Beaten and Bullied (Harry Sty...

By LoveDucks

2.8M 63.1K 14.5K

Cheri was bullied and beaten for years by Harry Styles who insisted on making her life hell. She has no idea... More

Beaten and Bullied (Harry Styles fanfic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 3

92.9K 1.9K 399
By LoveDucks

Chapter 3-

I opened my eyes before closing them again and groaning as my head throbbed in pain from hitting the kitchen floor.

"Cheri" my mum soothed putting a cold flannel against my forehead. I looked up at her and realised I was lying horizontal on the Style's sofa. Across from me sat a worried Anne and Harry. I could see Harry's eyes were distraught and tinged slightly red. How could he only feel remorse for me when our parents were around?

"Are you alright Cheri?" Anne asked apprehensively. I nodded weakly in response. I had a slight headache but surprisingly couldn't feel any pain coming from my hand.

"I bandaged your hand up for you, how did you manage to cut yourself like that?" my mum said fretfully while eying my now wrapped up hand.

Harry looked uneasily at me, his eyes pleading with me not to utter a word. I wanted so badly to expose Harry for what he had really done but I'd never seen him look so vulnerable before. I was proving a point to Harry - I wasn't like him, I didn't use someone's weakness against them.

"I wasn't paying attention and the knife slipped and must have sliced my hand" I replied. Well that was partly true, I just missed out the bit were Harry decided to assault me.

My mum shook her head in disbelief "Honestly you must be more careful, Cheri. How am I supposed to trust you around knifes now?"

"Sorry, it was an accident" I muttered almost soundlessly, then another thought occurred to me "how long was I out for?"

"Less than 10 minutes" replies Anne delicately.

I nod thoughtfully. Harry always seemed to be the cause of my black outs. The dinner was laid out on the table apart from the salad, which had to be chucked out for obvious reasons. We sat down and I made sure to choose the seat furthest away from Harry. Which considering all, want very far since the table only sat four. I had lost my appetite but devoured the food anyway out of politeness to Anne.

"So Harry what have you been up to these last few day?" my mum asked attentively to Harry as we ate.

"Nothing much" Harry said cautiously.

Anne tactfully decided to interrupt their conversation "-Well actually Harry's planning to have a party at the weekend, aren't you?"

Harry glowered at Anne silently, obviously he hadn't planned on telling us about the party but Anne had abolished that idea.

"Are you going Cheri?" Ann inquired, already assuming that I was.

I looked down at my food "Uh I don't think I was invited" I say awkwardly.

Anne laughed, "Well of course she's welcome to come, isn't she Harry?"

Harry stared icily at Anne "I don't think there's enough space for everyone" he said in displeasure and annoyance.

I blush in humiliation "Well that's okay, I'm busy this weekend anyway"

"Cheri, you didn't tell me you had any plans?" My mum says not catching on that I'd rather the ground eat me whole than go to this party.

Harry sighs in defeat and Anne smiles pleased "It's this Saturday, I'm going out for the night but you can come around seven"

"Great" replies my mum content "She needs to get out more anyway, Cheri hardly ever leaves the house".

I glared at my lap, fuming that I had no say in this what so ever. The only person I would know at this so-called party would be Harry Styles himself. It'll be so much fun I though sarcastically as I imagined my self in the corner of the party alone.

Dinner was finished and we decided to part but as we were leaving , Harry came up to me "Can I please talk to Cheri, for a second. Privately" he said smiling sweetly. I eyed him suspiciously. What was he up to?

"Sure honey" my mum said smiling admiringly at Harry, and then she winked at me. Oh god. My mum and Anne talked by the doorway while Harry led me to the corner of the hallway.

"Cheri, just remember that my mum invited you to the party, not me. You aren't welcome here" he whispered the words harshly in my ear.

I glared at him, who said I wanted to go anyway? Another thought appeared in my mind, which I had completely forgotten all about "Harry, why didn't you come after school today?" I said curiously. He winced at my words.

"I was busy..." He said gingery crossing his arms and looking away. I looked at him strangely, he was hiding something but why?

"No you weren't, you're lying," I pressed, he needed to tell me the truth. He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by my mum calling me.

"Cheri?" she yelled from the front door.

I groaned. "I'm coming!" I glanced one last time at Harry then ran back down the hallway back to my mum.

"So what are you planning on wearing for the party tomorrow? " my mum asks inquisitively as we drive back to our house.

"I'm not going" I reply frustrated, why can't she let me make plans for myself instead of forcing things upon me?

"Yes you are Cheri. You need to be more sociable, it will be good for you".

I sigh in defeat. Maybe if I go then she'll stop constantly harassing me to spend time with Harry.

The next day I stand by my wardrobe in annoyance as I try to find an outfit which was not too dressy and not too casual. I groan in frustration and consider going in my pyjamas. I had already tried begging my mum one last time not to go but she has it in her head that Harry and me are joined to the hip.

In the end I pick out a short cream dress. It hugged my body at the top but then flowed out from the hip. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror before straightening my hair and adding mascara. It looked natural, like I'd made an effort but not over the top. "You look beautiful darling" my mum squealed as I came down the stairs. I rolled my eyes. She was probably just saying that because she was my mother.

"I better be going, mum" I say giving her a small smile, she was the one forcing me to do this after all.

Harry's house was around a ten-minute walk from mine and I could feel myself getting more anxious as I approached it. I'd never been to a proper party before as Harry had ruined my chances of having a social life. I had no idea what to expect tonight.

I cautiously knocked on the front door and it swung open almost immediately to show a rather drunk Harry. I looked at my watch, it was barley seven in the evening and Harry was already way over the reasonable drinking limit.

"Hi Cheri, didn't think you'd come tonight!" Harry slurred out while leaning against the doorway.

"Yeah, well guess what, I did" I say nonchalantly and quickly pass through the doorway to get away from him.

"You look good!" Harry calls out and I pulled a face in disgust and keep walking. I turn into the living room, which is crowded with people dancing in the middle and a drinks table in the corner. The music is turned up so loud that it's deafening and I'm left wondering why the neighbours haven't complained yet.

Nobody seems familiar and I left standing there feeling awkward. I decide to make my way over to the drinks to take my mind off the feeling of emptiness. This party's just highlighted the fact that I have no friends. Everyone just avoids me because of Harry. It's his fault.

I carelessly take a sip from one the cups, I have no idea how strong the alcohol actually is. Having no experience with drinking, I thoughtlessly continue as I watch the unfamiliar faces dance and enjoy themselves. I should have never come here I think foggily as the alcohol consumes my brain. I turn round to see Harry "H-Heey Cheeri" words tumble from his mouth, barely distinguishable. He gives me a lop sided grin which I return and I try to remember who exactly he is. He starts to steer me away from the blaring noise of people and I happily oblige.


Thanks for all the votes, what do you expect to happen in the next chapter? :)

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