To All The Boys You've Loved...

By solivagante

373K 22.8K 19.1K

What if your secret love letters were accidentally mailed out, revealing your deepest feelings to seven boys... More

💌 Book Trailer 💌
💌 New Playlist 💌
💌 Introduction 💌
💌 part one 💌
💌 Chapter One 💌
💌 Chapter Two 💌
💌 Chapter Three 💌
💌 Chapter Four 💌
💌 Chapter Five 💌
💌 Chapter Six 💌
💌 Chapter Seven 💌
💌 Chapter Eight 💌
💌 Chapter Nine 💌
💌 Chapter Ten 💌
💌 Chapter Eleven 💌
💌 Chapter Twelve 💌
💌 Chapter Thirteen 💌
💌 Chapter Fourteen 💌
💌 Chapter Fifteen 💌
💌 Chapter Sixteen 💌
💌 Chapter Seventeen 💌
💌 Chapter Eighteen 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty 💌
💌 part two 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty One 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Two 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Three 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Four 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Five 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Six 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Seven 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Eight 💌
💌 Chapter Twenty Nine 💌
💌 Chapter Thirty 💌
Chapter Thirty One + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Two + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Three + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Four + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Five + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Six + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Seven + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Eight + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Eight [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Nine + Unedited
Chapter Thirty Nine [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Forty + Unedited
Chapter Forty [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Forty [ Extra ] + Unedited
part three
Chapter Forty One + Unedited
Chapter Forty Two + Unedited
Chapter Forty Two [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Forty Three + Unedited
Chapter Forty Four + Unedited
Chapter Forty Four [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Forty Five + Unedited
Chapter Forty Six + Unedited
Chapter Forty Six [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Forty Six [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Forty Seven + Unedited
Chapter Forty Eight + Unedited
Chapter Forty Nine + Unedited
Chapter Forty Nine [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty + Unedited
Chapter Fifty [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty One + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Two + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Two [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Three + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Four + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Five + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Five [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Five [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Six + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Seven + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Eight + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Eight [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Eight [ Extra ] + Unedited
Chapter Fifty Nine + Unedited
Chapter Sixty + Unedited
Chapter Sixty [ Extra ] + Unedited
part four + five
Chapter Sixty One + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Two + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Three + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Four + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Five + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Five [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Six + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Seven + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Eight + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Eight [ 2 ] + Unedited
Chapter Sixty Nine + Unedited
Chapter Seventy ♥ Epilogue ♥ + Unedited
💌 three years later.. 💌
💌 Dear J... 💌
💌 Dear Y/N..... 💌
💌 Dear to the Girl who.. 💌
💌 Dear Noona 💌
💌 Dear to that Someone.. 💌
💌 D̶e̶a̶r̶ M̶y̶ Y̶/N̶... 💌
💌 Dear Unrequited Lover.. 💌
Attention Readers

💌 Chapter Nineteen 💌

4.4K 352 472
By solivagante

Were younger brothers is born simply for the purpose of annoying their big sisters? Or was that just Daniel's most favorite thing to do to complete his everyday life?

The idiotic giant boy - because he was just that, an infuriating existence in your side - had abducted you with Jungwon the moment you entered the house. You knew you made a mistake by not checking for any signs of danger first. But you were hoping to see Dad quickly and by the time you call for him if he was already home, you were grabbed and maneuvered swiftly in his bedroom.

"Honestly Danny, you will one day give me a heart attack!", you shouted, glaring at him as he slammed the door in your face, leaving you with Jungwon. "Just why did I even deserve to have a cretin like you!?"

"I'm just doing this according to my bestfriend's wish!", Daniel answered back just as loudly, his usual mischievous accented by so much glee. "Have fun while it last!"

You felt like laughing. On the scale of his worldwide entertainment, nothing could give Daniel a truer sense of warm fuzzies than to make your life a little intense. He's not good enough to leave you alone but alarmingly good enough to trap you with just the boy he knew you liked so much.

Behind you, just as you expected, was Yang Jungwon. He sat lounged in the bed, his hands locked together in his lap as though he had been waiting.

You felt a little dazed by being his main focus of attention. "I've been wanting to talk to you about the letter", he explained with a sheepish smile. "Daniel is ready to listen to us, be aware of that"

"Why did you let him, though?", you asked unnecessarily as you struggled to hide how this is really bothering you inside. "Shame on you, Jungwon, for following the steps of my brother"

Color rushed up to his neck as he ducked his head behind his hands as he says, "It was my idea eversince I've heard you were with Heeseung, is that right?"

Obviously, you were torn between the impulse to simply agree - in case he doesn't feel the same - and the urge to ask why he is so concern about that issue.

When he looked at you, his eyes were like of the Puss in the Boots and it worked. "Alright, what do you believe in that rumors? Answer that first"

"Trust me, Y/N", he said as he rose to his feet and came to your side. "I don't believe everything even if you had kissed him. I knew there's something behind it that we didn't know of", he leaned in close. "We both knew who you currently like and there's no doubt in that, is there?"

He step back, but you seemed suddenly interested in your black shoes. "Well, where's the letter? Can I take it back along what I have mentioned there?", you asked so hesitantly.

"Nope", he said, linking his arms with yours to lead you sitting beside him in the bed as he gives your face a pointed look. "I can give it to you once I get clear answers with you looking me right in the eye"

You coughed, your face reddening at the thought. "Does it really matter, Jungwon? What if I want to put it all in the past?", you said, and he shook his head.

He rose from the bed. "Seriously, you will try that move on me? Lying?", he took a step forward, edging his body closer to you. "I've known you for years and like to Daniel, I could tell when you're hiding something", he smiled as he heard Daniel at his ear with the wireless earphones. "I'm not naive to the fact that you like me all along"

With this revelation, you shuddered, heart sinking to the bottom of your chest. "How?", you still say even if there was no point of denying it.

He nodded like he wanted to hear more, but he thought you were more than nervous enough and you started playing with your fingers, a nervous habit of yours. "I've known all along. I used to see you staring me and you often looked away if caught, I knew"

"Oh my god", you say and couldn't believe it. How could this have happened? He knew what you felt all this time but he still acted as if it was nothing. "Even before the letter arrived?"

"Even before the letter arrived, yes and it only confirms my guess", he shuffled forward again, stopping himself only inches away from your sitting figure.

You couldn't understand. "Well, now that I have a boyfriend from what everybody knew, none of it matters anymore", you lied again as disappointment hit Jungwon like a ton of bricks, he couldn't handle it.

"Why the hell do you keep refusing what you really feel for me? Is it because I am your brother's bestfriend?", He couldn't stop the tears from running down his face, it hurts and there was nothing left to do but spilled it out. "Or you really do love that Heeseung because for everything that he is, and I wasn't like him?"

You stared at him, shocked to say the least - for not seeing him cry in years and before it was only for a puppy who he had seen in an accident. You couldn't understand why he was crying now, yet somehow, like you had once think, it strucked you blindly with pain. Because out of all the seven boys, he was the only one who can affect you this much.

The last few of inches between the two of you disappeared and before either of you truly understand what was happening, Jungwon made his move for the first time. He took you in a hug and the world fell away. It was so reassuring and soft, comforting in a way the others would never be.

Everything was so different now - you aren't sure if he felt the same, but you didn't resist him, not ever in forever would you resist Jungwon.

He leaned in a little closer, with your forehead touching with his. He opened his mouth to speak, to end the moment you had been wishing for since then. "Don't", you whispered as you closed your eyes. "Don't ruin this for me"

It wasn't until he let the two of you fell into the bed that you felt like the world was yours and feeling his arms around you built that emotions you only felt whenever you see his smile, you felt invicible to the hate outside this moment. You felt alive again, all the worries and concerns boiling up inside you had vanished and you were vulnerable.

Jungwon placed a fingers on your chin, so gentle compared to Jake and Heeseung. "I'm sorry because I've been long hiding a secret from you too", he whispered.

"Will you tell me?", you sighed, carefully drawing away from him as you hear Daniel is practically cheering for his bestfriend through the door.

As you felt his warm breath against yours, he muttered the secret he knew he had to say. "I'm actually your first kiss, Y/N"

And this time, to Daniel's surprise and not yours, he was the first to run out from the room while you sat up abruptly in the bed, trying to process what he had just said.

Looking back to the spot he had been previously in, you saw it and immediately grab to keep it out from Daniel's knowledge. Because finally after waiting for so long, not only did Jungwon got your heart first.

He was the first person to give you a love letter.

💌 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 💌

Only this morning at school the encounter with Heeseung had seemed the worst possible thing in the world, but now here in the swing at the backyard, reading the letter from Jungwon, you understand that there are sadder factors, far worse thing than accidental mistake of Daniel, stolen kisses and bad rumors on any given day.

You closed your eyes tightly and sighed heavily as you hugged it against your chest, and you knew it would take time before you can recover from the truth. It was as though you had been drowned and drenched in a gigantic tidal wave in it's salty waters. And it all had been him.

But then there was the other side you can never hold on to. If you were able to, you wanted to share it to anyone for them to listen. Although saying it to Violet and Hazel was like admitting you were all the one with regrets all along. Daniel wasn't even an option and it is something you couldn't just share to the family. They all love Jungwon, for God's sake. Who's to say they wouldn't throw the blame on you?

And you were really blaming it all on yourself for hurting the boy mindlessly.

This is what the letter had said from Jungwon:

Dear Kim Y/N,

How did it come to this? One day, I was just treating you like an older sister and the next, I'm already finding myself sinking down into the fantasy where you would overlook my friendship to your brother and notice me as well.

Frankly, I would have never imagine it or even thought it possible, even for a second. How is it possible? How can these images of hope of me loving you, you loving me, get mixed up to the letters you've sent to the other boys that had ripped us apart?

Before I thought everything would be easy between us and even if I've read those letters with Daniel the time you were out in your friend's house, I'm confident about the two of us being the end game, but then - Ni-ki comes into the picture. I can never forget being too jealous over his appearances especially when you were always seen with him in school.

Then you rejected him that night and I was relieved again for a few months. With me spending all the time in your house, but why do the other boys have to come again to ruin everything?

There was Heeseung, the popular boy in school, the dreams of every girl and yet even you were caught by his charm and that day, I never saw it coming for the two of you to kissed each other in front of everyone. And it hurts.

Literally every parts of me is aching at the sight. I can even feel my heart breaking into pieces, which it never did before, but because of you, I was broken and touched by the pain for the first time.

What happened? Where did I screw up? How is it possible for someone who said she liked you so much in her letter to do this to you? And most importantly, how can your heart change its beat for someone else that fast?

I had sworn to myself never to become everything that you had become. I don't know the person staring back at me when I looked at you and I hope you know I never called you Noona, because if I do, it feels like admitting that I've already lose you but the game is just starting, I know.

From now on, you can find me seeking your affection too in personal, and if it comes to me fighting over the other six, then so be it.

And so I cry out. In the hope of making things better. Of starting something new, maybe even a war before a prosperous peace. But it's all downhill from here. And so I write to understand where it all began.

Love, Yang Jungwon

P.S I Still Love You. I never stopped.

It was silent for a while, until you sense the presence of somebody in your back, waiting if they will announce who they are. But before they could utter a word, you were already crying with the lingering feeling of a broken heart for Jungwon but you swore upon yourself that you'll never hurt him again.

And then you heard the voice of your company, "What are you crying about, Y/N?"

It's Sunoo.

💌 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 💌

What you need to know that something big will happen in Chapter Twenty.

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