COTE: 50%-kun x COTE Waifus (...

By DeadEyesKun

607K 17.7K 15.6K

OK. So, this is just a compilation of different one shots with Ayanokouji along with all waifus in COTE, an... More

Test Story: NekoKouji(?)
NekoKouji (2)
Albert-chan wants a friend?
Story 2: An unexpected friendship
Story 3: PianoKouji
Story 4: Adding spice to life.
Story 5: The 3 idiots and The Chad
Story 6: KuroTaka
Story 6: KuroTaka (2)
This was in my drafts, and I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
Story 7: 50%-kun's Horrific Valentine's
Story 7: 50%-kun's Horrific Valentine's
You should read this, there's a code. :)
Story 7: 50%-kun's Horrific Valentines (2)
Story (): At this point, I don't really know what I'm doing with my life.
Story (?): At this point, I don't really know what I'm doing with my life (2)
Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. :3
Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. (2)
This is a Story: That I can't think of a title for.
Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. (3)
Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. (4)
Roses are red, violets are blue, and I'm a degenerate just like you. (5)
Roses are red-- Yeah, you know how it goes: Grad and (No) Party (Yet)! (6)
The Important Discussion (Men Side)
The Important Discussion (Men Side) [2]
This is an Update, A Short one, You don't have to read it. :D
(Not so much of a) Valentines Special.....
No One Ever said Humpty Dumpty was an egg. Why did you think he was an Egg? Baka
Story 7: 50%-kun's Horrific Valentine's (3)
50%-kun in a Haunted House (w/ Different COTE Characters) [1]
This Doesn't Deserve a Title.
The Good, The Bad, The Bro-con, The Smug. (ft. Scooby-snacks.)
The Good, The Bad, The Bro-Con, The Smug, and The Bakemomono.
The Good, The Bad, The Bro-Con, The Smug, and Some Misunderstandings.
2nd Part of The Not so much of a Valentine's Special.
NekoKouji (3)
I'm running out of ideas, so I just did this.
I'm running out of ideas, so I just did this. (2)
Apparently, this is what I write when I eat too many Chocolates.
Miyake Akito x Senpai
COTE Reacting to Fanfics, 'cause why not?
B-Girls are ruining my life.
Picking Up Girls 101.....
(Trash) Check-up.....?
Picking Up Girls 102.....
The Great Female War
Strawberry Pink V.S. Coffee Black, but Coffee Black is mostly winning.
This'll Probably become my Favorite: Ibuki VS Horikita VS Kamuro :D
Pretty Random COTE Reactions
Definitely a Normal Chapter... Definitely :D
Here we go again Chunchunmaru...
NekoKouji (4)
Breaking the Main Girls' Hearts with a Side-Character :D
(A Fuckin Weird Idea) Dere Series: Yandere Shop..... Yeah, y-you read that right
Some More Mako-chan to treat my Mako Deficiency
Chunchunmaru: Author-san, this isn't supposed to be a reaction fic book, y'know?
A bit More of Mako-chan :D
A bit More of Mako-chan~! Wait, I used this title already... Oh well...
Dere Series: (Not really) Hiyakasudere Nurse(s).....
So... How many of us Mako Simps are there?
Dere Series: Hajidere/Tsundere Maids..... (Not Sure, but they're still Deres.)
Lessons With Harukaa-san: Lesson 1
Lessons With Harukaa-san: Lesson, Start!
Last Reaction Before Chunchunmaru Disappears...
Shopping... Kinda.....
Deal With The Devil.
Deal With The Devil Pt.2
Don't know what this shit is or where it came from, but I'm publishing it anyway
Fucking Special
You thought that was the last of Chunchunmaru?
This has no Cliffhanger...
llew sa regnahffilC a evah t'nseod eno sihT
Not by the shit of my shitty-shit-shit.
Chunchunmaru's Story Time.
I am very sorry. I don't think I can go on anymore.
Women's Meeting
Deal With an Angel.
〣( ºΔº )〣
Title? Who needs those?
The Disappearance of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka (Well, not really.)
(This story doesn't make sense)
Just an experiment.
The (Not So) Great Debate!
Kissing Booth..... Because why not? :D
The Three Loyal Slaves (Not really)
The Girls' Horrific White Day
Hehe Boi~
The Women's Horrific White Day... But it's Different.
Perverts and Side Characters
Reject Story: Two
Chunchunmaru's Last Dance.
4 To Go!
Ending the harem and choosing only one girl.
[Insert Title]
Mi último adiós/My last farewell
Fuck it, I'm gonna Isekai them.
Fuck it, Here's Part 2
They just like me, fr fr...
Here's Part 3 I guess.
Kiyotaka in Arisu's (Fucked Up) Wonderland!

Ryuuen's (K) Cafe'

2.5K 99 80
By DeadEyesKun

*Oh hey, we are at the 99th chapter...
-This was "inspired" by a meme.

It was already the end of classes for the day, we were dismissed relatively early today since the teachers had an emergency meeting. So now, I'm preparing to leave. Well, "was" until I heard something interesting from one of my classmates.

"Hey hey, did you hear? Class C opened a cafe'!" One of the girls from my class said in a loud voice, or at least loud enough for me to hear.

"Ehhh? Really?" The other one asked.

"Yep! I was thinking of going but..." She paused before finishing the sentence.

"But what?" Her friend asked.

"Well, the name is kinda..... Hmm, how do I say this... Here, just look at the name." The girl said as she turned the screen of her phone to her friends.

"Eh? What kind of name is that?" 

"Right? Talk about tasteless." Hey, say it out loud, I'm curious.

"Still though, the reviews are good. 4.8 stars..." The girl said.

"Hmm, I guess it won't hurt to go. Should we check it out before we head back to the dorms?" One of her friends asked.

"Well, it would be good to try new things, so I'm in!" One said and the others agreed. After that, all of them left the room. 

I decided to wait for a bit before leaving since I didn't want them to think I was waiting for them to leave.

Hmm, I also want to check it out, but going there all by myself would just be sad... I would invite the Ayanokouji group but all of them have something to do today. 

Keisei joined a club, I think it was a club that's related to research. Akito has an appointment with his female senpai. Haruka and Airi are with a few other girls from the class, I think they mentioned something about the gym or working out.

What about others? Well, Horikita is... Horikita, and that's that. Anyone from Class C would probably be working in the cafe since it's theirs, going with Ichinose would attract too much attention, and obviously, I can't be in public with anyone from Sakayanagi's class... 

So, who else is left? Matsushita? No, she'd probably want some answers in return. Sato, obviously not, I'm not someone who can initiate conversation and I doubt she'd be able to compose herself to start a conversation so it'd probably become awkward. Kei, also a no since we can't go public... yet. Hirata has practice, first years and third years are troublesome. A teacher? That's going to start problematic rumors. 

What about any acquaintances that won't cause any stir-ups? Or friends of friends that are close enough to invite to a cafe casually. Let's see, some candidates are... No one... None that I can think of... Nagumo? 


Why did I even consider that? Well, anyway, it's unfortunate that I have no one to go with, so I guess I'll just check it out when at least someone from the Ayanokouji group is available... Or so I would've thought if I didn't see a certain someone who I already spent a few chapters with, in this book and in some other books made by other authors that read this book. Or something like that.

Hmm, how should I approach her... If I just suddenly ask she might get the wrong idea, and that would be bad.

"Ah, Ayanokouji-kun, there you are!" Never mind, it seems like she had business with me.

"Oh, hello, Amikura." I greeted back.

"You seemed to be deep in thought, did I bother you?" Well, yes, in a good way.

"No, don't worry about it. Anyway, uhh, did you need something?" I asked.

"Ah! Right, right. I don't know if you've heard, but Class C actually opened up their own cafe." She said. I see where this is going... I think?

"Yeah, I've heard of it..... What about it?" I asked.

"Well, Ichinose-san wanted to actually go with you for some reason, but she was called by Hoshinomiya-sensei, so she asked me to invite you and if possible, wait for her. She said she won't take long." Amikura explained.

"I see... Well, I don't mind I guess. I was a bit curious about the cafe anyway." I said. If I didn't know how to keep myself composed and my poker face, I might've revealed to her that I was very happy about that. Not the fact that I'm going to be in the cafe with two girls, but the fact that I can go to the cafe without going through the trouble of trying to invite someone.

"It's settled then! Let's go." She said as she pulled me by my wrist. 

~A few moments later.~

After a bit of walking, we reached the cafe and the name of the cafe that I had been so curious about has been revealed and I must say, whoever named this must either be a straightforward guy or just flat-out has a bad sense for naming things.

"...Karma cafe....." Amikura muttered in a low voice. 

"Shall we go in?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"Ah, Ayano- Ahem. Welcome to Karma Cafe, where we only serve what you deserve." No way... Ishizaki in a butler suit, what a sight... Wait, would that mean Ryuuen is also..... Heh. Anyway, what Ishizaki said was interesting, does that mean we won't get to choose what we get or something? Or is it just some kind of gimmick where they give all there customers the same stuff for different prices to earn more points? Well, either way, it's their win no matter how you look at it. Maybe I should try and bring Ryuuen to our class, join forces with him, I help him and Horikita reach Class A, and in return, I'm going to ask him to start businesses for us to earn points... Yeah, as if that's going to happen.

"This way, sir and, er... ma'am." Ishizaki said as he guided us to a table. He also eyed Amikura with a weird look. Not in a perverted way, but rather... Curious? Oh is it because I'm with her and he thinks I'm cheating on Kei or something? 

"Here're your seats. Please wait a second, I'll get you a server." Ishizaki talking in a formal way is so... Weird and out of place, it's almost comparable to me laughing out loud. 

Amikura and me sat down as Ishizaki walked away to get us a waiter, and once we sat down, it hit me...

"...Shouldn't we have asked for a table for three?" I asked Amikura.

"Ah... Right, should we ask someone from the staff?" She asked and I just nodded, and just as I was about to call for one of the waiters, a man stopped at our table, more specifically, in front of me. It was Ryuuen, and just as I had imagined, he was in a suit... Wow, it's way funnier than I had imagined.

"Welcome to the Karma Cafe, we got yer orders here. I would just like to confirm 'em." He said. Rather than being embarrassed of what he was wearing, it seemed like he was proud and, well, as usual, he looks like he's planning something.

"Ah, excuse me. Before that, can we ask to be moved to a table that's good for three people?" Amikura asked.

"Sorry, but that won't be possible, as mentioned by our front man earlier, you get what you deserve... And yes, that applies even if you're waiting for someone." Ryuuen said. Makes sense? Wait, does it?

"Oh... I see." Amikura said in a low voice, she must've felt hurt by Ryuuen's rough way of speaking. I'm surprised that this has a 4.9 star rating despite Ryuuen being... Well, Ryuuen Kakeru.

"Don't worry about it Amikura, we'll just worry about it later when Ichinose arrives." I said and she just nodded.

"Anyway, sir, ma'am, here are your orders. A headpat for the ms. from her partner, a kiss, and free food spoon fed by her partner." Partner? Was Ryuuen referring to me? Well, looking at that smirk of his, I would say yes.

"E-Eh? Ah! W-We're not partners!" Amikura denied while flustered. 

"AS we've said, we don't give a shit. You get what you deserve." Ryuuen said. Maybe students gave this a 4-5 star rating because this is actually entertaining in a way...

"Now, as for you sir. You will receive a punch to the face served by yours truly, a plate of overpriced pasta, but worry not, it does taste good since it was cooked by our best cook, Hiyori. And a picture of you and your partner kissing as well as free drinks. Any complaints? No? Good." What's the point of asking if we had complaints if you aren't going to hear us out? Also, a punch to the face? Really? How petty, though, I must say, it was am outstanding move. Also, even if the pasta is overpriced, the fact that Hiyori was the one who cooked it makes it worth it in a way.

"D-Did, he just say kiss?! And picture?" This is nothing new, I pernally am not surprised, after all, I am the cold expressionless protagonist of a supposedly psychological Light Novel which somehow turned into a harem one... 

Anyway, Ryuuen came back while wearing a boxing glove, well, at least he isn't dong it bare-knuckled. 

"Are you ready, sir?" He asked, how considerate.

"I think- *BAM*" Before I even got to reply, the punch landed on my face and Amikura looked shocked, so are the other customers.

"Was that satisfactory, sir?" He asked. Ah, I see what he's doing.

"Yeah, thanks for waking me up." I said and he bowed after saying that he'll go get our food.

"A-Are you ok, Ayanokouji-kun?!" Amikura asked.

"Yeah, although his punch looked strong, it wasn't much." Or at least to me. 

"Really?" Amikura asked with a worried tone.

"Yeah, no need to worry about it." I said.

"If you say so..." She said and at the same time, Ryuuen arrived.

"Here are your food, here're the utensils you'll use to feed your partner." Ryuuen said as he handed me the utensils.

"Ah, um... Can we do the kiss first before eating?" Amikura asked.

"I wouldn't want Ayanokouji-kun to smell my mouth or anything like that." Wait, we were doing kiss to kiss? I was planning a kiss on the cheek since Ryuuen didn't really specify...

"Oh, sure! I'll get the camera." Ryuuen said before running to the staff room and back to our table with swiftness comparable to Wile E. Coyote from Looney Tunes.

"Ok, you can kiss now." Ryuuen said. He doesn't change does he? Wanting to see the world burn... Then again, I can't really blame him since it does sound interesting.

"Do we really have to do this? Like, isn't there a way to not accept our order?" I asked.

"There is, but you need to pay 500,000 points." I'll take the kiss from a cute girl than pay that, thank you.

"Well, before we kiss, I'd actually want to start with the headpats. Is that ok?" I directed the question to both Ryuuen and Amikura.

"We'll take pictures of both anyway, so, go on." Ryuuen said. Well, no point in hesitating, better if I finish this quickly. I stood up from my seat and placed my hand on Amikura's head and she tensed up, but she composed herself eventually. I started patting her head and she looked like she was loving it. It reminded me of the girls I patted, of course, their names are kept to respect their privacies. Somehow, every girl I pat turns timid and cute... I shall conquer the world with pats... Or so a young-alternate version of me would probably say.

"Mhmm..." Ok, that- That's too cute.

"You can stop now and proceed with the kiss." Ryuuen said and that seemed to pull Amikura back from wherever her head was, back to the real, cruel world. She also looked a bit disappointed, her face can be compared to what I would look like if Horikita places a plate of her home cooked  food in front of me, just for her to take it away after my first bite. 

"Oi, oi, you two, hurry up." Ryuuen said.

"Ah, right!" Amikura said as she stood up and looked at me with a red face. We won't get anywhere with this, I guess I should make the first move...

"Let's just get this over with." I said as I held Amikura's chin and pulled her a bit closer as I leaned in as well to connect our lips. And just as I did it, I could see the flashes from the camera of the other customers.

"Ah..." At the same time that I was kissing the black haired woman in front of me, I noticed Kei's three friends with my peripheral vision and Ichinose who just entered. And I could also hear Ryuuen cackling as he took pictures.

Should I just have paid 500,000 points after all?

I'm getting rusty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A/N: So so so so so sorry for the delay, I just wanted to wait for October to update because October is the month when I started, October 19 to be exact, so 9 days before this is officially one year old. Anyway, sorry if it ain't that good, haven't really been writing much lately and schoolworks are killing my imagination. Now, although I still have no idea what to write or do for the 100th chapter, I'm going to try and update on the 19th, if I don't, well, it would just mean that I either didn't get decent ideas or I didn't finish. If you guys have ideas, they would be appreciated, something that can be written within maybe 3-7k words, suggestions and ideas would be appreciated, if there are none, that's fine. Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this.

That's all.


 . . 

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