Destitute {the hobbit/Kili Du...

By fuxklikeasl1t

29.9K 724 31

destitute ~ The feeling of lacking something and incapable of feeling said thing. ~ You can't run away from... More

Cast List One


927 29 0
By fuxklikeasl1t

I DO NOT own the hobbit, the characters or their stories. I only own my OC character Nikoleva and her story


The company moved at a slightly slower speed as they waited for the hooded women to return from the scout. Bilbo had started to complain about his allergies when he started sneezing and was given a handkerchief  by Bofur. 

"There's nothing ahead, though I found a shorter path in the direction we are heading. I advise, master dwarf that we take it" Nikoleva appeared in front of them. 

"Very well. Move on!" 

"You'll have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end. You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is now behind you; the world is ahead." Gandalf spoke to Bilbo as they moved on. 

The company travelled along the hills, through small and large forests, across vast grasslands and over grass topped mountains. Though wherever they went, a raven followed them and it was not the normal kind. No, this raven had blood-red eyes and a circlet of gold on its head. 

The group paid no mind to it as they did not notice, but Nikoleva did and she kept her hand on the hilt of one of her swords since. 

"I didn't introduce myself before. My names Kili, Kili Durin." A voice called as the brunette dwarf came next to her. He had a grin set on his face as he turned her head slightly to look at him. 

"Nikoleva" She replied before turning her attention to in front of her. 

"What? No last name?" He asked before she stiffened "Sorry... Can I ask a question, my lady?" 

"You just did" She let out a chuckle as the company entered yet another forest. 

"Well, in mister Boggins' home you said you were an executioner? I have only ever heard of one and you don't seem the type" He was slightly rude as he said this as she turned to him with a scoff. "What I mean to say is, is well. Why do you conceal your identity?" 

"There are many reasons, one is that I don't want to put a target on anyone's back" She answered and it was true. Nikoleva was heartless and driven by rage, but she felt a deep need to help the company. As she knew that if the dwarves did not reach the mountain in time, the enemy would. 


The company took camp on a cliff's edge as the sun began to set. There was a clear view of the valley below. Most of the dwarves began to sleep on the rocky canvas. 

Nikoleva looked out to the valley's beyond as a loud screech filled the air, causing her to tense and grip her sword. The dwarves grew quiet. 

"What was that?" Bilbo asked his eyes wide with fear. 

"Orcs" Nikoleva and Kili answered at the same time. 


Thorin, who had been leaning against the rocks, quickly got to his feet and scanned the valley.

"Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there" Fili pointed out. "The lowlands are crawling with them".

"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep" Kili chimed in. "Quick and quiet. No screams, just lots of blood," The hobbit turned to look out over the cliff as the two brothers started to chuckle amongst themselves under their breath.

"You think that's funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" Thorin asked as he looked at them with a glare. "You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" 

"We didn't mean anything by it" Kili muttered ashamed for what he and his brother had done. 

"No you didn't" Thorin spat. "You know nothing of the world" The brothers hung their heads in shame as Thorin walked towards the edge of the cliff. His arms were folded as he looked out into the distance. 

"Don't mind him, laddie" Balin spoke up, grabbing the attention of Fili, Kili and Bilbo. "Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs" 

Nikoleva glanced at the dwarven king, then to the group before pulling out her pipe and lighting it. She looked out to the distance as Balin continued. 

"After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got there first. Moria had been taken by legions of Orcs lead by the most vile of all their race: Azog, the Defiler. The giant Gundabad Orc had sworn to wipe out the line of Durin. He began by beheading the King. Thrain, Thorin's father, was driven mad by grief. He went missing, taken prisoner or killed, we did not know. We were leaderless. Defeat and death were upon us. He stood alone against this terrible foe, his armour rent...wielding nothing but an oaken branch as a shield. Azog, the Defiler, learned that day that the line of Durin would not be so easily broken." 

The white haired dwarf paused before he continued. "Our forces rallied and drove the orcs back. Our enemy had been defeated. But there was no feast, no song, that night, for our dead were beyond the count of grief. We few had survived. And I thought to myself then, there is one who I could follow. There is one I could call King" 

While he said his last few words, the dwarves began to waken and stand up as Thorin turned around. They looked at him in adoration and loyalty and for that he was grateful. 

"And the pale orc?" Bilbo asked. "What happened to him?" 

"He slunk back into the hole he whence came" Thorin answered, anger and grief lacing his voice. "That filth died of his wounds long ago" He moved back to where he was previously resting and looked at his companions. "Get some rest, we have a long road ahead of us" 

The dwarves listen to their king as they dozed off back to sleep. Nikoleva was wide awake as she suddenly stood up, alarmed, as she looked out to the distance. 

"Send word to the Master. We have found the Dwarf-scum." She had heard an orc speak from the other side of the valley. She tensed slightly as she recognized the voice. Yazneg. One of the pale orcs commanders. 

"I told you, they are not safe here" She hissed quietly knowing that Gandalf was awake and now standing behind her. "I should have killed him long ago"

"And you would have if he did not stop you" 

"Nikolai had nothing to do with this, this is someone else" She knew exactly who it was and didn't want to say as the dwarves were just laying a few feet away from them. 

"What do you know?" The wizard raised an eyebrow in suspicion as she turned to walk away from him. "What do you know?" He repeated keeping a grip on her arm. 

"My secrets and knowledge are mine to keep" She pushed his hand of her arm and equalled her voice to his. To match his powerful tone, but lower and quieter. "I suggest you remember your place, Gandalf the Grey. If you assume you know who I am, you will do well not to question me again" 

She stalked away towards her horse, which was stationed next to a tall tree. She climbed it and sat herself on one of the branches. Gandalf, sighing, went back to his original place. 


The next morning, the company ventured down from the cliff's edge and started journeying through a forest. Kili was stealing glances at the cloaked women as they rode through the rain. Some of the company did not have hoods, Bilbo being one of them, and started to grow miserable. 

"Here. Mr Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?" Nori called looking at the wizard as rain poured down his face. 

"It is raining, Master Dwarf" Gandalf answered. "And it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard"

"Are there any?" Bilbo asked. 


"Other wizards" 

The wizard looked to Nikoleva before clearing his throat. "There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman, the White. Then there are the two Blue Wizards; you know, I've quite forgotten their names"

"And who is the fifth?" 

"Well, that would be Radagast the Brown" 

"Is he a great wizard or is he more like you?" Bilbo asked confidently, getting a snort of Nikoleva who instantly cleared her throat. A number of dwarves also began to chuckly though they tried to disguise it as a sneeze or cough. 

Gandalf huffed in offence before answering. "I think he's a very great wizard, in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forest lands to the East, and a good thing too, for always Evil will look to find a foothold in this world" 

Soon the company stopped before a stream as they took a break from almost a day's riding. The rain had subsided, leaving them in drenched and heavy clothing. The dwarves began to take off their cloaks and ring them out in the river. 

"Where do we go now? I can't see a pathway around it" Dwalin asked Thorin as he finished ringing out the water from his cloak. 

"Look around, there will be a way somewhere" He replied as some of the dwarves whose cloaks were somewhat dry began to look. Nikoleva let out an amused chuckle as she watched them struggle to find a way across it. 

"Here! There's a bridge!" Kili called out to them as they made thier way over to it. He stood in front of an unstable stone structure which had large cracks and no barring on the sides. "It looks... Safe enough" He told them as he went to cross it. 

"Kili, no" Thorin warned him as he watched his nephew step onto the cobbled stone. 

"Its fine, perfectly safe" He began to walk across it and spoke to soon when the stone cracked beneath him. "What?... Argh!" The stone gave way beneath him letting him fall into the river. 


"Get him!" 

"Hold on!" The company were quick to help him as he twisted and turned in the water due to the uncontrolled rapids. 

"For the love of Mordor" Nikoleva mumbled under her breath as she mounted off her horse and ran along the riverside. She was faster than the dwarves. She leaped onto a branch that was stretched along the river and knelt down on her stomach, reaching out her hand to the incoming dwarf.  "Grab my hand! Quick!" She moved closer to the water top as he neared her. Grunting as he let his hand slip into hers. 

She pulled him onto the log with ease as the company reached them in time to see him on his back. 



Thorin and Fili pulled him off the log and brought him into a hug. "That was the most foolish thing you have ever done, Kili" Thorin told him as he let go of him. 

"Don't ever do that again" Fili warned his brother. 

"My lady?" Bilbo caught the attention of Thorin as he looked to see Nikoleva walk up to them as she stepped down from the log. "That was a remarkable save" 

She stayed silent as she walked past them when Kili caught her arm. He was still breathing heavily as he spoke. "Thank you, I don't know how I can repay you" 

"You don't. Like your uncle said it was a foolish thing to do" She relieved herself of his grip and grabbed the reins of her horse. "The path is this way. Hurry, if you want to reach it by nightfall" 

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