𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳 | greys anatomy (e...

By -sunnylex-

674K 11.7K 1.7K

"i'll do anything when it comes to my family." "and this hospital. "these people. "they a... More

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7.4K 142 28
By -sunnylex-

Disclaimer: As much as I would love to have Derek Shepherd as the love of my life, seeing as the boy in my life is literally making my head explode. He belongs to Shonda.

"She got magic in her eyes, even the stars envied."

"Can we have one chocolate, one vanilla, and-" I turned to face Mark who was standing behind me in the line at the ice cream shop.


"Alright, one chocolate, and two vanillas, is that all?" the casher asked. I simply nodded and after paying we left to go sit at one of the outdoor tables.

It was quiet for a while until Mark decided to speak up. "Scarlett-..how's kindergarten?"

"I don't go there, I only go there when I'm with Malia and she's busy at work," explained Scarlett. "At home, I'm usually learning alone, and I like it better that way."

"At home, so you don't live with Malia?" it was clear that Mark had no idea of the weird, twisted relationship between the two girls in front of him.

"It's-..it's complicated." I awkwardly chuckled, not really wanting to talk to Mark about my previous relationship that turned into a big disaster.

"Alright, Malia, how's work?" Mark smirked at her. That's when I remembered that I actually have to work today.

"Oh God, they're all waiting for me, Mer talked about what a crazy day they had had, and now-..oh no, what if she gets fired and I'm not there to talk Richard out of it?" I took my head in my hands. "And then her career will be ruined because I decided to be here with my daughter and my-... I mean Mark."

I looked up to see their surprised faces. A minute later I was met by Mark's peek on the lips, probably because I had almost called him my boyfriend.

"Oh Scarlett, I'm sorry." I turned to Scar thinking how she would be upset by the way I called her a daughter, but she just smiled up at me and hugged me from the side, happy that I had used that word.

Finally, our bowls full of ice cream came, and we started to eat while laughing around, and overall feeling happy.


About an hour later I got a page that I need to be in the hospital right now, seeing as Richard had paged me. I quickly grabbed Scarlett, kissed Mark a long goodbye, and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Is he a good guy?" Scarlett asked.

"Uh-..about that I'm not sure, as much as I feel something for him I know that I'm just a distraction for him, and he's one for me." I tried to explain the difficulties of being in a relationship.

"And you like that?" she asked again. I shared a look at her, knowing that she was too young to know about all the types in a relationship.

"I don't know Scar, I try to be...we'll see." I smiled at her and we picked up the pace. Now I was thinking about what will I say to Richard when I see his angry face staring at me.

It wasn't long before Scarlett and I were looking at Richard, he was pacing around, thinking about whether to scream at me or just yell at me.

"A surgeon was shot, Derek needed the other part of his team and you weren't there." angrily started Richard. "Your own sister helped in the process of cutting a patient's LVAD vire and almost got fired."

I had heard that the interrogation of who cut the vire had gone not as it was planned, because all the interns said a different thing. "I am so sorry Chief Webber, I will never leave again, I just-...it was Scarlett related."

"Then why couldn't you just call in a sick day!" Webber yelled a little louder, but I knew it was about to happen soon so I stood in my place while Scarlett covered her ears. "My niece's cancer is back, and my wife knew about Ellis for all these years and stayed with me anyways," Richard told her in a much quieter tone.

I immediately walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Richard, I'm so sorry-.. I didn't know." I sighed and saw that he was looking at the ground, ashamed. I knew he needed comfort, so I developed him into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I would have never left if I knew."

We stood there for a moment before I pulled back. "Do you need me somewhere, what can I do?" I asked, eager to make up about last night and today.

"After you are done with the patient check-up, I want you to go home, find a dress and go to prom, here in the hospital," Richard stated. I looked at him.

"You want me to what?"

"My niece wants her prom, we're gonna give it to her, and before you say anything. If you don't attend, then you are no longer a co-chief of neurosurgery at Seattle Grace Hospital." and with that Richard shoved me and Scarlett out of the office.

It took us a moment to process the information we had just been given. "Did he just made me co-chief of neurosurgery?"

"I think he did," replied Scarlett, just as surprised as me.

"Alright, we'll celebrate that later, let's go get ready," I spoke up after a moment of another pause, where I proceeded to process the information my chief of surgery had just given me.

"I'm going to come with you?" she asked excitedly.

"Just this once," I warned her with a look and we left.


"I've only read about proms in books, it's usually a big deal for kids who are in school," Scarlett told me as we entered the cottage. "What is it?"

"It's shit actually, from my experience it was horrible," I explained. "I had a lot of bullies in school, they knew my mother because half of their parents or grandparents were saved by my mother, but instead of respecting my family and me, they mocked me a lot."

"That's why you don't want to go?" Scarlett asked as we walked upstairs. "Because it brings back bad memories?"

"That too, but I just feel like it's not something I like, something I enjoy," I answered her and opened up my closet. "Now I just have to find the perfect dress."

"Is Mark going to be your date?" Scarlett asked, she had probably read that in books too. Sometimes I wonder how is she so smart.

"Uh-..no, he-...like I don't enjoy this kind of thing." I awkwardly answered.

"Who said I don't?" I turned right to see him standing there.

"Oh, so now it's our thing to break into each others houses?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought we didn't have a thing." grinned Mark and walked up to kiss me. "Bedroom, my favourite place." his grin stayed on.

"Mark Sloan, there's a child here, behave please." I smacked him. He took Scarlett and both of them walked away, leaving me to deal with my clothes problems. "If I hear her scream, I'm going to kill you!" I yelled after them, not fully trusting Mark with a child.

It took me a long while to finally find something that caught my eyes. It was a matte red dress that stretched to my ankles. The lower part consisted of several layers, making the dress very thick. while the upper part ended up on my shoulders and was quite pressed against my body.

After pairing it with some black heels I walked out of my room, and downstairs to see where Mark and Scarlett were.

When I entered the kitchen I found them both sitting at the table, waiting for me.

When I looked at Scarlett she was wearing a dress too. Her dress looked almost exactly like mine, the only difference was that the upper part was in laces, and her down part consisted of more fabric than mine

"Where did you find this?" I asked when I looked at how beautiful she looked.

"Well, I knew that both of you had to look like princesses-... I went through your old boxes, and look, didn't even take that long to find this." Mark answered as he sat up to face me. "Love, you look phenomenal." he took a few steps towards me and kissed my cheek.

Scarlett danced around with her dress. When I looked at her she looked like the happiest kid on the planet. Her red lips, that Mark probably colored, stood out on her face, her dress was perfect for her...she looked perfect.

"Hey Scar, are you ready to go?" I asked. The girl immediately nodded and ran next to me. I looked at Mark. "Sorry you can't be there." I gave him a sad smile, but he shrugged it off.

"Don't worry about it, I'll find something to do," he assured and kissed me once again, this time on the lips. I gave him one last smile before I took Scarlett's hand and walked out of the house.




When we walked inside the hospital, it didn't look like a hospital at all. It was decorated beautifully and you couldn't even notice the fact that you were actually in a hospital.

We both just stood there for a while, thinking about how amazing it all looked before we were finally met by some people. "'Malia, you're here," Addison yelled as she went to hug me. "Both of you look amazing." she looked down at Scarlett and smiled.

I looked at Derek who was right beside her. He didn't look that happy to see me. "Dance?" I asked him, knowing that it was the only way I could make it all right. He nodded. "Addison, I'm going to steal your date for a moment, is that alright?"

Addison nodded, knowing that we needed to talk. "Yeah it's fine, I'm going to take Scarlett to the food," Addison answered and after leading a hand to Scarlett both of them left.

Derek walked me to the dance floor and took my arm to lead me into a dance position. "I'm sorry, Derek," I said after a moment of no one speaking. "I should not have said those things, and I should not have left you alone."

"I'm sorry too." he started and looked into my eyes. "I shouldn't have pushed you into saying those things, I was wrong, I'm sorry." I pulled my head into the collar of his neck.

We danced for a little while before we left to find where Addison and Scarlett had wandered off. In the middle of it we went to get drinks, when someone neared us, that someone being Meredith's boyfriend Finn.

"Oh goodie, he's here too." I rolled my eyes at Derek, who looked just annoyed as I was.

"Hey." Finn greeted us with a big smile. I gave him a fake smile, while Derek greeted him like a normal person. "Have you seen Meredith?" he asked.

"No-...I don't think she's here yet." answered Derek and proceeded to pour me a drink. Suddenly both of them glanced up at someone, and when I turned my face I saw that it was Meredith.

"Oh, here she is." I quickly took the drink from Derek's hand and walked towards her. She looked quite mad when she spotted me. "Hey."

"Malia, do you have any idea how much have you missed?" Meredith hissed at me, and both of us pretended to hug so that it didn't look as if we were about to cause a scene. "I had to lie to the chief, I almost got fired, then I spent an entire day listening to a bunch of teenage girls!"

"I'm sorry?" I apologized with a quick chuckle. "I spent the day with Scarlett and Mark, it was weird, and I don't know what I was even doing, I'm sorry," I explained, knowing that she was the only person I didn't have to lie about Mark.

"Oh great, so you spent the day running around with your half-daughter, or whatever, and with your boyfriend?" she asked, and glanced behind me where Finn was walking towards us.

"Now I'm going to leave, and we're going to pretend like you don't hate me." I laughed at her and slipped past them. I didn't want to spend more time with Finn than I needed to.

I went to find Addison and Scarlett.

When I did only Scarlett was standing there, looking over at Derek and Addison who both were dancing. "Hey, wanna go too?" I asked her. She smiled up at me.

"I don't know-how," replied Scarlett as she focused her look back on the happy couple dancing.

"I'll teach you, let's go." I took Scarlett by the hand and rushed her to the dance floor. Taking her hand we swung to the slow music peacefully. I wanted to enjoy the moments before ruining the little girl's life forever.

After two songs I realized that Scarlett was getting tired and bored so we went to pour ourselves a little more to drink.

When we got there I only saw Addison and Finn there. "Hey, where's Meredith and Derek?" I asked not seeing them around.

"She went to the toilet a little while ago, said she's claustrophobic." Finn answered and poured a drink for Scarlett which she gladly took.

"Mer, claustrophobic, she's been to more stuffed clubs than me, and that's saying something." I lightly chuckled, but then realized that that meant she had lied to Finn. "Maybe she was feeling sick," I added.

I turned to Addison. "Hey, do you mind watching Scar for a bit, I'll be right back." I smiled at her and she nodded. "Be back in a second." I glanced down at Scarlett and left the decorated area to go and find Meredith.

As I looked through the rooms my ideas of where Meredith and Derek had wandered off became clear, it was as if I knew what the two have done. This was kind of a tradition for Meredith. A party, a new sex friend, but this time it would be something else as it wasn't just a guy, it was Derek. It was the guy she had said her first 'i love you' to

But both of them were nowhere to be found, maybe they had left the premises, I didn't know, but I kept looking until I knew that if I knew I would have to hurt Addison, and I did not want to do that.

Instead, I decided to find Richard, see how he was holding up.

"Hello..." I greeted. I saw him standing and dancing with his niece, she looked so beautiful. "H-hi, I'm Malia Grey." I introduced myself to the girl and she smiled, shaking my hand.

"Camille-...here dance with him, I'm already getting bored." she faked an overdramatic sigh and left to get to her friends.

"You still mad at me?" I asked him as we took a dancing position. I glanced up at him as I was a head shorter than him.

"I did make you chief of neuro, that probably means I'm not." Richard gave me a little smile without looking down at me. I smiled up at him.

"And your niece-.. is this everything she wanted?" I asked and looked to my right to see Camille laughing with her friends and her boyfriend.

"Well, not everything-...but she's happy and that's all that matters." he swung me around.

"You know-...I've never looked up to anyone as much as I have to you." I started, making him look down at me. "I-..I've never really had anyone to look up to except for you."

I could see him smiling up at the roof as I talked. "I-I just never had this feeling of family that much.., yes Meredith is my sister and I will always love her more than anyone on this planet, but-..family is also a person you look up to, and that's you." I let out. Richard eyed me down, his eyes full of kindness. "Thank you for that."

"I'm glad we feel the same way," he replied. I felt my eyes water at his words, it was as if relief and joy joined together in my eyes. I pulled my head into his chest.

"I know a place we should go." he quietly told me and led me out of the hall. We walked for a while, before he turned right and walked inside the gallery of OR 3. "You should remember this OR the best, I remember watching you look at your mother in amazement, waiting for yourself to stood in the place she did."

I looked around at the familiar OR. Nobody was in there, it looked so peaceful without doctors and nurses running around the room. "This has always been my favourite OR." I glowed.

"And I know it very well when I see that something is bothering Malia Grey, you have the same look in your eyes that your mother had in hers." Richard led me to sit down which I gladly did. "You're lost."

"Uh-.. I'm not exactly lost, I know what I'm going to do, it's just that-... I don't know how to, how to tell her." I tried to explain.

"Are you talking about Scarlett?" Richard guessed as he sat down next to me.

"Yes. Her mother, last night she left me a letter, along with Scar." I continued. "She's dying, maybe she's already dead, I don't know it. She left me adopting papers, she wants me to sign them, and as much as I love Scarlett she's not mine, she's my ex-boyfriend's love child." I chuckled.

"Your not sure if you should do it."

"Yes, what could I do, I'm still young, I know nothing of how to do it, no one's ever taught me." my eyes filled with tears. "How could I do it?"

"I would never push you into anything, but Malia Grey, I don't know anyone more qualified and perfect to be Scarlett's mother than you." Richard took his hand in mine.

"You really think so?" I asked, not sure if he really meant what he had said.

"Of course." Richard convinced. I couldn't help but look up to him and smile, squeezing our hands a little.

The gallery enraptured into a peaceful and wanted quiet until someone walked inside. I looked up to see that it was Miranda.

"I did my internship here, my residency, and I came back the minute my fellowship was done, met this young girl too." Richard glanced down at me. "When they told me I'm going to be chief, I stood there in that OR, spent my whole career in this hospital-...my whole life."

I watched as Miranda walked closer to us. "Sir, Dr. Grey." she started, a sad look on her face when she sat down next to me. "Denny Duquette died today at 7:42 this evening."

I looked down, remembering how Meredith had talked about him and how close he was with Izzie. I knew that it would break her.

"Damn it," swore Richard and let himself fall in the chair he was sitting in. The room fell into silence again. This time it was much deeper and unwanted, but needed.

𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡

𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
𝐢𝐟 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝
𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐨𝐥𝐝
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞

𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞
𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬


a/n: season two is done, FINALLY.

I just wanted to say that I love you all so much and that you are the best readers in the world.

Thank you so much for bringing me joy with your kind comments.

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