Pearl Rising

By Chrissyvellis

68.5K 10.5K 4.2K

Book Two takes us on quite a different ride. Two years on from Gifted, Pearl and Sylar are asked to help The... More

Authors Note
Fables and Truths...
One - Pearl
Two - Pearl
Three - Wolf
Four - Wolf
Five - Pearl
Six - Pearl
Seven - Wolf
Eight - Pearl
Nine - Pearl
Ten - Wolf
~ ~ Interlude ~ ~
Twelve - Willa
Thirteen - Pearl
Fourteen - Pearl
Fifteen - Sylar
Sixteen - Pearl
Seventeen - Willa
Eighteen - Sylar
Nineteen - Wolf / Cassius
Twenty - Pearl
Twenty One - Pearl
Twenty Two - Cassius / Wolf
Twenty Three - Pearl
Twenty Four - Willa
Twenty Five - Sylar
Twenty Six - Pearl
Twenty Seven - Cassius
Twenty Eight - Willa
Twenty Nine - Sylar
Thirty - Cassius
Thirty One - Sylar
Thirty Two - Pearl
Thirty Three - Pearl
Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf
Thirty Five - Pearl
Thirty Six - Cassius
Thirty Seven - Willa
Thirty Eight - Sylar
Thirty Nine - Pearl
Forty - Pearl
Forty One - Willa
Forty Two - Pearl
Forty Three - Cassius
Forty Four - Pearl
Yeah, Phew, thats me done!

Eleven - Pearl

1.2K 216 48
By Chrissyvellis

I pushed him off me, wiping my hand across my mouth "What the fuck Orion... Why do that?"

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, Pearl? That sort of language isn't very ladylike." He said with a cocky smirk plastered across his lips. 

My mother hadn't stuck around long enough to breastfeed, never mind lecture me on my potty mouth.

And if he tried something like that again, then I'll happily wipe that smug look from his face.

"Make no mistake, Orion. Do that again and I'll show you what a lady from London really looks like when I insert my knee into your balls. Comprend moi?" I'd picked up some French from Sage.

"Comprend what?" Orion threw back his head and laughed, planting his hands on his hips. "I'll take that into consideration, but damn, you taste as good as you smell." He ran his tongue across his bottom lip. 

"It means Understand me... we clear?" I narrowed my eyes, wishing I had the gift of being able to shoot lasers from my eyes.

He stopped laughing and finally seemed to understand I was pissed at him.

"Damn! My brother's gonna have his hands full with you!" He chuckled, obviously amused with himself.  "Anyway, I was actually trying to help you, albeit in a creative and fun way."

What the hell did that mean? "H-helping?" I spluttered.

"Yeah, I sent my brother a vivid image of me and you..." he smirked again. Smug bugger! "... I'm sure you can figure it out, Pearl."


"You're messing with me, right?" Why did I have to pick up the stupid one? "Please tell me crazy doesn't run in your family?"


"Yes, crazy!  Won't that send him mental?  He went batshit crazy when I mentioned his blindness—don't you think this will send him nuclear... on your arse?"

He looked like he hadn't given that any thought. "Yeah, maybe, but—"

Both our heads shot in the direction of the door, the insistent knocking slightly worrying. "Open up Orion!"

Was that Seth's voice? 

Orion took his time walking towards the door.  Opening.  Seth flooded into the room, making it feel so much smaller.  He pushed Orion backwards so hard he stumbled and had to spread his arms to steady himself.  

Orion's face morphed to thunder as he straightened himself and pushed Seth back. "Don't fucking touch me, Seth!" he growled. "And what's your fucking problem?"

Seth didn't budge an inch. The man was like a slab of stone! A furious slab of stone as I watched the pulse in his neck and temple throb—double time.

Seth threw his hands up. "What in the goddess's name possessed you to taunt your brother like that?" He ran his hand across his forehead, cursing under his breath. "You need to disappear, and I mean now—he's not in control.  His wolf has taken the reins and he is baying for blood—Your blood!"

They both stood facing off. 

Fuck!  This day was going from bad to worse. 

And if it ends with my potential mate killing his brother—well, there's no coming back from that. Game Over!

I needed to move this along.  "What are you waiting for, Orion... GO! Shoo the fuck off!"  He looked at me like I'd grown two heads.

And just when I thought finally he'd wised up, and some sense had seeped into his thick skull. He shrugged "So what?  We'll get into a fight, roll around a little. He won't hurt me."

Seth growled, his chest expanding. "You messed with his mate.  Fucking provoking him—kissing her! Knowing who she was." Seth pointed at me.

The testosterone in the room was ramping up to levels where I could almost taste it. 

Seth's eyes flickered. His wolf was asserting himself. "Go now or I will drag you out, Orion."

This was getting way out of control.  I needed Sylar's help. 'Sylar!' Using our mind-link.

'What is it?' He responded immediately.

'I need your help. Can you come to me? Now!'

'Where are you, Pearl?'

Shit! This place was still new to me and Sylar, and it was huge by normal pack standards. But I had an idea.  "Seth, where am I?" He looked at me like I was some half crazed woman—maybe I was?

"Here, Seth. Where is this pack house situated?"

"South-side," he answered.

I repeated it to Sylar.  'On my way, Pearl.'

'Be quick sharp, Sylar.'

I turned my attention back to Orion. "Please Orion, I know we don't know each other well—but I really don't want to see you tore to shreds on my first day."

He furrowed his brow but considered my words.  "I can handle myself, baby."

Baby... did he just call me baby?  Urgh! 

Did he not understand it wasn't the time for a pissing contest? I opened my mouth, but Seth beat me to it.  "I'm not cleaning up your blood and guts and explaining this to your mother—now don't say I didn't ask nicely." He grabbed Orion by the scruff of his neck as you would a disobedient pup.

"Fine—I'll go... I'll go! Just get the fuck off me, Seth."

Seth released him.

My heart rate slowed slightly as I followed behind Seth, who kept nudging Orion to move quicker.

"Stop fucking pushing me, Seth." He snapped as we walked outside the pack house.  The darkening clouds threatened rain, but it hadn't stopped a small crowd of pack members gathering to witness the commotion.

Great first impressions, Pearl! My wolf huffed and actually rolled her eyes!

My eyes fell on a pack member I'd met earlier... Noah, if I remembered correctly.  He smiled when he saw me, flicking his chin up in acknowledgement. I gave a little wave back, but my attention dropped to the enormous trunk he was standing next to.

What in hell was in that thing?

"Are we good here?" Noah asked Seth.

Seth didn't respond, only issued another command to Orion. "Shift and get out of here, Orion.  We will calm the situation and I will let you know when you can return."

"And where exactly do you want me to go?"

"Head North, up towards the Elders."

Orion huffed, slowly dragging his t-shirt over his head.

Could he go any slower? Did he have a death wish?

"Fuck!" Seth mumbled as he looked to the East. The same spot I'd emerged from the woods. 

He didn't need to elaborate. I could smell him. The Alpha—My mate. Just his smell alone pricked every nerve in my body. The awareness of him made me feel hot and giddy with my girly parts well and truly back in working order, in fact my ovaries were about to explode. It was true; it seemed—my body only wanted him.

My wolf's excitement was palpable. Her ears pricked back as she padded happily in the same spot at the sight of his wolf.

I really needed to work on controlling this. Worry about that later!

Orion dropped on all fours and began the transition to wolf—again taking his sweet ass time. As his jaw cracked and extended, his ear-splitting howl startled some of the pack members who had arrived in the last few moments. 

Fully shifted, he shook himself, huffing through his snout. I would openly admit he was a mightily handsome wolf—nothing like my sexy Alpha, but still I wouldn't have kicked him out of bed under different circumstances. 

My wolf growled her annoyance at me thinking of another wolf in this way. But when stressed, I often thought of crazy stuff just to distract myself.

A low growl like thunder swept over me as he came through the trees.  His eyes found mine, those stunning pools of silver, before shifting his gaze to zone in on his brother.

Oh Fuck! We were out of time.

The Alpha's paws were massive as he dug them into the earth beneath, now just a few feet away from me, he snapped his jaw.  The rumble of his low growl vibrated through me.  Stalking past me.  I watched Orion consider his options. 

And stupid is as stupid does.  He snarled at his brother, leaning back on his haunches as if readying himself to propel forward.

Fuckity-fuck!  This would not end well.

I heard something and my attention flittered to Noah, who was opening the trunk and pulled out gloves made of some kind of chain-mail.  I didn't have a clue what he was doing.

'I'm here, Pearl.' 

Yes, Sylar!   I looked around and saw him running over to me.

'What's going on, Pearl?'

No doubt this would bring on a full-on ass chewing later—but I would deal with that.

'Try not to be judgy.  But I sorta kissed The Alpha's brother.  Well, technically he kissed me and sent a nice visual image to the Alpha.'

'What the—?' His eyes went from me to the scene that was unfolding before us.  'Pearl.  Can I not leave you alone for longer than ten minutes before you cause havoc?'

Urgh, typical. 

But he wasn't wrong on this occasion.  This was my fault. 

Well, not all my fault. It wasn't fair to accept all the blame. If my stubborn Alpha had been nicer to me in the first place, then I wouldn't be standing here now.  'Fine, lecture me later.  Tell me what Noah has in that trunk.'

I could sense Sylar's mojo as a tickle along my legs spreading outwards. 

'It's something enchanted.' He closed his eyes for a second.   'Silver chains, I think... at least that's what he's thinking about.  They've brought them as backup.'

'Back up for what?'

'To stop the Alpha.  To bring him down.'

'What!  Will it hurt him?'

'I don't think it's meant to tickle Pear!' He went quiet.  'The problem is they have to get close enough to wrap around him.'


A tight knot squeezed my chest, expanding at a rapid rate.  'Can't you do something?  Make him go to sleep?' I knew this was a risk exposing Sylar gifts to them.  'Or at least slow him down?'

'Zander said we shouldn't open ourselves up for exposure in that way.'

Fucking Zander.  'He's not here, Sylar.  And I can't stand here and do nothing.' We barely had second left to decide.

I could feel his hesitation.  And then it was too late.

The Alpha had stopped stalking and leapt forward, splaying his paws wide.

I was sure I heard every pack member suck in a breath.


The dirt exploded into a cloud as a hellish growl, one like I'd never heard erupted.  The Alpha had floored Orion in one swift move.  Stood over him, as his deadly fangs disappeared into Orion's throat. Fur and flesh were ripped clean off as I heard the cracking of bones.

As much as I was freaking out, something also mesmerized me at the brutal but deadly beauty of my mate's wolf in battle.  He was immense and formidable as the muscles of his back rippled under his black coat.

'Pearl!' Sylar snapped me from the scene.

Icy fear pooled in the pit of my stomach.  I needed to do something.   He was going to kill his brother.  And I couldn't stand here and watch.  With my heart beating out my chest, I shifted into my wolf, driving myself forward. 

'Pearl!' I heard Sylar yell, but I cut him off.  If he would not help, I had to act.

I barreled into the Alpha.  Being hardly half the size of him, I barely made him budge. But I'd stunned him enough to stop tearing into his brother. 

His eyes were no longer silver but black as he snarled at me before shaking his head.

Crazily Orion took the opportunity to gain the upper hand as he used his hind legs to push the Alpha off him and was up on his feet.  But at least it looked like The Alpha had torn into the top of what would be a shoulder blade rather than his throat—but still the wound looked nasty.

Shifting my gaze back to the Alpha, our eyes locked, and I prayed to the moon goddess he could read my imploring thoughts through them, begging him not to do this.  But I could only see confusion in him.

I wished I could mind-link him. 

Taking a step forward Orion came from the left and was suddenly on the Alpha's back, causing them both to go down and now they're rolling over and over, fangs, snarls and spit clash.


Seth was suddenly at my side with gloves on and a silver chain wrapped around them. Noah gave Seth a signal as he stretched out his long silver chain between his gloved hands, moving in on the brothers, getting closer.

"Now!" yelled Seth as both raised their hands, drew back, and cast the silver chain toward the warring wolves.

The first throw caught Orion across the head, over his ear and one eye as he howled out in pain and his fur was practically smoking as his paw came up, trying to release himself from its tight hold.  He separated himself from the Alpha, stepping back, snarling, shaking his head.

I was frozen to the spot.

They threw another chain wrapping around The Alpha's thick neck and again the same happened.

Struggling against the restraints, my strong fearless Alpha still pushed forward towards his brother, snapping at Orion, baring his fangs.  The pain must be immense, as it's tightened its hold with Seth pulling on the chain.  It sank beneath his fur and I could smell burning flesh. 

No, no, no!  I need to get it off him, surely it will tear right through his throat.

I turned to Sylar, 'Please, Sylar.'

I watched his chest heave as he gave me the nod, and I turned to witness both wolves abruptly still and fall to the grass. The ground shook and everyone was silent, not having a clue what had just happened.

Sylar had subdued them, knocked them out cold.   'Get them off him.' I yelled to Sylar.  But Noah and Seth were already dragging the chains from both brothers but confused as to what happened.

I shifted and rushed over to the Alpha, dropping to my knees, trying to assess if any permanent damage had been done.  "Will he be okay?"  I ran my hands over his enormous head, the smoke still emanating from his wolf's body from the silver chain.

"He'll be okay, Pearl." said Noah, but I didn't look his way as tears pricked my eyes. 

Sylar placed his chilly hand on my shoulder, and I looked up for him to hand me his t-shirt, forgetting I was naked as the day I was born. Sliding it over my head, Seth and Noah were muttering to themselves. 

"Get them both to the infirmary, I've let Eve know we're heading there." I heard Seth instruct.

"Can I go with him?"  I swiped the tears, lifting my gaze to his.  Guilt was written across his face.

He nodded an affirmative yes, and I stood following silently behind him, listening to the whispers of the other pack members.  

What an earth must they think of their potential Luna?

The heavens answered as the heavy storm clouds opened up and the rain fell softly at first and then pelted down in seconds, drenching through the t-shirt I wore.

Sylar walked alongside me, but thankfully remained quiet.

I prayed to the Moon-goddess hoping that my mate wouldn't hate me.

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