Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.5K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Eight - Pearl
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
Eleven - Pearl
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Fifteen - Sylar
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Five - Sylar
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Eight - Willa
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Three - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Twenty - Pearl

1.3K 208 93
By Chrissyvellis

As Cassius scooped me up, a small yelp escaped as one hand slipped over his shoulder and the other pressed flat on his chest. There was a whole lot of hard flesh and bronzed skin here. His heart thumped steadily.

Mine in contrast was racing like it was on crack and here in his arms, crazy wild thoughts were passing through my head faster than on speed-dial.

The connection between us was more than body heat, or some kind of weird electricity, or anything physical I could describe.  Us, this close felt like I'd found the other half of me—the half I never knew was missing. 

And although I had smears of the elders blood on my hands, arms, hell everywhere... the way he'd looked at me, seeing me for the first time...fuck!  No one had ever looked at me that way. I would have melted into a puddle if he hadn't been holding me up.

Why?  Was this another mate thing?  Because we'd hardly bonded or said any encouraging words to each other me since our initial meeting in his study...which was less than twenty-four hours ago.

Fuck, had it really been less than a day?

But without a doubt I knew this was where I belonged, here with him.

And spank me pink. It felt good to be in his arms.  The warmth of his body wrapped around me deliciously and my wolf practically drooled, wanting me to lick up his chest!

All in good-time, girl!  There's gonna be a lot of licking... everywhere... hopefully.

Sure when he'd said those words in that deep sexy voice, 'he would not wait a moment longer!' That he was talking about sex—me and him! 

Yes, had to be.  What else could it be?

I peeked up to see his dark hair flopped over his forehead.  My goddess, he was out of this world gorgeous.  It was greedy of him to be this big, sexy, and god like intimidating man... wolf.   I knew we would make great babies together.

What the?  Babies.   I stifled a stupid grin—where had that come from? 

But I guess to make babies... a whole lot of fucking had to come first.

A rush of heat blasted right through me as I clenched my thighs and bit back a moan. My vagina had certainly sat up and took notice. To say she was leaking was an understatement!  A heated shiver danced over my skin as barely legal images exploded behind my eyes—in full graphic detail!

–Oh yes!  There was no putting that genie back in the bottle. We wanted play time!

Cassius's chest inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring.  No doubt my arousal was a huge giveaway to where my mind was at—we were on the same page; I was sure of it.

But speaking of things being put in their bottles. What about the thing or spirit inside him.

The Jinn?

Although I was relieved to have it gone, feeling almost lighter without it. I didn't think it was a good idea being inside him. What if it corrupted him?  Offered him all he could wish for?  

And, what were his desires?

Fuck, ought I push him for another conversation?  That would be the sensible thing to do, although he'd looked pretty pissed when I mentioned it a few minutes ago.

My stomach dropped.  I didn't want to, not right this minute.

Was it selfish to want to ignore the problem and ravish him first, then deal with reality later? Much later.

The Elder's warner sneakily pushed itself between my sexy thoughts, dampening my excitement as I bit down hard on my lip.

No—don't go there.  There would be plenty of time to figure out what she meant. And fix it!

"Tell me what is swirling around that pretty head of yours Pearl."

He snapped me from my thoughts.  Give him the truth and if so... how much of the truth would he want? 

Would it be best to be up front of needing him between my thighs, in me... on me... him fucking me till I couldn't stand up? 

Rein it in Pearl.   "I was thinking about you... us, together."  My words weren't no where near as crude as my thoughts, but still suggestive.

His long strides didn't falter, but he quietened. Even the surrounding wilderness seemed to still.  

Had I said the wrong thing?

"You can put me down if you like. I can walk." 

"No, I prefer having you in my arms, close to me.  You calm and arouse me in equal measure."

YeesssJackpot! "Yes, me too, I mean yes, the same." I was waffling.  Urgh!  I pressed my face into his chest and inhaled deeply. How could anyone smell this good? I practically wanted to suck his skin as my mouth watered.

He let out a groan, one of need rather than one of frustration, as he adjusted me in arms putting breathing space between us.

Nooooo, I didn't want to be further away from him; I wanted to be closer! "What's the matter?" Sounding a little desperate.

"I'm not sure I can make it back to my pack house.  The need to claim you is strong."  He paused.  "My wolf wants you too."

Hell, why fight it?  I'd imagined so much mental porn involving me and him and me. I was ready to seal the deal.  "Then what's stopping you?"

"If I take you now Pearl, I will not be gentle."

Gentle—spank me pink!   Who wanted gentle?   "Believe me Cassius, gentleness is the last thing you or I need right now!"

He looked at me with such tenderness, I swallowed slowly feeling breathless. "Every woman's first time should be gentle Pearl.  I want that for you."

Fuckity-fuck!   Surely he didn't think I still held my V card?  I was damn sure he didn't have his—stalker at the pack hospital had shown that.

Should I be honest?  We were mates, after all.  Fated and all that.  

And trust and honesty were integral to that.  But I also understood the fragility of a male's ego, and I knew there was no way to put a good spin on it. 

But I couldn't pretend I was a virgin, either. 

Fuck!  Fingers crossed he took it well. Or my wolf and my vagina would never forgive me.

"It won't be my first time, Cassius."  I blinked furiously as I lowered my face so he couldn't see me.  His hands tightened their grip on me.  Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned it.

"Who. Was. He?" he growled.

Who?  He wanted a name.  Of course he did! 

I mentally slapped myself.  Should have kept my mouth shut!

Oh well, at least he thinks there's only one and the way his body stiffened. Perhaps it's better if it stays that way. "Why do you want his name?"  He placed me down and turned me to face him.

Coldness ripped right through me.  Losing his touch was intense. I wanted to crawl back into his arms! 

My goddess, woman up!  I'd never been one of those 'needy' types of girls.  I gave my head a little wobble and returned my focus to him.

Definitely not good.

His face was a picture of simmering anger. "You belong to me.  And I will end the life of the one who has touched you. Tasted what is mine." His gaze slid down my body as if he expected to see their mark or handprint.

Wow, wow, wow!  Whilst the thought of being his was sexy as fuck and who didn't love a bit a jealously?  But... Kill?   He wasn't serious?  

His pupils blew out as the blue all but vanished. His wolf was making a show of dominance as his jaw clenched tight and nostrils flared. 

I tried to laugh, but it came out more like a strangled cough.

Fuck!  He was serious.  Holy goddess, thankfully he only thought there was only one!

My wolf shrank back.  Coward! 

Gently does it! 

I stepped up to him, placing my hand on his warm, bare chest to feel his heartbeat racing as fast as mine.  "No one needs to die, Cassius.  It was years ago." That was the truth. Over two now.   "And now that I have found you. There will never be another for me." 

The blackness contracted as they returned to blue.  Phew!

Instead, he huffed, puffing his chest out, taking a step back from me, but still within touching distance.

"Are you angry at me?" I said through gritted teeth, my hands curling into tight balls. He had no right to be. "Because the way I see sunshine, you've been no monk out here in the woods." I scoffed.  "In fact, I'm pretty sure you've been playing hide the salami for years!"  I poked him in the chest to emphasize my point.

"Playing?  Hide what?" His voice rose in volume.

"Never mind—but your 'friend.'  My face scowled for a second, and I planted my hands on my hips. "Who I had the delight of meeting earlier clearly thinks she has dibs on you.  Which leads me to believe you don't walk around with a severe case of the blue-balls!"

"Blue balls?" He scratched his head. "Why do you speak in riddles, female?"

Now he sounded pissed off, and I don't think he understood my idioms.  I would need to be more direct! 

"Your. Little. Fuck-buddy!"  I punctuated each word with air quotes for extra effect.  Not that he would understand that reference, either.

Nope, he wasn't getting it.  "Bella!" I screamed, throwing my hands in the air.  "She was practically pawing you whilst you were unconscious!" 

That was an exaggeration, but she would have done given the chance.

His eyes widened. 

"There you go. The lights are on, now you're following me, yes?" 

His face dropped into a frown, a long grumbling sigh followed.

"So, you see? You have no right to be upset with me or judge me."  We glared at each other before I lowered my eyes.  This was getting us nowhere.   I shook my head, taking a deep, calming breath.  Softening my tone, I looked up and locked eyes with his. "I was raised to believe mates didn't exist." That was true, thanks to my crazy grandfather. 

I continued. "It was only recently that I found out the truth.  So you cannot honestly blame me for being curious."    Yes, curiosity seems the best way to spin it.  "And by the look of it, you were curious too?"  And that was a nicer way of saying fuck-buddy! 

Fuck!  The reality hit me.  Him with another female.  I gulped.  Hell did it burn.  I wanted to scratch her eyes out and rip out her hair for touching what was mine?

Damn, where did all the aggression come from? 

Was this how Cassius felt?  For the first time in my life, I wished I could take something back.  And instead of all those times I'd asked the heavens for bigger boobs or longer legs, I wished I could be untouched, just for him.

Well, suck it up, buttercup.  Can't change the past!

Dragging my thoughts back to the problem that was in front of me, he quietly digested my words as the tightness eased from his shoulders... slightly.

Perhaps he would let it go.  And at least he hadn't asked if there had been more than one.

"How many have touched you?" his eyes narrowed.

Fuckity-fuck.  Seriously, does someone have it in for me?  Frustration boiled inside me as my eyes shifted upwards to curse the heavens as dark clouds shifted over the crescent moon. 

The air suddenly felt cooler. 

Ugh.  What's a girl supposed to do? 

My wolf huffed in a told you so manner—bitch!   Whose side was she on? 

This was getting us nowhere. I stepped closer, hoping just being nearer would calm him and his wolf "My past, your past, anyone before us doesn't matter Cassius.  They were before we found each other and although it makes me extremely jealous to think of you with another female, I understand."

We both stood quietly, each searching for something in the other eyes as the tension bled between us like an open sore.

His lip formed a straight line.  This was obviously hard for him, but he also couldn't judge me when he had been dipping into goddess knows who! 

"Please," I whispered.  "When you kiss me, no one else exists. My world stops but spins so fast at the same time, it makes me dizzy." I wasn't lying.

The silence became thick. Nothing I said was going to make a difference as he continued to stare me down, as if he was seeing right into my soul.  It was terrifying.  The connection that had flared from our first meeting suddenly felt cold.  I had to make this right.  Just about to make one last ditch he—

"Every other's touch from this day will be erased from your memory." He growled, and I didn't have time to react as he gripped my shoulders, towered over me and quick as a flash his lips were on mine. 


As his tongue met mine, desire flooded my veins, and he went wild.  The little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as my body erupted in flames.  His hand sank into my hair as he kissed me with a ferocity that could never be matched.  Shifting his hand over my neck and back. He hoisted me up, but kept kissing me, claiming me, wanting more, demanding more.

This was a kiss!  And it was certainly anything but gentle.  It was an amnesia-drug induced kiss.

Boy, he wasn't wrong—no memory of another kiss remained.  I'd obviously never been truly kissed up to this point.  Every other kiss had been in practice for this.

My legs wrapped around him as his hands gripped my hips and then I felt him pull me tighter, his cock shoving against me and oh boy... from the feel he was long, hard and thick... perfect and I was claiming exclusive rights!  Mine!

He walked me backwards, but not slowing. I didn't want to slow him down as my hands curled around his shoulders, pressing my breasts up against his hard chest, my nipples drilling holes.

He let out a gruff moan from the back of his throat as his tongue tasted and stoked mine.  Even our earlier kisses couldn't compare to now—it kicked their arse!


Something hard pressed against my back.  A tree!   I guess he wasn't lying when he said he wanted me.

And be damned on the location I wanted him to!

What the?   His tongue was suddenly gone as his head jerked back.

"What's the matter?" I panted, bereft at loss of his mouth on mine.

He huffed; anger painted his face, but didn't shift the cloud of lust in his eyes.  "Seth and Noah approach."

Fuckity-fuck, fuck, fuck.  

What was with the members of his Pack?  Did they have an internal cock-blocker built in?

He slowly lowered me as I watched their wolves weave through the trees, heading right for us. 

They came to a stop before us and Cassius took my hand.  My eyes drifted between them as they held a silent conversation to themselves.

They turned and bolted away in the direction we'd come from.  I guessed they were going to check in with the Elders.

"Come."  He tugged my hand.

Any hope of continuing what we'd started had evaporated.

"Where are we going?" I could feel myself pouting.

"To my private home.  We will not be disturbed."

He looked down at me and smiled.  And fuck me —his dimples were on full show, lighting up my world as I grinned back.  "What are we waiting for?" 

Tonight, or rather this morning... now. I was going to claim my Alpha!

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