The Girl From Down The Road (...

By Aialia05

12.7K 129 46

You know the story. Girl loves 1D. Girl meets 1D. Girl falls in love with the guy of her dreams. But what if... More

Brothers and Plane Fares
Airports and Buckets
Dates and One Direction
Hospitals and concerts
Bowling and Kissing
Phones and Niall
Jess and Parks
Surprises and swimming
Drugs and Sleepovers
Jobs and Results
Slaps and Pasts
Talks and Singstar
Harry and Weirdness
Hiding and Finding
Sam and Truth
Presents and Things
Tears and Heartaches
Work and Other things
Louis and Betrayal
Realizations and Singing
Break-ups and Get-backs
Gifts and French Girls
Rohypnol and Guns
Death and Sadness
Grief and All His Friends
Wheel-chairs and Liam
Memories and Feelings
Evan and Knives
Orbs and Phone Calls
Packing and Falling Over
Flying and Crying
Meeting and Landing
French Concerts and Hills So Steep That You Need People To Carry You
Something different...DON'T KILL ME!
Jewellery Shops and Shoulder Stuff
Calls and Pain
Shots and A whole lot more tears
Envelopes and Ropes (final chapter)

Torture and Plans

1.1K 3 0
By Aialia05

Sam P.O.V

"Evan??" I asked, turning round only to see my ex-boyfriend Even . What the hell was he doing here? As if slapping me in the face wasn't enough, he had to come and ruin my day with all my friends. He started walking towards me with an angry look on his face. Honestly I was scared shitless, so being the scared one I am, I stood there like an idiot. The last thing I remember was a sudden painful sting on my cheek.

6 hours later

I woke up in the back of a car, tied up and gagged. I tried to remember what happened in the last 2 hours, but my mind was blank. I slowly regained vision and found Evan driving the car we were in. He saw me twisting and turning, trying to pry the black duct tape off my mouth, and he snickered at me like he had a master plan to kill me.

"Your friends won't be able to find you, even if you do eventually get the tape off your lips."

I managed to get my right hand out of the rope I was tied up in and ripped the tape off my mouth.

"Fuck you Evan" I said with a scowl. He just laughed.

"Yeah? Well, we're going somewhere where your precious friends won't be able to find you...or us" he said with a really evil smile. I started to fidget, one half of the fidget was because I was afraid what was going to happen next, the other was because I was trying to get my other arm out of the rope.

I turned around to see if I could see out the back window, but it was taped, for obvious reasons, but very poorly, and considering it was slightly open, I ripped it and light came through. I felt like I'd never felt light on my face before, but when I looked outside I saw a sign.

Welcome to Cardiff


Evan looked behind me and sighed, eyes back on the road. He pulled over and dragged me out of the car. He dragged me by my right arm, which hurt like hell because I couldn't walk. I shrieked and screamed until I was sure I'd lost my voice. When he finally let go of me, I sagged to the ground in pain. He came over to me and kicked me.

"Get up you useless piece of shit" he ordered. Ouch, harsh. But I refused to get up because of all the pain I was in, but he was getting impatient. So he decided to grab me by my hair and pull me up. I tried to make noise, but voice wouldn't co-operate, so I was just there with my mouth hanging open while he pulled me up.

"Right, now we can either go back to the car like we came here, or we can go to my gangs hide-out, but walking like the way we came." He said with a evil smirk. Stupid torture. Either way, it's gonna hurt me. He has a gang?

"Erm...Hide-out" I mumbled. He smiled and forced me to the ground and started pulling me again. I hate being helpless, but I swear that I saw a flash of red just behind us. But back to reality, me being pulled by my arm so bad that I'm pretty sure I've lost all feeling in it and that it has been pulled out of my socket. I start to close my eyes, the feeling of death near, as I'm being pulled along the twigs and vines that is a forest, and is making sure my legs are broken, my arse sore and my spine cracked, and my neck hurts from the position of my head was in. But then I realized that it was death I was talking about, so I had my eyes wide open, and screamed my lungs out. At least I know I have my voice back.

Anyway, we finally got there and his 'gang' were waiting for him by the door of the hide-out. The hide-out itself was a late 1900's Victorian house in a large field, and coincidentally, in the middle of nowhere. Evan pulled me up by my hair and untied me, except for my hands. Meanwhile, his 'gang' members were snickering at me. There were 5 of them. The one on the right had messy, short brown hair with big brown eyes, tan skin, a muscular body build, and he was wearing Hallenstein jeans, a black t-shirt and combat boots.

The one on the right-middle also had a muscular body build, but he had jet black hair, which was spiked up at the front, like Justin Bieber, had tan skin and deep blue eyes. He was wearing some grey fat-pants, red vans, a Jack Willis hoodie and a snapback cap.

The guy in the middle was, again, muscular, OK, I'll say this, they all had muscular builds and tan skin. His hair was blondish-brownish and slicked down with hair gel, his eyes were brown and he was wearing blue shorts, Nike sneakers and a normal work shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

The one on the left-middle had messy brown hair, eyes were violet (I wish I had violet eyes) and he was wearing blue jeans, a white & denim jacket with what looked like Italian shoes. Fancy guy. I actually kind of liked him.

The last guy on the left looked really scary. Way more muscular than the rest, taller too. He had black skin. He had a tight black shirt, which you could perfectly see his six pack, tight fitted jeans with purposely rips in them, and combat boots. But he had a really stern and scary look on his face, which was why I am kinda scared of him.

"We don't have a name, we're very secretive, no one knows about us, and, surprisingly, we're all very good-looking" Evan said.

"Sure, state the obvious ass-hole" I snapped at him. The others chuckled while he went red in the face.

"Right, considering these guys know all about you from me, then you should at least know their names, they'll be the last people you'll get to see, apart from me" Evan smirked. I nodded as he started introducing me to all of the guys.

"TJ" he pointed to Hallenstein jeans. He smiled and shook my hand. When he let go I was relieved. He had a strong grip which really hurt. I thought heard something move so I looked behind me. I swear to god I saw a flash of green move behind one of the walls. Evan turned me around to tell me the next persons name.

"Aiden" - Snapback cap.

"Matt" - Hair gel.

"Will" - Fancy guy.

"Last but not least, Nick" - Six pack.

Evan led me to the house. Once we were inside, he took me downstairs to what looked like a torturing room. There were knives, guns and daggers everywhere. An operating table was in the middle of the room, where on the tray beside it had scissors, needles, tweezers and all the stuff to operate on someone. There was a door on the other side of the room. I didn't want to know where that went or what was inside it, I just wanted to get out of there. We passed the table. It had recent blood on it. I looked at the walls, there were holes and blood on them. If they torture other people, then this is where they do it. TJ came over to me to keep hold of me while Evan went to do something on the table. TJ must've felt me shiver. I looked up at him and all I saw was evil in his eyes.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be OK" he smiled evily at me. The next thing I felt was a sting in my neck and I fell to the ground, letting every tense muscle relax while I slowly closed my eyes.




Louis P.O.V




"OK guys, so we all know the plan?" I said to behind the house, excluding the stupid french girls. This isn't what I had in mind you know?

"Yup, algood" Jess replied while everyone else nodded their heads. OK, to recap what happened in the last 8 hours.


"Right, let's have a PARTY!!" I yelled. Everyone cheered and started crowding towards the door. Once we let Sam through to open the door, I heard Jess gasp and turned around. I immediately felt angry when I saw his face,


"Guys, there's a guy here" Jess nagged at us, but mainly at Sam. He started walking towards us, well, Sam. When he got there, he punched her, which knocked her out, and he threw her over his shoulders. I wanted to hit him, but I knew he would hit twice as hard back. He ran to a black SUV. He stuffed her in the back seat and got to the driver's seat and started driving. We all stood there in shock. Then we got snapped out of the trance thanks to Jess.


Yeah, thanks Jess.

Anyway, we ran for our lives to get into the car. We all piled in. Me, Harry and Liam in the front. Zayn, Jess, Niall and 1 french girl in the back, 2 in the boot. Harry started the car and drove fast as we yelled at him where to go.

"Guys, do me a favour and...SHUT UP!!" Harry shouted. We immediately went silent while he followed Evan.

"You guys, how are we going to get Sam back?" Liam asked. We all shrugged and tried to think of a plan. It took us a while because time flied past. In just a few hours, the french girls, Zayn, Niall and Liam were asleep ,which left me, Harry and Jess to think of a plan. Well, me and Jess. Harry was driving. Though I could see it in his face that he was getting tired.

"Haz, do you wanna swap mate?" I asked. I was still wide awake and his eyes looked like they were going to close any minute. He nodded and took off his seat belt while I held the wheel. Not, under any circumstance, were we going to stop this car. We swapped places safely. Harry looked back and saw everyone asleep except Jess. She smiled at him and me in the mirror.

"We will get her back" Harry promised. Jess nodded with determination in her eyes. I saw how much she missed her bestie, but for her to be dragged away just after seeing her for at least 20 minutes is just...sad. I'd hate it. I felt true sorrow for her. Harry looked back at me with a genuine look on his face.

"I promise Louis, we will get her back" He said with seriousness in his eyes. I smiled at him.. I guess it was safe to say it was a Larry Stylinson moment. I looked at the car in front of us. The window at the back was taped up. But then I saw a piece be ripped off by what looked like Sam with one arm and a flushed face with a handprint across it. Her eyes were half open, so I'm not sure if she saw us or not, but Evan did. He pulled over and dragged Sam out of the car by her hair and we saw what she looked like. Her hair was a mess. Her face red and her eyes puffy. She was in different clothes though. She was wearing a sparkly silver dress with white sneakers. She was tied up in ropes and couldn't move her legs or other arm. So Evan, being the stupid git he is, started puling Sam into the huge forest on the side of the road, by her arm. She started screaming in pain and disappeared into the forest. Lucky through-out all this, Harry and Jess had woken up Liam, Niall and Zayn. We all snuck out of the car, leaving the french girls behind. We ran into the forest and caught up with them quickly, considering how loud Sam was being.

I think Sam could hear us, because when she looked back, she had a confused look on her face, like she'd sworn she'd seen something move. Anyway, we walked to keep up with them, hiding behind every bush and tree, but we still didn't have a plan.

"You guys? What time is it?" Zayn asked. Liam looked at his watch.

"12:00 in the morning" Liam replied. We all rolled our eyes. But we focused back, thanks to Sam screaming. We ran through the forest, jumping over fallen trees, I felt like a spy. Anyway, we went after them until they stopped and Evan started walking towards a 1900s Victorian house. It looked like a torture house. Sam and Evan stopped in front of 5 guys. As they were talking, we needed to get inside the house. So we ran across from behind the bush we were hiding at and ran towards the back of the house. Sam looked back and saw a glance of Harry's jersey. We all had big eyes at Harry and prayed that she thought it was just her imagination.

"Right, so what's the plan?" Niall asked. We looked at him, thinking he would've thought of one, considering of all the stuff that has happened in the last 8 months. I looked at the house, thinking of entry points. There was a couple of windows around the sides and a ladder that led to the chimney. Too easy, I thought to myself.

"Why don't we take the ladder?" Zayn asked. We rolled our eyes at him.

"They will be expecting that, we need to think of something more clever" Harry said. Niall started flicking through his phone, like he was looking for a number.

"Niall, what are you doing?" Jess asked.

"Finding the secret agent I used last year and the bomb maker" He replied.

"You have a plan?" we asked in unison.

"JINX!! You guys owe me sodas" Jess whisper-yelled. Cue face-palms.

"You guys, focus. Niall, what's your plan?" Jess asked Niall with eager eyes. Here we go...

 *5 minutes later*

"OK, Bob (the time bomb guy), you plant your little bombs around the house and press the detonator when we're out of the house with Sam.  Eva (the secret agent), you go in and distract them with your...whatever you do...after you're done with them, we'll get in and out with Sam and Bob will blow off the house. Got it?" Niall explained and asked. We all nodded as Bob and Eva went off and did their thing and we watched Eva from the side windows.

~flashback over~

But yeah, so now we're waiting on Eva to beat them up and bury them somewhere or something. We could perfectly hear what they were saying. Evan entered, acting to look dumb, like she didn't know where she was. All apart of the plan.

"HEY! Who's she?" Fancy guy asked. Everyone looked up, except Sam. She was lying on top of a table with bruises and scars all over her face and body. But worst of all, her eyes were shut. I wanted to run in there and beat the crap out of them, but it took all my will-power to not.

"I don't know Will, why don't you find out? Take her into the other room" Evan scolded and pointed to another door on the other side of the room. Will pointed a gun to her head and pulled her to the next room. I should mention that there are 3 people on each side of the house looking through the windows. Jess, Liam and I on one side and Zayn, Niall and Harry on another. Jess, Liam and I are on the side where we can can see what's happening to Sam and the others are on the other side where they can see Eva and Will. I looked behind the house and motioned Harry to tell me what's happening.

"She's beating the shit out of him, I find that hot" Harry smirked. 

"Harry, now isn't the time to try to seduce people!!" I whisper-shouted. We looked at each other and started bursting out with very quiet laughter.

"OK, be serious, how is Eva doing?" I asked.

"I don't kn-Haha, he's dead" Harry said with sparkling eyes.

Great, 1 down, 5 to go.

Heey!! I UPDATED!! I actually kinda like this chappie, even though it's a bit violent, but still, I like it.

The song is Madhouse by Little Mix. I'm in love with them at the moment!!

Dedication to Sparklez23, just because :) CUPCAKES!! I have added 5 new people to the story. Will, Nick, TJ, Matt and Aiden! Hope you like them!!

DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL!! Just kill me already!! 

But yeah, comment and vote and all that shizz.


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