A Reverse World

By IrisLaker

112K 6.6K 827

................πŸ’žπŸ’ž I died once, once you ask?, I mean no one ever dies twice right?, That's the thing altho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
Chapter 10
Authors note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 *
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17*
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 *
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors note
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author's note
Chapter 38
Chapter 38 part 2
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 42 part 2
Chapter 43

Ch 30

1.9K 129 16
By IrisLaker

"Naerys, we're here" I gently shook him awake. I would've preferred to carry him but I wanted Naerys to see the environment of his new home, if there was anything he didn't like, I had to know so I could change it. He stirred in my arms and blinked a few times before lazily opening his eyes and staring at me.

My heart skipped a beat and I shook my head. This was nonsense, I wasn't a teenage girl whose crush had asked her out for the first time, I was a successful CEO, why would my heart skip a beat? It wasn't possible.
Alice opened the door and I offered my hand to help Naerys out of the carriage.

He took it and I brought him down smiling all the while. It seems like the nap had cleared Naerys of all his negative feelings, he was back to smiling now. " Where are we, amar?" He asked in awe as we stood at the pathway to my palace " you'll see" I replied gently pulling him after me.

Naerys had a starry eyed look on his face as he stared at the brick pathways and flowers of the palace, his favourite place seemed to be the greenhouse and he had wanted to stay there longer but it was getting late, so I dragged him up the stairs into my room. After shutting the door, I turned around to find Naerys standing akwardly at the center of my huge room " where are we amar?, We're in someone's room?" I laughed for a bit and led him to bed " don't worry Naerys, this is my palace and my room soon to be your new home".

Naerys blushed before my words sank in, once they did he looked up sharply and stared around the room. " R-really Amar?" He whispered "this is your home?" I sighed at the tremble in his words and nodded. Of course he was surprised, I didn't even want to imagine the state of wherever his mother had dumped him and Wes to live, he had probably never been somewhere this luxurious. It didn't help that Lillian had spouted rubbish before we left the school.

I clasped my hand around his and nudged his head up " Naerys I'm sorry I wasn't able to be there for you earlier but I'm making you a promise; from this moment on you are my family and there won't be be an unhappy day in your life.  You are never going to experience anything like that again, I swear to you." I wrapped my arms around his shaking form and wasn't surprised to feel my shoulder damp. Naerys clutched my arm and said tearily " th-thank you Amar."

I pulled away and smiled wiping the tears from his eyes "now, your surprise." I stood up and moved to my cupboard and brought out two huge cloth bags from Carstelle. I slowly unwrapped it and barely suppressed the gasp from my throat.

They was beautiful.

I carefully laid them before Naerys who looked at me in confusion " these are your clothes for our ceremony Naerys, do you like them?". He turned to look at me again, this time in surprise and I giggled " I'll leave you to it" I grabbed my clothes and went into the next room. Alice seemed to pop out of nowhere whenever I needed her so I wasn't really surprised when she poked her head through my door and asked " do you need any help, your highness?"

She then proceeded to do my hair along with helping me into the dress, "your majesty" she squealed " you look so beautiful!".

" Do you mean I wasn't beautiful before?" I teased enjoying the way her face turned red at the slightest taunt.

" Of course not, your majesty I-"

I cut her off with a laugh

" I know Alice, I just like teasing you".

She puffed up her cheeks and started hitting my arm " meanie, your highness shouldn't keep bullying me!" She looked like an angry squirrel and that only made me laugh harder.

" All right all right, my Alice is the best, no one is better than her"

I appeased and she laughed

" would you like some snacks your highness? The cook just invented a new dessert and he'd like you to taste it"

" Of course"

I had a bit of a sweet tooth and ever since Mrs Edith found out, she made it compulsory for the cook to ' invent' a new dessert every other day, if it wasn't for my daily body and magic training, there would be no difference between me and a huge pumpkin.

I made my way over to my room opening the door as I asked "Naerys are you done?".

As soon as I stepped fully into the room, I was stuck. Naerys instantly froze before the full body mirror a flush across his skin as he met my eyes. I shook my head and smirked moving towards Naerys slowly, almost like a wolf stalking towards a rabbit. His hands shook around the white necktie causing it to untangle itself from his neck and fall to the ground.

Majority of his buttons were undone leaving almost half his chest exposed. Even as I neared him I could see the skin there darken in a bright red shade, I smirked as I reached him, and wasn't even surprised when my voice came out huskily.

" Well, well well"

I stood behind him meeting his eyes in the mirror and openly scanning his body, unlike his scrawny frame suggested, Naerys's muscles were firm and developed, I could even see the top part of his abs peeking through

" who could have imagined"

I reached a hand out and slipped it into his shirt splaying my palms on the smooth skin. Naerys tensed even more as his face became bright red.

" my dear Naerys....." I moved my hand in a soft caress and leaned towards his ear " looks good without clothes on too."

At that, Naerys's entire body flushed and he shook a little. I placed a small kiss on the tip of his ear and blew a sudden breath into it causing his entire body to shiver. "Naerys...." I purred moving my hand lower " are you alright?"

"I-i-i... Amar~" he groaned as I finally stilled my hand. I glanced at the mirror, blood rushing fiercely towards my head as I did so. Naerys's body lay slack against mine, pupils dilated and chest heaving and panting like he had just run a hundred miles. His face and chest were red and in the foggy mirror almost gave the impression that we were doing something else entirely.

My hand hovered over the edge of his pants leaving feather like touches all over his waist in a deliberate attempt to tease him. I placed one hand around his waist to hold him steady while I walked the other one up his chest closing each button as I moved past them. Once he was sufficiently covered I grabbed the necktie from the ground and expertly wove it around his neck ending in a perfect bow knot.

I deposited Naerys on the bed seeing as he was in no position to move right now and walked to my door, opening it just as Alice appeared in the doorway, hands balancing two trays. She walked inside the room and shot me a confused glance once she spotted Naerys.

I laughed and sat down before the table " don't worry about Naerys Alice, he just....exerted himself a little too much and is resting now."

At my tone Alice looked confused but shrugged and left after dropping off the trays, apparently Mrs Edith wanted to take all the maids out for a shopping trip, both for themselves and the castle. After a few minutes of quiet thinking, I turned my attention to Naerys's still form, he didn't !ove even after some time and I became worried

Did I go too far?, Naerys had probably never experienced anything like that, I should've asked if he was okay with it first. Oh God.... I groaned and moved over to him.
"Naerys?" I called softly as I gently shook him " are you alright?". Naerys suddenly bolted upright and shyly nodded,  every time our met he would blush and look away. It seemed he was perfectly fine.
I smiled and reached out to caress his face " you're sure? If you aren't comfortable with what just happened then-"

"No!" I looked at him in shock, I don't think I've ever heard Naerys speak so loud  " I -i mean... It wasn't uncomfortable Amar, it was actually quite pleasant" he smiled shyly before continuing " it's just...I've never.....felt something like that before and .... I was afraid I would disappoint you".

I laughed a little at his cuteness " you could never disappoint me Naerys, it's just not possible." I wrapped our hands together and stared into his beautiful grey eyes, adoration and some other feeling blooming in my chest. I sighed a bit as I realized this would be the perfect time to speak to Naerys about Tyrion.

" Naerys?" He tilted his head inquisitively " I have to speak to you about something." He nodded slowly and smiled sweetly at me " I'm all ears Amar." "It's-it's about-" I hesitated. Was this really necessary?, Women here may be allowed to marry more than one man but it wasn't compulsory in any way, would Naerys take it the wrong way?, Would he think I thought he wasn't good enough or something?, Considering his upbringing, it wasn't that strange to assume that was how he'd react. But Tyrion.......

Naerys must have seen the heistation on my face because he squeezed my hand and spoke " Amar please, you can tell me anything. I want to be there for you too, I want to help you just as much as you've helped me so... Please speak".

Ok then

" Naerys, I... Tyrion likes me and I want to court him" it's  better to be as blunt and clear as possible " but only if you're okay with it". Naerys scrunched up his face in a confused manner " and.....?, Was that all you wanted to say Amar?". I looked at him also confused " you're... not mad?" " Why would I be Amar?, All the normal women have an average of  three men in their harem, so surely someone as powerful and amazing as you would surely have a lot more... I'm just happy you thought me worthy enough and accepted me."

The feeling that had been blooming in my heart suddenly overflowed and I brought Naerys into a tight hug " thank you so much, Naerys". I said as I kissed the back of his neck tenderly, slowly stroking the soft ends  of his hair " I forgot to ask this earlier seeing as I was distracted but, how do you like your clothes?".

"They're perfect Amar" he whispered against my shoulder as he buried his head into the crook of my neck " absolutely perfect."

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