Secrets keeper

By SnowWhite1309

145K 6.8K 5.4K

Gawking two guys in a hot-blown make-out session in the mathematical section of the library was not what I ex... More

Book trailer!
1- The Clichés
2 - Our little secret
3 - Stalker
4 - Kidnapped by Clichés
5 - Mystery Girl
6 - A long story
7 - Party time (1)
8 - Party time (2)
9 - Party time (3)
10 - Awkward
11 - Soccer Practice
12 - Catching the cheater
13 - Victory
14 - After-party
15 - Devilish smile
16 - Preparation week
17 - Mishap
18 - Thank you and sorry
19 - Fundraiser (1)
20 - Fundraiser (2)
21 - Fundraiser (3)
22 - You like her
23 - Not until you two kiss
24 - A favor
25 - YOLO
26 - Do the daring
28 - Gay Club (2)
29 - Meeting his family
30 - No?
31 - Singletines (1)
32 - Singletines (2)
33 - Not again
34 - Positive
35 - Dexter
36 - I like him
37 - Tonight (1)
38 - Tonight (2)
39 - Tonight (3)
40 - Spring Break (1)
41 - Spring Break (2)
42 - Spring Break (3)
43 - Spring Break (4)
44 - Spring Break (5)
45 - Spring Break (6)
46 - Back to school
47 - April Fools
48 - Dinner (1)
49 - Dinner (2)
50 - Storm (1)
51 - Storm (2)
52 - Coming out
53 - Getting caught
54 - Boys night out
55 - Girls night out
56 - Coward
57 - Surprise
58 - Karma
59 - Prom
60 - A secret
Characters Aesthetic

27 - Gay Club (1)

2.2K 114 102
By SnowWhite1309

^^The club

Lillian's POV




Groaning, I turned on my mattress and pulled the blanket over my head to avoid my phone blazing, but nothing helped. I sighed and got up from my bed, eyeing my phone on my study table, which was on the other side of my small room. I kept my phone far from me while sleeping because its electromagnetic radiation is harmful to your health and sleep.

I got up from my bed and glanced at the time to see eight in the morning. It was Saturday and I thought who would be awake this early. I usually wake up at nine.

My brows knitted in confusion when I saw Chloe's name on it. She's not a morning person, and it made me wonder if she was in trouble.

"Hello-" I greeted, but she cut me off with her whine.

"Lilly! You won't believe what happened!" she sobbed.

"What?" I walked to my bed and sat on it with crossed legs.

"Check your email right now!"


"Just do it!"

"Okay..." I sighed and opened my mail on my phone. There was a new one from Louis.

"Did you see it?!" Chloe shouted from the speaker.

"I'm opening it."

"Read it out loud."

"Alright..." It was an invitation to a party. The subject of the mail was Loner Wolf. "I, Loner Wolf aka Louis Young, invite you to a party of the year. The party where you won't feel lonely just because you are single on Valentine's day. Yes, you read it right. I am inviting you to the Singletines..." I paused. "Single-what?"

"Singletines," Chloe repeated. "I love his idea of how he put these words together..." she murmured.

"More details will be available to you soon." I was impressed by how decently he wrote it. "P.S you are supposed to come alone." I finished.

"Can you believe this?! Louis is organizing a party on Valentine's day for singles!" She shrieked. "Now what about me?! I wanted to ask him to be mine, but how will I do it when he's planning a party for singles!"

"Um..." I trailed off, not sure what to say. "You can still ask him-"

"No." She firmly said. "He wants to be 'single' during Valentine's. I'm not asking him, it will be awkward."

"Then what are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to burn the freaking letter I struggle on for days and pretend nothing happened." She said in a honeyed voice. I knew it hurt her.

"Don't burn it, Chloe. You worked hard on it."

"I just wrote a few lines in it." She sighed. "Want me to read it?"

"Please go ahead."

"Dear Louis Young. I've thrown away a lot of letters just to make the perfect one, and I don't know if this is the one or not, which I'll decide on in the end, but I want to tell you I love you. I've been in love with you since freshman year... And that's it." She finished.

"It's not that bad you can complete it."

"What's the use? At this rate, I'll never be able to tell him my feelings." She sniffed.

"There has to be a way," I mumbled.

"Maybe I should burn myself instead of the letter." She groaned, and I knew she was joking.

I ran my brains for ideas and came up with the one Ben used on me during the fundraiser. It didn't work out for me, but I hoped it'll help Chloe.

"I have an idea."

"What?!" she asked eagerly.

"You can help Louis with organizing the party..."

"Why in the world would I do that?" She shrieked.

"Because then you'll get to spend more time with him and get to know him better..." The line went silent, then she let out a shrill scream, making me wince.

"Oh wait! I got it! After spending time with him, he'll know how much I love him and it will be easy for me! That's a great idea, Lillian! I love you so much!"

"I love you too Chloe." I chuckled.

"I'll go change right away and change out of my PJs, then I have to decide what to wear and take a shower... OMG, I have so much work to do!"

"You can do it. It's only eight-"

"Yeah, but if I hurry that means I'll get to spend more time with him!" I giggled and shook my head at my innocent friend.

We hang up and I went to the bathroom to refreshen up because there was no use to go back to sleep now.

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~

"No... No... No..."

Signing, I watched my mom look for an outfit for me to wear to the club. It was around five now and I was in my room sitting on my bed, wrapped in a towel, after taking a shower. Mom said that she'll choose something for me since I don't have fashion sense. She was ecstatic when I told her about the club and told me she used to go there when she was a teen just to see the hot guys there.

"That's it." She huffed and put her hands on her hips. "I'm going to look for something in my wardrobe. You have nothing but plain clothes."

"Your clothes won't even fit me, mom." I sighed.

"I was once slim too young lady." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I can wear anything-"

"No." She shook her head and walked out of my room. "Just give me a minute. I'll be back!"

I sat on my bed and patted my hair to dry. After a minute, mom showed up with a classy white sweater shirt.

"This is the only one I found that will fit you." She eyed my thin figure. "But I think it's still going to be loose."

"I'll tuck it in," I mumbled and took the shirt from her. Taking a white camisole to wear under it and blue jeans, I walked to my bathroom to change.

After changing, I walked into my room and saw my mom with a make-up kit. My eyes grew big, and I stepped back.

"I will not do that!" I shrieked.

"Don't worry." She rolled her eyes and patted my bed. "I'm going to apply just a little. Now come on. Close your eyes and let your mommy do the magic."

Blowing a breath, I sat on my bed and did as she said. I heard caps opening, wrapping, and tearing sounds as she did things to my face. I felt sleepy when the soft brush touched my face and how smoothly she was doing it.

"You're not operating my face, right?" I asked after a few minutes and peeked through my right eye.

"Sh... You'll ruin it." She hushed me. "And don't open your eyes."

I impatiently tapped my foot when she opened my hair, which was in a ponytail, and combed it. After what felt like an eternity, she let go of me and squealed.


Opening my eyes, I looked in the mirror and sighed in relief when I saw I didn't look like a joker. She applied a thin layer of makeup, including blush, black eyeliner that popped my green eyes, and light pink lipstick, and left my hair open.

"And?" Mom asked, blinking her hopeful eyes at me.

"I look good." I beamed. "Thank you, Mom. I love it."

"Yes!" she squealed, clapping her hands, and I giggled at her.

Around six, I got a text from Ben that they were outside.

"You should invite Toby in." Mom said, looking through the window. "Don't you think his boyfriend will mind that we didn't even invite them in?"

I told them I was going to the club with Toby and his boyfriend but didn't mention Ben's name. Ben told me they'll come in Toby's car to pick me up.

"No need for that, mom," I mumbled, wearing my black Chelsea boots. "We'll get late."

"You are going to a club, Lilly. You are supposed to be late." She said in a duh tone.

"Where will you stay the night?" Dad asked. "I can call Dave to let you guys stay at their house."

"No need for that, dad." Dave was our neighbor in Hidden Hills. "We'll stay at the motel."

"Alright." He nodded. "Just be careful." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Now listen here." My mom put her hands on my shoulder and shook me. "I know I'm a mother and it's against all rules, but you can drink all you want and relish your life when you're young."

"O...k..." I blinked my eyes.

"Just don't die or kill anyone else, otherwise we're good."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I'm going to go now, mom."

"Right." She beamed and kissed my cheek.

"Bye!" I said, walking out.

"Bye and have fun!"

I opened the back seat of Toby's car and got in. Ben was in the driver's seat and they greeted me.

"Wow..." Toby whistled, eyeing my clothes. "We are tripling tonight."

Both Ben and Toby were wearing white shirts with blue jeans.

"No one is going to get lost then." Ben chuckled and drove out of my street.

It was around an hour's drive from West Hills. We listened to songs and talked about my town and how I moved from there. The sun was down when we reached Hidden Hills. The chilly wind blew, making my hair fly in all directions. It was hard to keep them in place since I usually tied them, but I was glad I at least wore warm clothes.

I gave Ben and Toby a tour of my old town and showed them my school and the house I used to live in. Then we went to dinner close by to eat before the club.

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~

"Ready?" I asked and saw them swallowing hard.

The bar name 'Know us' was illuminated with neon rainbow colors. I watched as a line was formed outside and a bouncer was checking ids.

"Yeah, but how are we going to pass that guy?" Toby asked, staring at the big, scary bouncer.

"Come on." We walked towards the gate.

I stopped in front of the bouncing, and people yelled at me for breaking the line. Apologizing to them, I turned to the bouncer, who raised his brow at me.

"Kitten," I said, adjusting my glasses.

He blinked his eyes for a moment, then chuckled and remove the curtain. "Go ahead." He jerked his head, smirking.

I stepped inside, followed by Ben and Toby. There was a hallway and a closet-shaped door was at the end.

"Kitten?" Ben asked as we strode towards the end of the hallway.

"It's the code word." I shrugged and grabbed the doorknob. "Shall we?"

Ben and Toby took deep breaths and nodded. I pushed the door and was greeted by loud music. The club was dark like any other club seen in the movies and a neon rainbow color disco laser showcase radiated from the dance floor. I observed everyone on the dance floor. On one side there were guys on the other girls and in the middle there were mixed.

"Wow..." Toby murmured and Ben whistled.

I looked for Jonathan and saw him behind the bar. "There's Jonathan." I pointed, and we descend the stairs.

I peeked at Ben and Toby and saw them awestruck as they took in the environment.

"Is that you, kitten?!" Jonathan shrieked when he saw me making me groan. He used to call me that when we were in Hidden High to tease me.

Ben raised his brows, but I ignored him. "Hey, Mr. Werido."

He chuckled and jumped over the bar towards us and pulled me into a hug. "You've grown so much! How many years it has been twenty?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Two."

"Ah..." He patted my head, then looked behind me and whispered. "Are these hotties the one Luke was talking about?"

Ben and Toby went stiff and stepped closer to each other.

"Yeah, that's them." I chuckled at their reaction.

"Well take a seat, my friends." He went behind the bar again and we took sat on the stools. "I'll make you guys something good."

"This place is heaven," Toby exclaimed. "I'm glad we came here." Ben nodded, still looking around the club.

"Here you go." Jonathan placed four shots in front of us and I looked at him with wide eyes. "Don't worry, I already had a chat with Luke." He winked.

"Now this is getting better." Ben chuckled, pulling his sleeve up, and licked his wrist.

"What is this?" I sniffed it and a shiver went down my body.

"Tequila." Jonathan grinned. "And it's on the house."

"Eh..." I pushed it back. "I don't drink."

"Come on Lilly." Toby took his. "We are at a club. Just one shot with us, please."

"You won't even feel it," Ben said, sprinkling salt on his wrist.

"I took the responsibility for taking care of you," Jonathan said, pushing the shot in front of me. "Live the night, kitten."

"Alright." I sighed and stared at the glass. "Just one."

They cheered, and I picked the glass.

"Now I'll teach you the right way to drink it," Ben said, taking my wrist. "Lick it."

"Uh..." I trailed off, and he sighed.

"The proper way to drink it." Jonathan began and licked his wrist. "Lick, shoot, suck."

"Lick, shoot, suck," I repeated, and they grinned.

"Now follow me."

I licked my wrist and Jonathan sprinkle salt on it and Toby's.

"Now remember the mantra." He said and placed lemon slices in front of us. "One... Two... Three!"

We all lick the salt from our wrists and took the shot. I coughed when the strong drink went down my throat and quickly took the slice of lemon into my mouth.

"Woah!" I choked, making them laugh.

"How was it?" Toby beamed.

"It was... Good." I grinned and placed the glass in front of Jonathan. "One more!"

"Are you sure?" He asked, and I nodded my head.

"Enjoy the night as long as no one dies," I repeated my mother's words, and they laughed.

One after another, I didn't know how many shots I took, but I suddenly felt light and giddy. Sitting on the stool, I bobbed my head with the music beat and watched Ben and Toby on the dance floor.

I never felt this cloudless before. It was like I was flying and for no reason; I was giggling. I observed everyone dancing on the floor and my eyes caught a familiar guy. A gasp left my mouth when I recognize Andrew and rubbed my eyes to see if he was real. But when I looked at the guy again, I realized it was someone else.

My shoulders slumped in disappointment, and I leaned into the bar. For no reason, I missed Andrew and wondered what he would be doing.

Must be with some of his girls... or maybe all of them!

"Aren't you too young to be here?" I turned to my right and saw a lady, maybe in her twenties, sitting beside me.

"I like your hair." I giggled, observing her blue-colored hair. She seemed very familiar.

"And wasted too." She gave me a once over and turned to Jonathan. "Serving underage people will get you locked up Jona."

"Don't act like you never got drunk Trixie." He chuckled. "I still remember our sophomore year when you threw a pool party and got drunk as fuc-"

"Alright, I got your point." She cackled, cutting him off. "Get me the usual."

Jonathan nodded and turned to make her drink.

"I think I've seen you somewhere." I leaned to her face and tried to remember. "You are the Smurf girl, aren't you?"

She raised her brows in amusement. "And you know that how?"

"I used to go to Hidden High," I answered and extended my hand. "Lillian Smith."

"Ah... Luke's sister." She grinned and shook my hand. "Does your brother know you're here?"

My brother was very popular in high school because he was on the soccer team.

I bobbed my head and gave her a toothy grin. "He said to have fun here since I spend all my time reading books."

"What types of books do you read?" She asked, leaning her elbow on the bar.

I tapped my chin and thought of it. "Every type... Except for erotic." I whispered.

"And why not?" She smirked. "Aren't they fun to read?"

"I don't know..." I shrugged and giggled. "But they are dirty."

"You bet they are." She snickered and looked around. "Are you alone here?"

I shook my head and pointed at Ben and Toby on the dance floor. "I'm with them."

Her brows shot up. "You three... Together?"

I bobbed my head, grinning, then it clicked in my mind what she asked, and I burst out laughing. "No! They are together and I'm their wing woman."

"Right..." She smirked and took the glass Jonathan passed him.

"Keep an eye on her for me," Jonathan said, walking towards the back door. "I need to get some things." Trixie nodded, and Jonathan left.

"Want to come and meet me, friends." She pointed towards the group of girls dancing around the corner.

"Friends or girlfriends..." I wiggled, and she choked on her drink.

"You are something, Miss nerd." I pouted.

"I'm not a nerd at least not for tonight."

"Why? Nerds are cool."

"But I'm boring. I want to enjoy tonight because you never know what'll happen tomorrow. I could even die."

"What's stopping you from enjoying it." She gestured towards the crowd dancing on the floor. "Go ahead."

"Will you come with me?" I asked, and she chuckled, getting up.


She grabbed my hand, and we walked towards the dance floor, passing people on the way.

"Lillian!" Toby and Ben exclaimed when they saw me. "Finally, you're out."

Laughing, I moved my body with them and jumped with the crowd at the beat of a song I didn't even recognize. I started seeing a blurry vision and blinked my eyes to clear them, but didn't work.

"Is it just me or it's getting hot?!" I shouted through the music. My whole body was sweating and inside was warm and fuzzy. I moved my hair that got stuck in my face.

"It's definitely getting hot," Trixie smirked and darted her eyes behind me.

I turned around and saw a few people standing on the stage stripping. The crowd cheered, and I giggled, watching them for no reason. I walked to them and a guy helped me get on the stage.

"What are you doing?!" Ben yelled.

"Enjoying!" I screamed and started opening my buttons. "It's boiling in here!"

"STRIP... STRIP!" The crowd screamed, and I burst out laughing.

Getting rid of my shirt, I threw it in the air and hooted with the crowd. I saw Ben, Toby, and Trixie cheering for me. "Go, Lillian!"

I turned around and saw everyone on the stage taking their pants off too and only standing in their undergarments. Shrugging, I opened the button, but before I could take it off, someone grabbed my arm and yanked me back.

"Ouch!" I yelped when my face hit a strong wall.

"What are you doing?!" the wall scolded me.

I looked up, and my eyes widened when I saw not one but two Andrews.

Am I dreaming?

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~



I know it's been almost a month since I've been MIA 💀 but things were pretty hectic here and then I couldn't write anymore... But now I'm trying to get back on track and I started reading this book from the beginning to get in flow again. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly from here!

Enjoy the chapter ❤

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