To The Moon and Back? (Rosé x...

By LittleRed11204

244K 8.9K 5.6K

A long time friend of Lisa's moved from Australia over into your guys' small town. You want to try and be fri... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thrity-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Five Pt 2 [M]
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two [M]
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine [M]
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six [M]
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five [M]
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three [M]
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred and One [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Two
Chapter One Hundred and Three
Chapter One Hundred and Four
Chapter One Hundred and Five
Chapter One Hundred and Six
Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Chapter One Hundered and Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Ten [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Chapter One Hundered and Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five [M]?
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Nine
Chapter One Hundred and Forty [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Two
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Seven [M]
Chapter One Hundered and Forty-Eight
Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Nine [M]
Chapter One Hundred and Fifty

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Three

1.4K 49 173
By LittleRed11204

(a/n: the longest chapter to date... and for good reason <3)

Rosie's POV

Today is y/n and I's 5th year anniversary together. I feel like it was just yesterday when she brought me up to Linden Hill and we watched the sunrise as she asked me to be her girlfriend. It was, and still is, the greatest day off my life. I never in my wildest dreams could've imagined what happened after that. All these years later we are still so in love and we are both doing what we love. Each other. Kidding, but I'm also not.

I wanted to be the one to wake y/n up today with breakfast in bed since I know she has the day planned out for us. But damn it, I feel so safe and comfortable in her embrace. Our naked bodies pressed up against one another, legs tangled together.

I'll make her breakfast in bed another time.

I just breathed in her faint perfume and nuzzled my head further into her chest, leaving a light kiss on her skin. I felt her shift around a little, but she stayed asleep, tightening her hold on me ever so slightly. I tilted my head up a little and just smiled up at my girlfriend's peaceful face.

I let her sleep a little longer before I got all giddy to start the day with her. I kissed the underside of her jaw and brushed my fingers up and down her arm, slowly trying to wake her up. I heard her hum quietly and she shifted around once more. I then decided to scoot myself up higher so I was now face to face with her and I started to pepper kisses all along her face. I watched as a small smile formed on her lips and her arms moved to place me on top of her body so I was straddling her.

"Good morning love," y/n said in that raspy morning voice of hers, "happy 5th year anniversary." I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips as I leaned down to connect our lips. Her hands held my hips softly as her thumbs rubbed back and forth lovingly across my skin.

"Happy 5th anniversary." I mumbled against her lips. I cupped her cheek as we made out softly this morning. I wasn't complaining.

"For breakfast," y/n said as we pulled apart, "I was thinking we go down memory lane and eat at Ralph's. What do ya say?"

"I love that idea. What time do you want to go," I glanced over at the clock, "it's only 8:48am."

"How about we start to get ready at 9:15? I still want to hold you in my arms and make out a bit." I bit my lip softly as I didn't argue with her and leaned back in to make out more with her.

We kept all of our touches light and loving because we both knew if we started having sex, we wouldn't get anything done today. We rolled around in bed, changing positions often and laughed just out of pure bliss. Both of us still not believing we've been together for 5 years.

Our make out session was cut off as 9:15 soon rolled around. It felt like it was only 3 minutes, but I guess that's what making out with your soulmate does to you. We both got out of bed and walked into our closet to pick out clothes for today.

"So what are we doing so I know what to wear." I said to y/n. She looked over at me,

"Well, the first part of our day we are going to get treated at a spa. So wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. Then we will head back here and go to dinner afterwards. I'll have something for you to wear then, don't worry. I got today covered love."

"Ooo, a spa day for us, how relaxing."

"I feel like we need it because we've been putting up with each other for 5 years." Y/n joked. I punched her shoulder lightly and just changed into some cute sweat pants and a light hoodie of mine. Y/n changed into some jeans and then a t-shirt and her black leather jacket.

"Wow, look at you lookin' all hot. People there are going to be jealous of me." I said to her as I stood right in front of her now.

"I think it'll be the other way around love." She smiled at me and pecked my lips as she grabbed Hank's leash and took him outside while I did some light make up. It didn't take too long and I knew it would most likely be coming off at the spa. So when I heard the little paws of Hankie and the keys of y/n echoing through the apartment, I grabbed the rest of my things and walked out to the living room. Y/n still had Hank on his leash which made me slightly confused. I pointed down to it,

"How come you still have his leash on?"

"Oh, he's going to be spending the day with my mom so we don't have to worry about him." Y/n explained to me.

"That's nice of her," I said as I crouched down to pet Hank a little before we headed out to y/n's car. We all got in and we were soon driving down the familiar street that y/n lived on. She pulled up into the driveway and just told me to stay here as she quickly dropped Hank off. I was fine with that and just found some good songs to play for the rest of our car ride.

Y/n soon reappeared and I smiled as she had a bright smile on her face. She hopped in and turned to face me,

"My mom said she wants to thank you for putting up with me for 5 years." I laughed at what her mom said and just shook my head in amusement. I love Tiffany, she's great. I've always known that y/n gets her humor from her mother, even though I obviously never knew her father.

"I'm hungry, let's hurry up because I want my french toast that I haven't had in years!" I shouted happily as y/n reversed out of the driveway and I turned on one of our songs: You Belong With Me. We were singing our hearts out to the whole song and I was brought back to one of the best and worst days of my life. Y/n had kissed me and asked me out on a date and then, my father had passed away. I felt so many emotions that day, but I know my father would want me to remember the happy feelings I felt that day.

Y/n pulled into a parking spot and she told me to wait in the car as she went around and opened the door up for me. She kissed my hand all adorable and we walked hand in hand into the small diner. The waitress led us to an open table and we didn't need menus because we knew exactly what we wanted. The girl then disappeared into the kitchen and y/n and I talked about some of our favorite memories together.

"Remember when you were scared of the big thunder storm that happened?" I sighed as y/n said that, remembering that night.

Flashback to 16 year old y/n and Rosie

Tonight y/n is sleeping over my house again and I'm just super excited to be with her again. She always just makes me happy and I really like that about her. We are both just sitting on my bed watching a movie when a loud crack of thunder shook the room.

I immediately winced at the sound and curled myself up into a small ball. Y/n didn't say anything at first and just paused the movie. I really wanted her to hold me right now, but I don't want to scare her off and make her uncomfortable.

But as soon as the flash and sound of the next thunder and lightning was heard/seen, I tucked my head into myself and started to just hum to myself, trying to block out the noise.

"Rosie?" Y/n called out to me. I lifted my head slightly and looked over at her. She looked really pretty with the tiny bit of moonlight lighting up the side of her face.


"Are you scared of storms?" She asked me quietly. I embarrassingly nodded my head, "Um, do you uh, do you want me to hold you?" She asked hesitantly. I was shocked that she offered to do such a nice thing for me even though we haven't known each other that long. We've only know each other for just over a week and a half.

"If you want to." I responded.

"Well do you want me to? I don't like wanna make you uncomfortable or anything. Unless I already did by asking– I'm sor–"

"I would like it if you held me." She was quiet for a second before I heard shifting around on my bed. I then felt her hands cautiously wrap around me. I then slowly wrapped my arms around her.

"Is this okay?" She asked me. I smiled,

"Yeah, this is okay."

Flashback ends

"How about when you had that big spider on you from when we were doing yard work because your mom wanted us to?" I said to y/n with a smirk. She just grumbled as we both were reminded of that day.

Flashback to 17 year old y/n and Rosie

"This is stupid! Why is she making us do yard work? I understand me because I'm her daughter, but you! We haven't even been dating for a full year yet!" Y/n complained to me. I just giggled as she continued to rant about how this was stupid. I was fine with pulling some weeds, it calmed me down for some reason.

"Well maybe if you put more effort into your work, we'll get this done faster!" I shouted to y/n as she walked into the shed and grabbed some tools to help us out. She came back next to me with a shovel as she needed to edge the flower beds. She handed me another yard bag for the weeds and I continued to pull them out as y/n started her job.

"Rosie? What if I just ran away?"

"What the fuck?"

"What? I just don't wanna do this." She whined.

"Oh my god, why am I dating you?" I sighed out.

"I dunno, you ask me." I glared at her and she zipped her lips shut as she continued without saying anything else that stupid.

I finished the flower bed I was one and rubbed away the sweat that was on my forehead. I took my gloves off and walked over to the hose and washed my hands real quick. I glanced back over my shoulder at y/n and my eyes went wide,

"Uh, y/n?" She turned towards me,

"What?" I just pointed to her back and she just looked at me confused, "huh?"

"Hold on." I grabbed my phone out and snapped a picture of her back. She looked down at my phone and her face went ghost white.

"That, that thing is on my back right now?" She said with a shaky voice. I nodded my head. She gulped, "Okay, put the hose on the highest setting it can go and spray that fucker off of my back, okay?"

I quickly ran back over to the hose and changed the settings around. I then yelled for y/n to turned around and she did slowly, the big spider crawling a little at the movement. I shuddered in disgust,

"Okay, in coming water!" I turned the hose on and aimed it right for her back. Thank god I have good aim and it hit the big ass spider right away. It fell off of her and I moved the hose down to where it was in the grass, spraying it more until it stopped moving. Y/n let out a huge breath and looked over at me,

"I love you."

She then had a big red spot on her back for a week because of the high water pressure needed to remove the spider.

Flashback ends

"Oh, this is a good one!" Y/n started as she snapped her fingers, "remember when you swallowed a leaf by accident?"

"How could I forget? You have the thing recorded." I deadpanned.

Flashback to 18 year old y/n and Rosie

"Love! Come look at this leaf pile I was able to make with the help of Lisa and Jisoo!" I heard y/n shout from outside. I was currently inside because I was making myself a snack. I walked over to the opened window and saw the actually impressive leaf pile they had made. I saw Jennie was just sitting to the side, not doing anything.

I decided I would eat later and that I wanted to mess around in the giant leaf pile in y/n's backyard. I put my shoes on and walked back outside in the crisp autumn air. There was a slight breeze, but it actually felt nice and made me realize how close we are to winter.

"I call jumping in first!" Lisa shouted.

"Nope, oldest goes first!" Jisoo yelled as she jumped in. She completely disappeared under all the leaves and you could only see them moving because of Jisoo's movements. Soon her head popped up above the surface and she was laughing her ass off.

"Jennie, you doing this?" Y/n asked her best friend. Jennie glanced over and shook her head,

"Nah, I'm good."

"My turn then!" And y/n got a big running start before leaping into the pile. She got some pretty good air before disappearing as well. It was funny to see her resurface because she had a bunch of leaves stuck in her hair.

"Babe, you got a lot of leaves in your hair, fix it!" I called out to her. She thanked me and raked her fingers through her hair in order to get them out.

"Your turn love!" Y/n shouted for me. I saw she pulled her phone out and I knew that she was going to record it. I also got a running start before striking a pose to her phone and falling into the pit of leaves. I felt something enter my mouth and I started coughing.

"Rosie?" Y/n asked as I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me up. I soon swallowed and my eyes widened as I had just swallowed a fucking leaf. I looked at y/n,

"I just swallowed a leaf."

"WHAT?" The four of them shouted at me. I nodded and they all started laughing at me. I just snuck back into the leaves,

"I got it on video too!"

Flashback ends

"Are food is coming, I see it." Y/n said as she looked over my shoulder. I awaited my food and thanked the waitress as she gave us our plates. I moaned out satisfied with the taste because it didn't change. I'm still convinced that they put drugs in it because it tastes so damn good.

Once we were done with our food, we tipped the waitress really nicely and quickly said goodbye to the man himself, Ralph. He wished us a happy 5th anniversary and we both thanked him. He also gave us two red velvet cupcakes to go that we can eat later.

Soon y/n was driving to wherever this spa was. I saw we went a city over and I was just watching all the buildings go by as we drove passed them. Y/n then pulled into a parking lot and I looked at the sign located on the front of the building: Sun Spa. I quickly hopped out of the car and heard y/n complain because she didn't open the door for me.

"Oh boohoo, shut up. Let's get our spa day on!" I shouted happily as I tugged on y/n's hand and entered the front doors. I gasped as soon as we entered because the inside was beautiful. It was modern and all fancy and shit. This must've cost a pretty penny because it definitely looks expensive.

"Don't even worry about the price," y/n whispered to me. It was like she was able to read my mind. Kinda creepy, but I still love her.

"I call paying for the next spa day whenever we take one." I said as I looked over at her. She just smiled and rolled her eyes at me,

"Okay. Now, let's check in and get our couple's massage first." I smiled as it's been forever since I've had a professional massage. Y/n gives me a massage every so often when I've been stressed out or just have been practicing a lot. Her hands are magical, so I do feel damn good afterwards. I especially like the activities that sometimes follow afterwards.

"Hello, I have a booking under y/n y/l/n." She stated to the receptionist. The lady typed away on her computer real quick before looked back up at us,

"Alrighty, I have the couple's massage, the mani and pedi, and the sauna." Y/n nodded her head at the information,

"Yup, that's for us."

"Great. You two can go ahead to room 6 on your left and that's where you'll get the couple's massage done. There are robes in there, so you can take off your clothes when you enter. The masseuses will arrive in 10 minutes."

"Thank you so much," y/n said as she gently grabbed my hand and walked towards the room. We entered and saw the two massage tables in the middle of the room. A bunch of oils and shit were set along multiple shelves in the room, making it smell really nice in here.

"Let's get naked!" I told y/n. She laughed at me and started to strip her clothes off. I shamelessly watched her and then she shamelessly watched me. We were both giggling throughout it and then put on our nice fluffy white robes.

We patiently waited for the masseuses to enter and there was a man and a woman. I was fine with it, but I wanted the woman for me because I didn't want another woman touching my girl. The man can since y/n is incredibly gay (I am too).

"Hello, my name is Nathan and this is Melissa. We'll be doing your couple's massage. Do you have a preference as to who does who?"

"I'll take Melissa." I voiced out almost immediately. I swear I heard y/n slightly chuckle at my answer.

"Guess you're stuck with me then Nathan." Y/n joked with the man. He laughed and then the two of us got on the tables and awaited our massages.


Damn Nathan's hands are really working out all the kinks and tension in my muscles. It was taking everything in me not to moan or groan out in pleasure. I know damn well I would have my lovely girlfriend say a few words to me after.

But the four of us just had casual conversation. Learned how long the pair have been working here, blah blah blah. They asked about us and I told them that it was our 5th year anniversary. They congratulated us and soon the massage was done. We thanked them and then we slipped on some flip flops and walked over to where the mani and pedi would get done.

"Did he feel you up?" Rosie whispered to me. I couldn't help but laugh at her because I knew it was coming. I shook my head,

"No love. He was responsible and respectful to me and my body."

"Good." I quirked an eyebrow at her,

"What about Melissa?"

"She was also responsible and respectful."

"Nice." We both were now seated in the chairs where two more people came out and started doing our mani's first. I didn't want any colored nail polish on mine and just settled for a clear coat to give my nails that shine. My finger nails have honestly never looked better.

The pedi was just as nice. It did tickle here and there, but I was able to keep myself together. Didn't want the woman to think I was a fucking weirdo or anything. I also just got a clear coat on my toe nails.

I glanced over at Rosie and saw she got a gorgeous black on both her finger and toe nails. Soon everything was done and it was time to end with the sauna. We walked hand in hand once more to where the sauna was and we noticed that we were the only ones in there. We walked in and sat down, letting the sauna do its thing for us.

"This is really nice." Rosie said out loud. I looked over at her and saw her eyes closed.

"I'm really happy you're enjoying this." I told her. She cracked an eye open and looked over at me and smiled,

"I love you."

"I love you too."


"That was $500?! Are you insane?" Rosie practically screamed as she stole the receipt out of my hand as we got back in my car. I just sighed out and let her continue, "why did you spend this much money? I'm paying for everything else for the rest of the month." She said firmly.

"Isn't that a little overboa–"

"Finish that sentence, I dare you." I just shut up at her threat and started to drive us to the nearest Subway because I wanted a quick lunch before we head back home and rest for a couple of hours before the final thing for tonight.

The ride was mostly silent, the music playing from Rosie's phone being the one thing keeping us from complete silence. I was just lost in thought thinking about how tonight would go. Would she like the dinner? Would she like what she's wearing? Will she say yes?

"Y/n," Rosie said as she shook my shoulder gently. I shook my head and broke out of my thoughts.


"I was calling your name but you didn't reply."

"I'm sorry, my mind was preoccupied with something else." I told her.

"What was it?"

"You." I said honestly. I glanced to my side and saw her get all shy and blush slightly as she rolled her eyes,

"Okay simp, shut up," I laughed a little, "But I was trying to get your attention because I wanted to apologize for freaking out about you spending $500. I've spent way more on things for you and I know you just wanted to treat me. So, I'm sorry."

"Rosie, it's fine I promise. But I do accept your apology even though you really didn't need to say one."

"I still felt like I needed to." She mumbled. I saw the Subway and pulled up right in front of it,

"Do you want your normal sub?" I asked her as I grabbed my card and was about to open the door.

"Wait! I'll order because I want to pay for something today!" She yelled quickly as she grabbed her bag and flung the passenger door open. I let her do whatever and waited in the car for her to come back with our subs.

She came back out about 10 minutes later and had a smile on her face; most likely because she was able to treat me to something. She opened the door and climbed in the car. She handed me my sub and she also got me a chocolate chip cookie. I just shook my head in amusement and we both ate our subs peacefully, listening to the music and talking here and there.

I took the bag from her and gathered up all the trash and went outside to the trash can and threw it all away. I then got back in the car and we drove back home to relax for a little before our dinner.

"Are you going to tell me what we are doing for dinner?" Rosie asked me as we continued our drive back home.

"Nope, but you'll love it. I hope." I felt her hand soon ok mine after I said that.

"I know I'll love it. You are the one that planned it after all. It could be dinner from a food truck and I wouldn't complain because you'd be right by my side."

"And you call me the simp." She lightly hit my shoulder as we both just laughed and waited for the light to turn green. It took about half an hour to finally get home and we both just laid down on the couch; Rosie laying on top of me. We just flipped through the channels until we landed on one that was just starting 'The Hunger Games'. I pecked Rosie's forehead and we started to watch the movie.

"If I ever got picked to be in the Hunger Games, would you volunteer as tribute?" I asked my girlfriend.

"Hell no."

"WHAT? Why not?" I asked her, shocked at how fast she answered the question. And not the answer I would've liked.

"You're strong enough to win it. Plus I'm a better cheerleader because I have a few years under my belt. And I don't really like the whole physical exercise thing." I just rolled my eyes at her,

"Yeah, love you too." I said sarcastically as I turned my attention back to the screen.

"Oh you know I love you. I just wouldn't volunteer as tribute for you." She told me as she grabbed my chin so I was looking at her.

"That's literally like saying you want me dead."

"Well me staying back would give you motivation to stay alive. I'd give you some amazing sex before you left so you'd want to survive." I just stared at her blankly.

"So then what would you do if I died?"

"I dunno, maybe live on a farm. I've always wanted to also learn how to cook/bake, so I'll take some classes." Rosie said as she was going into thought about this whole thing.

"You were supposed to say something like you'd die if I died!"


"Yeah 'oH'." I mocked her. She just shut me up with a kiss to my lips. I kissed her back obviously, I mean who wouldn't.

"Well thankfully we don't live in that book or movie." She said once she pulled back.

"Still would've been nice to know you would volunteer as tribute for me." I grumbled.

"So you would volunteer as tribute for me?" She asked me. I smiled up at her,


She couldn't help but laugh at my answer. We just moved on from the conversation and watched the movie once more. I left little kisses on Rosie's head sometimes just because I loved her. She would sometimes also give my neck a tiny kiss here and there after I kissed her.

Once the movie was over, it was around 5pm and I know Rosie would want to start to get ready now because we are going to leave at 6 for dinner. I poked her cheek and she turned her head to look at me,


"I think it's time we start to get ready for dinner. What do ya say?" She eyes lit up and she quickly got off of me and ran to our bedroom. I chuckled to myself and ran after her. She was sitting on our bed, waiting for me to grab what she would be wearing tonight. I walked into the closet and found her outfit and poked my head out of the doorway,

"Are you sure you want to wear this?" I asked her in a teasing voice.

"Yes! Now show me the damn outfit!" She was practically going to explode from excitement if I didn't do anything. I rolled my eyes at her and smiled as I held up the outfit for her.

Her eyes widened at the outfit I saw holding up and she slowly stood up from the bed and walked over to me. She held her hands out and I gladly gave her the outfit.

"Wow, you bough all of this?" She asked me quietly. I nodded my head,

"Yup, hopefully you like it. It's not super fancy but that's what it's supposed to be." I explained to her nervously. I looked up to meet her eyes and they shined with love and adoration.

"Thank you."

"No problem love. Now go ahead and do your make up and get changed!" I told her. She smiled brightly and went over to start on her make up. I took the clothes from her and she thanked me as I put them back in the closet.

It was a pair of her famous loose blue jeans, a YSL black hoodie that's in this years fall collection, and a beautiful black blazer to go over top. Then she has a pair of simple white shoes to go with it. It's nothing super in your face, but it's something she's comfortable with and looks amazing in.

I was just going to wear some new black jeans I bought, a nice white dress shirt, and then a long beige wool overcoat. I escaped into the bathroom and got all ready with my hair and everything. I then saw the closet door was closed, so I'm guessing Rosie is changing in there. I quickly ran over to the guest bedroom and grabbed my outfit and changed.

Once I got back to our bedroom, Rosie was just walking out of the closet. I looked over at her and she looked over at me. We both smiled as our eyes met and then we both checked the other person out. I had to push the feeling of crying away because she would get suspicious.

"You look beautiful, love." I told her as I went over to her and snaked my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me.

"You don't look half bad either." She joked. I smiled at her and leaned in for a soft kiss before we had to get going.

"Okay, let's get going to dinner!" I said excitedly as I tugged Rosie out of our bedroom and to the front door of our apartment. As we were about to leave, I patted myself down and realized I forgot my phone.

"Shoot, my phone. I'll be right back." I quickly ran off to our bedroom and opened the last drawer of my nightstand and moved a few things around and found the little black box. I moved it from the cabinet by the front door a few days ago and hid it in here. I then stuffed it in my pocket and walked back out to see Rosie patiently waiting for me.

"You got it?" I nodded my head and took my phone out of my pocket and waved it around. She smiled and we both walked out of our apartment for the last time as girlfriends. Hopefully.

I opened the passenger door for her and she thanked me as she got in and closed it. I ran around to the other side and got in and pulled something out for her to wear. She glanced down at my hand,

"A blindfold? Really?"

"Come on, it's a surprise! Please?" I begged her. She rolled her eyes and took the blindfold out of my hands,

"Fine, since it'll make you all happy." She started to tie it around her head. Once it was on, I kissed her lips and she was shocked by it, meaning she really couldn't see.

"Good, you can't see."

"Well that is the job of a blindfold." She deadpanned. I rolled my eyes but she couldn't see, "I know you rolled your eyes. I can feel it."

"Damn it." I glanced over to see her smirking and she just laid her head back as I started the drive to our destination. I picked out the playlist from her phone and it was called My love. It had a bunch of my favorite songs on it and there were a few of Rosie's favorites on there too. I smiled as she softly sung to them, tapping her foot along to the beat.

After about half an hour, we started to get closer to our destination and the road changed to gravel. Rosie turned her head to me,

"Are you taking me in the middle of the woods to kill me?"

"You got me!" I said as I continued down the road.

"I knew it! I knew all the way back when we had our first date you would take me to the woods and kill me. Good job 16 year old me." She patted herself on her back and I just smiled at my girl.

I soon parked and told Rosie to stay put as I went around the car to help her out. She held her hands out for me to take and I grabbed them gently before helping her out of the car. She clung onto my left arm as I then closed her door and locked the car. We walked to where everything was set up, thanks to our friends and family. I positioned Rosie in front of everything and I stood behind her. She jumped a little at my hands lightly holding her shoulders.

"Okay, I'm going to take off your blindfold, love."

"Okay," she said softly. I reached up and started to untie the blindfold. It soon was loose enough and I pulled it down and leaned my head forward go the side as I watched her reaction.

Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings and soon they lit up in surprise. They widened as she took everything in. Her smile got wider and wider the more she looked at all the things set up. I ran up a little and held both my hands out and smiled at her,

"So? What do ya think?" I watched as she looked at me like I was the only person in the world.

"It's perfect." She said while biting her lip softly. I noticed that her eyes started to shine with tears. I quickly went over to her and wiped them away as soon as they fell down her cheeks.

"I love you." I told her as I kissed her forehead and led her over to everything.

Here on top of Linden Hill was a blanket laid out on the ground with a ton of fancy food. There were four wooden posts sticking out of the ground with a bunch of fairy lights strung from one to another over top. It was like an upgraded version of our 1 year anniversary and an even more upgraded version of me asking her to be my girlfriend. I wanted to go back to our roots as a couple and this is where it all started.

"Here, let me pour you a glass of lovely red wine." I told Rosie as I popped the cork off of the bottle. She held her glass up for me and I poured some wine into it. I then poured myself a glass,

"Cheers to us Rosie."

"Cheers to us." We clinked out glasses together and took a sip of the wine. It was actually really good because it was a bit sweeter.

"Alright, what would you like to eat because I made sure to get all your favorites." I said looked at down at the different containers. Rosie picked one up questioningly,

"Is this from my mom's house?"

"Maybe." She looked at me and then opened the box. Inside was her favorite dumplings.

"Oh my god! I haven't had these in forever!" She squealed happily as she grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started to eat them. I grabbed the box with some salmon in it and started to munch away at that. We fed each other bites of food here and there. The two of us went through all the food here and tried a few bites of them all.

"Damn this salad is really fucking good. Where is it from?" Rosie asked me.

"I made it." She stopped chewing and looked at me,

"What else did you make?" I smiled at her,

"Only the dessert."

"THERES DESSERT?!" She practically screamed. I laughed at my girlfriend and nodded my head,

"Yes there is dessert. Do you wanna eat it before, during, or after sunset?" I asked her as I grabbed the box with the dessert in it.


"Good choice. Here," I opened the box up to her and she smiled down at what was inside,

"Your famous chocolate cake!"

"That it is," I reached behind me and grabbed two forks for us to eat some of the cake. We got cake on both of our forks and then fed the other person. I laughed as Rosie started to choke on hers slightly. She flipped me off and I just laughed harder at her.

"Shut up." She grumbled. We finished up eating as much as we could and both sat back on the blanket stuffed.

"I'll put this stuff just in the car real quick," I told Rosie as I stood up and grabbed the boxes and stuffed them into a few bags, "I'll be back in 5." I kissed the top of her head,

"Okay, love you and thank you for all the food." I smiled at her and ran off towards our car. I heard Rosie's laughter echo through the woods and I was all smiles as I got to my car. I saw the other cars were already parked and the people started to quietly get out.

"Hey everyone, thanks for coming." I said to them softly. Clare, Alice, mom, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Lisa, Jennie, Jisoo, Irene, Hank, Seugli, Wendy, Joy, Yeri, Ten, Winter, Mia, and Bambam were all here. I had texted the big group chat I had made called: Operation proposal.

"I can't wait!" Jennie said buzzing with happiness. I smiled at her and grabbed the guitar I had in the truck of my car.

"Alright, you guys know where to be right?" They all nodded their heads, "Lisa, you got your camera?"

"Right here! Ten also had one of my video cameras."

"Okay, let's do this." I shut the trunk of my car and walked back over to where my girlfriend was sitting, oblivious to what happened a few seconds ago. She turned her head when she heard footsteps approaching her. She furrowed her eyebrows at me when she saw a guitar in my hands,

"Why do you have that?"

"I um, I'm going to sing you a song." She froze as soon as I said that. She knows that I don't really like to sing in front of people because I doubt my voice. It's nowhere near good, but she always likes it when I sing a little, "Is that okay with you?"

"Yeah," she breathed out, "of course it is. I just wasn't expecting this at all." I watched a smile form on her lips as I sat down across from her. She turned to face me and her comfortable while I took a few deep breathes.

"I've been practicing for like, a month honestly. I asked Wendy to teach me and she's been really helpful with learning guitar." Rosie just watched me lovingly as I talked to her, "so here goes nothing."

I strummed the first cord and glanced up at Rosie to see her eyes already filling with tears; hands coming up to cover her mouth. I then started to sing to her,

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart and I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore
That she would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist

I heard her sniffle a little throughout the first verse and I was too scared to look up at her because I knew I would cry too.

But darling, you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

I really meant that she was the exception. She was the one who showed me true love and I'll never be able to thank her enough. I strummed the guitar and continued onto the next verse.

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul, that love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone, but keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now, I had sworn to myself
That I'm content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

I felt a single tear fall from my right eye. I didn't stop playing and played the next cord. I was waiting for my tear to hit the apple of my cheek, but it never did.  A soft hand cupped my cheek and wiped it away gently. I let out a shaky breath and collected myself before looking up at Rosie. She was in tears and a smile was on her face as she looked into my eyes. I gave her the best smile I could before finding my voice again and singing.

Well, you are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

I mentally prepared myself to sing the bridge because it was honestly the hardest part of the song to sing. I was able to stop myself from crying anymore because of the focus I needed.

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't, let go of what's in
front of me here
I know you're leaving in the morning,
when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof
it's not a dream

I was able to somehow manage to sing that part pretty good for my standards. No voice cracks or completely off key. A solid 6/10 for me. I knew this final chorus and outro I needed to sing directly to Rosie. I looked up once more to her and she had somewhat composed herself. But I knew she would be a mess right after I sang these last few parts. I made eye contact with her and sang,

You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
You are the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing

As soon as I finished the last strum of my guitar, I heard Rosie move and felt a pair of lips on mine. I clumsily set the guitar down and my hands found Rosie's body. Her hands cupped my cheeks and she poured her whole heart into the kiss. I felt my face getting wet because of her tears that were falling.

"I love you." She mumbled against my lips, "I love you. I love you."

I kissed her back and pulled away so I could see her gorgeous face lit up by the fairy light above. I moved my hands up to cup her cheeks now and wipe away her tears. She leaned into my hands and I spoke up,

"I love you too." I took my hands off of her face and I stood up. She watched me stand up and grew confused. I held my hands out for her to take, which she did without hesitation. Soon, we were both stand up, facing each other as the sun set to the side of us. The beautiful orange and pink light shined onto the side of her face, making her look that much more ethereal.

I stared into her eyes and took a deep breath before dropping her hands softly and reaching into my coat pocket. She froze and so did all of time in this very moment. I kneeled down on my left knee and looked up into her brown eyes at captured me the first day we met. She covered her mouth once more with her hands and tears were already falling. I tired not to focus on how shes crying because I will start too, but that's easier said than done when I'm staring into her tearful eyes.

"Roseanne Park. Park Chaeyoung. Rosie. My love. On this date 5 years ago, I decided to take a leap of faith and ask you to be my girlfriend. But before that ever happened, I remember the first day I had ever laid eyes on you. You were being dragged through the hallways of our high school by your longtime best friend Lisa. You looked beautiful that day, young 16 year old you capturing my heart just like that. I got so excited to meet you even before I knew what you looked like because Lisa told me you loved space. I was over the moon because someone would have at least one of the same interest as me," I took a deep breath and continued,

"From that day on, I tried to get closer to you; slower than all our friends would have wanted. They saw we liked each other from light years away. When you finally said yes to being my girlfriend, I knew that luck was on my side because I still don't understand how 16 year old me did it. Make you fall for me. But you were falling hard for me just as I was falling hard for you. These past 5 years of my life have been the most memorable by far. We've been through thick and thin, fights and love, people trying to tear us apart, and people bringing us closer together than ever. I never thought I could experience the type of love that was only written in fairy tales and in movies. But here we are, living out that fantasy all these years later." I felt a tear slip out of my right eye,

"I know you've had a lot of people who wanted to get a chance to date you in the past, but you chose the awkward ass girl who had an obsession with space. You've made me grow into someone I never thought was imaginable. And I've also helped you grow out of your comfort zone; into one of the best singers. I do take some credit for that," I joked with her. It earned a little laugh as we kept our eye contact, "So, all those promises I've made years ago, I'd like to keep them. This one being the biggest one I've wanted to check off for the longest time."

I took my right hand and opened the small black box in my left hand, the ring now being visible to Rosie. Her eyes darted down to it and I smiled as I saw the excitement in her eyes. I gently grabbed her left hand, which prompted her attention to go to me. She looked back at me and I took one more final breath,

"Roseanne Park, will you marry me?"

Those few seconds of silence felt absolutely suffocating for me. But soon, the biggest question of my life was answered,

"Yes! Yes! A million times yes!" She screamed out. I laughed and stood up to be at her level. I took the ring out of the box,

"May I?" I asked her.

"You don't even have to ask!" She said to me, her smile never faltering.

"I know, just wanted to make sure." I said as I took the ring and slid it on her left ring finger. I then lifted her hand up to kiss the back of it sweetly. I stood back up straight and looked my now fiancée in the eyes,

"We're engaged now." I told her as I leaned in and rested our foreheads against each other.

"You're my fiancée." She said all giddy. Before I could respond to her, she captured my lips in the most loving kiss she could give me.

It's our first kiss as fiancées.

My hands went down to hold her waist and hers went back up to my cheeks. As we kissed, we both heard shouts and screams coming from beside us. She broke the kiss out of confusion and I just turned my head and smiled as everyone came running towards us.

"You're engaged!" Lisa shouted.

"She said yes!" Jisoo yelled.

"My best friend is getting married!" Jennie yelled.

"My baby sister is going to get married!" Alice shouted.

"My daughter is going to get married!" My mom screamed. Those were the only ones I could make out as everyone was saying stuff at the same time. I held Rosie's hand firmly as we both smiled at all our friends and family running towards us. Hank was leading the pack and we both crouched down to pet our fluffy son.

But that moment was short lived as Jisoo, Lisa, and Seugli all were sprinting right towards me. Rosie quickly dropped my hand and scooted away as I got tackled to the ground. I groaned out in pain as they all started shouting in my ears. Then even more weight was felt as Ten, Bambam, and Mia joined in.

"Get off of me!" I yelled at them. I saw Rosie standing upright talking with her family and friends. She caught my eye and blew me a kiss. I rolled my eyes at her,

"If I could flip you off right now, I would."

"To bad ya can't then." She winked at me and continued talking to everyone. I sighed out as I just answered questions that were thrown my way from everyone on top of me. This went on for about 5 minutes before Rosie told them to get off of me because she wanted her fiancée. They got off me immediately and I just stared at them in disbelief.

"Are you guys fucking kidding me?" They all just pretended not to hear me and started talking amongst themselves. I was about to march over to them, but felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me into their body.

"Leave 'em be fiancée." I lost all my fight as soon as I heard the word 'fiancée'. I turned around and gave her a kiss on her lips.

"I now know why fiancée is your favorite word. I love it when you call me it."

"I love it when you call me fiancée too." She said with a nose scrunch and smile. I pecked her lips once more before Clare and my mom talked at the same time,

"When's the wedding?"

"Mom!" Rosie and I shouted at the same time, "we just got engaged, leave us be." Rosie finished.

"But we're just so excited!" I squeezed Rosie's hand three times,

"So are we, but we just want to relax for a little before thinking about planning all that." I explained.

"Fine." They both sighed out, claiming defeat. I looked over at Rosie to see her already looking back over at me. I saw her smile widen when our eyes met. I then heard some gagging coming from the peanut gallery. I slowly turned my head around to see Lisa and Jisoo pretending to gag. They stopped when they saw my death glare at them. I then glanced back at Rosie, silently asking her to let me at them, and she let go of my hand.

"Come here!" I shouted as Lisoo made a break for the cars. They were screaming bloody murder as I was gaining ground on them. Jisoo fumbled with her keys and was able to unlock her car,

"Lisa jump in my car!" She yelled. Lisa put a thumbs up and sprinted for the now unlocked car. She opened the door quickly and hopped in, Jisoo right after her. They slammed the door close and locked the car completely. I sighed out as they were making funny faces at me, pissing me off even more.

I walked around the side of the car and shouted for Irene,

"Hey Irene? Can you give Ten your keys so he can throw them to me?" I asked her. She just handed them over to Ten without question,

"Heads up!" Ten shouted as he threw the pair of keys down to me. As I caught them, I heard muffled screams come from the car behind me. I went over to the side door and stared into the tinted window. I unlocked the car fast enough and opened the door before Jisoo could lock it again.

"You bitches!" I yelled at them as I climbed into the car. They were both screaming and flailing around trying to get away from me and out of the car. But it was no use. I got them both into a head lock with my arms, "you two annoy me so much! Never do that again when your with my fiancée and me!" I said as I started to tighten my grip. Soon, they both tapped out and started coughing, trying to breath.

I just fixed my clothing and got out of the car. I locked them inside and made my way back to where my lovely fiancée was waiting. I handed Irene her keys back,

"Here you go, thank you for letting me use them."

"No problem, they deserved it." She said with a smirk. I smiled at her and we all talked for a little while longer before we all decided to call it a night. A few people already cleaned everything up for us which was really nice of them. Ten said he will send me the videos and pictures tonight since he has both cameras. I gave him a hug as a 'thank you' and then did a billion more hugs as I heard a whole round of 'congratulations' once again.

"Let's go back to our home as fiancées, shall we?" I asked Rosie as I held my hand out for her. She smiled at me and took it gracefully, kissing my lips as she got closer. Hank started to walk away and that prompted Rosie to cut the kiss short since she was holding his leash.

"Hankie, what are we going to do with you?" Rosie asked our dog as she didn't pay attention to her at all. I laughed at our dog and walked hand in hand with Rosie back to my car. We both got in, me opening the door for her and Hank, and soon we were off.


Hank immediately went to his bed and laid down, closing his eyes to sleep. Rosie and I let him be as I felt a tug on my arm. I glanced at Rosie and saw a mischievous smile on her face as she giggled. I followed her into our bedroom and she closed the door behind me. I stood in the middle of the room as she turned around to face me,

"We're fiancées." She repeated for the millionth time tonight. But even though I've heard it that many times, it still doesn't feel real.

"That we are. I'm happy you said yes." Her face showed of shock,

"You had doubt I wouldn't say yes?" I shrugged my shoulders,

"There's always a possibility. Some people say they want to get married and then when they're asked, they realize they don't want the commitment of marriage." She made her way over to me and slid her hand behind my neck,

"Well lucky for you I want that commitment with you. You're now truly stuck with me. All you'll be even more stuck with me when we get married."

"Married." I said blissfully. She giggled at me and brought our lips together once more. We made out softly as I walked us backwards to our bed.

"Mm, do you want a summer or fall wedding next year?" I asked her.

"Late summer." She muttered against my lips. I smiled against her lips at her answer.

"Did you like today?" I asked her, really wanting to know the answer since I put a lot of thought into it. She pulled back and looked down at me since she was straddling my lap.

"I absolutely loved today. From waking up in your arms, to having breakfast at Ralph's, to the spa day, to watching 'The Hunger Games', to then getting the surprise of my life. I could tell you put a lot of effort into it and I really appreciate it. Linden Hill was beautiful and I can't believe everyone was there. I also can't believe you sung for me. And learned how to play guitar!" She said getting all giddy as she remembered everything that happened in the past few hours.

"I had a feeling you would like me singing and playing guitar for you. It wasn't perfect, but I–"

"It was perfect." She reassured me, "everything was perfect and you were perfect also."

"Even my speech?" I said with a small smile. She chuckled at me,

"Honestly, I blacked out for half of it."

"Good thing I wrote it down beforehand and practiced it nonstop."

"Can I read it?" She asked me. I nodded my head and lightly tapped her thighs so she could move aside. I walked over to my nightstand and opened a drawer and pulled out my little journal where I just write random things down. I flipped through the pages and landed on the one titled: My big speech (dont fuck it up)

I handed the book to her and she laughed as her eyes saw the title on top of the page. I watched her reaction as she read over the whole thing, a soft smile constant on her lips. Once I noticed she was done reading I spoke up,

"I was thinking about ripping the page out and adding it to our Adventure Book. And I don't think you know this, but it only has the last two pages left. So both are going to be for this proposal. Then we can get a whole new Adventure Book for our wedding and beyond. Then when we have kids, they can each have their own and–"

"You're the sweetest person." Rosie spoke up as she cut me off. I smiled sheepishly at her and she just closed the book and placed it back on my nightstand.

"So, do you like the Adventure Book idea?" I asked her.

"Yes, yes I do." I grinned at her and she pushed me down onto the bed and crawled above me so she was hovering over top of me. I raised an eyebrow at her as she looked down at me.

"Whatcha' doing?" I asked her. She bit her lip and smiled down at me cheekily,

"Oh nothing." I rolled my eyes at her obvious lie and brought my hands up to gently rub her thighs,

"Okay liar." She giggled at me and laid her body down on top of me, her face right in front of mine,

"I wanna make love to my fiancée. You down?" I cracked up at how she asked me. She smiled as soon as I laughed, "I'll take that as a yes!"

"Yes, but only if," I gathered some strength and flipped our positions, "I get to make love to my fiancée first." I saw her eyes shimmer with love and lust,


I CRIED WRITING THIS CHAPTER😭😭 LIKE WE FINALLY ENGAGED BITCHES!!! i honestly thought i would've given up on this book before i got this far lol. now, some fun facts about this chapter:

-10,000th word was 'fiancée'

- it's exactly 100 chapters after y/n and rosie's first kiss

- the song 'The Only Exception' is a nod to chapter 23 when rosie said 'you are the only exception' to y/n

- rosie played 'You Belong With Me', another nod back to chapter 23 where that song helped them with their feelings for each other

-longest chapter of this story at 10,014 words (not including all this extra stuff) and i wrote it in less than 3 hours lol

- also a fun tiny set of flashbacks where you can see the growth in the relationship

thank you all for reading this MASSIVE chapter, it was a SUPER fun chapter to write and the most emotional obviously lol. i hope u guys love it as much as i do and please vote if you do. thank you again for reading, i love you all so, so, so much <3

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