To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x...

By LittleRed11204

244K 8.9K 5.6K

A long time friend of Lisa's moved from Australia over into your guys' small town. You want to try and be fri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thrity-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Five Pt 2 [M]
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two [M]
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine [M]
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six [M]
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five [M]
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three [M]
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundered and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundered and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five [M]?
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Seven [M]
Chapter One Hundered and Forty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Nine [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six

1.3K 35 77
By LittleRed11204


It's now the beginning of July and Rosie and I are going to be married in almost less than a month. I'm freaking the fuck out and I have already started writing my vows because I can't fuck those up. But I have a feeling I'm going to blank when the time comes and I'm going to have to wing it.

But today Rosie and I are driving over to a bakery that'll make our wedding cake. I'm excited because we are going to have a three tiered cake. I wanted three because our relationship started out as friends, then girlfriends, then fiancées. I thought it was cute and when I ran the idea by Rosie, she almost cried at how thoughtful it was. Granted, she was on her period, but still.

Rosie for the past few days has been sketching out how the cake could look. She took a ton of time and she decided on a design and showed me. I was honestly just impressed with her drawing skills. But I then actually looked at the cake and really liked the idea she had come up with. It was really sweet.

The cake would have navy blue frosting covering the whole thing. Then, she had drawn on all the stars and constellations that were present on the night of the proposal. I kissed her so many times at how creative and sweet she was. I absolutely loved it. The stars would be gold and then there would be white lines connecting certain stars for the constellations.

The ride to the bakery was nice and Rosie jumped out of the car as soon as I put it in park. I laughed at her and she told me to hurry the fuck up. I rolled my eyes at her and took her hand before she dragged me inside.

"Oh my god, it smells delicious in here!" Rosie said as she then immediately started looking at the decorative cupcakes on display. A woman behind the counter spotted us and waved me over. I tugged Rosie along gently and we stood in front of tree counter. The woman's eyes lit up when she saw Rosie,

"You're Rosé!" She shouted happily before turning to me, "that means you're y/n! Lovely to meet you both! Welcome to our bakery!"

"Thank you, it smells delicious in here! We were wondering if you and your staff would be interested in doing our wedding cake for next month?" Rosie asked the woman, whose name I found out was Mary from her name tag.

"We would be honored to do your cake! What were you two thinking?" She asked as she pulled out a small notebook, most likely to write down ideas.

"Oh, well I've kinda drew what I wanted the cake to look like. We really just need to decide on what kind of cake we are going to have." Rosie said shyly as she put her sketchbook on the counter to show Mary. Her eyes lit up at the design,

"This is beautiful! We can totally make this work! We would just need some color swatches to make sure we have the right shade of everything."

"Thats not a problem, we can get that to you as soon as you need it." I explained. Mary nodded her head,

"Fantastic! Would you two like to come with me and try out some flavors of cake?"

"We would love to." I said as I squeezed Rosie's hand three times as we followed Mary through the building. We saw a bunch of bakers doing their thing, a few waving to us nicely. Rosie and I both would smile and wave back at them, obviously.

We soon reach a row of different cake flavors and I was surprised at how many there were. There were about 35 different flavors and I don't know how we are going to narrow it down to three. But, me being the immature bitch I am, one caught my attention right away. Rosie looked at me and followed my eyes to see what it was looking at.

"Really?" She sighed out as she walked next to it.

"What? Funfetti is a great cake! It's literally cake with a bunch of rainbow sprinkles aka stars! And we are literally gay, so even better!" A smile made its way to her lips and she chuckled at my reasoning. I smiled back at her and she leaned in for a quick kiss.

"Do you really want it?" She asked me.

"...yeah. It can be the top one so there isn't as much of it if you don't like it. But if you don't want Funfetti, I am completely fine with that." I told her. If she really didn't want it, I didn't want to have it and make her upset. I watched her eyes sparkle a little,

"We can get it."

"Yes! Mary, we'll have the Funfettie for the top layer of the cake!" Mary chuckled and wrote it down. She then sat us down and brought us small samples of the cakes flavors to try. Rosie and I ate a lot of cake and we both had our top two flavors. Mine were Red Velvet and German Chocolate. Rosie's were Vanilla and Red Velvet.

"So I guess we can both agree that Red Velvet will be one of the layers." I said and Rosie nodded her head.

"It can be the second layer." She told Mary as she wrote it down. Now we were down to two flavors: German Chocolate and Vanilla. I looked at Rosie and saw that competitive fire in her eyes. She's not going down without a fight, but I'm ready to battle.

"Why should we do Vanilla?" I asked her. She smiled,

"We should do Vanilla because it's easier on the environment, less people are allergic to it, and if it falls, it doesn't show up as much as chocolate cake would." Damn it, those were all good. I know no one we invited has a chocolate allergy, but it's still something to be considerate about because some people are bring a plus one. I stared at her a little longer,

"I see where you're going, but you forgot one thing. The Funfetti cake is Vanilla, so why would we have two layers of the same cake," I watched her eyes widen in realization, "therefore, we should go with the German Chocolate cake." I wish I had a mic because I would totally drop it right now. Rosie stared at me pissed off because she knew I won the battle.

"German Chocolate it is." Rosie said to Mary. Mary wrote it down and I mentally high fived myself at the victory. We then went over a few more details and boring stuff before we said our goodbyes to Mary.

Rosie linked her arm with mine and pinched me as a little payback for winning the argument. It actually kinda hurt which wasn't fun. But whatever, the main goal for today was achieved and that's all that mattered. We got in the car and decided to make a quick pit stop at an ice cream shop because we both were craving something sweet and cold.

"Should we do drive through or sit outside?" I asked her as we got closer to the shop.

"Outside, the weather is really nice." I nodded my head and when we got there, found a nice parking spot in the shade. I put some sunglasses on and then got out of the car, Rosie following suit. I looked over and saw these gorgeous black sunglasses on her and she looked great. She noticed me checking her face out and lowered them slightly so I could see her wink at me. I just smiled at her and grabbed her hand as we went inside the shop.

"I think I'm just going to get the cookie dough." I told her as she scanned the menu of multiple flavors.

"I'll get the strawberry sundae. You order and I'll find us a place to sit outside," she told me as she smacked her card in my hand and went out the door. I just rolled my eyes and stuffed the card in my pocket before ordering and using my own card to pay.

It took only a couple of minutes and I went outside to find Rosie. I saw her sitting near some trees that overlooked the tiny playground set. A few kids were messing around on it and I saw the fond smile on my fiancée's lips.

"Your strawberry sundae, my love." I said with an accent. She giggled at me and took it out of my hands as I sat down next to her and started to eat my cookie dough ice cream.

"So you used my card?" She asked me. I glanced over at her,

"Yeah." Fucking liar.

"Okay." She said and just observed people for a little bit before pulling her phone out. My guess is that it's for Instagram because she wants to update her fansés about what we're doing.

"No you didn't." She said out of nowhere. I furrowed my eyebrows at her confused,


"You didn't use my card." She clarified. My eyes widened slightly at how she found out.

"What are you talking about?" I said with a somewhat nervous giggle. She didn't look amused and shoved her phone in my face where I saw her bank's app open and the most recent transaction on her card. It was for yesterday when she wanted to get Hank some treats.

"Why didn't you use my card babe?" She whined as she knew that her phone was right. I sighed,

"I don't like using your money Rosie. I thought we've established this like a billion times." I told her before licking my ice cream because it was melting down the side of the cone.

"I'll just venmo you for it."

"Love–" I stopped talking when she shot me a glare. I sighed and watched a kid fall off a swing which made me laugh. I pulled my phone out and saw the venmo notification. I clicked it and my eyes nearly bulged out of my head,

"$300?? Are you insane? It was only $5?" I practically screamed at her. Why the hell did she just give me $300? I can never win with money against this woman. She just smirked proudly at me and I rolled my eyes at her. She finished her sundae and then threw the cup out, getting stopped on the way back by a fan. I smiled as she had a short conversation with them. When Rosie came back to me, she had a content smile on her face and I was about ready to head home.

"I'm ready to get going, what about you?" I asked her as I wiped my hands off with a napkin. She just giggled at me and looked down at the area around my mouth, "What?"

"You have a little something there." Rosie pointed to my face and I reached for my napkin to get it off. But, she reached her hand out and stopped me mid motion. I felt the tip of her tongue lick it off and I was kinda disgusted by it; and embarrassed. We were literally in a public place with children around. I hit her shoulder,

"Rosie, we are literally in fucking public!"

"Whatever, people need to be reminded you're mine."

"Okay, let's go home to Hank." I told her as I intertwined our fingers and started to walk us to my car. We got in and we held hands the whole way home. Hankie greeted us happily and ran to get his favorite toy, the little stuffed mouse. He squeaked it a few times and Rosie laughed as she got it from him and threw it across the room. I was about to join them, but my phone started ringing and I saw it was IU. I excused myself and walked to our bedroom where I picked up.

"Hello? Is everything fine?" I asked her since I obviously had the day off work today.

"Hey y/n! I have some fun news for you and I think you'll like it!" IU told me.

"Go on."

"The company is going to have its first ever Formal Event! So it's going to have catering, dancing, and all the investors will be there so we can get to know them better. You are obviously invited and Rosie will be too since she is our biggest investor." I was a little surprised at the information. But I know the company is growing and we've had a very successful first half of the year.

"Alright, when is it?" I asked her as I checked my laptop to see if I will have anything going on that day.

"It's July 9th, so in just less than a week." She told me as I saw I didn't have anything planned for that day.

"Well, I have nothing for that day meaning Rosie is also free. We will see you on Friday night." I responded with a smile.

"Great! Cant wait to see you two! Also, I did clear my schedule for your guys' wedding."

"Thanks IU, that means a lot. Well, I'm going to get going and I'll talk to you later."

"Bye!" She said before hanging up the phone. I then closed my laptop and turned around to see Rosie leaning against the doorway.

"Fuck, how long have you been there?" I asked, putting a hand over my chest because she scared the living shit out of me.

"The whole time." She replied.

"Ah, so you heard me talking to my side chick." I joked with her. She nodded her head,

"Yup. Can't believe you're doing the boss x employee kinda thing." She said back with a smirk. I giggled at her and rolled my eyes,

"I know. Anyway, we have plans for Friday. You and me are going to a company event. How fun."

"Oh I know, I got an email yesterday about it." Rosie said casually as she sat down on our bed.

"Wha– why didn't you say anything to me then about it?"

"Eh, you would've found out eventually."

"Wow, thanks for keeping me in the loop."

"Not a problem."


Rosie's POV

Tonight is the party event thingy for y/n's company. I'm obviously required to go since I am the biggest investor. I'm glad y/n's going to be there anyway because I would've just brought her along if she for some reason wasn't invited. The event starts at 7, so we'll leave around 6:30ish. They are going to have dinner there, along with drinks which I'm looking forward too. But, I'll probably only have a glass or two of wine because I have to be professional. Boo, that's boring.

I'm decided on what dress to wear, but I really have no clue. I've narrowed it down to three dresses: a red one that is a little looser, a black one that hugs my body, and a black one that is a little looser around my upper body. So in case of emergency,

"Y/n!" I shouted for my fiancée. I heard her walk into our bedroom and stop behind me to see the dresses laid out on the bed, "what one do I wear?"

"Hm, definitely not the red one because that'll just make you way to sexy. I don't need old men looking my girl up and down." I blushed a little at how she called me 'my girl'. Yes, I've been with her for like 6 years and she still makes me blush.

"Okay, now which one of the black ones?" I asked her as I put the red dress back into the closet.

"I'd say the last one." She said pointing to the dress that was a little more loose. I smirked a little at her decision.

"Okay, thank you. You can go ahead and get ready now." I said after giving her a kiss and pushing her towards the closet so she can get her clothes.

"Alright, I'll grab my clothes and change in the bathroom while you get ready." She told me as she got her black dress pants and clean white dress shirt. A deadly combo on her. I bit my lip slightly as I watched her disappear into the bathroom. I started to undress myself and I got on the dress. I wasn't able to quite reach the zipper at the back, so I had to wait for y/n to be done. I got a jumpstart on my makeup and soon heard the bathroom door open. I saw through the mirror my hot as fuck fiancée putting her old clothes in the hamper.

"Can you zip me?" I asked her as I applied a little bit of blush. Y/n nodded her head and walked up behind me, grabbing the zipper. But instead of it going up, it was going down.

"Up, y/n." I said to her, chuckling a little bit.

"Oh, mad bad." She said with a dumb smile as she zipped me up. I kissed her on the lips quickly before applying my lipgloss. I decided not to go the lipstick route tonight because I wasn't going to be getting my picture taken or anything. Plus, I could still kiss y/n throughout the night.

"Okay, let's get going love." I heard y/n announce from the kitchen. I smacked my lips together for good measure and grabbed my YSL bag before making my way out to her. She smiled at me and I linked our arms together as we headed out the door.

The drive over to the company was fine and y/n parked in her designated spot. She told me to wait and I watched her run around the car to open my door for me and help me out. I playfully rolled my eyes at her and she led me inside.

They really made the place look beautiful. There was a gorgeous chandelier and a bunch of expensive decor around. I saw the catering on the far side and there were some tables scattered around here and there. I then saw IU look over at us and a smile appear on her face,

"Why if it isn't my favorite couple!" She said as she hugged us both, "You both look great tonight! Go ahead and get whatever and mingle with people. Rosie, people will probably talk to you a lot tonight, so I'm sorry about that in advance."

"It's fine IU, I was expecting that anyway." I said as I waved her off. She smiled once more before getting thrown into a conversation she most likely didn't want to be in. I chuckled a little a how the smirk from her face earlier fell immediately.

I felt three squeezes on my hand and turned my attention to y/n. She smiled at me and told me to walk around and introduce myself. I decided I would because I knew if I didn't, I would be stuck hearing her go all engineery with people. I made my way around, politely introducing myself to people as I went and had small conversations with them. I felt a pair of eyes on me the entire time and smiled because it was probably y/n watching over me. I looked over in her direction, but she was in deep conversation.

I continued looking around and saw this older man, probably in his 50's staring me down like a piece of meat. I immediately grew uncomfortable as I watched his eyes stay on my exposed legs. The bastard even licked his lips. I started to panic once I saw him start to walk over to me. I stayed calm and grabbed a glass of wine to give me some liquid courage.

"Hello pretty lady." The man said in a disgustingly gravely voice. I could throw up just by hearing him talk.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to g–"

"Where do you think you're going?" He said as he caught my wrist. I looked down at it and hated the sight of some old man's crusty hands on my skin. Only y/n is allowed to touch my skin.

"She was going to come over to me, her fiancée Mr. Jones." I heard y/n sneer from behind the man who I guess is Mr. Jones. He let go of my hand and turned around to face my y/n. I looked a little panicked as he towered over her. I quickly made my way beside her and she took my hand, squeezing it three times reassuringly.

"Ah, Miss y/l/n, you again." He huffed out annoyingly.

"If I remember correctly, you were never on the invite list." Y/n shot back.

"I practically kept this company up and running for 8 years!" He shouted. Y/n stood her ground and everyone stopped what they were doing to see what the commotion was about.

"And you pulled out of being our top investor because I wouldn't get on a god damn plane for you." Oh shit, this is that guy? I looked at him and remembered that phone call y/n had when I was sick on tour.

"I don't give a single fuc–"

"Mr. Jones, please be escorted out of the building by security." I heard IU state from beside me. He glared at her and I thought he was going to lunge at her, but the security grabbed him before he could.

"You are nothing without me!" He yelled as he was forcefully dragged out.

"Well, we've been doing better than ever, you bastard! Never step foot in my company ever again!" IU yelled right back. She then told everyone to mingle amongst themselves again and said that y/n and I could leave now. I thanked her as I was still feeling a little bit uncomfortable. She said the people I talked to loved me and that they had gained 3 more investors.

"We're gonna head out now, thank you IU." Y/n said as she walked out of the building with me. We were silent and she opened the car door for me and helped me in. She didn't close the door right away and I looked over to see her in tears, silently crying to herself.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked her as I grabbed the back of her head and pressed it into my body. I felt her arms wrap around me,

"I'm sorry he was a dick to you. I wasn't there beside you and he even touched you. I'm so sorry." She cried into my chest. I frowned at how personal she took it.

"I'm okay babe, I promise. I knew you were going to come and save me. I'm okay." I reassured her best I could. She cried for a few minutes longer before pulling away,

"I love you and I'm sorry. I'll do better next time."

"I know there won't be a next time because you aren't going to let me ever be in that situation again." She smiled a little at my words,

"Yeah, you're right."

"I love you." I told her as I placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Love you too Rosie."

y'all i'm going back to school in less than 24 hours now... i don't want to but at least it's my senior year of high school lol. hope you enjoyed today's chapter, thank u for reading and i'll see u guys in the next update. LOVE YOU <3

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