To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x...

By LittleRed11204

244K 8.9K 5.6K

A long time friend of Lisa's moved from Australia over into your guys' small town. You want to try and be fri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thrity-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Five Pt 2 [M]
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two [M]
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine [M]
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six [M]
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five [M]
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three [M]
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundered and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundered and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five [M]?
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Seven [M]
Chapter One Hundered and Forty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Nine [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine

1.1K 41 70
By LittleRed11204

Rosie's POV

Tonight is the last show of the world tour and I'm already getting so emotional. It's January 9th and I'll be playing at SoFi stadium in Inglewood, California which is near LA. It's crazy because my last show is the biggest show. The indoor stadium is going to fit a capacity of 88,000 people. Like what the actual fuck.

Y/n has been trying to calm me down since the moment I woke up, which was 4:38am. It wasn't because of jet lag or anything, it was just because of my nerves for the show later.

"Love, please come here so I can give you a massage or something to calm your mind down just a little bit." Y/n said as I paced our hotel room back and forth. I glanced over at her and saw how worried she was about me. I sighed out and walked over to the bed and plopped down, facing her,

"I'm sorry for being so much these last few days. I'm just so scared that something will go wrong or I'll mess up and then–"

My rant was cut off by y/n pressing her lips against mine. To say I was shocked was an understatement because I'm usually the one that cuts her off with kisses. But, I just tried to focus on the kiss for the time being and kiss her back. It was a slow and loving kiss which I really appreciated in this moment. When she pulled back, she looked me in the eyes,

"Now, will you let me give you a back massage?" She asked me. I nodded my head and took off my pajama shirt and flipped face down on the bed. Y/n went to the bathroom to put her hands under some warm water and get a little bit of massage oil. I waited for her to come back and I soon felt the bed dip and her straddle my body.

I didn't have a bra on obviously, so she was able to start right away. She started on my upper shoulder area and I moaned out at how her fingers moved across my body. Her hands were nice and warm and I was loving every second of this.

"Relax love, I can still feel your muscles contracting." Y/n told me. I hummed and tried to relax my body more. Her hands then moved down my body every so often and I was releasing satisfied moans and groans quite often. I didn't realize how much my body had needed this until right now.

I don't even know how much time had passed, but she soon got off of me and I turned my head to the side to see her walk into the bathroom and wash her hands off. I just stayed there on the bed and waited for her to come back. She wasn't expecting to see me staring at her when she walked out,

"Oh well hello there." She joked. I rolled my eyes at her, feeling a little bit tired. I saw a tiny smirk form on her lips, "you can take a nap love."

"But I don't want to. There's so much I have to prepare for." I complained, feeling my eyelids betraying me.

"It's literally 6:52am, we have like 12 hours until the concert starts. I'll wake you up at 9 so we can have some room service breakfast and then we can go to the venue since you want to so badly." Y/n reasoned with me.

"Fine." I said right before a yawn escaped my mouth. Y/n chuckled at me and placed a sweet kiss on my forehead,

"Love you, now go to sleep."

"Mmm." And I was consumed by the darkness of sleep.


I slowly start to wake up to the sound of y/n's voice whispering in my ear.

"Love, I know you're now awake," she said as I just groaned and turned my head away from her. She giggled and climbed over to the other side of the bed which my head was face. I looked into her eyes and she smiled at me, causing me to smile back, "there's your gorgeous smile."

She reached her hand out and cupped my cheek gently and kissed my forehead. I sighed in content at how at home y/n was able to make me feel, no matter where we are or the circumstances.

"Stay right here." She told me as she hopped out of bed. I looked to where she went and saw a cart full of food. My eyes widened at the sight and I sat up in bed, ready to finally eat some breakfast. She laughed at my obvious excitement and wheeled it over, uncovering all the food she had ordered.

"Wow, you got like everything." I said as my eyes scanned across the multiple plates of food. She smiled triumphantly,

"Well I need you to have as much energy as you can for your concert tonight. Eat up love." I giggled at her as she practically shoved a plate of pancakes and bacon into my face. She started eating her food and I stole some of hers here and there because it looked really good. And we both had a tropical smoothie which was absolutely fucking delicious.

"Mm, what is in this smoothie?" I asked her as I took another sip.

"I asked them to put in extra mango." I blushed at how she even asked for more mango for me. She really loves me huh.

"You didn't have go do that ya know." I told her. She rolled her eyes at me,

"Of course I did because I knew it would make you happy. And I love to see you happy."

"You're so cute when you get all sappy and romantic with me." I pinched her cheek and she slapped my hand away,

"Well, it doesn't happen often because I still get awkward about it sometimes. My love language is like... making fun of my significant other/friends."

"Hate to break it to ya, but that's not a love language."

"I know, but they should really make it one." She stated as she ate a piece of sausage. I just rolled my eyes at my fiancée and we finished up our really tasty breakfast.

"Okay, it's now 11am and I know you want to get to the stadium at like 2pm. So, we can watch a movie to take our mind off everything and then get going. How does that sound?" Y/n asked me and her hand gently caressed my thigh. I smiled at her,

"I would love that. What movie are we watching?"

"Whatever you'd like."

"Hm," I started to scroll through the different streaming services on her laptop and settled on HBO Max. I then continued the search for a movie before deciding on 'The Suicide Squad'. I clicked play and snuggled up into y/n as we watched the movie.

There was a lot more gore than I had originally thought there was going to be. I closed my eyes a few times and then y/n even covered my ears for me because of all the sounds that come along with slashing people's throats. I kissed her arm every time as a 'thank you' and I would receive a kiss on top of my head as a 'you're welcome'. The movie was almost 2 and a half hours, so it ended just after one movie since we wouldn't be able to finish another.

"Alright, go get dress in whatever you want for the final sound check and I'll clean everything up, okay?" Y/n said as she stretched a little from laying down so long. I watched her shirt ride up a little and bit my lip seeing her skin. She snapped her fingers in front of my face and told me to 'get to it'.

"Why can't I do you instead?" I whispered into her ear, biting her earlobe teasingly. She shuddered a little before ultimately pushing me away and standing her ground. I laughed at how flustered she was and went into the bathroom to get all ready.

I took about 20 minutes to get ready and I got out of the bathroom to see y/n in some sweats and a lightweight hoodie. She was facing away from me on her phone, so she didn't hear/see me start to approach her. I snuck up behind her and looked over her shoulder to see what she was watching.

There on her phone screen was me all the way back when I was 16 playing my first ever cover on my Youtube channel.

"Y/n," I said softly. She jumped at the sound of my voice and almost threw her phone to the ground. She quickly composed herself and looked over her shoulder to meet my eyes,


"Why are you watching my first ever cover?" She smiled shyly at the question,

"Well, you are performing the last show in a world tour in front of 80 some thousand people. Just thought I would see how far you've come." She admitted. My heart melted at how adorable she is.

"Awe, I love you." I told her as I leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips. She smiled into it and I bit her bottom lip as we parted. Soon, we were hand in hand out of the hotel room heading to SoFi stadium for my final sound check of the tour.

We entered the stadium through the back entrance and I said hello to every staff member that we passed. Y/n was silently walking next to me, just keeping to herself.

"What's got you so quiet?" I asked her as we turned down the hallway that said STAGE ENTRANCE #2. She just glanced over at me,

"Nothing." I sighed out as I know she's lying to me,

"Y/n," I started.

"Fine. I'm just scared." She mumbled. I stopped immediately after those words left her mouth and I went to stand in front of her.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I tried to search her eyes for any answers. I cupped her face to lift her head up a little higher so she was at my eye level. I saw tears start to pool in her eyes and I grew increasingly worried at what my fiancée was scared about.

"Hey, hey, I'm right here." I told her as I brought her into a hug. She sobbed into my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me tightly, as if I was going to disappear if she let go.

After a few minutes of her crying, she pulled back and wiped her nose and tried to keep herself together. I frowned as she was honestly doing a shitty job at it.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I softly asked her. She just shook her head,

"I'll tell you after your sound check." I sighed as I knew this was just her way of stalling. But I let it slide this time because I wanted her to tell me on her own terms.

"Okay, I'll see you after. You can sit in on of the seats in the stadium if you'd like." I told her as I kiss her cheek. She reached out and squeezed my hand three times before allowing me to walk on stage and do my sound check.


I decided to try and calm myself down by going to her dressing room and just relax in there. I put my headphones on and just listened to Rosie's albums on a quiet volume. I laid down on the couch in the room and just convinced myself that everything will be okay tonight.

Everything will be fine.


I must've fallen asleep during this whole relax thing because I was being gently woken up by someone caressing my face. I fluttered my eyes open and I was met with Rosie's worried brown eyes staring down at me.

"Hi." I said as I took off my headphones. She smiled a little at my voice.

"Hi to you too. What were you listening to?" She asked me. Before I answered her, I motioned for her to lay down on top of me and that she did. I could tell she wanted to be close to me right now.

"I was listening to you, trying to just calm myself down." She just stared into my eyes as she waited for me to elaborate on why I needed to calm myself down.

"Okay, I'll tell you." I sighed out. She took my hand in hers and I continued, "I'm just scared for the show tonight. I've seen threats floating around on social media and I'm ultimately scared for your safety. I know your staff has been taking extra precautions, but there's still that thought in the back of my mind that you'll get hurt." I told her.

She stayed quiet for a little bit, most likely absorbing everything I had just told her. I don't know if she knew about the threats because she really hasn't been on social media a ton.

"Y/n, I understand your fear. But you need to remember that there are so many people looking out for me and my safety that anything they've been saying online will almost certainly not happen. My staff has told me they are even ramping up security for the show because of the things going around. So I promise you, I'll be okay."

"Rosie, don't promise something that you have no control over." I said to her, pushing away the extended pinky that was in front of me. She looked a little hurt by the gesture, but spoke up,

"I am promising you that I will not get hurt, I will make sure I am going to be 100% fine when the curtain falls." She stared directly into my eyes as she said that to me. The complete confidence that was in her voice took a little of my anxiety away, but it was still there.

"Please stay safe, for me." I whispered to her, my voice breaking with emotion because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt.

"Always, for you."

She stuck her pinky out once more and I slowly wrapped mine around it. We even sealed the promise with a kiss, so now she really can't break it.

"Okay, let's just stay like this until I have to start to get ready for the show. I want to be by you for as long as I can before I'm whisked away on stage."

"Okay. I love you." I mumbled into her hair as she snuggled into my chest.

"Love you too."


I walked out of the dressing room bathroom to see Rosie pacing back and forth around the room. I know she's extremely nervous because it's her last show and she wants it to be perfect. I went over to her and wrapped her up in a back hug. I automatically felt her shoulders relax and she started to slow her breathing down knowing I was near her.

"I'm here love. You're going to have a great show. I can just feel it." I told her as I walked us over to the makeup vanity in the room. I looked at her in the mirror and she looked at me.

"Thank you for being here and thank you for loving me." She sincerely told me. I squeezed her body three times and she giggled as I tickled her a little bit before releasing her from my grip.

Soon the stage manager came on and told Rosie to go to the stage lift. I kissed her forehead as a goodbye and good luck and went to the VIP section to find my seat.

Rosé's final concert soon started and the energy of the crowd was insane. Everyone was having a blast and I was also having some fun. I was still a little anxious, but I pushed it aside for the most part. It was near the end of the show as it was going into the last song. I was glad nothing had happened and my girl was safe.

Until something caught my eye.

I saw a man walk up to a security guard and slip him something. The security guard looked around and I quickly looked back on stage to my fiancée, trying to act normal. I glanced back and the pair and the guard slowly moved the barricade so this mystery man could easily walk towards the stage. As he did, I caught a glimpse of something that shined in the light and I saw it was a knife.

Oh my god.

I ran from where my seat was and a few feet away from the security guard, I jumped the barricade and ran towards the man. I heard yelling behind me and I knew it was that fucking guard, but I obviously ignored him because my fiancée was now in danger. The man got to the stairs that led up to the stage and I launched myself at him, effectively knocking him down on the ground.

I wrestled the man and was able to get the knife out of his grip before putting him in a choke hold and making him pass out. Rosé saw this whole interaction go down as she was walking back up from the extended stage to the main stage. Her eyes widened in fear, but she tried to keep herself going as to not worry the crowd.

I was heavily breathing and my adrenaline was pumping. I noticed Rosé stopped where I was and still sung, but her voice breaking a little. I looked her in the eyes and blew her a kiss to hopefully calm her down. I saw a tear slip out of her eye and she could barely keep herself together as some other security took the man away and I was escorted backstage.

I couldn't hear what was happening on stage anymore as I was too far deep in the stadium. But I didn't feel the vibrations of the music anymore, so I'm thinking the show is now over. I told the staff to just leave me be because I wanted time alone to myself after what just happened.

Rosie could've gotten hurt; or even killed.

That thought alone was about to send me into a mental spiral. I was just in a random spare room as I curled up in the corner and just focused on a spot on the tile and controlled my breathing.

I soon heard yelling coming from the hallway and it was getting closer to where I was. The door soon burst open and in came flying my fiancée, tears streaming down her face. Her arms encased me in one of the tightest hugs I've ever felt and she broke down even more. I felt her body shake slightly due to emotion and I dragged myself out of my millions of thoughts to hug her back.

"You're okay, love." I whispered to her. She just cried harder and her breathing became erratic and I could tell a panic attack was starting. I decided to use the method where you distract the person with your voice. So, I told one of my favorite stories of ours.

"I remember all those years ago to when I brought you out for our first ever date. I gifted you the dress and we went to that 50's dance. I remember I couldn't take my eyes off of you even if I tried. You were beautiful that night," I felt her breathing become less panicked, but I still continued, "We danced all night long and then we went to a clearing in the nearby woods to watch a meteor shower. It was one of the greatest nights of my life. I honestly wanted to tell you that I loved you all the way back then, but I refrained from it in case it scared you off." I joked at the end. I was able to hear a tearful chuckle come from her and that was enough for me right now.

We just stayed together in this random ass room for a while. Just the two of us, holding each other like our lives depended on it. Because sometimes, it feels like it does. One of those moments being tonight.

I felt a small tap on my arm and I knew she wanted me to pull back from the hug real quick. I did as I was told to and our eyes met, tears filling both our eyes. I pressed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes, finally letting those tears fall.

"I could've lost you."

"And I could've lost you too." She whispered back to me. I felt her fingertips dance delicately across my cheekbone, almost scared that if she pressed too hard I would break under her touch.

"You're okay thought. We're both okay though. I love you, Roseanne. So, so much that it's indescribable."

"I never want you to leave my sight again." She told me as we both opened our eyes again. I smiled weakly at her,

"I wouldn't dream of leaving you anyway."

look at us being a badass. hope u liked the chapter, thank you for reading and i love all of you <3

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