✓ | 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐒; avengers x...

By -siriuslycv

1.1M 41.6K 16K

"ron you little shit! give me back my cookies!!" "athena put the knife down!" [completed!] [fem!ocinsert] [st... More

→ under editing!!!
→ not under editing !!!
¹.¹king's cross
¹.²hogwart's express
¹.⁴seeker and chaser
¹.⁵three headed dog
¹.⁶troll in the dungeon
¹.⁷first game
¹.⁸mirror of erised
¹.¹⁰christmas eve
¹.¹²nicolas flamel
¹.¹³through the trap door
¹.¹⁴end of first year
².¹great flour fight of '92
².²gilderoy lockhart
².⁴writing on the wall
².⁵rogue bludger
².⁶duelling club
².⁷polyjuice potion
².⁹letter sent home
².¹⁰end of second year
³.¹don't stop me now
³.²morning pranks
³.³leaky cauldron
³.⁵a club
³.⁹extra large yule
³.¹⁴new information
³.¹⁵to the helacarrier
³.¹⁶hell broke loose
³.¹⁷the portal
³.¹⁸the chitauri
³.¹⁹puny god
³.²⁰falling avenger
³.²²rat man
bonus chapter
⁴.²oliver wood
⁴.³the world cup
⁴.⁵arrival of the schools
⁴.⁶triwizard tournament
⁴.⁷black later
⁴.⁹friends again
⁴.¹⁰dance lesson
⁴.¹¹a date to the ball
⁴.¹³missing prisoner
⁴.¹⁴second task
⁴.¹⁵bug in a jar
⁴.¹⁶the final task
⁴.¹⁷normal teenagers
⁵.²grimmauld place
⁵.⁴friends with voldemort
⁵.⁶words and talks
⁵.⁷two lines
⁵.⁸taking over the school
⁵.¹⁰shopping cart
⁵.¹²not ready
⁵.¹⁶dumbledore's weapon
⁵.¹⁸the veil
⁵.¹⁹he's back
⁶.¹stop swearing!
⁶.²weasley's wizard wheezes
⁶.³a mission
⁶.⁵train stop
⁶.⁸walk it off
⁶.⁹the core
⁶.¹⁵three broomsticks
⁶.¹⁷dinner party
⁶.²⁰the slug party
⁶.²¹father-daughter chat
⁶.²⁷end of year six
bonus chapter ii
/.act III./
⁷.²plan b
⁷.³will and testaments
⁷.⁵blend in
⁷.⁶uncle regulus
⁷.¹⁴malfoy manor
⁷.¹⁵dobby is a free elf
⁷.¹⁷lestrange's vault
⁷.¹⁸inside the vault
⁷.¹⁹mister dragon
⁷.²²still alive
⁷.²³sprinkle before the storm
⁷.²⁴toasted meat
⁷.²⁵dead or alive
⁷.²⁷harry potter is dead
⁷.²⁹a new beginning
⁷.³⁰muggle shopping
⁷.³¹parmi dela magie
⁷.³²hit witch in their ranks
⁷.³³like mother like daughter
⁷.³⁴alien squidward
⁷.³⁵anonymous ship
⁷.³⁷battle on titan
⁷.³⁹six gamma signatures
⁷.⁴⁰a new accessory
/.act IV./
ˣ.¹back in the black residence
ˣ.²year 2000
ˣ.³year 2001
ˣ.⁴year 2002
ˣ.⁵year 2003
ˣ.⁷gathering information
ˣ.⁹it has begun
ˣ.¹⁰said war
ˣ.¹²in another reality
/blaise zabini/
/george weasley/
/end note/

⁶.⁶a new body

3.7K 179 114
By -siriuslycv


Everyone knew Athena was one stubborn child. So of course, when Steve saw the girl trailing behind them as they made their way throughout the Tower, he didn't even try to stop her.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve stated, Athena and the twins behind him.

"How about n-once." Tony retorted back, not noticing his niece behind the super soldier.

"Shut it down." The man repeated.


"You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do?" Bruce looked at Steve, also not noticing the Black. "She's not in your head?"

"Merlin..." Athena muttered, sighing as she put her fingers to her head as if she was easing a headache. The male Maximoff took notice of this, inching closer to her as he placed a comforting hand to her shoulder. Athena turned her head to look at him, sending him an appreciative smile, to which he returned back.

The three male Avengers continued to bicker back and forth. "We need to do something to get them to stop-" Athena stated, though Pietro was already a step ahead of her.

Within a second, wires had been pulled, stuff clattering to the floor. The power had been shut down. "No, no, go on." He dropped the thick wire. "You were saying?"

Then a bullet shot up through the floor Pietro was standing on, breaking the glass as he fell down.



Two voices yelled out, looking over the glass to see if the man was alright. Bruce and Tony had then taken note of the Black. "Hey what's Athena doing here?" Bruce asked.

Tony just shook his head. "I'm rerouting the upload."

Steve had thrown his shield at Tony, in which he dodged. His Iron Man gauntlet was then on his hand, blasting it at Steve. Wanda had made a move, but Bruce had just wrapped his arm around the girl's neck, muttering something.

Athena was currently freaked out, not knowing what to do or what the hell was happening. Where the bloody hell is Aunt Nat and Uncle Thor?

Letting the power flow through her, she placed her hands in motion, pointing it at the fighting Avengers and Wanda. She lifted the four up, then dropping them back to the floor, leaving them in grunts. "Sorry."

Before any of the four could say something, Thor's figure could be seen coming through. He had gotten on top of the cradle, and with his hammer, he conjured a bunch of lighting and electricity, then pointing it down on the cradle.

He stopped, looking towards the cradle for any sign of movement, and without warning, a body blasted out of the glass confinement-like container. Athena inspected the figure. His body was red, bits of metal (or so she thought) on the different parts of the body. The figure had looked around, inspecting his own body as well. But what caught her attention the most was the yellow, glowing stone on the forehead. "Wait a fuck, is that the-"

Without warning, the red person (though Athena didn't really know whether to call it a person or not) had flung itself onto Thor, who threw the body back. It crashed onto a floor-to-ceiling window separating rooms, breaking it, and from what Athena could see, it stopped just before it could crash onto the window of the outside of the Tower.

The Avengers, plus the Twins and Athena, had made their way to the common area - where the body was situated - cautiously.

The figure turned around, some sort of coverage appearing on its body. "I'm sorry..." The voice familiar, stated as it flew to the floor. "That was... odd. Thank you."

Thor merely nodded, just sighing. A cape formed itself on the person.

"Thor." Steve called out. "You helped create this?"

"I've had a vision." He answered. "A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life, and at its center," he pointed at the mind stone, "is that. I've already explained to you all what it does and all the other infinity stones. Their power all sorts."

"Then why would you..."

"Because Stark is right."

"Oh it's definitely the end times." Bruce commented.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron."

"Not alone." The red person stated.

"Hey Uncle Tony, did you put Jarvis into him? He sounds so much like him."

"Actually, we configured Jarvis' matrix to create something new." Tony answered his niece, walking closer to the red person.

"I think I've had my fill of new." Steve stated.

"Does he have a name...?" Athena murmured, not really being able to voice her thought as it was talking, explaining something.

"...I'm not Ultron." The recently created person stated. "I'm not Jarvis. I am... I am."

Athena looked over to the person closest to her, which was Clint and whispered something to him. "I don't understand at all. I don't whether it's a he or she or they, or if it's even human! I need a nameee." She whispered to him, to which he just chuckled and patted her head.

"I looked in your head, and saw annihilation." Wanda stated, walking closer to it.

"Look again."

Clint's scoff could be heard. "Her seal of approval means jack to me."

Athena smacked him on the arm. "Be nice."

"The twins powers, Athena's powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself- they all came from the Mind Stone." Thor informed. "And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with it on our side-"

"Is it?" Steve interrupted Thor, looking to the red figure. "Are you? On our side?"

"I don't think it's that simple." Red stated.

"Well it better get simple real soon." Clint added.

"I am on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He will end it all."

"What's he waiting for?" Tony asked.


"Where?" Bruce asked.

"Sokovia." Clint informed. "He's got Nat there too."

Bruce walked closer to the person with Jarvis' voice. "If we're wrong about you, if you're the monster Ultron made you to be... What will you do?"

A short silence peaked between the atmosphere, until Red spoke. "I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique, and in pain... But that pain will roll over the Earth. So, he must be destroyed. Every form he's built, every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now. And not one of us can do it without the other."

It looked at his hands.

"Maybe I am a monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one. I'm not what you are, and not what you intended. So, there may be no way to make you trust me. But we need to go."

And then at this moment, Athena couldn't help but burst out laughing. 

Real life Jarvis had managed to lift Thor's hammer up, leaving a bewildered look on the man's face. Everyone was shocked - the twin's confused on why Athena had started laughing - though you could easily tell that Clint had also wanted to burst out laughing. 

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