由 the_seven_signs

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I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... 更多

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
this shouldn't have been this way!
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Obscured Intentions
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes

The trouble continues 🖤

348 18 0
由 the_seven_signs


Taehyung's POV-

Today was strange. I'm not accustomed to behaving this way, especially after Hyun-wu's departure. Memories of him drag me into a deep abyss. Did I really cause his demise? Is happiness even within my grasp? Can I let people in after what happened? Can y/n be trusted? Ahh, these thoughts cloud my mind.

I've always been perceived as cold, and nobody bothered to look beneath the surface. Am I undeserving of love?

"Aghh, I guess it's Enough. It's time to sleep. These ruminations only bring anguish, reminding me of my worthlessness."

Y/n pov-

"Heyy uncle, I'm back. Sorry I'm late today because I got detention."

"Hi sweety, welcome back home."

My uncle pulls me into a warm hug, and it feels comforting. He's been there for me since childhood, just like my parents.

"Come, I have already set dinner on the table. Go get freshened up."


After 20 minutes, I descend the stairs to find my favorite dish, kimbap.

"Yayyy, uncle, you made it at last! Thank you, I love you."

"Hahaha, yeah, come eat and sleep, or you'll have dark circles."

"Uncle!" I whine playfully.

After finishing dinner, I express my gratitude once again and hurry to my room. Today has been exhausting, and I can't help but wonder about Taehyung's sudden change in behavior. Why does he dislike being called "Taehyungiee"? Is it related to Hyun-wu? I have so many unanswered questions swirling in my head. I'll try to sleep and let go of these thoughts for now.

3am at night--

Taehyung pov-

I woke up abruptly at 3:00 am to the sound of my own voice begging and pleading with my dad. The room was filled with the stench of blood, and I could feel the bruises forming on my face. It was a painful reminder of the abuse I endured.

I grabbed onto my dad's leg, desperately pleading for him to spare me this time. "Dad, I'm sorry! I promise I won't do it again. Please, just leave me alone. I'm sorry, Dad, please..."

But my pleas fell on deaf ears. He kicked me hard in the stomach, delivering a painful blow. He reminded me of my status as his slave, someone who would aid him in his criminal activities. His smirk sent shivers down my spine as he whispered in my ear, threatening to reveal my secret.

"I won't tolerate any more detentions or your tardiness. You need to pick up my call and come drop by as soon as I call for you! If you be behind the time this is what you'll face!! Remember, exams are approaching, and you better study and improve, like you always do. Don't embarrass me in front of my own associates."

With that, he left, slamming the door in my face, leaving me in my small, desolate apartment. I curled up on the floor, tears streaming down my face, my body aching in pain. I had to tend to my wounds alone, recalling how earlier that day, y/n had cared for me, applying first aid.

As I sat there, patching up my injuries, I couldn't help but think of y/n and the stark contrast between the kindness she showed me and the cruelty I faced at home. This was the third beating I had endured today alone, and tomorrow I had to face school, knowing I had to hide these bruises from a single day. It felt like an impossible task.

The clock showed 4:00 am, and I knew I had to get some sleep, despite the pain and the haunting memories. Tomorrow was another day, and I had to find a way to carry on, even if it meant hiding the torment I endured behind a mask.

Next day at school-

Y/n POV-

As I entered the classroom, my eyes immediately searched for Taehyung. I was taken aback when I saw him with even more bruises than yesterday. It looked painful, and I couldn't help but worry. Sitting beside him, he greeted me with a warm smile, but my attention remained fixated on his injuries.

Mrs. Nim entered the classroom, and we all stood up to greet her. After taking attendance, she made an unexpected announcement about a school camping trip. It was free and would last for two days and one night. As she started taking names, I couldn't believe my ears when she mentioned Taehyung's name. Was he really going on a school trip after three years? It felt surreal.

The class erupted in laughter at Mrs. Nim's comment, but Taehyung confidently stated, "Yes, ma'am, I'll be coming this time."

The shock in the room was palpable, and even I couldn't hide my surprise. The rest of the day flew by quickly, and I didn't get a chance to talk to Taehyung about his injuries. I decided to ask him tomorrow. After the school day ended, Taehyung hurriedly left as if he had been called somewhere urgently.

When I arrived home, I was delighted to learn that my parents had returned. Although my uncle Jong had already left, I was a bit disappointed that he didn't say goodbye. However, I knew we would see each other again soon. I greeted my parents and engaged in some small talk before retreating to my room to prepare for the upcoming camping trip.

Filled with excitement, I meticulously packed all the necessary items for the camp. After finishing the packing, I plopped down on my bed, feeling a sense of anticipation. This camp held a special significance for me as it would be my first one since joining this new school. The thought of the adventures and memories that awaited me made me even more eager for the trip.

Taehyung Pov-

As soon as I received a call from my dad, urging me to come back home immediately, I made my way to the imposing three-story mansion. It was a place I rarely visited, and it held haunting memories from the pages of my life. The sheer size of the house seemed to swallow me, leaving me with an eerie feeling. However, I brushed off those thoughts and entered through the grand brown gate.

Upon stepping into the living room, I found my dad seated in his usual spot. I greeted him tentatively, feeling a sense of discomfort.

"Um, Dad, I'm here," I said.

"Yeah, I know. Come, sit. It's your own house," he replied.

I took a seat across from him, feeling uneasy. He began speaking, revealing that he would be leaving Korea for a few days due to business issues. To my surprise, he dropped a bombshell on me – he wanted me to take over his underworld business temporarily, handling all the imports and exports. It wasn't the first time I had been involved, but I despised that part of my life. Along with this responsibility, he emphasized the need for me to focus on my studies.

"Yeah, okay, Dad. I'll do as you say. I should go now. Have a safe journey. Goodbye," I responded, eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the mansion.

I hurriedly made my way out, relieved to be away from that place. However, the weight of my dad's request to handle his business burdened my mind. It seemed like there was no escaping the tangled web of my family's underworld connections.

Next day-

Y/n pov-

As I hurriedly made my way to the bus, I spotted Taehyung sitting alone in a corner seat. He glanced at me and gave me a melancholic smile, to which I returned with a warm one. I wanted to go and sit beside him, but Jisyoung pulled me towards her and the rest of the Deadly Daisies group. Since they were also my friends, I didn't object and took a seat with them.

As the bus started moving, we realized that the journey was going to be long and boring. To pass the time, we decided to play games. It came to my turn to sing a song, and I chose "We Don't Talk Anymore." Everyone was surprised to hear me sing so beautifully, including Taehyung. He looked at me with a mixture of awe and admiration, and soon applause filled the bus.

As time passed, I noticed that everyone was enjoying themselves, chatting and eating. However, when I glanced at Taehyung, I saw him sitting alone by the window. It seemed like no one wanted to sit next to him. I felt a pang of sympathy for him, but Jisyoung wouldn't allow me to leave our group.

Reaching the destination-

After we arrived at the campsite, the teacher gave us instructions on how to stay safe and abide by the rules. She then asked us to pair up with partners so that we could share one tent between two people. Unfortunately, I found myself without a partner as the Deadly Daisies had already formed their groups, leaving me as the fifth wheel. As I looked around, I noticed Taehyung standing alone, gazing at the ground. It seemed like no one had paired up with him.

I approached him and spoke up, "Um, Taehyung, it appears that neither of us has a partner. Shall we team up?"

He simply hummed in response.

"Oh, by the way, is it alright if I call you Tae?"

"Yeah, you can," he replied.

As we started setting up the tent, I noticed that everyone around the campsite was giving us strange looks. They seemed surprised that I had chosen to team up with Taehyung. However, I paid no mind to their opinions and focused on getting our tent ready.

"After struggling for an hour, I exclaimed in frustration, 'Argh! Why isn't this side coming together?'"

Taehyung looked at me with an expression that seemed to say, 'This girl is useless.'

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm done. You can do it," I retorted and started walking away, leaving Taehyung alone with the tent.

"Yah, Y/n, come back here! I'm not doing it alone. We'll do it together. Do I look like I do this every day? Come here, Y/n-ah," Taehyung called after me.

I sighed, realizing I couldn't just leave him hanging. Reluctantly, I walked back to him.

"Come here, butter face," he said.

"Huh? What did you call me? Do I look that ugly?" I asked, feeling a bit offended.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. Haha, I'm sorry. Come and help me, please," Taehyung quickly clarified.

After another 30 minutes, we finally managed to build our tent. As I looked around, I noticed that everyone else had finished before us. We were the last ones.

The teacher glanced at us with frustration and said, "At last, you both slowbies are done. Can we start our activities now?"

Both Taehyung and I nodded, feeling embarrassed.

We went on to participate in various activities, including rock climbing, fishing, snorkeling, water volleyball, and even a game of Red Rover. Finally, we were given the opportunity to explore the forest with our assigned partners.

It was a day filled with challenges, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with Taehyung as we tackled them together.

Taehyung's POV-

I was utterly exhausted from all the activities, drenched in sweat as if I had just taken a shower. Taking a quick glance at y/n, I noticed that she, too, was covered in sweat, and her white t-shirt had become nearly transparent. Unaware of this, she continued catching her breath, oblivious to the improper gazes she was receiving from some of the boys. It bothered me to see her in that situation, so I decided to approach her.

"Umm, y/n, listen, take my jacket," I said, offering it to her.

"Why? Is something wrong with my shirt?" she asked, looking puzzled.

"Umm, no, I mean yes, no, I mean no. Ahh, y/n, just take it and wear it. Your body is covered in sweat, and your t-shirt is almost see-through. The way the other boys are looking at you is not good, so..." I stumbled over my words, trying to explain my concern.

Her reaction caught me off guard. She seemed surprised, as if she couldn't believe that I, Taehyung, was showing concern for her.

"Umm, okay, if you insist, I'll take it. But won't it get covered in my sweat? How will you use it then?" she asked, expressing her worry.

"Don't worry, I have other clothes. You can return it to me whenever you feel like it. Just take care of yourself," I assured her She nodded in response, returning the smile.

Y/n pov-

After a while-

As I walked towards the distant restroom, a growing sense of unease crept over me. The sound of dried leaves cracking underfoot echoed in my ears, sending shivers down my spine. My heart raced, and my breathing quickened as I picked up my pace. But the steps behind me matched my speed, getting closer with every passing moment. Panic gripped me as I realized someone was following me.

Suddenly, strong hands seized me from behind, preventing me from screaming. My mouth was covered, muting any sound that tried to escape. With surprising strength, the assailant hoisted me onto their shoulder, effortlessly carrying me towards the boys' restroom. Fear and confusion flooded my senses as I landed on the cold floor, my eyes locking onto the figure before me. It was that guy, the one I couldn't believe was here.

"Hey there, kitty. It's time for your paycheck," he sneered.

My mind raced, trying to comprehend what was happening, but I couldn't find any answers. The situation had taken a terrifying turn, and I had no idea how to escape from this nightmare.

Author POV--
guys this was a normal thing for taehyung to get beaten up in the middle of night since year's now if he doesn't listen to his dad's instructions he would clash In his apartment and beat him to it isn't anything new to him but he does gets terrified everytime he comes so he always tries to agree to all that he says:)

Oh btw this elephant can't keep his legs to himself🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm talking about the one idiot that barged in on y/n rn...

Stay tuned💕
Keep supporting 💜


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