Secrets: The Blood and the Ch...

By lucidality

11.5K 213 16

*This book was once considered finished but I'm now realizing a book could never be finished. So I'm doing so... More

Chapter 1 done
Chapter 2 done
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 28

157 6 0
By lucidality

"Good morning, Siva, take a seat," the manager of the place tells me. I nod and quickly sit down. 

"Um, sorry, its not See-vuh it Siva, like it were spelled with a y," I correct. He nods. 

"Yes, of course Mr. Scott," he says. He sits in his chair on the other side of the desk and shuffles through some papers. "Alright, let's get this started. So, Siva, why do you think you deserve this job?" he asks. 

"Well, I plan on starting college in the fall and I really need the money for my family. Right now, my girlfriend and I are staying at my brothers place with our triplets because we had lost our apartment that was too small anyway. We are looking for a new home and I just really need to get on my feet with my situation," I say truthfully. He nods again. 

"Have you ever had a job before?" I shake my head as I look at my hands. "Do you have any experience in the working field?" I shake my head again. 

"I guess I didn't have much time to look for jobs a couple months ago, but I really need this now," I say. He nods yet again. 

"I'll tell you what. I will call you in one week and tell you if you got the job or not. I know you have no experience or anything but since this is to help your family, I think you will work as hard as you can. I just have one question--how are you with cars?"

"I'm home!" I shout as I walk in the door and take off my tie. 

"We're in the room!" I hear Shawn call from upstairs. I walk up and walk into the room to see crying babies wrapped in towels and a stressed out Shawn trying to dress Lucien. 

"What's going on?" I ask, walking over to her. 

"They were down stairs in the living room and Lucien pulled a drink off the coffee table and got it all over himself and his brother and sister. They haven't stopped crying since," she tells me. I sigh and grab Lucien from her hands. 

"How about you go down stairs and relax, I will take care of the little monsters with Cecile," I say. 

"Are you sure? I coul-" 

"Yes, I'm sure, now go," I say sternly. She sighs and leaves the room. Now to take care of the babies. Cecile is taking care of Rosie for the moment so I set Lucien down. I get a diaper on him and give him his green binky. Then I go over to the crying Snow in the crib and pick him up. I give him his blue binky and he immediately stops crying and joins his sleeping brother in the crib again. 

"Siva, can I get some help?" Cecile asks from the changing table. I walk over and give Rosie her pink binky and she quiets down. "How do you do it?" she asks in wonderment. 

"It's my presence," I joke. She rolls her eyes. "No, they just love their binkies," I say, giving her a cheeky smile. I lift up Rose and set her down in the crib between her brothers. 

When I figure the babies are fine I walk down stairs and I see Shawn sitting on the couch with the TV on but she's not really watching it. I sit down next to her. "Hey, babe, whats up?" I ask, putting an arm around her shoulders. She shrugs. 

"I don't know. I guess I'm just worried," she says. I furrow my brows. 

"What about?" I ask. 

"Raphael," she whispers. I sit back. 

"Why are you worried about him? They have him in the cells and he's never leaving. There's nothing for you to worry about," I say. 

"Yeah but, you still have that connection with him. You don't think I haven't noticed the changes in you? You've been getting migraines and you've been really spacy. I just worry about you," she says quietly as she hugs me. I wrap my other arm around her and sit back. 

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. If I start to feel different or weird I will tell you," I promise. She sighs. 

"I just want the bond to be broken."

"I know. Me too. But we're fine right now. So don't worry. My da has it under control," I assure. She sighs again. "How were the houses today?" I ask to break the silence, and I'm really curious. 

"They were pretty nice. There was this one flat that was really big and it was two stories. It had three bedrooms and a really nice bathroom and it was all open with light wood floors and white walls. I want to show it to you tomorrow, if you can," she offers. I nod. 

"Yeah, I think so. That would be nice," I say. We lay back on the couch and cuddle as Shawn flips through the channels with her head on my chest.

"Dinner!" I hear Cecile yell from the kitchen. I pause the movie we were watching on Netflix and Shawn and I go into the kitchen. I sit down and Shawn joins next to me and Darwin and Cecile sit on the other side of the table. Cecile already dished out the food nicely and I rub my hands together in anticipation. 

"Thanks guys," I say to them. Shawn nods. 

"Sure, anything for my baby bro," Darwin says. I roll my eyes but laugh anyway. We dig into our delicious meal but about half way through we're interrupted by babies crying. I put down my fork and look at Shawn. 

"Don't worry, I got it," I say, putting a hand on her shoulder. I get up and walk up the stairs and step into the room. 

I freeze when I see red eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" I growl out. He looks at me and smirks.

"Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to visit my great niece and nephews," he says casually and reaches down to touch Rosie's cheek but I growl and jump on him before he gets the chance. I growl in his face. 

"Don't you dare touch them. Or Shawn. You hear me? You are not welcome here. Now leave before I kill you," I growl in his face. I hear the door open behind me and I look back at them and suddenly I'm face planting the ground. I groan as I turn over. 

"Siva, are you okay?" Shawn asks, coming next to me. I sit up and growl. 

"I hate not being able to hurt him," I growl out. I get up and offer Shawn a hand. She takes it and stands up. I look in the crib at the whimpering babies and I scoop up Lucien and Rosie. "I think they need food." I walk out of the room and go into the kitchen. I open the fridge and grab two of the pre-made bottles and I put them in the microwave for a minute while I bounce Lucien and Rosie on my knees a bit. I smile when they laugh. I let them play with my hands then the microwave beeps. I get the bottles out and test them on my skin. When I figure they're a good temperature I first hold it to Lucien's mouth and at first he refuses then finally takes it. Then I do the same with Rosie and go into the living room with the adorable creatures and sit on the recliner, turning on a different movie. 

A couple minutes later Shawn comes down stairs with Snow and she sits on the couch quietly. "Hey babe," I say to her. 

"How did the interview go?" she asks randomly. I nod. 

"Pretty good. I think I have a really good chance of getting it," I reply. She smiles. 

"That's good, then we can help Cecile and Darwin with their bills and save up for the house we want," she says. I nod as I look down at the sleeping Lucien and quiet Rosie. 

"After my first semester I can apply for a scholarship and we could get a house through them," I say. 

"Just keep your grades up then. If you'd like I could start looking for a job too," she offers. "We could be bringing home more money that way." I shake my head. 

"No, the kids need you here at home, and that job is stressful enough with one kid," I say. She chuckles a bit. 

"I guess so." 

"Siva," I hear Darwin say behind me. I turn and look at him. "Dad just called saying Raphael escaped," he says. 

"Yeah, did you not see me tackling him?" I ask. He nods. 

"Yeah, but they were chasing him, then he just literally disappeared. They have no idea where he is," he says. I nod. 

"I know."

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