We are Different & Weird| BTS...

By Shippedfanfictions

39.6K 1.9K 552

"Namjoon is weird." is the common phrase in his college. But Namjoon never mind it.. He was just happy to... More

28 (18+)


920 43 10
By Shippedfanfictions

In the Hospital

If one could ask who is most unlucky, Kim Namjoon will definitely say it was him.


First he is currently being held in the hospital despite his constant struggle and reassurance that he is fine now, he was brought here by the other 'subjects' and jungkook. Its been 2 days and the doctors are still not letting him leave. Namjoon is 100% sure of Jungkook's involvement in this. The guy haven't left his side apart from bathroom breaks.

Second he is supporting burns all over his hands and back. His skin looking like a fried shrimp, its nothing serious.. just some minor burns but Jungkook keeps looking at him like he is not his Hyung but his lover who just came back from dead. .

Third and most important.. he had lost all of his stuff in the fire.. Kim Namjoon doesn't care about many things in his life.. but there are some things he treasure from his heart.. and they are his BOOKS
His books have been charred and he is devastated.. he bought those books from his savings. They were his prized possession.

And the worst thing is.. he can't even complain about it. How could he whine for some books when jungkook's whole house burned down. Isn't it selfish of him?

and he is bored to death in this place..
he don't have his books anymore..

Its not the first time Namjoon's thoughts have been revovling like endless cycle in his head. He is injured, he is sad, people keep forcing him to take meds and he is bored. It was natural for him to keep thinking about everything and anything. He always does. Its a habit he picked up over the years.. Sometimes when Dr. John gives him trouble and he can't say it out loud.. he will just do the entire monologue in his head and feel satisfied.

"Hyung! you are up... Iet me heat up your soup" Jungkook just woke up, he fall asleep near his bed.. his head resting near Namjoon's hand.. He woke up just now.. Namjoon was up from last an hour but he didn't make any sound so that he doesn't disturb Jungkook.. it was the first time he have seen him sleeping in last 2 days.. His hairs are dishelved, there are dark circles under his eyes... he looks tired and worned out.. his eyes red.. Namjoon is sure he fall asleep while crying.

"You should sleep, I can do that.. " Namjoon tried to get up.. he is been lying on his stomach half naked because of his burns, its not that he can't wear clothes.. its just that its itchy.

Jungkook rushed to help him.. "No, you just sit.. let me do it" Jungkook said sternly, he helped him sit up.. Namjoon wanted to point out that he really doesn't need help in sitting up... but.. he let it go.. he know jungkook feels guilty for his burns but really 'its nothing.. 'HE IS FINE' Namjoon repeated for the 100th time in his head.. but sighed and gave up.

"Where are other subjects?" Namjoon enquired while Jungkook heated his soup for him.

"At Seokjin-ssi's place.. its not big but they are adjusting.. it will atleast take couple of more weeks before we can repair the damages.. i offered them my other apartment but they refused.. i think they are afraid that they might set it on fire too" Jungkook laughed as he told Namjoon about everyone.. he was in good mood now that Namjoon is up.

"You have other place too?" Namjoon asked astonished.

"I have many places" Jungkook replied with a expression that says 'is there was even a question?' He put Namjoon's soup infront of him and scooped a spoonful and started blowing on it..

"What did the people say? how did fire started?"

"Well... its from common bathroom.. they think someone left the burning candle in there." Jungkook told him while feeding him the soup.. clearly a wrong choice.. because he choked on it and started coughing..

"No way!" he exclaimed.. Namjoon can't believe it was because of this dumb reason. "Who is that dumb? Did you ask them?" Namjoon asked in between his coughs.. still trying to get his breathing in control.

"I didn't told anyone.. there is no need.. they all are already feeling guilty.. you know its hardly a week since we got everyone together, i don't want to complicate things between us.. and eat carefully"

"But your house" namjoon almost whispered..'and my books' he added in his head.. he can't take it.. if he ever found out who was it.. Jungkook fed him another spoon to stop him from speaking further.

"leave it.. we still need them for our plan"

"who knows how many things they will burn down till then" namjoon snorted but he kept gulping all the soup jungkook was feeding him.. he was hungry.

"i have money" Jungkook reassured

"Sugar Daddy" Namjoon teased him, stucking his tongue out while winking at him.
When Jungkook heard his remark he sucked in breath so quickly that now he was coughing..
He didn't expect that Jungkook will have such a huge reaction..

"Don't say that again" he coughed hard.

"What? Daddy?" Namjoon asked in his low deep but innocent tone.. he is having fun seeing jungkook getting all flustered. 'Ah! I was bored to death.. '

Jungkook turned pink, its hard to say if it was because of embarrassment or just too much coughing.

"You done?" Jungkook asked in stern voice.

"What Sugar Daddy is getting angry?" Namjoon pouted.. he knew he shouldn't push it.. but Namjoon was having fun.

"Call me Daddy once more and i will teach you what it really means to be my sugar baby" Jungkook dared Namjoon.

Namjoon bit his lip in contemplation..that whether or not should he risk calling him again.. but he decided not to.

"You are no fun.. i was just teasing you. I don't swing that way" huffed namjoon as he kept eating his soup by himself.

"But i do.. you are naked from past 2 days.. You can't wink and call me daddy in that tone and expect me to keep myself calm.. and don't even start me on that piercing..." Jungkook said in almost frustrated tone.

Namjoon laughed out loud at the younger's confession.

"I didn't knew it was such a torture to see my chest"

"Its a treat to eye.. i have never seen a man's chest as attractive as yours.. such perfection. Torture is that i can't touch it.. " Jungkook replied truthfully.

"Well thank you for praising my chest.. " he said in a low voice.. Namjoon couldn't help but blush at jungkook's honest confeession.

"When did you get this piercing?" Jungkook asked in a whispered tone... his hand hovering over namjoon's left nipple which was pierced.

"A year ago.. Jackson took me to the carnival.. we had a bet that whoever drink more will be the winner... loser had to get his nipple pierced. He lost.. but somehow i end up getting pierced" Namjoon chuckled.. reliving some handful of his good memories.
He wished he never knew that Dr. John was alive.. he miss that sense of freedom.. now he always feels like he is trapped in an invisible cage where no happiness and carefree attitude can ever enter..

He miss his friend.. Jackson was right.. he should have enjoyed everything about life instead of keep studying everyday.. now he can't even go to the park alone as he always feels someone is watching him.

Not knowing when Namjoon's eyes welled up.. Jungkook standing beside him felt a pang of hurt when he saw that look on his face, 'He is remembering Jackson..and he is so happy' jungkook didn't like this thought.

Who could tell him that its not Jackson that Namjoon was missing with such fond expression on his face.. it was his freedom.

Jungkook was watching Namjoon while Namjoon was lost in his thoughts, without them realising the space between them got very small.. their faces just inches apart.. right at that moment there was a knock on the door getting them out of their daze..
Namjoon looked at jungkook and realised their closeness first.. jungkook did too..
He pulled himself back and stood up.. clearing his throat.

"Must be the guys.. they all wanted to meet you" informed jungkook.

"Come in" Jungkook called out.

The door opened revealing Seokjin followed by Jimin who was holding Hobi's hand and lastly Taehyung.

"How you feeling?" Jin asked in soft voice.

"Good.. ready to go home anyday" Namjoon smiled and passed jungkook a look.. which younger avoided skilfully afterall he is the one who is not letting him get discharge.

"I brought you prawn soup, i made it.. its very nutritious" Jin said smiling as he put the soup at the table nearby.

"Umm.. thanks.. i troubled you" namjoon bowed a little. A awkward smile on his face. He doesn't know how to behave in such situations.

"I brought you books, Jungkook told me you were bored" Hobi said smiling as he handed Namjoon his books.. this time Namjoon was really smiling brightly.

"Ahh its the Tian Guan Ci Fu in print version" Namjoon's eyes lit up.

"Thank you so much" Namjoon squealed like a child.. it was the first time other guys seeing him act cute.

"Wow.. i didn't know you act cute when gifted books or i would have done that long ago" winked Jimin while he handed juice carton to Jungkook and continuing, "Drink healthy, and get better quickly.. and.. " he hesitated

"Thanks for saving me that day" he mumbled after few seconds.

"I will accept your thanks when you tell promise me to not do drugs from now on"
Namjoon said seriously, his smile gone.

"How do you-" Jimin was shocked.

"I didn't notice right away because everything happened so quickly but in these two days i had enough time to think things through, i may not know many things but still i can see the symptoms of drug consumption on you, you had bloodshot blown up eyes, you were out of your mind.. no matter how drunk someone is, in situation like fire and all that commotion they can still sober up but you were still sleeping when i walked into your room, i just hope that you can take care of yourself... I can see you are not an addict yet.. there are no withdrawal symptoms on you, and it was the only time you were high ever since i met you... I don't want a liability on our side which can effect our future plans.. I hope you will think about that Jimin-ssi" Namjoon kept talking without break, every line giving Jimin shock while others just keep looking from Jimin to Namjoon. It was clear no one else noticed this problem.

"It wasn't my choice.. i didn't knew someone drugged me until i got sober next day." Jimin said after a while..

"Who drugged you?" it was Hobi who asked, worry written all over his face. .

"I don't know, someone in the club where i was attending a client, it was just 2 hours appointment and then i thought to have a drink before leaving.. all i know is when i woke up i was in an empty alley naked.. my clothes were on the road and ofcourse i can tell i was fucked.. my guess is there werea two to three guys.. i have some blurred flashes.. but i can't makeout the details.. I got dressed.. found a cab and somehow ended up back home.. i don't even know what drug it was" Jimin told the whole story..

It was hard to say what was worse, that Jimin got drugged and raped or the matter of fact tone he was using while telling everything.. like it was not the first time he encountered something like this.

"You don't need to work from today on Jimin-ssi, I am sorry i got distracted with everything and didn't work on your case..Keep Hyung company until i am back" Jungkook told Jimin in serious voice and he left the room without looking at anyone else.

"What's he gonna do?" Jin asked looking at the door where Jungkook disappeared.

"Don't worry, that kid is more resourceful than us.. he knows how to handle such things" Namjoon reassured everyone.. he was feeling guilty for blaming Jimin.

"I am sorry Jimin-ssi" Namjoon really meant it.

"Its okay, i didn't knew anyone will notice that's why i didn't tell anyone.. who knew you are such a smart ass.. " Jimin chuckled as make himself comfortable on couch.. tugging hobi to sit beside him.

"I didn't bring anything.. i don't know what humans like.. but if you need to take sponge bath i cam help you.. it must not be that different than bathing animals" Taehyung said with resolute face.

"No thanks" Namjoon declined and everyone started laughing making the mood light again.

"Taetae if you want to give someone sponge bath.. try Jin hyung.. he loves taking long baths" Hobi chuckled.

"Tae don't listen to them, they are fools" Jin blushed and tapped his side making place for taehyung.

"If you want it, just tell me.. next time when i give Tom&Jerry bath, i can give you too" Taehyung said in serious tone making everyone laugh gain.. Jimin fall from the couch from laughing.. while Hobi clapped hard as he was clutching his stomach..
Namjoon laughed but he found it painful to laugh hard so he stopped..
Jin was furious and blushing at a same time.. his face red.

In Namjoon's eye, the distance between these strangers were finally getting shorter.

'I don't think Jungkook mind burning one more of his house down if they all can come close like that.' Namjoon sighed, he was getting drowsy again... While looking at everyone's laughing and smiling faces as Hobi was animatedly telling some story, Namjoon fall asleep.

'Its not bad to have company of these weirdos' was Namjoon's last thoughts before he lost himself in dreams.

He dreamt if house full laughter and chaos.
For a change, Namjoon didn't have a nightmare today.


There are mentions of Non-consensual sex, and drug use.. please don't think i don't know seriousness of these issues because i hust threw it in there without any major reactions from characters, but i have to remind you.. this not a book where things are perfect.. its a messed up book for messed up characters.
They all have suffered throughout their childhoods.. so its really different for them.

I pointed this out because i got a text from some people telling me that i am psycho for mentioning things like these in such casual manner.

If you dont wanna read my book, I its fine by me.. i can understand everyone have different tastes.. i already gave out warning that its not a pretty love story.

If you really read my other works you will know that i am a person who really emphasize healthy relationships witg ample amount of fluff and sweet moments.. this is the reason i am writing this story in a darker tone.

And believe me.. its only a start.. it gonna get more fucked upas it goes on..

So thank you if you read my rant up until here.
I will try to post more frequently
Love you all

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