Covered By Her Scars

By scarwrites_

486K 9.2K 5K

She made a promise. One that she didn't realize would be so hard to keep. ... More

| Introduction | edited
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book covers (?)


9.1K 195 113
By scarwrites_

A tear rolled down my eye as I watched Coal's distressed body walk up to the microphone. 

My hands were shaking. What as I going to say? What he going to say? Thoughts ran through my head, but were stopped when I heard his voice. His voice.

On the projector behind Coal, videos of Luke were played. His smile, his laugh. I longed to hear his laugh again. 

The bleachers would let out a laugh every time something funny occurred on the video, they would let out an awe at his smile, they would shed a tear as he said something nice. Everyone loved him, and I just now realized it. 

I tried to keep my tears in as much as I could, but when the video popped up, I couldn't hold them in anymore. 

It was a video of Luke, Coal, Noah, Marco, Will, Alyssa, Luna, Riley, and I. We were all at the lake. Will was recording Luke and Coal picking me up and throwing me off the dock and into the lake. Everyone was laughing, smiling, just like we used too. Just like I used too. I rarely laugh and smile now. 

This was amazing. I never thought Coal could be so humane and put something like this together.

I met Coal's eyes for a second and that's when I saw the tear flowing down his cheek. I didn't know what to do, so I looked away. 

When the video ended, the students in the bleachers started clapping, cheering, whistling. All for Luke.

Coal then went to the microphone. 

"We may not have Luke physically, but we have him mentally." I let out a whimper out his words. 

"Luke was my best friend and always will be. It's our memories that hold us so close together still, even when were so far apart." He finished. 

There was clapping and roaring form the crowd as Coal walked off. He met my eyes and he squeezed my hand. 

"It's all yours princess." Coal whispered softly in my ear and I nodded before letting go of his hand and walking up to the microphone. 

The stadium was silent. I looked into the crowd. Theirs eyes all on me. I almost ran off the stage, but I remembered. I needed to do this. 

I adjusted the microphone to my mouth because Coal was so damn tall. 

"Uhm..." I looked over at Coal, who was standing off to the side like I was and he gave me a reassuring nod. I shut up eyes and took a deep breathe. 

"I don't know where to start if I'm being honest." I let out a sigh. 

"Luke was my only brother. I mean, he was the one I knew I could trust. I knew that if I fell backwards, he would be there to catch me." I went on.

"The day he left this earth, it was like my other half was gone. And back then, I would scowl at his for disagreeing with me. Or I would say mean things to him during a fight. But now all I want to do is have another fight with him. I want him to disagree with me again. I long for his voice everyday. We all knew him in some type of way, whether you were close with him or not you knew who he was. You knew that he was just a ray of fucking sunshine." I got a serious look from the principal for cursing. 

"Ooops my bad." I blurt out which made the audience laugh a little, "You was always smiling, he was always helpful, he had good grades, stayed out of trouble... for the most part." I chuckled and so did others.

"But there was something he said to me the day before he died. Don't live in the past, live for your future." I scoffed, "I didn't understand it that day, but the next day I understood it completely. We remember him, we embrace him, but we can't save him. I loved him so much, and so did many others," I said while looking at the group. Noah was comforting a crying Alyssa. Riley was actually the one who was comforting a teary Will. Luna and Marco were both just staring right at me, with grief in their eyes.

"Most of you don't know it, but some of you really had an impact of Luke's life. For instance Riley. Whenever Luke got sick it was you who made your famous chicken noodle soup for him. He pretended to hate it but when you would go home he would gulp the whole thing down." I laughed and it made Riley laugh too. 

"And Noah, every time Luke needed someone to help him practice you were always there to pitch for him." Noah smiled at me. 

"But.." I was hesitant to say this, "Coal, you were the one who he always wanted to see. You made him laugh his ass off." I giggled. Coal smirked at me. 

"Luke made everyone around him so happy, that no one second guessed his condition. Nobody asked if he was happy because he always seemed so happy. He was the most selfless person I had ever met." I whimpered. I could feel the tears arising from my waterline. 

"I lived with him and I didn't even suspect a thing." I suddenly couldn't help but cry. Everyone had frowns on their faces as I practically broke down. 

"I love him. I will never stop loving him. And I miss him. And I will never stop missing him. But I can't live in the past forever. I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I have to find a way to live for the future, not in the past." I finished and as I turned to walk off the stage, loud applauds echoed from the stadium. 

"The stage was yours." Coal said as I took his hand and we walked over to the group who was waiting for us near the school entrance. Most people had gone inside the school already. 

I was engulfed in a hug by the girls. 

"I am beyond proud of you Soph." Alyssa said. I smiled at her. I seemed to be smiling more than usual today. Weird. 

I talked for a few minutes with the group and then noticed that Coal was no where to be seen. For some reason I got worried, wondering if he was upset about today. 

"I'm gonna go look for uh Coal." I admitted. They all looked shocked but I ignored their expressions as they nodded. 

I walked around the outside of the school when I heard faint talking in the distance. I turned the corner to see Bianca and Coal. What the fuck?

"Sofia is a dramatic bitch." I heard Coal say and I gasped. 

He whipped his head around to see me. 

"Wait Sofia I didn't-" He started bu I cut him off, "No, you did Coal. For a second I thought you had fucking emotions. I was wrong. I should have never even talked to you today, let alone hold your hand. You were just doing it to get to me. You liked seeing me hurt didn't you?" I spat at him and I saw Bianca smirk from behind. Before he could respond I walked away. 


They were finally getting along. 

What do ya'll think about it? 

Coal fucked up or is there something else behind it? 

Guess you'll have to wait to find out ;) share, comment, and vote! 

thanks loves <3

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