Harry Potter Imagines [Closed]

By FanmailHP

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{CLOSED} Won't accept requests Harry Potter imagines and preferences that include everybody. From professors... More

Requests [Closed]
Young Remus Lupin ~ Love Potion
Cedric Diggory ~ Champion
Ron weasley ~ Snow
Fred Weasley ~ Battle
Dean Thomas ~ Jealous
Young James Potter ~ Date ruined
George Weasley ~ Playful Fights
Young Sirius Black ~ Fall out of the sky
Harry Potter - it all started with a kiss (part 2)
Young James Potter - Date ruined (Part 2)
Ron Weasley - A day off
Draco Malfoy - Meeting his parents
George Weasley - Halloween Ball
James Sirius Potter - Midnight stroll
Harry Potter - Jealousy
Ron Weasley - Snowball
Fred Weasley - Yule Ball
Ron Weasley - Sick
Ron Weasley - Revenge
Charlie Weasley - Dragons
George Weasley - Prank
Fred Weasley - I love you
George Weasley - Prank (Part 2)
James Sirius Potter - Study
Harry Potter - Yule ball
Viktor Krum ~ Protecting
Hermione Granger ~ One last dance
Oliver Wood ~ A day in the Park (part 1)
Oliver Wood ~ A day in the park (part 2)
Draco Malfoy - Secret Admirer

Harry Potter ~ It started with a kiss

6.4K 91 21
By FanmailHP

Sorry this took so long!

People said I couldn't hate. People said I would get married to the Harry Potter. People said I was dead. Well guess what . . . . . . . . . I'm back.


My name is Sage Rachél. I was know as the kindest, smartest and sweet-hearted person in the world. So naturally, they thought I could never hate on anybody.

I had started to date Harry at the end of 5th year and we're still going strong. Now we're both in our 7th year and in Griffindor. Yup. Harry and I have been dating for more than a year. I thought it was super cute but Harry? He thought otherwise.

It all started a few days before we were supposed to go into our 7th year at Hogwarts.

Now cue the flash back-










Those were a few things said in the Weasley home. While the Weasley family destroyed the house with dresses and suits, Harry and I laughed and ate until we couldn't eat anymore and our lungs died of oxygen. Now you may be wondering- "Hey! Where's Hermione?"- well, she's right here with us, laughing silently while reading her book, already in her dress.

"Well, I'm going to get in my dress." I say to Harry while I kiss him on the cheek.

I walk into Ginny's room, get my dress and makeup and go to the bathroom. Once I'm in there, the bathroom door opens again and closes swiftly. I look around and see a dung-bomb about to explode. I take the bomb throw it back outside to hear two people yell "Ow". I continue to do my make up while stripping my clothes. And let's say your going to need a LOT of paper towels.

After finally getting in my baby blue dress with golden heels, putting on just the right amount of makeup and putting my light brown hair into an elegant bun - I was finished.

I walk back downstairs to see darkness outside and music blaring in the wedding tent. I cautiously walk out side and into the tent full of laughing and dancing people. As I make my way to Harry I pass by people I remembered so, I stopped to chat with them a little before going back to finding Harry.

I reach him and sit on the other empty seat "Hi." "Hey. You look beautiful." I smile and thank him. I know we aren't close - in fact we're drifting apart - but I still see that ray of hope that we'd make it out alive, and together.

A few minutes later after dancing, eating and mingling, a big blue ball of light come from nowhere and start speaking but I pay no attention and look to see Harry and Ginny kissing. ( I know that doesn't happen in the books but it's a fan-fiction so deal with it! ) I look away, tears stinging my eyes, and see people disapparating and Death Eaters invading the space.

I look back to Harry to see him pull away from Ginny and disapparate with Ron and Hermione. I stare at the place Harry left in shock. He kisses Ginny but then leaves without saying anything to me? I look at one of the Death Eaters and run to him/her. They look at me just in time to see I take their arm and disapparate to a hill not to far from here.

"AVADA-" "Stop!" I say helpless "I need your help."


That's what happened. I know that was a bit dramatic and stupid, but you would do the same if somebody broke up with you who you really loved, over and over and over and over. Though, I did leave out an important part of the story: I'm a Death Eater. I know right. Me - the sweetest, kindest person in the world - a Death Eater? Well . . .

Here's what happened next.


The Death Eater, whose name was Haeily, took me to Voldemort. I explained what happened and why I, wants to become a Death Eater. It was pretty simple to change his mind about me but I won't tell you my secret.


"My Lord. I have brought someone here with me." "Who?" Says a cold voice. "Sage Rachél, My Lord." "Bring her in"

Haeily comes back out the door and grabs my arm, harder than expected. He drags me back through the the doors and pushed me in front of Voldemort.

"Why are you here, you filthy blood-traiter!" "I think you'd be the greatest wizard of all time." I say nonchalantly. "LAIR!" He screams back. He takes out his wand and Haeily 'magically' moved out of the door and they slammed shut. The floor boards creaked then go silent.

"Why. Are. You. Here!" "I want to get ride of something." "Why - may I ask - you, a Griffindor, wanting to come join the my army?" I sigh. "H..ry P..t.r" I say with my hand over my mouth making my mouth muffled Voldemort only smirks and leaves.

As soon as the doors close, I feel a pain on my left forearm. I look down and see the Dark mark branching out.


So that's what happened next. I got joined to the Death Eaters and so far it felt GREAT! I take one look at the victim, imagine it's Harry then I kill them. I do feel guilty of killing them sometimes but it is their fault for underestimating the Lord.

Now, people think i'm dead because they thought I went with Harry to find the Horcruxes and when Harry came to the school, he told everyone I died. so yeah.

I wanted to prove to Voldemort that I was cable of killing so he put me up to a test. After the test, he labeled me a his number 1 follower and his prize possession because I'm smarter than him and killed more people than him.

BUT!! Enough talking, It's time to fight in the battle.


I march with the other Death Eaters, in my hooded cape and instead of a silver mask, I got my very own gold mask. The plan was for me to blend in but look different and when it comes down to the very last straw, I take action.

I had to change my whole appearance and that took a while. I died my hair strawberry red, put medium sized makeup on EACH day, had to get used to running/walking and killing people in my heels that are about 4 inches off the ground and had to grow about 2-3 inches tall to make me stand out more. So all together, I have red hair, almost look like a clown, and am 5'6 tall plus 4 inches or my heels making me

I get behind Voldemort and walk at his pace, trying not to step on his cloak. "Wait for the signal" He says, using telepathic powers. "Yes, My Lord". I stop waking so the others could past me before starting the other way to Hogsmeade.

I get my wand out and change my appearance so I look like a normal student before walking trough Hogs Head. I quietly walk to the portrait and open it. I walk in the painting and keep walking until I see light. I put my ear against the wall to make sure that I don't hear voices.

Once the voices have cleared I open the portrait - making sure that I still looked like a regular student - and walk out the room of requirements. I make it half way down the stairs to the Great Hall before I hear Harry's voice.

"Hey! You there! Your going the wrong way!" I turn around and smile a thanks to him before going the opposite direction. I stop outside the door and take a deep breath before its pushed open. I look to my right before I let out a scream of surprise. There stood Harry, holding out his arms in a pointing direction. I smile and walk in, looking for a mirror to see if the enchantment worked.

I stand next to random Hufflepuff girl and listen to Snape talk about something random. And next thing I knew, everything was chaotic. Perfect.


Now was my time. I break free of the crowd looking at Voldemort and stand in the front row. Voldemort looks at me, nods his head once and retreats back to the unconscious Harry. I run back through the crowd, in the castle, around the whole building, and end up behind the Death Eaters. I change back and march right up to Voldemort - once he gave the signal - with my mask on and my red hair flowing with the wind.

Automatically whispers filled the air.

"Yes!" Yelled Voldemort "This is your other leader! Now, show them who you really are! Sage!" I smirk and take of my mask, making more whispers fill the air and then- "YOUR LYING! THATS NOT SAGE! SHE WOULD NEVER JOIN THE DARK SIDE!" My smirk turns into a scowl. "AVADA-" but I couldn't finish because Voldemort shoots my wand making it end up in his hand.

I wait for him to be finished with his rant about killing Harry - when everyone knows it's not true - to get my wand back. After a few moments, a miracle happened. Well for Harry because it seems luck is on his side, seeing as he turned invisible.

I look every where for him but I couldn't find him anywhere. But just when I was about to give up, I saw him fighting Voldemort to his death. Before I figured out who won, I disapparated away from here.

And they never saw me again.

I am super sorry it took so long but I wanted this one to be special because it was against the chosen one fighting the greatest wizard of all time - after Dumblerdore, of course.

I really hoped you liked it, I work non-stop, trying to come up with ideas to add on.

Again sorry,

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