๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ—๐“๐‡ ๐†๐ˆ๐‘๐‹ โžค Ray

By Amanda_Grathan

200K 8.2K 16.6K

"Come escape with us and be free." "Come and escape with me." ๏พŸ Summary - โžด With the escaping and... More

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3.1K 154 542
By Amanda_Grathan

They've been together for five years now. It's been really great for them, no complications or whatsoever. They sometimes fight but it doesn't affect their relationship.

Everyone was enjoying their time here in the human world. Some had work like him and Norman. Others still are going to school pursuing their education. It has been really good for all of them.

Emma hasn't really recovered her memories but she was still the same as ever. She grew comfortable with them, especially with Norman. They're suspecting they have something going on but no one actually has the guts to ask them. Actually, Gilda was the one pestering them about it.

And eventually they said they were going out. Norman told him everything after that. How he was such a nervous-wreck when it comes to Emma. Good for him, he finally got his girl.

Emma had talked to Ray too telling that she had liked Norman from the start; it was from the day they met. There was just something that made her heart pound from the sight of Norman. It was like she had felt it before, a familiar feeling of warmth and happiness.

Ray was happy for them. He knew that, eventually, the two would get together. He'd been waiting for this day since he knew that Norman liked her. The nostalgia of the past hit him as he thought of that certain day. Where they argued over whether taking the whole family or not.

He smiled at the memory. They were now here, the whole family in the human world. All safe and unharmed. Even though they lost a few people important to them, they were at least safe in the world where they might be right now.

Everyday, he misses his mother. He admits that he wanted for her to be alive right now, with him and the rest. She might have not been the best towards him back then, but he accepts all of her past mistakes because that was a way of surviving for her.

It was in a way, frustrating. To be selfish and bring him out to the world. But it was the only choice she had if she wanted to live. He was mad at her but those feelings just went away and all he has is the loneliness as a son without a mother. If only, for just once he can see her again.

Now, he focuses on the future ahead of him. He had fulfilled the things he wanted to do for the past few years. But there was one thing he hadn't done, and that's marrying his girlfriend.

It's hilarious to think how time passes so fast. One day, he just found a girl surprisingly hiding in the depths of the Gracefield house. And now, here he was in a relationship with that same girl.

To think their story started out like this made him innerly laugh. The girl who once hid among the rooms of the house, running around like a ghost that cannot be caught. Well luckily he caught her, didn't he? It would be an unusual story for him to tell to their future children.

Yes, he's planning to have kids with her. He never really thought about having his own family in the future back then when he was just a child, as he was too busy focusing on escaping. He is well aware of how to make a family and on the responsibilities he and she will take.

But weren't they too young for them to be marrying? In a young age of 21, isn't it a little early? Well Ray doesn't care about all of that. He has a stable job, if ever some old lady asks him.

Sighing, he leans on his chair. There were too many things in his work right now. Things have been hectic being the vice-CEO of their company.

"Hey Ray, you can take leave early." Norman's voice rang out from his tablet.

"There's a stack of paper infront of me, Norman." Ray grumbled, glaring at the papers he was supposed to go through. "I can't leave."

"It's not due until next week." Norman said.


"Why don't you give (Y/N) a surprise visit?" Norman suggested. "You haven't gone to pick her up from her work for a while."

(Y/N) was now an orphanage volunteer. She went to various orphanages around the city, helping and playing with the children. It just warmed her heart to see children that were once like them, but safer. She always donated for charity and everything that helps the orphans. She vowed to help children, even ones living in the street.

Ray was glad she made her own decisions now, headstrong towards everything she wants to do. She wasn't bothered by her past self, she left her indecisiveness back in the previous world they lived in. She smiles freely and do things without hesitation (Even kissing him in the cheek out of nowhere, he wasn't a big fan of giving affection in public) and that made him fall in love all over again.

What Norman said was true though. He hadn't visited her workplace right now. She settles in different orphanages, staying there for at least a month. Right now she was just near so it can be easy to drive over there.

But the paperwork still bugs him.

"Ray, you can go." Norman said. "Make that an order from your higher-up." He laughed, making Ray frown.

"I really want to see her but.." Ray banged his head on the table lightly, his hair slightly poking his eye. "Agh."

"You've been working hard." He said. "And besides, aren't you going to ask her soon?"

"Yes." He answered, getting up. Brushing his hair away from his face, he glances at the tiny box by the corner of his table.
Yes, he was going to propose to (Y/N).

He hadn't got the perfect time to ask her as he was swamped with work and she was always out too. Both only can talk when they go home, lay in bed next to each other. He could've just asked her right away but he would always chicken out.

Ah, the perks of being nervous.

He was ready to take all of the risks and responsibilities for marrying her. What troubles him is that she might not say yes. She might be not ready for any of this stuff.

"Fine, I'll go now." Ray said, taking his jacket with him.

"Don't forget to ask her today!" Emma's voice surprisingly rang out from the call.

Turning to the tablet, he raises a brow. "Emma?"

"I should've had talked." Emma's low voice was heard from the other line, making Ray chuckle.

"I didn't know you are at Norman's office right now." He said. "You two should get married before me, geez."

"H-hey! Aren't you going to go now?" Norman coughed, obviously trying to change the subject.

Rolling his eyes, he leans on the tablet. "Sure, bye." He said, before turning off the call.

Going through the building with people staring at him was typical. The employees usually don't talk to him, rather they talk to Norman. As the white-haired male was more friendly-looking. It was kind of insulting but he doesn't really care.

There have been multiple times where he's being gawked at which is really uncomfortable. This is why he sometimes chooses to stay at home and work there. But he can't because there are things to do in the office that he needs to do with his own hands.

Once arriving at the parking lot, he found his car by the corner. He turned on the engine, making the car groan alive. Driving through the city was pretty relaxing, he must say. There was no traffic as the cars go smoothly through the road. Slight red and pink hues covered the sky, the sun to be seen setting as he drives towards the west.

Turning to a corner, he drove through multiple houses. In the distance he can see the Orphanage where (Y/N) was currently working in. He slowed down as he nears the old but modern-like building. He has never gone to this location but he knew she was going here.

Children already pointed at his car as he parks it by the side of the road. Going out made the kids go crazy as they have never seen such a man, wearing a suit. Damn, he forgot to change.

He was about to go in when a little girl stood in his way. "Hey! Who awe you?" She said, eyes glaring. He noticed something about her, her familiar black hair sets him up to the past. Huh, she kind of looks like someone.

"Are you here to adopt one of us?!" Another three-year old exclaimed in excitement.

"Uh, no." He said. "I'm here for my-"

"Could you be Miss (Y/N)'s husband?!" Another red-headed child exclaimed in surprise.

Husband, he liked the sound of that. But it wasn't true, they weren't married. "I guess?"

"Come inside! Come inside!" And just like that, he was dragged by the toddlers to the inside of the orphanage. Once they got inside to what seems like a kitchen, there he saw her cooking with a middle aged woman.

"Miss (Y/N)! Miss (Y/N)!" The red-headed child called for her. "It's your husband!"

"Husband?" (Y/N) turned to the door, choking on her water.

Ray quietly laughed as (Y/N) wipes her mouth from just nearly choking earlier. "I didn't know you were married, (Y/N)." The elderly woman asked.

"Oh no." She laughed. "That's my boyfriend."

"Oh.." The woman nodded. "For a second, I thought you had a boyfriend and a husband."

"Haha." She laughed awkwardly. Turning to him, she smiled. "Hey Ray, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to pick you up." He simply said, his leg being hugged by a four-year old. The kid was trying to reach his face, wanting to punch him. He looked like he was crying. Struggling to get him off, (Y/N) picks him up.

The little boy cried as he was picked up by (Y/N). Now in her arms, he tries to reach Ray and tries to punch his face. He dodged his little fist, raising a brow in confusion. "I was going to marry miss (Y/N) when I got older! Not you!" He said, sobbing even more. Oh, so his rival is a child?

(Y/N) laughs as she kisses the cheek of the little one. "You'll marry a girl cooler than me, Jason." She said.

"No!" He exclaimed, crying. "I'll never find someone as kind and good as you, Miss (Y/N)!"

"Now, now Jason." The older lady got Jason in her arms now. "You can't marry someone if they already have someone with them."

"O-okay." He sobbed even more.

The woman left the room with the crying boy, leaving them and the other little toddlers. "So, you ready to go?" He asked.

"I need to finish cooking." She said. "Hey, let's eat dinner here."

"Sounds fine." He shrugs.

"Could you help me and set up the plates?" She asked, checking the soup she was making.

"Sure." He said. "Where are they?"

"By there." She said, pointing at the sink.

He got the plates and turned to the other door that lead to the dining room. There he saw children, age ranging from three to ten. He could tell because of how they look. They chattered while he puts the plates infront of them.

"Are you Miss (Y/N)'s boyfriend?" a brunette asked him.

"Uhm, yes." He simply said.

"Are you going to marry her?" A five-year old asked him, which surprised him. How do these kids know about these stuff?

"Soon, I suppose." He said, slightly smiling.

Everyone in the table just gasped when he said that. They chattered once again, whispering to each other. These kids were something else. "You're going to propose?!" The five-year old kid just shouted of nowhere, making him hush her.

"Shh, she doesn't know yet." Ray said.

"She doesn't know yet?!" The little girl once again yelled.

"Alice, proposing doesn't work like that." A ten-year old boy said, fixing his glasses.

"What's with all the shouting?" (Y/N) asked, carrying a pot of soup towards the table. Helping her, he settled it on the table. "Don't touch it, it's hot." She warned.

"Your boyfriend is going to-" Little Alice was hushed when an older girl covered her mouth.

"Going to what?" She asked.

"Going to eat with us!" The brunette saved.

"Oh, I knew that." She said, sitting on a chair. Ray also sat beside her, and beside the boy who had glasses on. "Ella, could you go and get Mrs. Acosta?"

"Sure thing." An eight-year old looking girl got up from her seat, making way to the staircase.

"Can we eat yet?" Alice asked, looking at (Y/N).

"Sure." She said, smiling.

As they thank that they have food infront of them, they started to eat their share of the soup. (Y/N) helped the children getting bread from the plate because it was far away from them. She acted so kind, smiling just like back at Gracefield.

"Oh, I see your boyfriend is still here (Y/N)." The woman said, setting down the boy who cried earlier. His eyes were a little swollen and red from all of the crying. The little boy stared at him, surprisingly not glaring.

"Yes." She smiled. "Come and eat Mrs. Acosta."

"Alright." The woman said, sitting on her seat.

The children chatted with each other, constantly glancing at him. He just continues to eat his food, ignoring the children's stares. "Miss (Y/N), awe you going to marwy this emo-looking exwuse of a man?" The black-haired girl from earlier asked, glaring at him.

Emo-looking excuse of a man, what a three year old just called him. These kids, where do they get these thoughts? He felt a little offended.

(Y/N) laughed. "I don't think of those stuff right now, Isabel."

Ray felt a little down when he heard that. It seems like she isn't ready for any marriage to happen. Thanks to Isabel, he knew that he needs to wait.

After they finished their meal, the ten-year olds washed the dishes. (Y/N) had strictly told them to do their chores so they can learn. No one opposed her.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"Bye kids!" She said, waving goodbye. Both her and Ray were now by his car, bidding goodbye at the children. "I'll come back tomorrow."

"Bye miss (Y/N)!" They exclaimed, waving goodbye as well.

Both now in the car, they drove away from the orphanage. (Y/N) sighed and stretched on her seat, tired from the day's work. "They're fun, right?"

"Yeah." He answered.

"So how was work today?" (Y/N) asked, leaning on the chair.

"Tons of things to do." He said, sighing. "I think my back is hurting too."

"Well thank goodness you're out early to take a break." She said.

"Yeah." He simply said. Driving through the suburban city to the house the family shared. Both of them share a room, but soon he plans to share a house with her. Just the two of them. That is if she'll agree, he'll just have to ask her.

Once they got home, both of them were greeted by Lannion and Thoma. The duo were seventeen now, already at the end of their highschool. "Oooh it's the lovebirds-ow!"

"Shut it." Ray said, slightly bonking his head. Lannion laughed with Thoma rubbing his head.

"Hey, I'm gonna go ahead." (Y/N) said, pointing at the direction of their room. He nodded in reply, turning to the two that still kept laughing at him.

"Come on, it's been a whole year and your plan of asking her hasn't been done." Lannion said.

"Yeah yeah." He said, glancing at (Y/N)'s dissapearing figure.

"Man, you're really in love." Thoma said, elbowing him. "I hope I fall in love in the future too!"

"Who would want to put up with your stupidity?" Lannion snickered, making Thoma glare at him.

And so the two bicker along, with Ray slightly laughing at the two. He left the two alone, making way to their room. As he opens the door, he found (Y/N) in pajamas.

She sat on the bed with a laptop on, her face straight on focusing whatever article she must be reading. He went to change his clothing to something comfortable. Once he was done, he sat beside her.

"What are you doing?" Ray asked, leaning on the bed frame.

"Oh, just searching some orpahanges.." She said, scrolling through the page.

Ray rested his head on her shoulder, which was pretty comfortable for him. She didn't mind. His mind drifted back to the conversation him and the two had earlier. Right, why now ask her now?

"Hey, I was thinking-"

"Wanna adopt a kid?" (Y/N) suddenly said, which made him jolt in surprise.

"I'm sorry, what?" Ray asked, blinking.

"Nevermind, it's stupid." She laughed, before turning to the laptop. He could sense she looked a little down. Adopting wasn't really a bother but it still surprised him that (Y/N) had thought of this.

"Anyway, did you want to say something?" (Y/N) asked.

Ray looked away. "Nothing. It was nothing."

The couple was soon enveloped in an awkward silence. Ray thought of what (Y/N) wanted. It is kind of hard to raise a child, to be a father as well. But she, she'd be a great mother towards a child. Him? He'll try his best. "Let's do it."

"Huh?" She turned to him.

"Let's adopt a kid." He said. It was alright to him, really. Ray kind of wanted to make a family with her, right? Well they can do that by adopting a child. In that way, they can help an orphan too; give them a home they deserve.

(Y/N)'s face lit up. "Really? Are you serious?"

"If that's what you want, then sure." He said.

"Do you want to?" She asked.

Oh, he'd be glad to. "Yeah." He smiled.

"That's great!" (Y/N) beamed in joy. "I have a particular little girl in mind, actually."

"Hm?" He said, glancing at her.

"You know that little three-year-old girl named Isabel? Yeah, she's the one I was thinking of adopting." She smiled.

Reminiscing the black-haired toddler that had a scowl on her face earlier, he immediately was shocked. "Oh, her.."

"She kind of has a mean face but don't worry, she's just like that." (Y/N) reassured. "It's just after she found out she was abandoned by her parents, she was all disappointed and sad. Making her look so mad like that. And she's three, Ray. I don't even know how she comprehended that truth at such a young age."

Oh, so in a way they were alike. He, a little boy, once had nightmares about the house he lived. He was fascinated of how he was able to figure it out with him being young. There were no parents that waited in the dark depths of the gates. They were monsters ready to take them in their growling, hungry stomach.

Thank goodness that these children, here in the human world, didn't experience what they went through. They are able to enjoy their life, waiting for any parents to come and take them. Though there are demons in the human world, the human ones. Illegal organizations that traffics children, selling them. It disgusted him as it reminded him of the past.

"She's also reluctant if a family tries to adopt her, as she thinks they will just abandon her like her biological parents." She said, her voice quiet.

For a moment, Ray was silent. "Sure, let's take her."

"Let's give her a home she deserves." He smiled, making (Y/N) hug him in joy.

"Thanks, Ray." She said, nuzzling her face onto his neck.

"You're welcome." He said, kissing the top of her head.

After (Y/N) has put away her laptop, both of them slept through the night besides each other. Ray regretted not asking her after though. He'll just have to ask her another time.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

When the alarm went off, Ray frantically awoke. Rubbing his eyes, he reaches for his phone to turn it off. He's late for work!

"Ray, calm down." (Y/N)'s voice rang out from the other side of the room. "It's Saturday, there's no work for you today."

"But my paperwork.." Ray groaned, getting up from the bed.

"You'll be signing a different paperwork today." (Y/N) said, smiling. He noticed that she was all dressed up in civilian clothes. "We're going to the orphanage."

Now he gets it, they were going to adopt the little girl today. "I already called Mrs. Acosta about it, though I didn't let little Isabel know."

Her being so excited just makes his heart flutter. "I'll get ready then." He said, going to the bathroom immediately.

Dressed in comfortable jeans and a black shirt, he goes out of the bathroom. Then he puts on his wristwatch, combing his hair afterwards. All set for today's journey, he walks out of the room because (Y/N) was nowhere to be found.

Once he got out, he made way to the dining room. Where Gilda, Don and (Y/N) were seated. "Come and eat, Ray." Gilda ushered.

"What are you all dressed up for?" Don asked, eating his share of breakfast.

"We're going to the orphanage." (Y/N) said, eating as well.

"Oh, you're going to help her with work Ray?" Gilda asked.

"Actually," Ray paused. "We're adopting a kid."

And that statement made Don and Gilda choke on their food. Immediately, they drank their water before staring at Ray and (Y/N). "You all know what you're going into right? You're going to raise a child."

"We can handle it." (Y/N) said, smiling.

"Congratulations man! Does this mean you two are marrying?" Don smiled, while (Y/N) turned silent.

"Don." Gilda coughed.

"Oh right, sorry." Don said, reading the atmosphere. It was obvious Ray hadn't ask her yet judging by (Y/N)'s reaction.

"We'll get going now." (Y/N) said, finishing her plate.

Ray thought, what if (Y/N) didn't want to marry him right now? Though waiting will be tough, he'll be willing to do it. It's just that he keeps thinking of the negative stuff. Ah, he'll definitely ask later.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

"Miss (Y/N)! Miss (Y/N)!" The children hurriedly swarmed their beloved volunteer.

"It's your last day today." A little boy reminded her. Actually, it was the one who sobbed yesterday. And now, he's crying again.

All the children looked down as well, reminded by the fact that it's (Y/N)'s last day of work in the orphanage. "Yeah, that's why I'll spend my last day with all of you guys." She said, beaming with a smile.

And so they did. They played the whole morning, with them eating together at lunch. The children were full of joy and excitement, just pureness. He was reminded of Grace field's daily playing, with Emma leading the children.

Three o'clock hits, with him and (Y/N) finishing up the papers with Mrs. Acosta. Once they were done, the children surrounded them by the living room area. "Kids, we're actually taking someone home today." (Y/N) smiled.

"Isabel, they're your new parents now." The older lady announced, making everyone gasp in joy. Isabel though had a different reaction, she ran towards the outside of the room. "I don't want to go! No!"

"I'm sorry, I-" Mrs. Acosta was interrupted as Ray follows the three-year old girl.

He found her sitting under the old, wooden staircase. His gaze softened when he saw her silently crying. Ray made way towards her, sitting by her side. She looked away though, still crying. He was reminded of Conny, that sweet little girl who apparently got adopted.

"I know why you're crying." He said. "And I understand."

"Y-you d-do?" She said, hiccuping.

"Yeah." He quietly said. "I had a mom, you know? She kind of abandoned her duties as a mother for the sake of her well-being."

"Even though she was selfish, even though I was mad at her. I could not deny that she genuinely loved me." He said, smiling.

"But they w-weft m-me." She said, hugging her knees. This little three-year-old was sure smart enough to understand.

"I know." He said. "But that doesn't mean they don't love you."

"I'm sure they had their reasons for leaving you." He said, caressing her head. He wasn't really good at kids, to be honest. "Good reasons, not bad ones."

"Y-you w-wink so?" (You think so?) She said, looking up. Her eyes swollen from all the crying, still hiccuping.

"I know so." He said, smiling at the little girl.

"If y-you're my n-new parents, you w-won't w-weave me?" She asked, a tear dropping from her eye.

"No, we won't." He reassures.

Then the black-haired girl hugged him out of nowhere, crying hardly. "Y-you pwomise?"

"Yes, we promise." (Y/N)'s voice rang out. She walked towards them from the door. Was she here the whole time?

"T-thank y-you." She said, clinging onto Ray's shirt. He smiled and carries the girl as he rise up from his seating.

─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───

They already left the orphanage with the children waving goodbye. Some were crying because of Isabel going away. Though (Y/N) promised to visit as much as possible.

It was already nighttime when they left. So Isabel saw all of the city lights around. She gazed in wonder, an amazed glint in her purplish like eyes.

"Miss (Y/N).." She quietly said, with (Y/N) looking at the rear mirror.

"What do I c-call you fwom now on?"

This made (Y/N) think, before turning to the backseat where Isabel was sitting. "You can call me anything you want, Isabel." She said, smiling.

"Then, can I call you mom fwom n-now on?" She said, a little bit nervous.

This made (Y/N) smile even more. "Sure, that's very alright to me."

"And call him Dad too?!" She said in excitement, with slight shyness in her voice.

(Y/N) lightly laughs. "Yes, you can call him Dad."

"Yay!" She cheered on her seat. Ray laughed as well, then focusing on the road.

As they arrive the mansion, sort of. Isabel was already asleep when they arrived there, so Ray carried her to their room. Thankfully, the others were already asleep so they didn't bug him and the child. (Y/N) walked beside him, yawning.

"Hey Ray." (Y/N) called, while he tucked Isabel bed. He placed the child on the mattress because the spare rooms were too far away. "Thanks for uhm.."

She slightly blushed, looking away. "Giving me a family that I wanted a long time ago."

He remembered that, years ago. He was glad he had made that wish twice for her. A whole family of siblings and now a family of their own.

"You're welcome." Ray said, smiling. "Just answer this one question."

"What is it?" She asked.

"Would you consider on marrying me to complete all of this?" He asked.

(Y/N) had a mixed reaction; she looked surprised, confused and happy. She immediately smiled and answered the most satisfying word he heard. "Yes." She said. "I consider on marrying you, Ray." She rolled her eyes, mocking him a bit.

"Are you for real?" He asked. "I thought you didn't thought of these things.."

"Yeah, but I'd be such an idiot not to marry you." She laughed. "I am ready to this lifetime commitment so you don't have to worry, Ray."

"Well then, are you my fiance now?"

"I guess you could say that." She shrugged.

Oh dear, he wanted to kiss her right now. Without even thinking he grabs her, his lips meeting her soft ones. It took her by surprise but she calmed down and returned it back. His heart beated rapidly as he deepened the kiss. They've never really done this too much.

Breaking contact, both were out of breath. Two of them, speechless. "Ray, there's a child in the room."

"I couldn't help it." He said, breathlessly.

It turned out like this, story ending happily. Through the hell-ish journey they faced in the past, they reached a heaven-like outcome. Everyone was happy, they all found their happy ending.

He was glad he lived, thanks to Emma. Satisfied and contented of the aftermath of their journey of escaping the demon world. Some had survived, some had gone. They went through a crazy ride.

It all started in the attic where he met her in that moonlit evening. Uncertainty was what he felt before, but now she's out. And actually with him now. This story of theirs was unusual. But people just love the unusualness don't they?

"I saw you two kiss." Isabel's voice surprised them. She blinked her innocently, wide awake.

"Agh, damnit." Ray said, looking away in embarrassment. (Y/N) also looked away, embarrassed that a child saw them just literally make out. He shouldn't have done that knowing that a child was here, he doesn't regret it though.


It's the end baby.

And yes, they kissed.

I just want to say thank you for everyone who read through the whole story. The ones who voted and to the people who took their time to comment. You all are literally the best! You made my quarantine less boring!

I kind of wanna say that I do regret for not having an actual plot for this. And the pacing is just really bad, it's so fast. (cough cough, cloverworks) I hoped you still enjoyed it though!

I couldn't just not put a happy ending because you guys would kill me.

Anyway, thank you for all of the support! *sending virtual hugs* And to all of my internet friends that I met through this book! I love you all!

Thank you for my homie, my best friend who helped me through this book Potahoe_bish

Me: Ayo I have an idea.

Her: What idea?

Me: what if I make a ray x reader book.

Her: Sounds dumb..

Her: Let's do it.

Question though, do you want a separate chapter with Ray, (Y/N) and Isabel?

Future author: the epilouge is out! Continue further to the next chapter! :D

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Emma was shiped out 2 months before they plan to escape. But Emma has a secret plan set in her mind. Emma wasnt always the happy, cheerful girl every...
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โœง ๐‘จ ๐’๐’Š๐’‡๐’† ๐’‚๐’๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’๐’‘๐’‘๐’๐’“๐’•๐’–๐’๐’Š๐’•๐’š ๐’‚๐’‘๐’‘๐’“๐’๐’‚๐’„๐’‰๐’†๐’” ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Š๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’Œ โœง ๐‘ฏ๐’๐’๐’… ๐’๐’–๐’• ๐’•๐’ ๐’“๐’†๐’‚๐’„๐’‰ ๐’‡๐’๐’“ ๐’Š๐’•...
64K 1.6K 26
" two birds on a wire~ one tries to fly away and the other... " she quietly hummed while watching her siblings and her one and only love go furthe...