Covered By Her Scars

By scarwrites_

477K 9.1K 5K

She made a promise. One that she didn't realize would be so hard to keep. ... More

| Introduction | edited
| Characters |
book covers (?)


8.3K 153 89
By scarwrites_


Saturday, May 18th, 1:04 am.

And then I saw him. His figure was clear and punctuated. I knew the second I saw his dark fatigue, that it was him.

My legs are limp, my knees breaking.

It can't be. No-

My eyes throb for mercy. It's not. I saw his dead body in the hospital.

I watched him get carried in a casket, and buried 6 feet under. It's not him.

I can feel the pressure of Coal behind me, begging me for explanation.

But when he realizes, the presence that stands 20 feet in front of us, he freezes as well.

I watch the figure step closer, my eyes becoming blurry from the water that now clogs them.

Then I see his elegant hair, the luscious locks that hold in place.

Piercing through the moonlight, I can see his blurry face, his whole fucking face.

"Soph," His voice rings through the cemetery, and that's when my heart stops.

"Luke?" My words come out desperate and cutthroat, as a gut wrenching sob reeks from my body.


Friday, May 17th, 7:28 am.

"I like your shirt amor," Coal smirks, looking down at my slightly bare breasts.

I'm wearing a white v neck tank top and some black lululemon shorts. I have on white ankle high nike socks and my blue jordan's.

Hoping on the basic bitch bus!

"My body can finally move properly again," I say, whipping my backpack over my shoulder, "Might as well show it off."

Coal places his hand on my waist, pulling my into him, "Hmm, that's good, because i've been waiting to make you sore again."

He mumbles against my lips before kissing me.

Good morning make out session I guess-

I pull away, "As much as I would like to continue," Coal's lips twitched into a smirk, "We have to meet everyone at smoothie king."

Coal rolls his eyes, "Right."

Coal grabs my softball bag and his baseball bag, and we go down to his car.

The group decided to go to smoothie king before school this morning since we have the championship game after school—it's a tradition, but we just haven't done it together in 2 years.

"How come you guys are always the ones late? You are our captains you know," Noah rolls his eyes as we make our way to their table.

"Yeah and so are you and Alyssa, I don't remember seeing you guys at the bake sale event to raise money." I snap back.

Coal just laughs from beside me, and we take our seat across from Alyssa and Noah.

"Anyways, did y'all see what Lucas Thompson posted on his instagram story?" Marco asks.

All of us shake our head.

He gives us a 'your not gonna like this' look.

We all take out our phones as go to his instagram.

Lucas Thompson is 2nd in the state, behind Coal. He plays for Athens, who we're both playing this year at state. The boys seem to always play them at the championship, but it's the first time their softball team has made it to.

I've seen some of the softball players snapchat stories and I am not excited for confrontation.

Their gonna try to start shit, and try to physch us out before the game, but we know we're better than them.

We were watching some of their games, and their good, but we can do better

Usually Im nervous as hell before the games, especially the championship, but for some reason I'm not.

Maybe because everything is going well right now, maybe because my dad won't be watching my every move. Or maybe just because of Coal in general.

"He thinks he's some hot shit doesn't he?" Riley scoffs, "News flash, sexualizing is not attractive."

I turn my attention back towards Lucas Thompson's recent post- oh hell no.

It's a picture of me at the last game.

In big text it says, "This is the number 1 softball player in the state? Looks like some cheerleader to me."

That's honestly the most cringy "roast" i've ever heard.

It's the fact that it doesn't even effect me.

His brain and his dick are the same size.

I break out into a laugh, struggling to catch my breath. I laugh for a long time, taking looks at the photo every few seconds.

I don't know why I find it so funny, I just do.

Everyone looks at me, like their admiring me.

Coal just smiles and shakes his head, as my harmony falls silent.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You just haven't laughed like that in a long time." Marco says.

"Oh," is all I mumble.

Coal furrows his eyebrows at my mood change, "I love your laugh."

He always knows what to say.

I bite my bottom lip to hold back my smile.

"Now let me see what your laughing about." He whisk fully takes the phone from my hand, but instead of laughing like me, he clenches his jaw.

"I don't find this funny." His grip tightens around the phone.

I give him a playful slap on the arm, "It is very funny."

"He basically said you aren't good enough to be number one." His gaze turns to me.

I shrug my shoulders, "I'm pretty sure he doesn't determine that."

Coal turns the phone off and hands it back to me aggressively, "He's gonna regret that later."

He mumbles it so quietly that I can barely hear. He probably hoped it didn't catch that, but I did.

Now I have this grown ass guy to keep tabs on all night.

We all chat for a little and drink our smoothies, but eventually the soft conversation dies down and we have to get to school.


I trudge through the school, walking back and forth in front of the clinic.

How could this happen? Right before our game?

The sweat increases on my forehead. As much as I hate Bianca, we need her out of the field.

My I hear the door knob squeak, my eyes dart to the door.

She walks out carelessly, ignoring my presence.


"So? Can she play?!" I ask the nurse impatiently.

"Yes. She should be fine, just a slight bruising to the head. She doesn't seem to have a concussion, but she could get some pretty bad headaches." The nurse explains.

Bianca started something with one of the cheerleaders. They ended in a physical fight, and the cheerleader pushed her down the fucking stairs.

"Mhm great." I nod, not caring if she has headaches, she just needs to play.

Chaos, chaos, chaos.

When I enter the locker room all the girls are frantically getting ready.

Some are yelling at each other, others are staying calm, then theirs people in between.

Right now, Luna and Riley are yelling at each other over which way their hair should be done.

Alyssa is just ignoring them and continues to put her hair up.

"NO! It should be a braid back into a high ponytail." Luna argues.

"NO IT SHOULD BE A BRAID INTO A LOW PONYTAIL!!" Riley grabs the brush from Luna's hand.

"Why do you have to have the same?" I ask, breaking their conversation.

"Because. We want good pictures." Luna groans.

I laugh, "I don't think you will be able to tell,"

They roll their eyes at me and continue their argument.

We still have 4 hours until the game starts, but we don't get to go home in between.

So we have to stay at the school, but we get to chill out until 2 hours before the game.

"We have 2 hours before we actually get ready, can you guys argue later?" I raise my eyebrows at them.

They snap out of their argue and give each other a glance, but agree to figure it out later.

"Let's go to the cafeteria, there's probably some left over fruit snacks from lunch," Luna grins.

We all agree and leave the locker room.

We're in a conversation about fruit snacks and if Motts or Welches are better. I'm halfway turned around to argue that Welches are better, but when I walk out of the locker room door, I make contact with a wall.

When I start to stumble backwards, 2 hands grip on either side of my waist and pull me back upwards. My hands press against the wall out of instinct of colliding into it again.

I open my eyes that I didn't realize were squinted.

Oh, it wasn't a wall, it was Coal.

"Watch where your going princess," Coal smirks, giving my waist a tight squeeze, provoking a yelp out of me.

He just chuckles and then releases me form his hold.

"Where are you guys going?" Noah asks.

"We we're planning on going to the cafeteria for some fruit snacks," Alyssa responds.

Coal shifts his gaze back to me, "Fruit snacks?"

"Welches or Motts? If you don't say Welches I will actually throw you into the pool." I grin cheekily.

Coal shakes his head and smiles, he does that a lot.

"Motts." He clears his throat, throwing me a smirk.

My mouth drops open dramatically.

"To the pool you go!" I chime.

"No. To the pool you go." He chuckles before throwing me over his shoulder and running down the hall.

"COAL- PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell as he sprints through the halls.

"Why would I do that when I have a perfect view of your ass?" He retorts, swinging around in a circle.

I look behind us to see Noah dragging Alyssa with him. Marco, Luna, Riley and Will running behind them too, pushing at each other playfully.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU AFTER THIS DEMARTINO." I yell as he bursts through the doors that lead to the pool.

"No you won't love," He says before jumping into the pool.

Oh yes I will, love.

My breath gets taken essay as I go 4 feet under the water. I swim up to the top and catch my breath before it fades away.

I just wanted fruit snacks.

I'm suddenly pulled back under the water, but thrown up a few seconds later.

I suck in a deep breath for my few moments out of the water before crashing back down.

Coal then pulls me by my waist against him, my back placed against his chest.

"Your pretty," He whispers, nibbling on my ear.

I glare at him, still coughing up water though-

"Compliments will not make me forgive you." I cock an eyebrow at him.

"But this will." He smirks but spinning me around in the water, and gripping onto my jaw.

He pulls me in, and my hands wrap around his neck instantly.

His hand slides up my thigh and forcefully wraps my legs around his waist, his hand still on my ass.

He holds up my weight like it's nothing, never breaking the kiss.

He lustfully slips his tongue inside my mouth, and swirls it around, giving me immense pleasure.

He slows down his movement, teasing me.

Suddenly his hand comes around to the front of me and slides down my stomach. He slips his hand in my underwear, and moves down.

A moan slips out of my lips when his thumb brushed over my clit.

"Coal, our friends will be here any second." I say breathlessly.

"Mmm," He mumbles, pulling my lips back into his.

He rubs his thumb in circles over my clit.

Oh fuck.

Not in a pool.

Not at school.

Not when our friends are down the hall.

He fastens his pace, somehow hitting the right spot every time.

My clit throbs for more, our kisses becoming sloppy as I moan out every few seconds.

Then the doors crash open and I immediately push Coal under the water.

Instead of stopping, he moves his face to my stomach and sucks on the tender skin over my waist band.

My eyes become blurry as the rest of the group jumps into the water, thankfully not noticing the unclear shadow beneath me.

I yank Coal up as everyone is still under the water, and of course- he has a stupid smirk on his face.

When he sees my expression he laughs.

His laugh extinguishes any annoyance i had for him once before, and instead causes me to hold back a smile and so watch his mouth tingle with laughter.

"Still mad?" He cocks his head to the side.

I roll my eyes, but casually try to hide my smile, "Yes your forgiven."

He swims over to the side of the pool as the others start to regroup at the top of the water.

He reaches his hand out to help me up and I gladly take it.

"I ate a big lunch today, you sure your strong enough?" I say sarcastically.

He flares at me but doesn't say anything, instead he shows me.

He scoops my up with one arm. Pulling me fully out of the water with no help from me at all.

"Yeah maybe you should hold off on those big lunches," He smirks with the same sarcastic tone in his voice as I did.


I pretend to not notice the sarcasm, and frown at him.

His expression turns guilty, and he shakes his head quickly, "I was just joking Sofia,"

When he takes a step closer to me I glance between him and the pool and when he realizes my intention he tries to back away but I quickly shove him into the pool.

"I hate you princess." He yells before falling completely in the water.

I smile sheepishly, "I love you too." 


oop- well sorry... 

kinda a curve ball there but you never know what will happen in the next chapter... 

anyways we are so close to 100k reads! 

i love you all and thank you so much <3

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