response still seemed rather strained, her eyes glancing to the side as she muttered back quietly, almost like she didn't believe him. "Yeah.."

Hawks seemed to notice the eyes on him though, causing the man to ignore her dejected response in order to file it away for later. They couldn't have a serious talk like this anyways.

Then he stretched out his wings before grabbing his yellow flight glasses off the table near the sofa. "Well then, that settles it. Guess we should get going, right?"

Nodding back, Alpha then turned towards the door before speaking plainly. "I will leave first. It would be suspicious if Valkyrie's representative shows up with everyone else. I'll see everyone at the mansion."

All three of them silently agreed before Hawks lifted his wings out even further as he fixed his glasses onto his amber eyes with ease. "Same here, I'll fly over there and check everything out first, just to make sure it isn't a trap for the league. Call me if you need anything Hika-chan."

And sure, he hated the idea of leaving Dabi alone with his sister in their apartment but someone really needed to check out the place before he let Hikari into that villain den which meant trusting the one person he knew he couldn't trust.

That's when his commission mindset seemed to snap into place. No, he couldn't worry about it right now. He had to get the job done and he knew Hiakri could defend herself if she needed to. He had to trust her.

Because there was no way in hell he was about to trust Dabi.

So throwing his emotional feelings out the window for the sake of the mission, the hero then turned towards the balcony before glaring at Dabi as he left, his voice deadly serious.

"Oi, if you hurt her you'll be dead where you stand, got that?"

Yet Dabi only saw his overprotective nature as comedic, the villain lowering his half lidded gaze with a slight lick of his lips. "Is that a challenge?"

And although the bird was utterly disgusted, he knew the stitched man was baiting him, causing Hawks to narrow his eyes before opening the balcony window without looking. "I don't think you want to find out"

Then he took one more look at the two of them before forcibly turning his head away and leaving in order to get to the liberation mansion first.

Once he was gone, Hikari felt her own shoulders cave in anxiety before glancing at the stitched man and recalling the utter rejection she had faced the night before. Honestly she wished she wasn't alone right now with him either.

His silence was telling, the awkwardness of the room growing more apparent as the two seemingly refused to meet eyes in stubborn resilience.

Realizing she wasn't going to get anything out of him, Hikari then sighed to herself before reattaching her necklace to hide her quirk before turning around in order to leave the apartment without a word.

If he didn't want to talk about anything then so be it. She could live with that, with the confirmation that he never really cared in the first place. Then at least she'd know that she was being delusional.

Although, just as her fingers grazed the doorknob, the villain's voice echoed through the space, his entire body only inches away as Hikari tried not to notice. "Hey Princess, you're forgetting something..."

Sure, she tried to not notice but it certainly was hard when he was so close, allowing her to hear his tone far more gentle then it was before now that they were alone.

The way he acted so different around her, it made her head spin with conflict.

Pushing her own anxiety down,the girl then turned her head with an uncaring and unaware little "Hmm?"

Just then, she felt his fingertips lightly touch a spot on her bare back before running it down to stop towards the bottom of her spine, just slightly above her ass where the skin met fabric.

Sucking in a heavy breath as her heart jumped out her chest, Dabi then lowered his eyes before wrapping his fingers around something and humming back. "The zipper, it's not up."

Hikari let herself process the words before reaching down and feeling the cool metal object for herself before blushing with embarrassment. "O-Oh, well I didn't really get to finish getting ready cause someone decided to be an asshole."

Feeling himself chuckle at her joke, the villain couldn't help but stare at her bare untouched skin before a lump appeared inside his throat without permission. "Aren't I always?"

Yet just after he said that, Hikari felt his fingers loop around the small zipper before he pulled it up agonizingly slow, causing goosebumps to appear across her skin, ones that she was sure Dabi noticed.

And he did notice the villain's cerulean gaze staring at her naked back and slowing down the pace even more, the zipper going up ever so slowly as he took in everything about her before it was covered up by fabric.

The move made Hikari even more nervous, her heart beating out of her chest as Dabi reached the spot where her blonde curls covered the aura, causing the villain to stop what he was doing for a split second and release his fingers on the metal zipper.

Then all at once, the girl felt his gentle stitched fingers start to push her strands aside, almost like he was afraid she would break given the slightest move, almost like he was unsure of himself as well.

Working his way around the side of her hair, Dabi then pushed the remaining strands over her right shoulder before his fingers touched the back of her neck, lingering there for a moment as another chill ran up Hikari's spine.

She wasn't sure if he was doing it on purpose, the stopping and starting, slowing his pace and lingering on everything but Hikari couldn't help but be entranced by it, soaking his touch with desperation as a shaky breath escaped her lips.

Once he was satisfied with her hair, the villain then traced one finger down her spine before returning to the zipper to continue his slow wordless torture once more.

Biting her lip at the contact, Hikari felt her breath lodge inside her throat as Dabi took a step closer to her and it seemed the further his fingers traveled, the closer his proximity seemed to become.

So much so that in a matter of seconds, she felt the villain's own shaky breath on the back of her neck as his fingers completed their task of zipping up her dress.

But instead of moving away like he should have, Dabi lingered, he lingered in that distance until Hikari let out an audible gasp when she felt his lips touch the very back of her neck.

His fingers were still on the zipper but his own unstable breath coated the back of her neck as Hikari felt her legs start to grow weak from the touch he was presenting.

She couldn't move or speak or talk. The only thing she could do was allow herself to be wrapped in the presence of the boy she used to love.

Pushing his other hand upwards, Dabi then rested his palms onto Hikari's hips, absentmindedly pulling her closer as his own quirk started to heat up and bring warmth to every part of her.

She wanted more, she needed more from him. She wanted him to kiss her, to take her and give her love, to comfort her and claim her as his own. She wanted it so bad that her own mind started to grow cloudy, thinking of the nights they had shared throughout the years.

The need for the physical, the need for the emotional, it swirled inside her chest without a second thought before her own hand covered the one holding her hip, her palms pushing against the warmth with a hum of acceptance.

Although that's when she felt his hand start to shake with something unknown to her, the girl twisting her eyes with confusion before feeling his lips travel upwards, now leaving her skin as they stopped at her ear.

And with every breath, she felt Dabi struggle to keep his composure, his shaking hand growing to his entire body as he let out a feral and frustrated groan.

However, Hikari knew somehow that it wasn't for her.

Wishing to see his face and put him out of whatever emotional pain he had placed himself in, Hikari felt her body try to turn, to uncover just what was making Dabi so unhinged and out of character.

Yet, the moment he felt her hips move, the stitched man locked his hands around her body, stopping her immediately as he forcibly kept her in place, almost like he didn't want her to see his face.

Frowning at the rejection, Hikari finally decided to turn her head, feeling his shaking body more than ever as her heart pounded with uncertainty and worry. What was up with him?

However, that's when Dabi gave a low growl in his throat before practically using his hand to push Hikari away from him, the villain taking a step back in the process, like it took everything within him to do it.

Stumbling forward, Hikari couldn't help but blink in surprise before sharply turning around only to find the same old Dabi as before, his lips playing in a cruel and locked down grin as he spoke.

"What are you waiting for Princess? Are you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna help me take down those prissy fucks?"

And then just like that, the villain left without another word, his eyes avoiding hers as he passed Hikari and slammed the door to the apartment.

Turning back to the door, Hikari then lifted a hand up before touching the spot where Dabi's lips were just moments before as the girl flushed red, her head spinning with confusion.

He said he didn't care last night and she was fine with that. He said she was delusional for thinking such things but then what the hell was that? Another delusion? Another dream? It didn't feel like one.

Groaning out in frustration, Hikari then ran a hand through her hair before cursing to herself. Why was he doing this? To mess with her? To make fun of her because of her stupid feelings? Was he picking on her because she loved him?

Sure, if he just said he didn't care then Hikari was sure she could've lived with that.

But instead she left with the push and pull, with him acting like he wanted her for one minute and then suddenly rejecting her the next.

It was almost like there were two parts of him in constant battle with each other, fighting over who would win in whatever situation. It's like he desired her and yet despised her at the same time.

What was even going on in his head? Why couldn't he make up his goddamn mind!?

It was torture, being held close and then rejected, why couldn't he just pick a side?!

Grumbling to herself, Hikari then looked at her phone before realizing the time as she turned back to the door. Now was not the time for her petty miserable feelings. She would figure out Dabi another time.

The liberation was waiting for her, so she knew she couldn't back down.


As Hawks swirled his drink around between his fingers, the man looked at the sea of people in the liberation mansion before his eyes couldn't help but travel towards the door for the millionth time. Maybe he should've left a feather at the apartment so he knew what was going on.

Sure, he told himself to trust his sister's strength but the bird still couldn't help but be on edge about the idea of the two of them alone. They had apparently grown up together but Hawks still had a bad feeling in his throat about it, like there was something else there.

Just then, a voice perked up from behind his ear, far closer than he would've liked. "You worry too much, they will be here shortly."

Widening his eyes, the bird then jumped back only to find that same silver haired boy as before staring back at him. What was his name again, Alpha?

And although the bird knew nothing about the guy, Hawks still couldn't help but be bitter about the stunt he and his sister pulled in the mall, deceiving him into thinking they were going to harm her so the hero could break.

Narrowing his eyes ever so slightly, Hawks replied. "How can I not? She's with Dabi."

Alpha remained silent at that, turning his head to the side before taking a sip of his own drink plainly. "Do you think she's that weak, that she can't handle herself?"

Feeling a sense of irritation at his words, Hawks couldn't help but shake his head. That's not what he thought about Hikari at all. Sure, he knew she could handle herself but that's not what he was worried about.

He was more worried about the effects that kind of mindset had. To never trust anyone, to only rely on yourself, it must have been lonely. Hell, last night was the first time she had ever called out to him, and he knew it probably wasn't an easy decision for her.

No, Hawks wasn't scared of what she could do, he was scared of the downside to her independence, the curse of always being alone and never asking for help, even when she needed it.

Shaking his head, the bird felt his wings give an anxious flap in reply. "N-No I don't...listen it's complicated okay? You don't get it."

Yet Alpha didn't really seem bothered by his rough tone, the boy only looking down his own glass with silent thought. "You care about her, so you worry. It's not that hard to understand. Even I know Valkyrie's recklessness can be concerning sometimes, seeing it first hand so often, I can see the logic in your actions."

That brought a new sense of questions into Hawks' mind. In fact, now that he looked at him, Alpha guy, he looked pretty young. Definitely younger than all three of them by far. If he really was with Valkyrie then it couldn't have been for long.

Turning his head to the side in question, the bird questioned. "You look young, kid. How old are ya?"

Once again, the boy didn't seem bothered by his noesy nature, looking back up from his glass to meet Hawks' eyes, his voice unwavering. "Almost seventeen."

Widening his eyes ever so slightly, the bird couldn't help but gasp. This kid was only a teenager and he was in a gang? He should've been in school or something right about now, not hanging with villains.

"Seventeen? How did you even get mixed up in all of this?"

The boy was silent for a moment, his mind playing in some kind of memory before he finally spoke again. "When I was seven years old, a group of villains broke into my home, murdered my family and took me away to be sold for my quirk."

Feeling his heart completely stop, Hawks sharply turned towards the silver haired boy with disbelief only for him to continue, like nothing he was saying was wrong. "All my life I had only known orders, what other people wanted. I did what was asked and that was it. Until the age of fourteen that's all I ever had."

The hero couldn't help but be utterly wrapped up in his story, voicing the number one question in his mind. "Then how did you end up with Valkyrie?"

That's when Alpha's lips couldn't help but lift in a light smile. "They saved me."

Blinking with disbelief, Hawks tried to process the words he just heard. Did he just say Valkyrie saved him, his sister saved this kid? Wait, that was impossible. Hikari's villain side had never shown an ounce of remorse before, so why now?

The word save, it was such a hero term, something Hawks couldn't help but linger on. Could it be true? Did that really happen? "Hold on, did you just say save?"

Nodding back, Alpha then recalled the memory all at once, his voice ringing with slight emotion as he recalled the raven haired girl that appeared out of nowhere.

"The first time I met them, I was set to be sold. They looked at me with such sadness and before I knew it, the entire child tracking ring was gone. They dismantled it, destroyed it in a single second."

And Hawks couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sure, he knew his sister's power was immense, he had gotten that much from Shadow's information but why a child trafficking ring? Why out of all things did she dismantle that?

It wasn't a villainous act for sure. In fact, the way Alpha described it, sounded like something a hero would do.

Seeing him stunned into silence, the boy decided to continue, his voice sticking with slight nostalgia. "Back then it was all so confusing. I thought Valkyrie was meant to be my new master so I asked them what my orders were, how I can be useful, and what they wanted me to do."

Then he looked down at his hands, recalling the chains that were once there all those years ago. "Then they only gave me one order, one request.."

Smiling ever so slightly, Alpha then looked up from his hands to meet Hawks' gaze.

"To be free, to finally live my life as I wanted. To do whatever makes me happy."

Feeling his mouth drop open in surprise, Alpha finished his story with gentle eyes. "And that was the moment I knew, Valkyrie was the only person I wanted to serve, the only person I wanted to protect. For the first time in my life, I chose who I wanted to be, and I will never be able to repay them for that."

The silence appeared once more, Alpha clearly finished with his story as Hawks just stared at him in disbelief. It was too much to take in.

This poor kid, what did he have to go through, why didn't the heroes save him first, why was Valkyrie the one to take down the system? It should've been them. Why did it take a villain to change something? How many other kids were hurt and abused out there like him?

Knowing he had to say something, Hawks couldn't help but stutter back a response. "Wow kid, that's really something. I've never heard of Valkyrie saving anyone. Why do you think that is?"

And that was one thing Hawks wanted to know the most, why had his sister decided to take in this kid, to care for him instead of destroying him like everyone else in her life? It didn't make sense, it didn't fit the Valkyrie character she had established.

Yet, that's when Alpha's eyes saddened, speaking words that brought a sense of dread into her brother's throat. "They told me that they knew what it was like, to have to do things you don't want to do. I never pushed further though, not when their words seemed so sad.

Feeling all of his feathers twitch, Hawks then watched as Alpha lowered his voice, already knowing the answer before speaking his thoughts out loud.

"Although, It makes me wonder, if Valkyrie went through something similar."

Hawks felt his head spin at the very idea. She said that she knew what it was like, what did that even mean? Had Hikari been forced to do something she didn't want to do? God, he hoped not.

He couldn't even stomach the idea, the idea of his little sister taking the place of Alpha in his story, being sold off, being forced to follow orders she didn't want, having to accept the loss of control.

No, Alpha was wrong. He had to be wrong. There was no way that's what it was. Maybe Valkyrie just chose to bring down a trafficking ring because she felt like it, maybe it was a game to her. Yeah, that had to be it.

Because even though all the pieces seemed to fit too well, Hawks chose to ignore them, unable to face the reality he already knew yet refused to acknowledge.

Just then, his thoughts were cut off when the bird finally caught sight of Dabi and Hikari making their way into the room, the hero exhaling a breath he didn't know he was holding. Ah, there they are. Took long enough.

The two moved through the space with a sort of unspoken aura, most villains and traitorous heroes looking in their direction as Dabi's hand made his way to Hikari's hip in order to give it a hard squeeze.

She didn't seem to mind though, giggling at the touch which Hawks read as totally fake before the stitched villain glared at a few watchful eyes on his partner in order to push Hikari closer.

Almost gagging at the exchange, Hawks narrowed his eyes in disgust before a new question popped up in his head. Wait, didn't Hikari say that Dabi and her grew up together before? That meant that Alpha might know about them also.

Quickly turning to distract him from the scene, the bird heard himself speak. "Hey kid, if you're with Val then that means you know Dabi, right? Tell me, have they always been like this?"

Yet that's when the boy said something rather surprising. "I've only met Dabi recently, a handful of times really, so I can't say."

Alarm bells couldn't help but go off in his mind at that, recalling what his sister always told him, and what he assumed. "Wait, aren't the two of them attached at the hip? That's what she told me."

Alpha only seemed confused though, glancing towards the villainous couple before answering honestly. "When I first met Valkyrie, they weren't together. I had never even heard of the villain until last year. Perhaps they had history before but in the three years I've known the boss, Dabi wasn't there."

The new information was surprising to say the least, Hawks freezing before immediately staring back at his sister and Dabi.

If what Alpha said was true then that meant there was a time when Hikari wasn't with Dabi. She hadn't even mentioned him either? Now that was strange. Weren't they supposed to be friends?

They were separate for three years? Why? What were they doing during that time? What happened? Is that what caused them to become less close?

Hawks was desperate to know the answers, his eyes raised in anxiety as he muttered. "I wonder what happened?"

Yet the boy didn't seem to share his desperation, only answering plainly. "I'm not sure, and it's not my place to say. But I do know that whenever Dabi is involved, the boss gets far more emotional, just like whenever you're involved."

Feeling his own mind stop spiraling for a moment, the bird then turned to the silver haired kid before pushing his lips in with disbelief. Now, that was definitely a lie. Hikari didn't care about him right now. She made that perfectly clear.

"Me? But she hates me."

Alpha only narrowed his eyes though, a small amount of silence appearing as if he was debating his next words very carefully.

And when he finally spoke, it was cold and serious. "Have you ever wondered why in all these years, the Takami gang has never once come for you? It's not out of luck, Hawks."

Feeling his heart completely stop inside his chest, Hawks processed the words one by one before turning his eyes in confusion. Wait, he always thought the president wiped his files and that was good enough.

Yet as he continued to think logically, his face began to pale. Hold on, Alpha was right. He hadn't noticed it before but it seemed no one ever figured out he was Takami Keigo, the scared boy that once was forced into villainy by his father.

Sure, he wasn't around a ton but the bird did recall meeting various other gang members and villains with his father, just like with his sister. Being the boss's kids, they were pretty easy to recognize.

And in the end, Hikari was the one that was brought back. Not him.

She was dragged back into their fathers gang which meant she was probably asked about him, about where he was so he could have the same fate.

But they never came, not once

That only meant one thing, Hikari had steered away, she never told them that he was Hawks. She took the fall and the spot for him, she let him live his dream while she suffered silently.

Just then, Alpha's voice broke through his own fear, his tone hauntingly smooth. "Perhaps you should be grateful for Valkyrie also, considering they kept your secret."

The reality made his hands start to shake, immediately turning to his sister only to find her a couple feet away, the duo reaching them a moment later.

And when they reached them, Dabi was the first to speak, purposely gesturing to his wandering hand on Hikari before smirking. "There you are chicken shit. I can spot your shitty wings anywhere."

Yet Hawks was far too distracted and distressed to notice the hand, only focusing on the horrible words that Alpha had told him. "Ah, y-yeah good one Dabi.."

His sister on the other hand seemed to pick up on his strange reply, turning her head to the side before pointing to the glass in his hands. "What's wrong Hawks? Don't tell me you're drunk already."

Before he could open his mouth to reply, a large booming voice filled the entire space, everyone stopping their idle chit chat in order to gaze up at the man on the balcony. "Attention everyone, if I could have your attention please."

Hikari recognized the man immediately, knowing it was that same pointy nose asshole that overpowered her last night. The very same man that decided to hurt her stitched friend.

He was just as cocky as ever, the girl narrowing her eyes as Dabi muttered from behind. "Ah shit, here we go. Get ready to gag.."

As she slapped his shoulder lighty, the leader then lifted his glass up towards the room before speaking proudly. "I'd like to thank everyone for joining us today, especially our special guests from the league of villains..."

Then the man pointed towards their group only for Hikari to glare daggers in his direction as murderous thoughts filled her head. Just wait until she got a hold of him, then he wouldn't be so proud.

Pushing the attention back on him, the leader then brought his glass back down with a cocky smile, knowing he had gotten under their skin before finishing a moment later. " I hope you enjoy your time in the liberation mansion and we can compromise to make a better world and a free world!"

Then all at once, the entire crowd lifted their glasses as well, each and every tone robotic as they chanted back to their leader. "A better world, a free world!"

Hikari couldn't help but scoff though. "Sounds like a cult to me."

Feeling her brother elbow her in the side, she paused when she saw the leader walking towards them, his hands outstretched in some kind of sick welcome. "I hope you enjoyed my little speech. I'm really happy you decided to join us today."

Although once again, Hikari couldn't help but open her mouth again, her teeth gritted in unkempt anger for the man that hurt Dabi last night. "Like you gave us a choice."

The pointy nosed man chose to ignore her comment though, continuing on like nothing. "Speaking of which, I don't think we've properly been introduced. I'm Re-Destro, son of Destro. You must be Dabi and the number two hero Hawks. Lovely to meet you."

Hearing his name, the bird couldn't help but perk up, already lifting out a hand as his "Hawks" persona pushed forward into view. "Yeah man, thanks for the invite! I'm really digging all this free world stuff!"

Re-Destro nodded his head in content before turning to Dabi with the same energy. "That's wonderful to hear. What about you Dabi?"

Yet the villain didn't have the same enthusiasm, his voice blunt. "I think you're a crackhead that I want to burn inside out."

The leader didn't seem that intimated though, his eyes casted down in disappointment before finally turning back to Hikari with a watchful stare, causing her skin to start to crawl.

"My, that's not very nice. Now, it seems I know everyone except Dabi's partner here. You are quite beautiful indeed, more so when you're not drenched in rain. What's your name Miss?"

Hikari didn't miss the slight insult, looking down and his outstretched hand before her brow ticked in annoyance. That cocky son of a bitch, he was rubbing their defeat in, wasn't he?"

So much so that the girl's voice couldn't help but be slightly sour, her eyes narrowing in a glare as she hissed. "I'll tell you my name when you deserve it."

Yet once again the man hardly cared, pulling his hand away before shrugging his shoulders without a care in the world. "I suppose that's fair. I'll just refer to you as Miss then."

Hikari took in his entire stance before feeling something unpleasant in the bottom of her stomach. This guy looked at her in a way she couldn't place, almost like he was seeing through her exterior completely.

Why did it make her so uncomfortable? This guy didn't even know her. He was just some asshole villain with crazy ideals. Hardly anyone to fear.

Yet the more he stared, the more Hikari felt herself try to draw into herself, Re-Destro turning his lips back into a frown before finally speaking after an agonizing couple seconds.

"I have to say, I'm thrilled that you express an interest in liberation but I worry about you Miss. It seems you have no records of your talent. How do I know if you are worthy enough for our cause?"

His words were funny to say the least, mostly because of who he was asking them to.

If only he knew she was Valkyrie, then she knew the man wouldn't have even uttered those words. If only he knew what she could do, what she had done in the past, then he wouldn't be smiling.

"Oh believe me, I'm worthy."

Even Hawks seemed to back her up, throwing an arm around his sister's shoulder before exclaiming. "Yeah, my friend here is super capable! She won't disappoint you man."

Re-Destro didn't really seem convinced though, looking up and down at the blonde haired woman before speaking honestly. "How do I know that though? You must understand, only the best warriors can join our army. And apologies but the only thing I seemed to know about you is that you and Dabi are romantic partners. That's hardly enough to impress me."

Stewing in extreme fury, Hikari felt her necklace rub agnost her collarbone before shaking her head in disbelief. This little idiot, who did he think he was talking to? Saying that she was only useful as Dabi's fake girlfriend, what the hell?

Just then, an overwhelming sense of emotion poured through her, desperate to show the pointy nose freak just who he was talking to, just what would happen if they underestimated her.

Gritting her teeth to hold in her anger, Hikari then took a step forward before locking eyes with Re-Destro in a challenge. "You want me to impress you? Fine, name it and it's done. I'm not some kind of pussy that needs to hide behind Dabi. I said I'm serious about the liberation so I'll do it."

The villain only seemed overjoyed at her passion though, already having an answer, almost like it was planned from the beginning. "Very well, a test then. Something to show your value to the front. How does that sound? If you can pass that then I won't object to your application again."

And although she knew this villain was fucking with her, Hikari could hardly see through her own determination, the determination to show that she wasn't a weak useless child like in the past. "What do you want?"

Twisting his lips into a smile, the man spoke again a moment later. "The liberation is in need of finances for our war, that means we need donations. The Daisuke group has a large sum of money that we can "borrow" but first we need the key to his fortune in order to do so."

His challenge was stupid to the girl, causing her to snort before crossing her arms over her chest with ease. "So you want me to get a stupid key, that's it?"

Yet that's when Re-Destro's eyes darkened, intent behind every word. "It's not just the key. I want you to slip in and out undetected. Do what you must but get that key and come back quietly by yourself. That means you can't receive help from anyone."

And all at once, Hikari felt her eyes widen, knowing exactly what he was asking for.

The air turned cold as the girl felt her hands ball into a fist at the implications of the test, her mind flashing back to horrible moments of her past through cloudy darkened eyes.

At the silence, Hawks then turned to his sister to find the very same expression as the one he saw after that day at the mall when he asked her about her fake personality, about how good she was at it.

Now and then, her face was the same.

It was painted in horror, surprise and trauma, Hikari forcing her hands not to shake before she opened her mouth only for Dabi to answer for her, his voice laced in a surprising amount of hate for the usual uncaring villain.

"No fucking way, you can forget it. My girl doesn't have to prove shit to you."

Hawks couldn't help but widen his eyes, never hearing the villain call anyone his girl before, and with such raw emotion as well.

Hikari was too lost in her own mind to hear his words though, allowing Re-Destro to answer for him, disappointment in his tone. "If she disagrees then she can't join."

Dabi didn't seem to care though, stepping in between her and the leader before glaring, his fingers already smoking in emotion. "Like we care."

Yet that's when Hikari's voice answered back, her tone rather forced and small.

"I'll do it. I'll..."

Balling his hands into fists, Dabi felt his knuckles start to turn white before turning around with disbelief, his tone low and commanding ""No, you aren't."

Although his rejection on her behalf seemed to be what woke the girl up, pushing past the villain in front to stand in front of the leader again. "Yes, I am. You want that key, I'll bring you the key, undetected, just like you want."

At the confirmation, the villain couldn't help but beam. "Excellent. Then it's decided."

Dabi wasn't pleased though, growling into his throat before Hikari felt herself being pulled backwards roughly, his voice unhinged and serious as he tried to stand in front of her again.

"No, back the fuck up. She's not doing it so you can shove that key up your own ass. My girl isn't some kind of lowly errand girl, all right? Get off your own ass and find that key yourself, you pointy nosed prick."

Hikari was beyond furious though, not liking how he was dictating her decision for her. If he really didn't care then he was doing a really shitty job in showing it right now.

Sucking in a short breath through her nose Hikari then lowered her eyes before grabbing onto Dabi's jacket with firm aggressiveness, her voice filled with venom and hate.


And just hearing the way she spoke his name, Dabi knew she was pissed.

Not that fun kind of pissed that he always loved to see from her. No, she was furious at him, her unkempt emotions causing the villain to pause ever so slightly as she seethed.

"Back off. I'm doing it."

Freezing at the raw power in her voice, Dabi felt his mind spin with conflict, still unmoving before Hikari said something that she knew would get him to leave the topic alone.

"You are going against what you told me last night."

Then all at once, Dabi's stance grew anxious as he couldn't help but play his own words over and over again in his mind, the ones that he assured her were the truth, the ones he had made her believe.

You're right, I don't care

I don't save people, I don't save anyone.

Did you forget, I'm not a hero, I'm not your bird brother, I'm a fucking villain. Get that through your thick skull already, Hikari

And as his mind swirled around the conversation, Dabi's smoking palms grew even more frantic as the villain's eyes played in conflict. She was right, the way he was acting now went against everything he had said previously.

Realization seemed to cross his features then, glancing between Hikari and Re-Destro before he forced himself to stand aside and shove his burning palms into his pockets to stop the overwhelming emotions

Then he wordlessly turned his eyes away from her, choosing to focus on the floor as Re-Destro watched the interaction with interest. "Uh oh, trouble in paradise I see?"

Not liking his words, Hikari grumbled to herself before finally taking a step forward, allowing her to come face to face with the leader and get back to business.

Yeah, it was obvious Dabi was against this but too bad. She had already made her choice, now he had to accept it. "There's no trouble, he doesn't speak for me. I'll get the key."

Nodding his head in confirmation, Re-Destro replied a moment later. "You have till the end of this party to find the target, retrieve it and impress me. You can bring your friends and partner if you want but they can't help. Good luck Miss. I expect success."

After that, he wordlessly disappeared into the crowds, Hikari watching as he left, only for Hawks to roughly pull her to the side a moment later, anxiety clear across his face.

"Hikari, why would you agree to something like that?"

Yet Hikari didn't even look at him, her eyes casted down in a mix of shame and determination before locking down all of her feelings in order to turn to her right hand man with a serious glare.

"Alpha, you know what to do."

The boy simply nodded in reply before turning and disappearing in the sea of people as Hikari placed a shaking hand to her arms with a heavy sigh, her brother watching with extreme concern.

What was going on? Why did HIkari look so scared for this mission, and why did Dabi blow up like that? What was it about this test? It didn't seem all that bad to him from the sound of it. There had to be something else.

It was like the two knew something the hero didn't, choosing not to speak on it as Hawks wordlessly followed his sister.

Well, whatever it was, Hawks certainly had a bad feeling about it.

Although little did he know, he was simply witnessing the calm before the storm.


Oof oof, we are here, getting closer to a really big part of Hikari's backstory and her transformation into Val. I left tons of hints in here that will make more sense in the next chapter, but she's been through some shit.

Lots going on here, we have some Alpha lore and how he knew Valkyrie. It's also important then if Hikari has her black hair then it takes place after her transformation into Val, in a period where Dabi isn't in the picture. So that little flashback in the beginning and Alpha's time with Hiari was mostly without Dabi. Where is he? I guess you'll have to see. Everything will piece together, I promise.

I think Hawks is seeing some hero potential in his sister now after hearing that. After saving the kid and then protectiving his hero identity, idk Hikari that's not very villain of you. I see you.

And of course we got some spicy Dabi and Hikari as their tension gets closer. Dabi says he doesn't care and then contradicts those feelings? What is true? Idk we shall see.

Next Chapter: Shit hits the fan. We uncover an important part about her past and why Dabi is so pissed about it.

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