By WhisperingJ

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Salma seemingly closed the chapter with Zayn once the court proceedings ended. However, fate had other plans... More

Author's Note and Teasers
Chapter 1: "Judgement"
Chapter 2: "Immoral Games"
Chapter 3: "The Lost Option"
Chapter 4: "Project Zalma"
Chapter 5: "The Decision"
Chapter 6: "Enemies, Friends and Family"
Chapter 7: "Glimmer of Hope"
Chapter 8: "Unexpected Meetings"
Chapter 9: "Agitation"
Chapter 10: "Cold Peace"
Chapter 11: "Crafting Compassion"
Chapter 12: "Locked by the Crosswires"
Chapter 13: "The First Hits"
Chapter 14: "Questionable Loyalties"
Chapter 15: "Murdering Marriage"
Chapter 16: "Isolated and Hijacked"
Chapter 17: "Man down!"
Chapter 18: "Who is who?"
Chapter 19: "Unshared Plans"
Chapter 20: "From the Sidelines"
Chapter 21: "Behind the Names"
Chapter 22: "He's Done"
Chapter 23: "Kiss N Cry"
Chapter 24: "Behind the Lies"
Chapter 25: "First Baby Steps"
Exclusive Scene: "Cliffhanger"
Chapter 27: "Lurking Dangers"
Chapter 28: "Shady All Around"
Chapter 29: "Fresh Contact"
Chapter 30: "Barking Mad"
Chapter 31: "Wrong Number"
Chapter 32: "The Missing Falcons - I"
Chapter 33: "The Missing Falcons - II"
Chapter 34: "Distant signals"
Chapter 35: "Shady Truths"
Chapter 36: "Fleeing the Demons"
Chapter 37: "The Fleeing Demons"
Chapter 38: "Public Embarrassment"
Chapter 39: "Veiled realities"
Chapter 40: "Shots Fired!"
Chapter 41: "Wrong Targets"
Chapter 42: "Who's the Target?"
Chapter 43: "Red Herring"
Chapter 44: "High School Blame"
Chapter 45: "Family Focused"
Chapter 46: "Wrong Message"
Chapter 47: "Locked up!"
Chapter 48: "Freed"
Chapter 49: "Decision Pending"
Chapter 50: "Decision made"
Chapter 51: "Bumpy Ride"
Chapter 52: "Subtle Hints"
Chapter 53: "Obvious Tension"
Chapter 54: "Sharing a Burger"
Chapter 55: "The Help He Needs"
Chapter 56: "Time or Practice?"
Chapter 57: "Take a Dump!"
Chapter 58: "What He Didn't Have"
Chapter 59: "Ask Her Out"
Chapter 60: "Message Mistunderstood?"
Chapter 61: "Date Accepted"
Chapter 62: "True Glimpses"
Chapter 63: "Trust to Test"
Chapter 64: "A Magical Night"
Chapter 65: "In-Tense"
Chapter 66: "Stay with Me"
Chapter 67: "What She Wants"
Chapter 68: "Misdirected"
Chapter 69: "MisQuoted"
Chapter 70: "Cliff-hanged"
Authors Note: Divorce Experts
Chapter 71: "Crazy Revealed"
Chapter 72: "Undercover"
Chapter 73: "Nuclear Revelations"
Chapter 74: "Dangerous Exposure"
Chapter 75: "Drained of Life"
Chapter 76: "Use the Bait"
Chapter 77: "Three Party Kidnapping"
Chapter 78: "The Unbothered Captor"
Chapter 79: "Who's the Lunatic?"
Chapter 80: "The Elder's Deal"
Chapter 81: "Restoring Normalcy"
Chapter 82: "Fast it Forward"
Chapter 83: "All Things Bee"
Chapter 84: "Spark a Fire"
Chapter 85: "Up in Flames"
Chapter 86: "I Am Unknown"
Chapter 87: "Out of Sight"
Chapter 88: "Reaching Out"
Chapter 90: "The Need to Move"
Chapter 91: "Force of an Explosion"
Chapter 92: "Scripted in Blood"
Chapter 93: "Soaked in Tears"
Chapter 94: "Ripped Apart!"
Chapter 95: "Processing the Storm"

Chapter 26: "Childish Lessons"

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By WhisperingJ

Post your reactions as you read. No goals because I'm so busy I'm really pushing back deadlines to put up this update🥴. But I hope you'd shower me with some love regardless. I could really use a bit of a boost.

It's a longer chapter. Enjoy!🥰

First written on March, 2018

Things were running suspiciously smoothly between Salma and Zayn. Although they met more frequently now, they had managed to keep things civil between them. For the next couple of days, Zayn and Salma repeated their morning ritual. The two would meet by the coffee house briefly, where Zayn would buy her a coffee before leaving for his class. For the rest of the day, each of them kept to their own circle of friends, and if they happened to cross paths, Zayn limited the exchanges to a quick nod-in-the-passing, and a smile.

Salma was grateful. The predictable manner in which they maintained the truce between them allowed her to relax around him. She had now stopped worrying that he could potentially pop up out of thin air trying to forge a conversation. Their exchanges through the day had become brief, silent and distant.

The mornings were a different story, however. As the ritual continued, Salma visibly became more acquainted with the routine. The discomfort she felt around Zayn defused with each drink that was shared. The atmosphere became relatively lighter and her body language less tense. Eventually, Niall stopped showing up and once relaxed into the daily ritual a bit, Sarah would excuse herself too.

"I thought I was supposed to buy you a coffee one of these days?" Salma asked one day, when Zayn handed her a coffee.

"I only said that to rile Snob up." Zayn laughed a bit.

"What is your coffee, by the way?"

"Same as yours. Black, ten sugars." Zayn chuckled, making Salma shake her head in amusement.

That day, Salma realized Zayn had started walking her to her class. Suddenly becoming aware of his presence next to her, the tension in her shoulders increased. She threw nervous glances at him casually walking to her right. Too close to her right, given the narrow cobblestone pathway they were walking on to cross the grounds. Salma inched away and inhaled a breath, trying to stay calm.

Upon crossing the grounds, just when Salma halted to let him know she preferred walking alone, Zayn turned to face her and started walking backwards.

"I have to go in that direction." He jerked his head behind him, towards his block.

"Right," Salma replied, heaving a sigh. She was grateful he had known where to end their stroll together. "Thank you for the coffee."

"Don't mention it." Zayn took a sip of his drink. "See you around."

Salma nodded. "See you."

Salma turned on her heels and quickened her pace. Maybe this was the next baby step. She let out a breath. Who knew tolerating Zayn more each day could be so hard? She laughed at her thoughts.


"Dude, I've got a name," Salma muttered under-breath, eyeing the passer-bys with embarrassment, but to her relief no one was paying any attention. She faced Zayn.

"Are we meeting by the mosque tomorrow?" Zayn called, frowning.

"Yeah," Salma replied.

"What time?"

What time? She had not really thought about it. With everything going on, taking the kids out for ice creams had slipped her mind. "Around ten!" Salma shouted back. "I'll let you know once it is confirmed!"

"Let me know . . . how?" Zayn asked, confused or hopeful about something, Salma could not tell.

"Anne or Uncle Dawood would text you the details once I've sorted it out with the parents," Salma replied.

Even this far, Salma noted disappointment flashing over his features.

"Oh, alright," he replied, looking glum. Salma almost laughed. "See you around."

She waved at him and gave him her back.

"We aren't there yet, dumb-head." Salma chuckled, skipping towards the building of the Biological Sciences Block.


First written on: April 4th, 2021

Salma jumped off the bus and waited as, one by one, the kids hopped off. Some of the little ones needed help to make the jump. A sharp pain shot through her inflamed wrists as she helped a kid that was heavier than he looked. Salma winced, just barely helping the kid land softly on his feet.

"Bee, you alright?" Zayn's voice carried to her from the bus.

Salma massaged her searing joints. The pain was subsiding already but a dull ache remained.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Salma replied without making eye contact. Did he know of her stupidly yanking at her cuffed wrists in an attempt to strangle the unkillable monster?

She glanced at the next kid waiting for her to pick her up, the little girl's arms were raised already. She looked light but with her joints getting sore again, Salma knew she had to take care or she might develop a more permanent problem with her hands. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Salma reached for little girl, letting the kid's small weight rest on her forearms instead of her hands. She heard quick feet descending the few steps of the bus.

"Austin, let me pass," Zayn asked the next kid who was adamant that he did not need help.

"Just watch me jump!" Austin replied.

"Alright then, go ahead," Zayn agreed.

"Clear off, Sally!" the kid yelled, bending his knees in preparation for too high a jump that was not required. Salma recognized him as one of the naughty kids that had painted Zayn in the previous session.

"Austin, be careful," Salma warned as he took flight. He landed on all fours with a grunt. Salma walked towards him to check up on him but the kid raised himself up again, dusting his hands off. If he got hurt, he did not show it.

"Did you see it?" He turned to Zayn puffing his chest out. "I jumped so high!"

Zayn didn't reply as he stood by the bus waiting for Austin's friend to get off. He was the brat with the lisp, and thankfully, someone with a lot more common sense as he carefully lowered one foot down the bus, holding on to the pole tightly.

"Ith - ith wasn't thath high," the kid disagreed with Austin, stepping down. "You coudhn't thouch the ssky?"

"I could," Austin replied with a frown. "Watch me!"

Salma kept an eye on the rowdy kid as he continued jumping on spot with his hands raised to the heavens above. Zayn helped M.J off the bus.

"Thank you," Salma muttered to Zayn, putting a comforting arm around M.J who had trotted towards her the moment Zayn let go.

"Don't mention it," Zayn replied, wiggling his fingers at another girl, urging her to be quick. "Take care of your hands. Get a physio and let the joints rest. Inflammations can get ugly if prolonged."

He heaved the girl up then set her down on her feet gently. Salma watched his expressions closely.

"And stitched-up bullet wounds don't?" She raised a brow.

Unconsciously, Zayn's fingers rested on his side to massage his injury. He shrugged with half a smile.

"I'm being careful," he replied. "These rug rats aren't that heavy and I'm balancing the weight so not much tension is developed in the muscles around the injury. Austin, Moeen! - don't stray away like that! Get back to the group!"

Salma looked over to see Austin walking towards the toy store with his partner in crime, Moeen, in tow - albeit reluctantly. Austin looked at them and made a face.

"Aren't we going in, anyway?"

"Yesss?" Moeen frowned.

"Yeah, but you're not going anywhere alone," Zayn replied. "You might get lost."

Austin huffed and rolled his eyes.

"I've been here before," he replied with much confidence. "Mum brought me here yesterday, and I am old enough to know the way home if I get lost."

"Lovely," Zayn replied with a shrug. "I see you know too much already. Sit in the bus and wait for us while the other kids learn a thing or two about being nice. We'll let you tell us which way to go so we can drop you home after we've had ice creams."

A few kids snickered, others cheered at the mention of ice creams. Moeen tried to inch back to the group without making it obvious. Austin panicked.

"What about my ice creams?!" he cried, turning to Salma and looking worried.

"You're too old for ice creams," Salma replied.

"You're old too," he replied, fiddling with his fingers nervously. His frown deepened. He looked like he might start crying.

"Not old enough to stray away from the group and act like complete know-it-alls," Zayn replied as he divided the kids into two groups for Salma and him to manage easily.

Austin raced back towards them, and placed himself right in the middle of the group. They ignored him as he waited to be told which way to go.

"Moeen, you're with me!" Zayn called his friend.

Austin waited, nervously peeking at the two adults that towered over him. The sorting was over. Zayn and Salma rallied their band of rug rats around them. Austin inched towards Zayn.

"Where am I going?" He jumped up and down with fake enthusiasm to remind the adult that he was still around.

"To the bus." Zayn pointed at the vehicle. "Sit tight and don't annoy the driver too much."

"But --"

"No buts. Unless you want to walk home since you know the way already?" Zayn raised a brow.

The kid's expressions crumbled. He glanced at Salma for help. Her heart ached for little brat but she let Zayn deal with him. She would intervene only when necessary. So far, Zayn was fine. A bit strict but nothing too harsh. Salma did not want the kid to think he was right and the adult wrong by intervening in his favor prematurely and making Zayn look like the villain.

"Alright, we'll go from left to right, and you guys," Salma said as she turned to Zayn's group, "You can go right to left. Select one toy that you want to buy. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sally!" the kids yelled in unison.

"Once you select the toy, we meet in the middle aisle with the other team, okay?" Salma asked. "Also, remember we have little money. If we spend it all on toys, we get no ice creams."

"Yeah, no crying and screaming if Bee or I say no," Zayn said.

"Who's Bee?" an African American kid asked.

Salma facepalmed mentally as all the kids turned to Zayn.

"I said she," Zayn lied to their curious little faces.

Salma almost laughed as the kid eyed him suspiciously. This lot was not easy to deceive.

"Anyway, if anyone starts crying and making a scene, straight back to the bus with Austin you go!" Zayn warned. "And no ice creams for you!"

The kids turned to Austin, who shrunk into himself, embarrassed. He started studying his shoes.

"Alright," Zayn told the kids. "Let's go."

Salma waited, deliberately letting Zayn and his troops march forward. Her band of kids turned to her inquiringly.

"Let's go --"

She felt a tug at her abaya. Salma smiled. Straightening her face into a more somber expression, she turned around to see Austin giving her the puppy eyes.

"Yes, Austin?" Salma played clueless.

"What about me?"

Salma knelt down to his height.

"I don't know." She shrugged. "Zayn doesn't want you to join us. You're too old for toys."

"I'm not that old." He moved his feet nervously.

"You want to come along?" Salma asked.

He nodded, scratching the side of his neck and avoiding her gaze.

"Okay," Salma said. "How about you go and say sorry to Zayn and I'll ask him to let you come and you can come with me?"

"But I didn't do anything wrong?" the kid argued.

"When adults tell you something for your safety and you argue back instead of listening, it's wrong," Salma explained.

"Yeah, mommy said then you're friends with Shaitan!" The little black doll Laiba, with brown ponytail and brown eyes, said.

"I'm not!" Austin scowled at the little girl.

"Of course you're not," Salma placated the kid quickly, "but if you continue arguing and not say sorry, you're doing kibr. It's wrong."

"What's kibr?"

"Arrogance!" Laiba replied. "That's Shaitan's biggest sin!"

Salma smiled at the intelligent five-year old, and how cutely she had prolonged the word 'biggest', gesticulating with her hands to drive the point across. Her parents had taught her well.

"She's right." Salma appreciated Laiba. "Shaitan refused to admit his mistake as well and say sorry to Allah."

Austin continued frowning then turned to Salma.

"Is Zayn god?"

Salma blinked at the kid while the rest of the kids gasped and covered their mouths.

"That's bad!"

"You should not say that!"

"Say As-taag-feerullah!"

"No," Salma replied, trying to keep it casual so Austin would not feel too targeted. The rest of the kids had already done the dramatics for her. "Why do you ask?"

"Then why should I say sorry to him?"

Salma inhaled. The kid was clever. He was drawing parallels. If he was being called Shaitain and asked to apologized, he figured, the other party must be God.

"Because when we wrong Allah, we apologize to him, but when we wrong Allah's humans we apologize to Him and his humans. Zayn is human but you would not listen to him and talked back so now you have to apologize to make friends with him again."

Once more, Austin stayed quiet, thinking. Salma figured he had more questions but the other kids were running low on the remarkable patience they had exhibited so far, and they had little time.

"Let's go to Zayn. If you apologize, you can pick a toy too," she urged, hoping he would behave and follow her for the rest of the trip.

Austin followed after her and the rest of the kids. She located Zayn at the third aisle from the right with his group of kids. Salma asked the rest of the kids to head to the first aisle on the right and start searching for their favorite toy.

"Weren't we supposed to go from left to right?" a seven year old asked.

"Yeah, we were, but doesn't matter now," Salma said. "Stick together, alright. Laiba, sweetheart, make sure ya'll stay together."


As the kid's raced towards the aisle, Salma called Zayn over. "Austin wants to talk to you."

Patting his back encouragingly, Salma pushed Austin towards Zayn and left to watch over the kids in the other aisle. She kept her eyes glued to the kids going down the aisle, looking at toys, picking one item or the other, but her ears were more focused on Austin as he apologized to Zayn because 'Sally said he was wrong and a Shaitan'. Salma smiled. She had never said that.

A few seconds later, the kid came bouncing towards her. He grabbed her hand.

"Zayn said okay!" He grinned.

"Alright then, let's go."

Austin jumped up and down excitedly. Salma quickly withdrew her hand from his reach to avoid her wrists getting one too many powerful jerks.

"Austin!" Zayn's stern voice carried over. The kid paled as he turned around. Zayn's tone turned softer, "Don't yank at Sally's hands, kid. She's hurt."

Sally? Salma mused. Was that the first time?

Austin turned to Salma with a questioning look. Salma raised her hands covered in wrist braces.

"Are these superhero gloves?" he asked curiously.

Salma laughed, putting a hand on his shoulders as she walked after the other kids.

"No, these are wrist braces," Salma replied. "I hurt my tiny bones here."

"While fighting the bad guys?" Austin's eyes became huge. Salma chuckled at the accuracy of his words.

"I put too much strain on my hands," she replied. "Anyways, come on, select a toy. We'll have to pack them up too before getting ice creams."

The toy selection took quite a while. Some kids were quick to pick their favorite toy, others kept changing it, and yet there was a third group who carried more than one toy, unable to decide. They wanted all of them.

"Moeen, you can either pick the dinosaur or the action figure," Salma said. "You can't buy all of them."

"Buth I wreally like the dinossor, and the Ashkon figule and also, I want this ball," he repeated what he had been saying for the past ten minutes.

"Right," Salma nodded, trying to stay patient. He had been the fifth kid that wanted everything. Perhaps taking the kids to buy toys wasn't such a good idea. "I understand that, but we can't have everything. You don't want to have ice creams later?"

"No," Moeen replied promptly. "I will jusst keep the dinossor, and the Ashkon figule and also the ball."

"Yeah, I believe that." Salma chuckled. He'd be the first in line when they stopped by for ice creams. Also, Salma was sure she would not have the heart to deny any of them ice creams once they reached the parlor. "But this whole trip is about learning to choose what you like the most and being satisfied with not having everything."

The kid blinked at her, still clutching all his toys to his chest. The adult was taking about things his kiddy-kid brain did not want to bother with.

"Not working?" Zayn asked.

"Not so far," Salma muttered back. "Alright Moeen, you're a very smart kid so I know you will understand. I have little money." Salma raised her wallet. "Everyone gets one toy only. We're going to the counter to pay for the toys, and you go back with Zayn to leave two of your toys on the racks. Come back with just one."

"Buth --"

"If you don't want your ice cream, that's fine, I'll eat your share too," Salma replied in all honesty. The kid turned to her bewildered. "But you take only one toy. No more."

"Pick the action figure!" Austin told him. "That's a stupid ball!"

"I want it!" Moeen frowned.

"The action figure is better. Also, the dinosaur is for little kids! Are you a kid?"

Salma bit back a smile as Austin's snide comments made Moeen think for a second. She got up and rallied the kids towards the counter, leaving Moeen with Zayn.

Fifteen minutes later, Salma and the kids were met by an even bigger challenge when she asked them to step forward, one by one, so she could help them wrap the toys and write names of the kids in the hospital they would gift them to, along with the cards.

"But why?!"

"I like my doll!"

"I don't want to give away the Ashkon figure! It's mine!"

"Yeah! It's mine!"

Watching their long faces, teary eyes and toys clutched to their hearts, Salma did not know if she wanted to laugh or cry. She had expected this. It was both amusing and upsetting to watch the kids forget why they had bought the toys in the first place.

"Guys, guys, what did we learn?" Salma called over their protests. "The prophet said to love for others what we love for ourselves. We have to give our brothers the best thing we have."

"I don't have a brother!"

"Yeah! I'm the only brother!"

"I don't like my brother!"

"My brother is too old for toys." Austin shrugged.

"No, no, I mean other humans," Salma corrected herself. "Other people are our brothers and sisters, and if we treat them nice and give them the best gifts we have, Allah loves it!"

"And what do I get?" Austin asked.

"Reward from Allah," Salma replied.

"I don't want it," Austin deadpanned, lying on his back to play with his action figure.

Salma and Zayn avoided looking at each other to stifle the sudden fit of laughter.

"Alright, Austin doesn't want to have reward from Allah. Who wants it?" Salma called over the kids. "The bestest kid is the one who would give their toy to their friend in the hospital and make him or her happy and smile so big!"

No one raised their hands. Salma waited. She glanced at Laiba who seemed to be having an internal battle as she eyed her doll longingly with an adorable frown on her face.

Someone tugged at her leg. Salma looked down to see M.J eyeing her shyly.

"Thish ish for Aiden," he said quietly as he raised his small hand and offered her the red car he had been playing with.

Salma's heart suffered a seizure of emotions as he stared at her innocently with his big brown eyes.

"Aw, M.J!" Salma sat down and engulfed the little bundle of purity in a bear hug. She felt her throat clog. How can such a tiny human being have such a huge heart? She had not expected the four-year old to even understand what was going on. In fact, Salma was going to let it be if the younger ones insisted on keeping their toys.

"Man, you're going to make me cry, champ!" Zayn said.

Chuckling, Salma let the kid go. Zayn was squatting next to them and everyone else was watching him too. The shy kid became visibly uncomfortable with all the attention.

"Give me a high five!" Zayn raised his hand.

M.J glanced at Salma.

"Go on," Salma encouraged softly. The kid inched away from Zayn. "Alright, how about giving him a hug instead?"

M.J. pressed his lips together, then keeping his gaze firmly averted, he raised his hands and took tiny steps towards Zayn.

"Oh man! I feel like such a lucky guy." Zayn chuckled, hugging him back lightly. "Thank you. I'm a fan!"

As Salma smiled at M.J who raced back to her, she saw the other kids eyeing the three of them with much interest. For them, the internal battle had started again. Salma helped M.J pack the gift, strangely aware of some of the other kids eyeing their toys, then them, then the toys and then them again.

Zayn chuckled as Austin marched towards them.

"I don't want it anymore." He threw his action figure towards Salma, just barely missing her head.

"Ow, Austin!" Salma scowled at him.

"Sorry!" he shouted and ran to pick up his toy before Zayn could tell him off. "Can you pack it for Seamus?"

"Would you please pack it up for Seamus?" Salma corrected.

"Yes, that."

Salma held back laughed. This little punk was hilarious.

"No, say it nicely, Austin," Salma replied, as she continued wrapping M.J's car.

The kid kept hopping on one leg. He had too much energy.


"Ouch!" Salma winced.

"Try again, shall we?" Zayn raised a brow at him. "Ask nicely and softly."

Austin huffed.

"So much attitude!" Salma muttered.

"Tell me about it," Zayn replied back. "Their parents need to have a session with Michael."

Salma smiled. Or Michael is just lucky and M.J is a good kid, she thought to herself.

"Would you please pack it up for seamuuuuus?" Austin sang it out, still hopping on one leg.

"Yes of course, Austin!" Salma smiled, accepting the toy.

"Say thank you?" Zayn told the kid.

"Thank you, Salllleeey!" the kid exaggerated with a whisper.

"It's a pleasure!" Salma replied, wrapping the toy.

"High five?"

She looked over just in time to see Austin raising his hand to Zayn expectantly. Salma chuckled. Of course. He was totally taken by Zayn. No wonder he offered his toy.

Zayn chuckled as he high-fived the kid. Austin went back to his spot, skipping with happiness. Soon the rest of the kids followed with their toys.

"I want to give this to Anna Maria." Laiba raised her doll, her big brown eyes swimming with tears.

It seemed that to most of them, appreciation and acknowledgement from the two adults meant a lot more than mere plastic toys. Except for Moeen. He did not want to part with his Ashkon figule. However, the other kids ganged up on him. Salma intervened to protect him from getting bullied but the peer pressure still won. Huffing and grimacing, he asked Salma to wrap his Ashkon figule for Danish.

The trip to the hospital ended up in a lot of smiles and tears for Salma. It was just heartwarming to see the kids give away their hand drawn cards and favorite toys to the sick patients. Even more tear-jerking were the glowing smiles and bright grins on the fragile kids' faces when they unpacked their presents and read their cards. Salma broke down when Aiden's teensy tiny arms wrapped around M.J in a hug. Zayn had to take her aside to compose herself because the kids had gotten scared to see her cry.

The children came out of the hospital being oddly cheerful, and their usually rowdy selves. Even Moeen seemed to have forgotten his beloved 'Ashkon figule'. Maybe they were looking forward to finally having ice creams but Salma hoped they had subconsciously learned that giving away what you liked for other people's smiles would make you happy and content. They were too small to understand what they had done, but the practice was necessary. Salma smiled at the thought, feeling light and happy despite the sickness and misery she had witnessed.

At the ice cream parlor, the giggling and screams of joy continued to make her happier. She and Zayn were almost painted in chocolate, vanilla and strawberry but at least the little monsters were satisfied.

"Guys! We have a surprise for you!" Salma announced as the waiter cleared their table.


"More ice creams?!"



"This!" Salma pulled out the heavy bag she had been carrying and put it on the table.

Curious eyes fell on the bag. Some of the little ones stood on their tippy-toes and craned their neck to get a better view.

"Since you guys were such sweet and strong champions, Allah put it in my heart to reward you."

"Allah's reward?!" Austin's eyes went wide.

"Yeah, but you didn't want it, remember?" Zayn teased.

As Austin turned to her for help, Salma chuckled. Poor kid.

"No, Allah's reward is something special and huge," Salma replied, as the restless kids gathered around her. "This is just a small token of appreciation."

Salma took a packet out.

"Moeen, this is for you." Salma stretched her hand to reach the kid over the heads. "Laiba, this one is for you. M.J --!"

A high pitched scream tore through the parlor.

"What happened?!" Salma and Zayn turned to Moeen, who was gaping at the item in his hands.

"ITH'S THE ASSHHKON FIGULEEE!" he yelled excitedly as he held the toy above his head for all to see.

More gasps and excited squeals followed as the other kids unwrapped their gifts to find their toys. Salma didn't see it coming as the buzzing, screaming kids suddenly charged at her. She fell off of her bench, laughing as they piled on top of her, screaming 'thank you, Sally' and 'I love you Sally'. Apparently, a dogpile was their idea of a collective hug.

"Guys, guys, watch her wrists!" Zayn called over the din.

Salma straightened into a sitting position, hugging each of the rug rats properly as they came back, one by one.

"You're the man!" Austin patted her back.

"Thally's is a girll!" Moeen giggle at his friend.

"That's a nice look." Zayn grinned at her.

Salma followed his gaze to her lap and groaned. A small cup of neopolitan ice cream was lying inverted in her lap. Someone had knocked the cup over during the dogpile.

"I'll take them to the bus, you can clean that up."

"Yeah, thanks." Salma muttered.

Salma got to her feet and raced towards the bathrooms when she knocked into someone hurrying in the opposite direction. She staggered back but maintained her balance just in time.

"I'm sorry. I --"

Her voice dried down in her throat. The man was quick to wrap the scarf back over his face but Salma had seen the sharp features and the piercing eyes. Shivers raked her spine as she stood rooted to the spot.


Walk! A voice in her head told her. Carry on! Walk away!

Eyeing the receding figure, Salma forced her stiff legs to move towards the bathrooms. She was tempted to take a look over her shoulder but if he had not seen her, she did not want to confirm his suspicion. However, who was she kidding?

As she entered the bathroom, she saw his reflection in the glass door turn and throw her a cautious look over his shoulder. Salma knew he was there to keep an eye on her and Allah knows what else he had planned.

A sharp knock on the bathroom door startled her. Wringing her abaya to remove the access water, Salma took in a few deep breaths. Should she prepare for a fight, or a flight?

Call for help! The sane voice in her head suggested.

Salma dried her hands and whipped her phone out.

The door was pushed opened. On instinct, Salma dived towards one of the cubicles.

Author's Note:

Yikes! As always, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!!" We got murderers on the loose in the bathrooms!😱😱😱 God save the kids!😶

Hope you liked the chapter☺️. Vote, comment and share. All tiers on Patreon have been updated. Swing by the page and thank you for your support❤️.

See you soon

Lots of Love


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