Covered By Her Scars

By scarwrites_

486K 9.2K 5K

She made a promise. One that she didn't realize would be so hard to keep. ... More

| Introduction | edited
| Characters |
book covers (?)


9.4K 212 24
By scarwrites_

- Sofia's pov -

I couldn't stop crying. I didn't want anyone to see me like this, especially not Coal. He will use it against me in the future. I could see the boys walking away, finally. The girl's all stood over me, cringing at my yelps and screams of pain. 

"Listen honey, just relax okay? It will be okay." Coach K said reassuringly as she looked at my ankle. 

"HEY! Coal get over here!" Coach Stern yelled at him. Coal had a confused expression on his face but he jogged back over to Coach Stern. 

"We need you to carry Sofia to the nurse okay?" Coach Stern said to Coal. Coal and I both groaned. 

"No I- i'm fine," I say as I try to stand up. "See?" I start limping but immediately put too much pressure on my ankle and start to collapse again. Coal steps forward, grabbing my waist, steadying me. I glare at him. 

"Just let him carry you Soph.." Alyssa said looking down. She knew that I didn't want him too, but I also knew she was right, I wasn't going to make it to the nurse without crawling my way there. 

"Fine." I roll my eyes and Coal takes his hands away from my waist but scoops me up like I weigh nothing, one of his arms is under my legs and the other is holding my back up like a baby. 

Blood is still dripping, making a trail as we walk forward. I don't say anything, and neither does he. I feel so useless. 

As soon as we enter the nurse's office, Coal sets me down on the counter. 

"How may I help-" the nurse is cut off when she walks in and see's my ankle. "Oh heaven's sake what happened?" the nurse questions as she hurry to get supplies for stitches. I didn't know they had stuff like here. 

"I was at softball practice and as I was doing box jumps, my stitches ripped out of my skin..." I say, trying not to make eye contact. I knew she wanted more about where it came from in the first place but she just nodded and carried on. 

"I apologize but we don't have any type of pain killers here, they are not permitted in the school so this will hurt." she said as she threaded the needle. i had done this 5 times now, I could handle it. 

I just nodded and she started stitching me. I didn't even flinch. I guess when experienced people do it, it's faster and hurts less. I could tell Coal was amused by thinking he would see me in more pain by the stitches, but when I didn't flinch, he quickly furrowed his eyebrows, confused as fuck and I could't help but laugh. 

"What's funny?" Coal said.

"Hmmm, not much." I smirked at him. He just rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter. 

Once she finished stitching and wrapping my ankle I started to get down. 

"Woah, woah, woah.. you will not be able to walk on your ankle today because the stitches are fresh, so Coal is gonna have to carry you to get your stuff and to your car. You should be good to walk on it tomorrow but if you have any problems let me know okay?" the nurse said softly. I smiled slightly, but in my head I was cursing. He seriously had to carry me again? He smirked, knowing it was making me mad and he gently picked me up and carried my to the locker room to get my stuff. 

He stopped in front of the door and looked at me like he was asking permission to go in. 

"There's no one in there dumbass, just go in." He nodded and entered the locker room. I pointed to where my locker was and he sent me down on the bench in front of it. I reached over to grab my things but it was too far. Coal was just sitting on his phone not paying attention to me so I tried to streth my arm out farther and farther until I fell off the bench. I was so useless I couln't even stand back up. 

Coal quickly noticed my fall and started helping me back onto the bench.

"If you needed help you could have just asked." He said smirking. 

"Can you just get my damn bag Coal?" I stammered. 

"Not until you say please" He said. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. 

"Please?" I said raising my eyebrows in annoyance. 

He chuckled then grabbed my bag and threw it over his shoulder. He picked me up and again and carried me out into the parking lot. 

"Which one's yours?" he asked. 

"Shit." I murmured. I didn't have one. 

"One of the girl's always drives me home." I said embarrassed. 

"Looks like I'm your only option then." He said rolling his eyes. Fuck.

He set me down in the passenger seat of his Rolls Royce. I wish I was fucking rich. 

He remembered exactly where I lived.

He pulled up next to the driveway of my house and cut the engine. He came around and opened my door then picked me up and I grabbed my bag. He carried me to the front door. 

"This is good." I said and he let me down. I opened the door, thankfully my dad wasn't home yet from work. I hopped inside on one leg but before i closed the door I turned aroun to Coal. 

"Erm, thank you?" I questioned myself as I said it. He just smirked. 

"Did Sofia Miller just thank me for something/" He said raising his eyebrows. 

"Shut up before I regret it." I shot back at him. 

"Well.. your welcome princess." He said as he turned around and strutted back to his car. 

I closed the door and hopped my way upstairs. I went into my closet to get my painkillers and I shoved them down my throat. I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling. Why do I hate Coal again? Oh right, Luke. I just had to push him away, I wasn't in a good place, I mean I'm even worse now, and all he would do is make it worse right?

I stood up and hopped over to my bathroom. I took of my softball clothes and stared in the mirror. Just what I needed, another scar to add to my fucking collection. I just scoffed as I looked away from my scars and went into the shower. 

I ran my fingers through the knots in my hair, getting every one out. Dried up blood had now turned into red liquid, flowing down the drain. I was in the shower for probably 30 minutes. The warm water felt so good, even on my cut for some reason. 

I was interrupted by loud banging on the door. 


I quickly shut off the water and my heart started pounding. I waited to get out of the shower until I heard his footsteps leave me room. I slowly opened the bathroom door to make sure he was gone and when there was no one there I closed it and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I slowly fell to the floor, with my back against the door. 

I need someone to protect me, because I'm useless, and can't protect myself. 

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