The Kitsune Child (originally...

By Pokemonweeb17

17.3K 440 70

What if instead of kurama being sealed inside of Naruto he raised Naruto in the outskirts of the village away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (rewrite)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (rewrite)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (rewrite)
Chapter 18 (rewrite)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (rewrite)
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 (rewrite)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (rewrite)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
⚠️Chapter 34⚠️
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
The Final Chapter....... Or is it?
Book 2?

Chapter 23 (rewrite)

256 3 0
By Pokemonweeb17

Naruto POV

It was later in the day and old sage wanted to teach me a new technique.

"Well that's enough training for today." Old sage said standing up and began walking.

"What about the new move you were going to show me?" I asked following after him.

"That can wait for now let's go get a real bath where you just don't fall in." He chuckled.

He took me to a nearby spring that we had found.

"Mmmn this feels great old sage." I hummed.

"Nothing beats a nice soak after a long day of training." Old sage stated and I hummed in agreement.

"I'm not sure your aware of it but you possess twice as much chakra within you. Then any normal kage." The old sage stated.

"Yeah my father told me about it." I replied as he nodded.

-time skip-

I woke up early the next morning and made myself breakfast. Today old sage was going to teach me a super cool move to help me become strong and I just couldn't wait.

On my way to the meet up spot I had accidentally ran into someone.

"I'm sorry!" I said quickly apologizing.

"Watch where you are going you freak." I heard a have familiar voice say.

It was Sasuke and Sakura was also with him but he didn't seem to happy about that.

"Yeah! Are you blind or something you idiot." Sakura spat at me.

Why did I always get stuck in situations like this.

"Maybe I should teach you a lesson. That might teach yeah to watch where your walking." Sasuke sneered.

"I suggest you back off before I teach you a lesson." I heard a voice say.

Behind Sakura and Sasuke Gaara had appeared. I saw them both visibly tense up but Sasuke didn't move his foot.

"This has nothing to do with you but out." Sasuke said hesitantly.

"That's my cousins so it is my business. I won't ask you again. Leave. Him. Alone." Garra growled with a icy glare.

"Whatever you two aren't worth our time anyway." Sasuke said before walking off with Sakura.

"Thanks Gaara." I chuckled.

"No problem. What do you want to do today?" Gaara asked.

"I'm really sorry about this but I actually have some training to do with someone." I replied rubbing the back of my neck.

"With someone? Who is it?" Gaara questioned.

"It's an old sage I met yesterday. He's a little weird but he's nice and really strong." I answered.

"I see. Well I'm glad your feeling better now. Don't do anything to dangerous all right?" He told me.

"Don't worry I will get strong soon just you wait!" I chuckled while waving bye to him as I ran off.

I soon arrived at the meet up spot we had agreed on in the forest just to find old sage peeking at some girls who were playing in a nearby waterfall.

That creepy smile and the way he looks at their bodies always gave me chills and brought back some bad memories.

The girls left and he began the training.

"I'm not sure your aware of it but you possess twice as much chakra within you. Then any normal kage." The old sage stated.

"Yeah my father told me about it." I replied as he nodded.

"Hmmm I see. Well do you remember when I said I would teach you something cool today." Old sage asked.

"Yeah! Are you going to show me now I can't wait!" I cheered wagging my three tails.

"I'm going to teach you the summoning jutsu." Old sage replied.

"Summoning jutsu? Oh I know what that is! My papa can summon foxes and he used them to send letters."

"Good you know how it works then. "Well the way it's going to work is that your going to have to exhaust all of the chakra you usually use in order to access all the other chakra you have stored." he explained.

"All right you got it." I said before creating more than 50 clones and we all began exercising each doing different ones.

Half way threw I felt like I was going to have a heat stroke so I decided to take my shirt off so I could cool down.

After a few hours I was completely exhausted and collapsed breathing hard.

"Looks like you finally did it. Now I can teach you the technique." Old sage said hovering over me.

"First let's build up some of that stored chakra." Old sage said.

"Right." I said as I took at stance and began to focus.  I could feel me asking that second chakra.

"Wow! Amazing!" Old sage said in surprise.

"Huh what is it?" I asked confused breaking my focus.

"You have quite the tight body I can tell you have been training your body well." He laughed.

My ears flatten at the sound of this. Memories of that night rushed into my head. "What a tight body you have~" the voice of that man echoed in my head.

I clutched my arm tightly and I could barely breath as tears streamed down my face.

"Naruto? Naruto! Naruto!? Woah Woah Woah What's wrong!?" I heard old sage shout as he came closer to me. I looked up at him coming towards me but instead the image of the man cornering me was replaced.

"Stop stay away!" I yelled stepping back while I trembled.

I was terrified. Was old sage like them? Was he going to hurt me too? I was terrified and all I could think of was a way to escape. That's what I did. I sprinted into the woods not looking back.

I don't know how long I ran but by the time I did my legs gave out near a tree. I buried my face into my hands as I cried.

Why me!? Why was I stupid enough to leave!? Why was I the one who got my father put in jail!? Why was I the one being a coward!? Why was I the one who had to go and pick a pervert to train me.

I clutched my tail tightly. I was terrified. Terrified of being hurt like that again. Terrified of losing papa. Terrified of what the humans would do to me.

I just kept on crying and crying. By the time I finally stopped I was ready to pass out. But I didn't out of fear of leaving myself vulnerable to an attack.

"Naruto........." I heard the soft voice of Old sage say.

I gasped hard and began to scoot back trembling.

He let out a big sigh and got on his knees. "Naruto........ what's wrong?" He asked.

I swallowed hard. Of course I was going to have to tell him. I needed to tell someone to get this off my chest.

"A-a few years ago..... I snuck out and went into town........ the villagers attacked me and I ran away and got lost in the village. I was lost till nightfall when three men cornered me. I was so scared.... *hic* I didn't understand! *hic* I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG *hic* EVEN SO THEY RAPED ME!" I sobbed. I was so angry yet terrified. I just sat their and cried.

I didn't care that I let the old sage see how pathetic I was acting. And for some reason...... neither did he.

I felt his arms wrap around me. "I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to bring back those memories. It was a stupid joke and I shouldn't have said anything." He apologized stroking my back.

I stayed quiet for awhile nuzzling into his chest. "It's ok........" I mumbled softly. "Just........ just don't stay stuff like that it's scary....."

"You got it." Old sage chuckled. "If your feeling better why don't I show you that super cool technique."

I nodded and gave him a small smile as he stood.

We walked back to the river we started at and began.

"Watch carefully I'm going to show you how it's done." Old sage said as he bit his thumb and smeared the blood across his palm before doing a series of hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu!" He yelled and than a puff of smoke exploded revealing a giant frog with its tongue wrapped around a skinny but long red and green scroll.

I looked up in awe as the toad lowered the scroll in its mouth to me.

"Go ahead open that scroll. It's a contract that with summoning toads that has been handed through many generations of ninja. Sign your name in your own blood and stamp your hand beneath your signature." Old sage explained.

I quickly signed my name and finger print and attempted the summoning jutsu only to be revealed with a tad pole.

"Huh!?! What did I do wrong!?" I whined in defeat.

(Many hours later)

I was still only summoning tad poles but I wasn't ready to give up.

(Near sunset after more hours)

"Old sage! It got legs! It got legs!"

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