Intimate || Les Twins

By CrownMeLiar

35.5K 1.3K 390

Every intimacy carries secreted somewhere below its initial lovely surfaces, the ever-coiled makings of compl... More

1. LIV
2. Decisions
3. Closer
4. Arrival
6. His Eyes
7. Shots!
8. Her Lies
9. Promises: Part 1
10. Promises: Part 2
11. Catch Me I'm Falling
12. Blackout
13. Toujours
14. Take Your Medicine
15. Resentment
16. Sexual Frustration
17. On One Knee
18. To Be or Not To Be
19. Wish Granted
20. Tired of Crying: Part 1
21. Tired of Crying: Part 2
22. Emotions
23. Tell Me A Secret
24. Sooner or Later
25. Mon BĂŠbĂŠ
26. Small Changes
27. His Happiness
28. Unveiled At Last
29. Too Many Games
30. Enfant De L'amour
31. My Baby
32. Back To Normal
33. Woman Of His Dreams
34. No Mistakes
35. Pick & Choose
36. Through Bad Times
37. Welcome Home
38. Cold Feet
39. Mysteries Unfolded
40. New Additions
41. Inprisonment?
42. Awakening
Thank You

5. I Feel It

1.2K 40 5
By CrownMeLiar

A/N: Uhm.. This chapter is kinda "graphic"(i guess you can say) at the end. Also, theres something in the media. A song by Luke James called "Love Chile", you should check it out (It goes well with the end of the chapter). 

chapter is un-edited, will be fixed soon. 



The group of four were on their way back to the hotel from their night on the town after spending hours at AdventureDome then going to the movies and ending the night with some food and to relax back in Laurent and Aaliyah's suite. Larry wanted to be a little wild that night, coming up with all types of crazy things that they could all do.

"Yeah.. No. I'm not feeling that one, Larry." Aaliyah said laughing as she drove.

Larry rolled his eyes. "Fine. But I want to drink cause my birthday tomorrow." He said in response. Laurent looked at him like he was crazy. "What?"

"You said you not going to drink ever again. You liar!" Laurent said glaring at his brother.

Larry avoided turning around in the front seat to face his brothers glare. "Okay but I'm grown I can drink whenever, if I want to."

"Whatever. I'm not take care of you when you get drunk... But I love you."

Larry turned to his brother. "You don't love me. You never show you love me!" He hissed.

Aaliyah slapped him in the arm then put her hand back on the steering wheel.

"He don't! He mean to me all the time!" Larry explained to her. He rubbed his arm. "Ouch!" Aaliyah shook her head.

"No it's the other way around. You never show that you love him." Shakel said from the backseat.

"Thank you!" Laurent said looking at her in agreement.

"Well Larry, do you want to pick up something from the store?" Aaliyah asked looking at him as the car came to a stoplight.


Aaliyah drove to the nearest Walmart and parked. Larry stayed in his seat and everyone looked at him.

"Uh.. Are you gonna go in?" She asked.

"Huh? I don't have my I.D and it's my birthday so you should get it for me.. Please?" Larry said giving her a cheeky smile. "I love you..?" He said hoping she'd say yes.

"Really Larry?" Laurent said glaring at his brother again.

"Really Lau? Shut up." Larry said waving his brother away.

"I can't." Aaliyah replied.

"Why not?" Larry asked.

"Uuhhhhh.." She hesitated. "I don't have my I.D either."

"You do, I seen it in you wallet." Lau chimed in.

"Shut up Lau!" Aaliyah said side eyeing him.

Larry looked down at Aaliyah's seat to find her wallet in her lap. He snatched it and began to open it, before he could locate her I.D she snatched it back and slapped Larry in the arm for grabbing her stuff. "Excuse the fuck out of me. Don't grab my wallet like that."

"Calm down! I won't." Larry said wide eyed. "Ouch!" He rubbed his arm. "Lau, your girl is abusive."

Laurent shrugged. "I would slap you too."

"Lau go get your brother his alcohol." Shakel laughed.

"I don't have I.D on me."

"Well Shakel I guess you're gonna have to go buy your man his alcohol." Aaliyah said looking at her friend.

"I wouldn't have to if only you were ol-"

Aaliyah cut Shakel's statement short. "Get the fuck out of the car and go get the damn alcohol." She gave her friend the death glare.

"Mhm.. Okay." Shakel grabbed her wallet and got out of the car.

Aaliyah sighed and leaned against her window and looked at her phone. Larry looked at her confused and Lau, of course, questioned what was wrong with her.

"What's wrong?" He asked from the back seat.

"Nothing. I'm tired." She responded shortly.

"Larry switch me seats."

"No, you always in front. Let me sit in front for once!" Larry protested.

"You can have it back I just wanna be right there so I can talk to her." He explained to his stubborn brother.

Larry crossed his arms. "No."

"Vous êtes me casser les couilles.. (You're breaking my balls..)" Lau sighed in annoyance. "Fine." He got out of the car and opened Aaliyah's door. "Come on. Come talk to me."

She looked at him and sighed. "Fine." She took off her seatbelt and got out of the car. Lau closed the door behind her and they talked outside.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked grabbing her hips.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." She said with her arms crossed over her chest.

He raised an eyebrow. "You lie.. Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm not lying. I'm really just tired."

"Tired of what? I know you not sleepy tired, because you really funny when you sleepy."

She laughed. "I'm fine Laundromat. I just want to relax."

"Oh-.. Laundromat?"

"I told you I was gonna give you a nickname. But it's going to change often." She smiled. Laurent shook his head and kissed her. They both got back in the car and Aaliyah's phone started ringing. It was Shakel.

"Yeah?" She answered putting the phone on speaker.

"Can you ask Larry what he wants? Cause this knock ass nigga didn't tell nobody what he wanted to drink!" She said as standing in front of the wide selection of alcohol.

"Knock ass nigga?" Larry questioned. "Lau, what the fuck is that?" He turned to his brother.

"I don't know." Lau shrugged.

"No really, what the fuck is that?" He pressed on.

"I don't know! Damn nigga, how many times I gotta tell you?"

"You know you know more english than me." Larry said pointing at his brother in a scolding way.

"Nigga, what?!" Lau looked at his brother in disbelief.

Larry stared at his brother for a moment. "See he just gonna try and lie and act like he doesn't know.."

Shakel was still on the phone and Aaliyah and her were laughing at the twins argument. "Really though what do you want to drink?" Aaliyah asked.

"I don't know.. Something light and sweet?" Larry said not too sure. "Yeah, something light and sweet."

"Yupp, I'm getting some wine coolers then." Shakel said. "Alright I'll be there in a minute."

About 5 minutes later, Shakel came out of the store with a case of wine coolers. She got in the car and seemed to be out of breath.

"What did you do? A beer run?" Aaliyah asked looking at Shakel confused.

"Nah, it was some stairs over there.." Shakel answered breathing hard.

"Yo out of shape ass!" Aaliyah laughed and started the car and drove them back to the hotel.

"Shakel, what was that you call me? Knock ass nigga? What is that?" Larry turned asking Shakel.

"Huh? Nothing." She said avoiding eye contact with him.

They got back to the hotel a few minutes later and decided to go into Aaliyah and Lau's suite. Not long after they got in there, larry cracked open one of the wine coolers and tasted it. "I like this." He said sitting on the couch. Lau put on some music and the group just had fun and danced around making a little party of the four of them. Shakel and Aaliyah decided to have a wine cooler simply because it tasted like soda. Lau was very skeptical about it. He had never drank before and didn't plan on trying but his brother somehow talked him into it.

"What do you think?" Shakel asked Lau.

Laurent took a sip of the drink. "Mm.. It's alright. I can drink these.. I'll never try hard liquor though."

"That's exactly what I said." Aaliyah agreed.

Shakel laughed. "Or maybe it's because you can't b-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Aaliyah said slapping Shakel in the face.

Shakel was shocked. "Did you just.." She felt her face.

"Yes. Yes I fucking did." Aaliyah said then walked away and went to the balcony. Lau and Larry stood there in shock. The sound of Aaliyah's hand contact with Shakel's face kept replaying in their heads.

"Okay, maybe I should stop playing with her." Shakel said sitting on the couch and rolling her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Larry and Lau asked at the same time. Larry sounding a little slow because he happened to be on his third wine cooler.

"I'm fine, usually she'd punch me." She laughed. "I'm okay guys, really."

Lau walked about to the balcony and stood next to Aaliyah. "Why you slap Kel like that?"

"She knows why. Leave me alone about it." She replied without looking at him. She turned around and walked back into the room and passed Shakel and Larry, into the bathroom. "Sorry Shark." She said then closed the door. Shakel nodded.

A minute later Aaliyah came out of the bathroom and Lau walked inside the room and started a conversation with Shakel. Larry on the other hand was laying his head on Shakel's shoulder and appeared to be sleepy but he wasn't. Every 10 seconds he would put his hand on Shakel's breast, interrupting her and Laurent's conversation.

"My brother is crazy when he's drunk." Laurent warned.

"I see." She shook her head.

Aaliyah was sitting on the bed under the blanket on her phone, away from the others. Larry's attempts to feel on Shakel didn't stop so she just decided to go back to their room and go to sleep since Larry was drunk and made no sense of whatever he was saying when he would talk. Since they had to work the night it was good that he went to sleep anyways. Once they left Lau decided to take a shower and go to sleep. Aaliyah stayed in her same spot until he got out of the shower.

"Happy birthday!" Aaliyah said jumping on Laurent's back as he walked out of the bathroom.

It was exactly 12am on December 6th. He smiled and said thank you. He was happy but at the same time he was upset. Usually he acted like a little puppy who couldn't sit still and didn't want to listen to its owner but at that moment he was mellow. She slid off of his back and stepped in front of him.

"Why are you so stale?" She said poking his chest.

"Huh?" He didn't understand the slang she used.

"You're being dry.."

He still didn't understand. "Dry?" He questioned.

"You're not happy or excited."

Now he understood. "Ah!" He sighed deeply. "Yeah, is cause it's my last day with you."

Aaliyah could tell that he was a little upset by that. After the show later that night he'd be on his way to another state then beyond that for the tour. She hugged him then looked up at him. "Awh, I know but you'll see me again soon."

He stared into her eyes. Her voice was relaxing. "Yes, because we have break before next leg. I want to spend my time with you." He said holding her hands. She smiled and gave him a kiss. "I love your kiss." He smiled.

"I love your face." She said and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I hate wearing jeans, but they make my booty look so right." She sighed as she walked to her bag to get some pajamas. When she found the ones she wanted she stood up and took her jeans off. Laurent, who was still standing near the bathroom, looked at her curves mesmerized.

"Why you don't sleep like that, baby?" He asked walking closer to her.

"In my... I don't know."

"Sleep like that right now then."

She looked at him like he was crazy, but she thought about it. Did she really want to take that chance. She held the pajama shorts in her hand and looked at them.

"For me? It's my birthday." He smirked and raised his eyebrows.

"Fine.." She put the shorts back in her bag.

"You take shirt off too." He added.

She gave him the side eye. "Why not just ask me to be naked? Damn." She said sarcastically speaking.
He opened his mouth to say something after that idea went through his head. Before he could say anything, she cut him off. "No, we're not going there." She took her shirt off which revealed that her bra and panties matched. Black lace with a light blue trim.

"That looks so sexy on you." He said scanning her body up and down. "When did you get tattoos?" He noticed her small tattoo on her rib cage, the tattoo on her hip and the tattoo right under her collarbone.

"When I was like 17." She answered as she got in the bed. He turned the light off and got in next to her. He pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her. His hand rested on her hip and she just laid there relaxed. He tapped his fingers on the inked part of her body until he got a little adventurous. Like he just couldn't resist doing it, he squeezed her ass. She buried her face into his chest and squirmed a little bit. She knew he was going to do it but not so soon. He did it again and this time she said something to him.
"Stoooop." She whined.

"I know you like it." He answered.

She had her leg draped across his waist, which gave him so much more to feel on. He held onto that leg as he leaned on top of her and started kissing her. The kisses were passionate and long. It didn't take long for him to be completely on top of her. His hands began to roam her body freely. He moved his kisses from her lips down to her neck. He planted kisses and nibbled on her neck sending chills down her spine. She fought back all of the moans that wanted to escape. Lau was just waiting. Waiting to hear her moan because that's what he wanted so badly to hear. He slipped his hand into her lace panties and rubbed her core. When her breathing quickened he knew he wasn't far from getting what he wanted. He stuck two fingers into her already wet center. It took her overboard she couldn't help but let one big moan slip and that turned him on even more. He started fingering her faster which made her moan more and more. Her moans were like music to his ears.

"Lau I-I'm.." She struggled to say through her shallow breathing. He took his fingers out and quickly removed her panties then stripped his sweatpants and briefs. Aaliyah took that short moment to get a look at what he had never shown her. Her eyes widened at his size and he chuckled.
"I'll go slow." He said as he positioned himself at her entrance. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for what was coming next. He slid himself in inch by inch until he was fully inside her. She bit her lip and looked up at him. His eyes were low and full of lust while his facial expression read pure ecstasy. He held on to her waist as he thrusted in and out of her. It didn't take long for the room to be filled with love making moans and groans. Aaliyah clung to Laurent when she felt her climax coming. "Oh my god.. Lau!" She screamed. Her nails dug into his back giving him multiple scratches in different areas. The mixture of pain and bliss took him to his peak, meaning they both got their release at the same time. He rested on top of her until he could control his breathing. Moments later he wrapped the blanket around them and he held her tight from behind resulting in her falling asleep almost instantly.

"Happy birthday to me." He thought to himself with a smile on his face and dozed off. 

Hello again beautiful readers, I just wanted to say thank you for reading. I'm pretty sure a lot of you still dont understand the plot of this story.. I kinda dont myself lol. But I can honestly say it all unravels near the end of the book. That's when you'll start to understand the story completely. I'm sorry my writing is so shitty right now lol.  But really, thank you so much for reading. Please vote, comment and share, if you enjoy it. I don't know if any of you have checked out one of my other stories but, ha, they're there. (: Oh yeah, I'll probably be changing the name of this story soon, maybe.. not sure yet. xo

Thank you bye *Larry voice* 

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