Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.5K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Eight - Pearl
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
Eleven - Pearl
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Fifteen - Sylar
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty - Pearl
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Eight - Willa
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Three - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Twenty Five - Sylar

1.2K 203 74
By Chrissyvellis

Shit! Shit! ...Holy Shit!

Think, think. Yes, we just need to get it back inside Pearl.

Sounds simple, right?

Then why do I have this feeling it's going to be the exact opposite?

I stopped pacing and flopped down on the sofa. Pearl sat next to me, remaining quiet for once. Resting my elbows on my knees, my head dropped into my hands.


Hunter and Zander were going to rip me a new one.

And I couldn't understand how Pearl was so calm when every thought running around my brain screamed this was bad. Maybe not today, tomorrow or the next—this was coming back to bite us in the arse.

"We have to get it out." The Elders had forced it from the Alpha yesterday and back into Pearl. However, it had taken all three of them and a whole boat-load of magic essence to do it.

But now they were down to two, would that be enough? And to pile on more pressure, I could only guess when Ester stated it was a time sensitive issue and the longer it set up camp in him—the harder it would be to get it out.

Especially if the Alpha didn't want to give it up.

"I'm hungry." Pearl huffed out.

What? Hungry. How could my cousin think about food?

My head lifted, lips parts as I turned to face her. Still unclear how she could remain calm following the loss of one of the squatters as she called them. I preferred to call it what it was—a fractured, lost soul.

"Pearl, I don't think you understand how serious this is. I felt him... it. This is a terrible thing."

"I can say sorry till I'm blue in the face, Sylar." It was her sixth or seventh apology. "But it wasn't exactly my fault and he seems okay. And it never did me any harm?" Shrugging, she eyed my plate with a half-eaten sandwich sitting on the arm of the sofa where we sat in one of the pack houses.

"Are you going to finish that?"

I reached for the plate and handed it over. "Help yourself."

She grinned as she took a bite. "Thanks. And look at it this way." She said with her mouth half full "With that crazy bitch..." she swallowed.

My wolf growled, claws extending as a ripple of his distaste for the disrespect toward whom he considered his true mate.

"Fuckity-fuck! Okaaay, someone is sensitive. Sorry, sorry." She held up her hand in submission before continuing. "The witch. Mate number two. It's pretty obvious we're gonna need all the help we can get to stop her." She took another bite. "And he was happy Sylar, thrilled." She sighed dreamily. "And when we made lo—"

"Wow! Stop right there." The last thing I wanted to hear was about their intimate moments.

"Oops, sorry. I miss Sage. I could share anything with her."

I nodded, refocusing. Having spent some time in the Alpha's head, I knew his burdens regarding his blindness, the frustration and weakness he wrestled with. And I also knew of the darkness he kept in check... hidden.

I wasn't saying the Alpha was evil, no, far from it.  But the weight on his soul carried regret and guilt.

"Yes, I can see why he would be reluctant to give it up. But at what cost Pearl?" I shifted to gently cradle her arm, tracing the freshly scabbed wound. "Who's to say it didn't make him do this?"

She yanked her arm from me. "Pfft, he was sleeping, Sylar. Obviously having a nightmare and why would it want to hurt me?" She placed the plate on the floor. "I mean c'mon if it wanted to hurt me, then it could have done so... many times over the last two years."

Good point, but had she forgotten the man it had almost killed?

"And I know what you're thinking. Yes. That one time, that guy. But in some weird way I think it was trying to protect me."

I shook my head. "Tell me again what the Elders said."

"It's a Jinn, it's ancient. They feed off your desires."

"And that's it?"

She shrugged. "Pretty much...I think so. But can we talk about something else for a while?" She gave me her lost puppy look.

"Tell me more about Willa," she asked with a calculating glint in her eyes.

I slumped back on the sofa. "Nothing much more to tell apart from the Alpha won't let me near her." He'd had his doubts about us being mates, and that was before Ember had landed on the scene.

And her showing up and my wolf wanting her had been the nail in my coffin. It gave him enough reason to demand I be kept away from Willa.

He didn't trust me. And I would have to work on that—to gain his trust.

But that wasn't my biggest worry. I was more troubled about Willa. The hurt I'd caused her when I'd taken a step toward Ember, she had been devastated.

"I can talk to him?" Pearl said hopefully.

I shook my head. "No, this is my problem, but thanks."

Pearl shuffled closer to me, squeezing my bicep. "Once he sees how great you are, he'll come around."

Pearl had the biggest heart. I hoped the Alpha realized how lucky he was to be mated to her. "Thanks cousin."

"You're welcome!" She nudged my shoulder.

Now, getting back to her lost squatter. "I think we need to visit the Elders."

"Can I speak to Cassius first?"

Pearl stiffened, and I didn't need to tap into her feelings to know she was angry and frustrated about something. Earlier, her emotions had been all over the place. "Pearl, we need answers. You can track him down as soon as we've spoken with them."

She huffed, but didn't put up an argument. But something else was on her mind. "Talk to me, you're worried."

"I'm concerned if I take away his sight, he will change his mind about—"

"Stop right there." I knew where this was going. "Pearl, you have nothing to worry about. I felt how strong his feelings are for you."

My words did nothing to ease her worries, and I was sure there was something she wasn't telling me . "Is there anything else you want to get off your chest... share with me?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm just worried."

Definitely hiding something, but I wouldn't push it for now. "C'mon Elders first, then you can track down your stubborn mate." I pushed myself up from the sofa and offered her my hand.

She grumbled but accepted the pull up. "Fine."

Ten minutes later, I found a very calm, smiling Gunner. Don't think I'd ever get used to seeing him smile, unsettling was the best word to describe it. But I was happy for the big guy.

He helped us sneak out and distract a pack member as me and Pearl borrowed a jeep and we set off, travelling North in the hope the Elders could help.

I had a good idea of their location, but it had been magically warded, hidden yesterday.

Reaching the same spot we had to leave the jeeps yesterday, we set off on foot.

Pearl reached for my arm. "Look."  She pointed to the ground. The earth was burnt and surrounding shrubs, plants and flowers had all but died.

"It was here that you collapsed, and it escaped."

Pearl visually paled. "Why is everything dead?" She looked at me for answers. "And why here? Why now?"

Shrugging, I didn't have solid answers but I had a good idea that the Jinn wasn't benign in any way, shape or form.

I looked around. "C'mon, this way." I knew we were close.

Pearl stared at the ground, biting her lip, rubbing her hands up her arms for comfort.

"Pearl." I said softly. "We have to keep going."

Looking up, she nodded and followed.

Walking in circles, I was getting a little frustrated. "It has to be here."

"Use your mojo... can't you sense or feel them?" She pushed her hair behind her ear. "Call out to them, they can read minds too, yes?"

She wasn't wrong.  I closed my eyes and pushed my feelers out, spreading like the wind shifting over sand. There, I felt something. Vibrations, subtle but there, tickling my toes before creeping up my legs. A warmth flooded my veins and I could taste their magic... and something else.


Willa was close by... here.

Stepping forwards the air practically shimmered as the magical barrier came down and the small house that I'd visited yesterday came into view. Elder Ester opened the door and stepped out.

The Alpha appeared, his enormous frame filled the doorway. Bare chested, intimidating as hell, glaring at me.

"Young Sylar and Pearl, you are just in time. Come." beckoned Elder Ester. At least someone was happy to see us.

"No. Stop. I did not grant permission to roam freely!" He stepped out the door, taking one large stride past the Elder, body tense, handing fisting at his sides. "They are both to return to the Pack house, where I will deal with them later."

"What the?" Pearl's anger was palpable. "Since when do we need permission?" she spat out, planting her hands on her hips. The Alpha was going to learn the hard way how not to talk to my cousin.

Elder Ester prodded the Alpha in the arm to get his attention. "You will do well to remember where you stand, young Alpha. And you hold no say as to whom I choose and choose not to enter my dwelling."

He growled low and threatening but kept his eyes on me.

Wolfsbane. If looks could decapitate, my head would be on the ground.

My heart thumped hard against my chest as a head of blonde hair caught my attention peeking around the Alpha.

Adrenaline rushed through my body, awakening desires that were still so new to me. Inhaling, I filled my lungs, my mind with all that she was letting it wrap around me... call to me.

And the smile gracing her perfect lips said she was feeling it too.

My wolf grumbled, but with no sign of Ember. I could only feel my wants and needs. It was easy to subdue his thoughts and wishes. And with Willa only a few feet away, everything in me screamed—Mate!

The Alpha roared out again as he bounced toward me and Pearl; the ground shaking with each step. "You are to return to the pack house. Now! I will not ask again."

Pearl bristled. "Listen here sunshine. Who do you think you—"

I reacted on instinct and placed myself between her and the Alpha.

He froze a foot away from me. Pupils expanded, the swirling blues darkening. His wolf was exerting his dominance, his face now a picture of distaste and indignation. "You dare challenge me, Pup?"

"Please Cassius, don't." I heard Willa's appeal to her brother.

He didn't scare me, but I took a step back.

"Remove yourself Pup." He snarled, his hands fisting, then spreading out his fingers before fisting them again.

It was then I sensed the spirit... the Jinn stir inside him.

I held up both hands to stop him from advancing. "Please Alpha, let's be calm and rational. We are only here to speak with the Elders and seek her advice on matters that concern both you and my cousin. Your Mate!"

The word mate had the desired effect, as he double blinked, reigning in his wolf and the spirit.

I breathed, however; it was safe to say I was off his Christmas card list.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the Elder approach us. "And I say again, young Alpha. This is my home. You will respect my wishes." Elder Ester smiled, throwing me a wink. I would have laughed if not for the Alpha's burning desire to rip off my head.

"Cassius!" Pearl side-stepped me, stepping up to her mate and prodding him in the chest. "Me and you need to have a serious talk buddy." She poked his chest again as his face softened, looking away from me toward her.

'Please Pearl, don't piss him off any more than he is already.' I spoke through our mind-link.

I tugged her arm and pulled her back behind me. 'Let me handle this, Pearl.'

'Yeah, you're doing a stellar job so far.' She flippantly replied.

Maybe she was right, as my action only riled him further.

"Think who you deal with, Pup! No one touches or stands between what is mine."

I knew he wouldn't hurt Pearl, so I slowly stepped aside, but held his glacial glare. There was no way I would let him think he intimidated me. Pearl mumbled, her anger rising.

Grunting, the Alpha turned to the Elder and Willa. "I shall return and I expect to find you here Willa, when I do." He issued a caution.

Willa nodded "As you command brother."

His head spun back around, nostrils flaring. Throwing me one last sharp look as he took Pearl's hand.

"Urgh. I don't—" She yanked her hand free of his. "Think you can talk to me like that and then try to hold my hand, mister."

Ignoring her foreboding tone. He growled and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder.

Pearl squealed, kicking against him. "Put me down, right this minute. Do you hear me Cassius?"

"Hush, Dark One." He growled out as he stomped off toward the woods with Pearl spitting out a string of curses that could turn the air blue.

The Elder sighed but a small smile tugged at her lips. "I suggest you both take a moment to bond whilst your brother is distracted."

Willa needed no encouragement, and I would not waste this opportunity. Talking to the Elders would wait.

"Do not go too far, young ones."

Willa ran toward me. Her long blonde hair caught the breeze, whipping across her face, but not able to hide her smile and flushing cheeks. Her heavenly scent enfolded around my heart and lungs as the distance between us closed. She grabbed my hand. "This way," she whispered, and I followed, retreating to the woods at the back of the Elders' small dwelling.

"This is far enough." We stumbled to a stop as she turned to face me, her blue eyes penetrating mine as she kept hold of my hand.

Goddess, she was beautiful, and the sudden desire to kiss her and strip her from her pretty blue dress and feel her flesh against mine was almost overpowering. I wanted to caress her silken skin and I could do nothing to stop my dick from swelling to the point of pain.

Shit. I could feel my cheeks heat. Gavin had told me about the mate pull, but still it felt unreal as if I wasn't in control of my desire... led only by need and I had to fight the demand to sink my teeth into her throat and claim her as mine... here and now.

"Do you feel it?" she whispered as the want in her eyes stole my breath and a sudden weakness in my legs forced a shudder right through me.

I kept staring, wanting to say so much to her, but could not find any words.

Her face fell as she dropped my hand. And the fear of rejection, being abandoned by me, spoke to me without her saying the words. "Do you not want me, Sylar?"

Want her, was she crazy? But I sensed her emotional undercurrent because I was standing before her like a mute statue giving off weird vibes.

"Willa, I want you more than I want my next breath." The words fled my lips as she sucked in a breath, her smile widening nearly buckling my knees.

"Then what holds you back—is it, Ember?" her breathless question furrowed my brow.

Holds me back—lack of experience. I'd only ever kissed one girl, and that was more of a peck and had been over before it even started. "No... it's- "

Willa stood waiting as I stared at her mouth. Those pretty lips, pouty, full and pink. I cleared my throat, blinking.

Speak, idiot! "I want to kiss you so badly." Saliva pooled in my mouth at the thought of tasting her.

"I want that too," she pleaded; her lower lip gripped between her teeth.

It was a green light. As I stepped closer, cupping her cheeks, lowering my lips to hers in a rush.

Holy Goddess. Her taste exploded, hot and sweet as my lips heated and tingled at the same time. Her small hands ran up my arms, up my neck and tangled in my hair.

I angled my head, my tongue now sweeping over hers. Our combined moans, gasps for breath as our lips parted before crashing back together.

This was kissing. This was everything. Holy Goddess, my mind repeated.

Like a storm, the passion she ignited in me triggered something almost unworldly and there was no way I could hide my erection as I pulled her closer, deepening our kiss, our connection.

There wasn't a shred of me I could hold back. My feelers radiated outwards, wrapping around her, sensing every part of her, tying us together, and knowing she was feeling the same made it even more intense.

I couldn't get close enough, kiss her enough, touch her enough. She'd owned my heart from the second our lips touched.

We sprang apart, eyes wide and wild, both panting.

"Holy—" she started.

"—Goddess." I finished, my eyes dipping her to swollen lips as I ran my tongue along mine.

Just one kiss and I was hers, no one else's.

I would not let the Alpha or anyone else separate us again.

"Mine," I whispered.

"Mine," she repeated.

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