Covered By Her Scars

By scarwrites_

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She made a promise. One that she didn't realize would be so hard to keep. ... More

| Introduction | edited
| Characters |
book covers (?)


12.7K 224 234
By scarwrites_

Riley and I were sitting down in the cafeteria eating lunch the next day. Alyssa and Luna had study hall so they had to eat in their classroom today. 

"So how did last night go?" she asked. 

I didn't want to answer that question. "Oh you know, the usual. My dad lost his shit saying it was a distraction. Then he started to blame me again for you know-" my voice started to crack. Riley placed her hand on top of mine. 

"It's okay Soph. It will get better." she assured me. I just shrugged. 

I felt bad for not being able to go. I knew she understood why but I never get to go to her parties. 

"I'm sorry I can't come to the party Ri, I know you wanted me too." I said gripping her hand. 

Riley smiled slightly, "Soph, I love you, don't worry about it, there will be plenty more parties after this Thursday!" she said grinning. Before I could say someone the devil's themselves made an appearance. 

"Did someone say a party?" Marco said as he walked over to us with Coal. 

Riley and I both turned our heads slowly to meet the two smirking devil's. 

"Oh yeah, just the party I haven't invited ANY of you too." Riley said grinning like a she devil. 

Coal chuckled, "Well from what I heard, this party didn't require an invite." 

We both rolled our eyes. "See ya there," Coal said as they walked away. 

He thinks he can do whatever the hell he want's. Like, who do you think you are, Dylan Obrien? No your not so please get over yourself. 

As lunch reached an end Riley and I parted our ways for class. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly and I had thankfully avoided contact with any boy from the baseball team. I made my way to the locker room when the bell rang. 

Luna walked over to Alyssa, Riley and I. "So, what are our ideas for pranks this year" she said. 

We all looked at each other, with evil grins on our faces. "You know how the boy's shower in their locker room after practice?" I said. They all nodded. 

"There's four showers, and we all know Coal, Will, Noah, and Marco stay 20 minutes later after practice, meaning they will shower last. So we wait for the locker room to clear, and while their showering, we go in, take their clothes, then hide them." I said chuckling. 

Their mouths dropped open. "That is priceless." Luna yelled. Everyone stared at us. 

"Stop looking." I snapped. This has to be kept a secret or else they will know were coming.

Practice went smoothly. Today we separated into two teams and had a little scrimmage just to get us back into the motion of playing a real game. The girl's end practice 20 minutes after the boy's so our plan worked out perfectly. As soon as coach dismissed us we ran to the girl's locker room. 

"Okay, they are probably getting in the shower as we speak, so I will grab the first shower's clothes, Alyssa get the second, Riley get the third, and Luna get the fourth." They nodded in a agreement. We silently peeked into the boy's locker room to make sure everyone else was out. We heard the water still running so we knew exactly who was in there. I lifted up my fingers, 3... 2... 1... we quietly made our way over to the showers, they had put their clothes right outside of the showers. I ducked down and grabbed the clothes by the first shower. The girl's made their way over to the shower they were grabbing clothes from when all of a sudden Alyssa let's out a scream. 

"THERE'S A COCKROACH!!" she yelled. 

"Shit." I muttered under my breath, knowing our cover was blown. All of the boys looked over the top of the shower to see all of us holding their clothes. 

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Coal said as he peeked over the shower I took the clothes from. Great, just who I wanted to have. 

"RUN." I yelled. We all started sprinting out of the locker. 

"GET BACK HERE SOFIA." Coal yelled. I looked over my shoulder quickly to see all of them running after us with just their towels around their waist. I couldn't help but laugh. I took my phone out and video tapped them behind us and we ran through the halls, turning corners trying to loose them, until we hit the end of the hallway, they soon enough caught up with us. 

"Fuck," Riley said.

They all stood their in front of us smirking. "You have my clothes Alyssa." Noah said. 

"Oh really? Did you want them back or something?" She said. 

"Did you guys want to see us half naked that bad? Cause if that's what this is about you just had to ask." Will said smirking. 

"Don't flatter yourself" Luna said holding Marco's clothes. 

"You guys have nowhere to go, just give it up and give us our fucking clothes back." Coal said looking straight at me. 

"Please, we could out run you any day." I scoffed. 

"Oh really? We'll see about that." Noah said grinning. The girl's all looked at each other before nodding which meant we all knew what to do. I ran towards them first, straight in between Noah and Coal, they tried to stop my but I jumped over their arms. Riley then sprinted in circles around Will and Marco while Alyssa ran and slide under Noah's legs. Marco got out of Luna's circles and ran straight toward Luna. Luna dodged him, rolled out of the way and her and Riley ran over to us.

"You want your clothes?" I paused for a moment.. "Come and get them" I winked. Then we all started sprinting away from them. 

"Where exactly are we going now?" Riley said still sprinting. 

"The pool." I chuckled. They all grinned. We made it to the pool and body slammed the doors. 

We all ran up the four diving boards we had in the school, hanging their clothes over the edge. They all burst in. 

"Don't you fucking dare Riley." Will growled. 

We all looked at each and and nodded again. Then we all let go of their clothes and they slowly fell into the pool. 

"Oops." I said raising my eyebrows. 

"Oh your so done Miller." Coal yelled. They all started climbing up the ladders to the diving boards, to the girl who had their clothes. Fuck, we had no way out of this one. 

Coal stood there in front of me when he reached the top. 

"Your a bitch, you know that right?" he said. 

"And your a dick, you know that right?" I said smirking. 

Noah started walking closer to Alyssa, making her go to the edge, as Coal walked closer to me, Will walked closer to Riley, and Marco walked closer to Luna. 

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. Then the boys mocked us by all nodding at each other then charging at us. I felt the immense pressure of Coal's muscles push my waist. I then grabbed his arm, pulling him down with me. Karma is a bitch, for both of us. 

"YOU BITCH SOFIA." he said holding onto his towel. We both landed into the freezing water. I rushed up to gasp for air. When I popped my head out I smirked at Coal then swam over to Alyssa. 

"You do realize you guys have to jump in anyway for your clothes?" Riley said to Noah, Will, and Marco who were still on the diving boards. 

"Fuck off." Marco said as he dived in. Will and Noah following. We were all in the pool now. We watched as the boys swam to get their clothes and we just burst out laughing. They mocked us by doing extremely dramatic fake giggles. I rolled my eyes and swam over to the edge. I got out then took off my soaking wet shirt, leaving me in my sports bra and Nike pro's I wore to practice. I turned around to see Coal staring at me. 

"Staring is rude Coal." I said smirking. He quickly snapped out of it. Luna, Alyssa, and Riley then got out and also took of their soaking wet shirts leaving them in their Nike pros and sports bras as well. Coal was staring at me again. 

His eyes traced around the scars on my collarbone and stomach. I quickly tensed up. Shit, I forgot. The girl's all looked over at me making sure I was okay. 

I grabbed my shirt and quickly left without saying anything. 

I sat in the locker room and landed against the wall. I slowly fell down to the ground and started crying. This is exactly why I hate my scars. 

"Hey babe.." Alyssa said coming to sit down next to me, followed by Riley and Luna. 

"Hey.." I said softly, wiping my tears. 

I smiled a little. I loved my friends so fucking much. 

"We wish we could help you babe, we love you so much. It hurts my heart to see you like this." Luna said. I understood they wanted to help. I always told them to just not tell anyone because honestly, my mother told me not to because we wouldn't have enough money to live without the income of my father's job. I always told my mom just to get a fucking job but she never listened. 

I stood up and they all hugged me. 

Riley went to her locker and came back with a sweatshirt. "Here." she said handing it to me. I put it on and started to gather my stuff. 

"Thank you Ri." I said smiling at her. We all got our backpacks and headed out of the locker room. 

"I have to admit, that was a hilarious prank." Luna said laughing. 

"I got it all on video, I mean except for when we got pushed in the pool because I put my phone down before going up the diving board." I said. 

"YES. We have to put that on Instagram!" Alyssa laughed. I sent it to her and she put it on her story. As we came out into the parking lot it was practically dark. The boys were talking in a group around Noah's car. The girl's basically shielded me from them and they went silent and turned towards us as we walked past them. I could tell they were staring at me, like a spotlight was on me. 

"Nice sweatshirt Sofia." Marco said nudging at Noah who laughed and so did Will. Coal didn't laugh, surprisingly. A tear dripped down my face as I turned to look at him. I guess he could see it because he punched Marco in the arm immediately making him stop laughing. 

"That's enough." Coal said. 

I don't know why the fuck he was basically standing up for me. He probably was just trying to get me to not post the video he knew I had. Yet I guess he didn't know it was already posted. 

"Your kidding me. " Noah said pointing at his phone where the video played of them chasing us. Alyssa looked over and gave him a nasty look. We didn't say anything to them. I hopped into Alyssa's car because I didn't have a car, another thing my dad wouldn't let me get even though I saved enough money for one. One of the girl's always picked me up and dropped me off to and from school. 

As Alyssa drove off, I heard the start of my favorite song, she knew just how to cheer me up. It was all of the girl's favorite song, we found it out together as we were eating ice cream in Riley's jeep and the song came on. Electric Love by BORNS. I looked over at her and smiled. We immediately started singing the song. By the time we pulled up to my house were singing Live While We're Young by One Direction. Alyssa turned down the volume and gave me a quick hug. 

"I love you Soph" she said looking at me. 

"I love you forever Al." I said as I got out of the car and waved bye to her. I opened the door quietly and went swiftly to my room trying to avoid contact with my parents. I still hadn't talked to my mom since the other night when I blew up at her. I was waiting for her apology. I sighed then went to my bed. Scrolling threw stories on Instagram I came across Riley's story that had a bright yellow background, her address, and that had text saying, "Did someone say a party? Thursday, 8:00 pm." 


Starting to get a little crazy huh? 

Oh just you wait. The next few chapter's are going to be full of drama. 

How are you guys feeling about the book?

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