Remnant's System

By IOnlyDrinkJesusMilk

111K 2.3K 770

[RWBY x Solo Leveling] Male Reader's POV as a solo leveler in the world of Remnant. After having a near death... More

An Awakening
The Dungeon Clearer
A Weird Date
I've Grown, Haven't I?
A Bully | A Mistake
A Fateful Stroll
Job Change
Penalty Quest | Preparation
The Shadow Ruler
A Surprise Visitor
The Assassins' Duel
The Grimm Tamer
The Angered Monarch
Interrogation (x2?)
Angry Goldilocks | Teasing Sister
Practice Match
The Vytal Festival Begins
The Festival's Festivities
Well, Hello
The Finals First?
Dance Partners
Hidden Quest Brings Truth
Where I Stand
Vytal Gala
Go Out With a Yang
The Puzzle's Pieces
What's to Come?
Finally Time For a Break?
Reunited Before the Storm
Good Morning
My Nightmare
Our Dates' Patterns
End Times

This Isn't Some Story

2.9K 60 44
By IOnlyDrinkJesusMilk

I'm sorry for the obligatory Author's note, but I wanted to give a preface to this chapter.

I don't intend on JUST copying and pasting Solo Leveling's plot. I came up with a backstory for (Y/N) that I like, in order to help further his character. And it's Smth not at all related to Sung Jin-Woo's backstory. This will help prevent too many similarities or it amounting to a more boring version of Solo Leveling.

If you don't like that, then I apologize...


Another day of my usual routine. Getting my exercise in before the girls wake up, and then returning for a good breakfast in the cafeteria.

I don't dislike this routine, but I also wish Ruby could join me. She doesn't get up this early and is more of a "stay up late" person, in contrast to my early-rising ass.

I hear a yawn from next to me.

"Hnnnngh, why did school have to be scheduled today..."

"... You mean Wednesday?"


I roll my eyes jokingly.

"And why are you so awake? You just did a bunch of exercise!" Ruby complains.

"Well, maybe if you joined me, you'd start to get up faster and not be as tired throughout the day."

"Yeah, well... Shut up!"

"Woah, that comeback was too smooth." I don't make my words sound sarcastic, because it's obvious that they are.

She grabs my cheek angrily.

"Hmph... Why are you such an early riser, anyways? Did you always exercise like this?"

After pouting for a moment, she asks a question that makes me think.

"Well, yeah... But not nearly this much. It was basic stuff. Honestly, my current routine is about double what I did before. I was fit, sure, but still far from what I am now."

"Huh... You just wanted to stay healthy?"

I scratch the back of my neck a bit.

"Well... I guess... I'm also not one to break habits, so after starting an overly-intense regiment originally, I had to calm down a lot and eventually just settled with the basics."

Ruby lets my words fester in her mind for a minute before responding.

"Starting overly-intense? Why's that?"

"Wow, you're gettin real personal there." I say, semi-jokingly.

"Oh, I am?! I'm sorry! Ah... I just... You're so fascinating."

I shrug. "I'm sure you're just as interesting... But I'm fascinating? You must really like me."

"You've used that one before."

Her clapback wasn't nearly as bad as it was last time, I'll give her that...

After a quick chuckle, I look away from her.

"(Y/N), you're going to have to be the one to protect her from now on. Understand? Now go... NOW!"

I really don't like being reminded of this shit, but it's not like Ruby meant to do that, so it's whatever...

"I'll tell you someday."

I finish with those words, sitting up and leaving the table.

"I feel like I hit a sensitive subject..."

Ruby berates herself, feeling a pat on her back.

"Ruby, I'm sure he's fine... Even I noticed he looked off, but he's not so weak as to let that stop him, right?"

"When did you start liking him, Yang?"

"LIKING him? Don't make me gag... He's just a good leader, or whatever..."

Ruby giggles.

If there was a pop culture reference in the form of a foreign word that describes a character who speaks harshly to conceal feelings of affection, Ruby would use it in reference to her sister's behavior toward (Y/N).

What was she thinking of again? Right! (Y/N)!

"I'll go apologize to him."

Yang shrugs. "You do that, Rubes."

Blake, who was silent up until this point, adds a quick remark.

"You should offer to train with him in the morning."

Ruby's eyebrows perk up.

"Yeah... That's a good idea, Blake!"

The young girl leaves her table to follow the footsteps of her team captain.


"I'm going to protect you, Cecilia... It was father's last wish."

"Big brother, please don't hurt yourself... You're not going to get strong this way!"

A flash in my consciousness.

"No! Give her back!"

A flash in my mental state.

"Big brother... I'll protect myself! It's okay!"

A flash.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!"

I'm in my bed... My dorm room bed.

"Huh? Yeah, what's up, Ruby?"

"Don't give me that... You're crying."

"What? No, I don't cry..."

"Well... I don't think you just got something in your eye, because they've been flowing for a bit, and you were spacing out..."

I put a hand to my head, closing my eyes and gaining my composure.

Once the tears stop flowing, I wipe them off of my face and look up at the concerned Ruby.

"I didn't think this was going to affect me, so I didn't say anything, but you touched upon a heavy subject, and I started remembering a lot of bad things."

Ruby looks truly hurt by my words.

"I'm so sorry... I really didn't mean to pry..."

I sit her down next to me and wrap an arm around her shoulder. A half-embrace, but one that even I need sometimes.

"I think if I talk about it, it'll be a bit easier to deal with."

Ruby raises her eyebrows and holds my other hand with both of hers.

Her small, pale hands gently stroke my muscular, larger hand.

"Well... I'd love to hear it... Whenever you're ready for it."

I nod, looking up.

"This is gonna be an emotional day..."

"It is? We have class soon..."

"Well yeah, but I'll still tell you this stuff. Just not until later."

"Oh, okay."

"You'd better exercise with me tomorrow morning as compensation for me sharing my story."

"Hey! Well... I planned on doing that anyways to surprise you, but how dare you demand it of me!"

I smirk.

"I feel like it's always you helping me cheer up. I don't want it to get too... I dunno, repetitive, I guess?"

"(Y/N), life isn't some story... If you need me to talk to you, I don't care how many times we've done something similar, I'll do it. Besides... I like when you open up to me."

She blushes a bit as she says this, a cute smile on her face.

"And besides." She continues. "You save me physically. You've done it more than once, now. It's only fair."

"You make a fair point... Then, thank you, Ruby. You... You really mean a lot to me. All three of you do. Yang and I had a bit of a... Thing... But we've moved on. And Blake's moments of insight are always wonderful. Let alone your cheery energy and fun-to-tease demeanor."

"It only works so well with your more laid-back, yet stern, attitude."

"Heheh... I really do make it sound like I'm in some story, huh?"

"I'd read a story about you!"

"Of course you would."

A chuckle escapes from me, and I exhale, my mood having been salvaged.

I blink. And in that instant, the world goes dark...

"Cecilia... Want to hear a story?"

My eyes open.

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