Covered By Her Scars

By scarwrites_

486K 9.2K 5K

She made a promise. One that she didn't realize would be so hard to keep. ... More

| Introduction | edited
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book covers (?)


8.8K 180 137
By scarwrites_

I hit it. The ball went soaring in the air. I started sprinting to first base without even looking where the ball went. Then I heard roars erupt from the girls dugout so I look for the ball and it is flying over the fence. 

Home run. 

Knowing that I had all the time in the world to make it home, I slowed down my running a bit. 

"Looks like were better even with your ball." I smirked at Coal as I passed him. 

"Believe what you want Soph." Coal said back. He doesn't get to call me that anymore. Not after what he said about me. How could he even talk to Bianca after what she said on the anniversary?

I stopped in my tracks and walked back to Coal. 

"Don't call me that." I demanded. 

"My bad princess." Coal smirked. Douche. 

"You are just so full of yourself aren't you?" I questioned. 

"I think your getting us mixed up." He replied. 

I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of making me angry, so I shrugged like I didn't care and walked over to the dugout. 

"What was that all about?" Luna asked once I got to them. 

I rolled my eyes, "Nothing. Just Coal being Coal." I stated and they nodded. 

"Nice home run girl!" Riley exclaimed as she engulfed me in a hug. 

I just shrugged. Coal ruined my mood. 


"Great scrimmage today girls! I'm going to give you guys off tomorrow so that you'll be rested for the game Friday." Coach K tells us in the locker room. 

"Coach K we need to practice as much as possible, we have to win." I state. Everyone needs to be ready. If we don't win my dad will get extremely mad. He expects me to carry on Luke's legacy, but I have my own legacy for softball. I don't want to be Luke and I don't need to be. I'm the best player in the state but it's not enough for him. 

"Being a good captain means doing what's best for your team, and this is what's best Sofia." Coach K responds. 

I don't say anything else. 

Once were done talking with Coach K, we go to take showers once everyone else leaves. 

"Ya'll excited for a movie night?" Alyssa says while brushing her wet hair. 

"Obviously." I giggle as I throw on my sweatshirt. It's been getting a little warmer but being in California I would expect it to get very hot, is very little time. It's still February though, so only time will tell. 

10 minutes later, "Ya'll ready?" Luna says.

We all nod and walk out of the room. Once we get to the parking lot, the 4 amigos are around Coal's car. Coal is just leaning on his car while the others stand around him. 

"Do not talk to them." I demand from them. I can tell they want to, and I don't mean to be controlling, but I'm not having any confrontation with them, therefore they will have to talk to them when I'm not around. Sorry not sorry.

When I look over to them, I connect eyes with Coal. He stares at me blankly. I give him a sarcastic smile and turn around to walk to Riley's car. 

"Where you going so fast princess?" Coal yells out. Dick.

We all stop in our tracks and slowly turn around. 

"Control yourself Sofia." Alyssa warns me before we walk over to them. 

"Is there something you wanted Coal?" I state coldly. 

He shakes his head and chuckles, "I think it's what you want Sofia." 

"Uhm, nice run out there Sofia.." Noah says, trying to break the distraught between Coal and I. 

"Thanks, at least some of you aren't cocky assholes." I say, looking straight at Coal. 

"Hey! I'm not one of those either!" Marco says clueless. Luna pats his shoulder, "She knows bud." 

"Cocky asshole huh? I bet you'd love to ride my cock." He smirks. 

"Oh shit." Will coughs.

I hesitate for a second, "Yeah, so that after I can cut it off." I laugh before turning around and walking off with the girls who narrow their eyes at Coal. 


We're making a stop at Target to get a few things for the movie night. 

"We def need this." Alyssa says before throwing a pack of gummy bears into the cart. Classic.

"Oh my god! We should get matching sweatpants." Luna squeals as she spots light pink sweatpants. 

We all glance at each other before also squealing and running over to the sweatpants. I grab a size medium in the sweatpants. I'm actually an extra small but I like my sweatpants to be baggy as fuck. 

After putting the sweatpants in our cart, I spot a criss cross tight tank top and run to grab it. 

"Hey, I'm gonna go try this on, I'll find you guys once I'm done!" I call over to them and they nod. 

I go to the dressing room and try on the top. I love it. It makes my boobs look big which is good because I low key have tiny boobs. Oops. 

Anyway, after trying it on, I look at the price tag and see it's only 4.99. I squeal of excitement and put it back on the hanger. As I'm walking out, I see a man stare me down. I can't see who it is because he's wearing a hood but he's not to tall and looks like he has the body of someone in our grade. 

His staring makes me uncomfortable so I decide to pick up my pace but not make it obvious. I take a quick glance over my shoulder to see where he is and I quickly realize he's a few feet behind me. Following me. 

I pick up my pace more, trying to find the girls but can't see them anywhere. Their here somewhere, I tell myself. 

I quickly turn the corner, into an aisle in hopes I can lose him. I get out my phone and start to text the group chat to ask where they are but my phone gets knocked to the ground. 

I look up to see the same guy who was following me, except now he has his hood off. 


"What are you doing love?" Chase asks creepily. 

"Did you not get the hint at that party Chase? Leave me alone." I state angrily and go to pick up my phone but am stopped by a hurtful hold on my hair that pulls me back up. 

"Don't be smart with me. I always get what I want Sofia, and I want you," He looks down as his hardening dick, "To ride my dick." He smirks. Did he seriously just get turned on by me telling him off? Gross.

"Well guess what?" I raise my eyebrows at him. He just tightens his grip on my hair. "I don't want to." I state right before kneeing him in the dick. He lets out a yelp and releasing his hold on my hair. I take it as my opportunity to run. So I run. 

I grab my phone before I run off, and as I'm running for the doors I call Alyssa. 

"Hey girl- are you running?" Alyssa asks. 

"Yes I am, now where the fuck are you guys?" I state.

"In the car waiting for you. Luna did you not text her?" Alyssa says, "Oh my god I forgot I'm so sorry." I hear Luna's faint voice. 

"I'll explain in the car, just be ready to drive off." I say before hanging up. 



Sorry it's a little on the short side. 

I was in a rush to update for ya'll since I couldn't yesterday. 

Anywayssssss, update early morning tomorrow! 

Vote, share, and comment! 

luv you all <3

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