We are Different & Weird| BTS...

By Shippedfanfictions

39.6K 1.9K 552

"Namjoon is weird." is the common phrase in his college. But Namjoon never mind it.. He was just happy to... More

28 (18+)


1.1K 55 18
By Shippedfanfictions

Operation Winding In

The autumn breeze was getting chilled as winter was about to arrive, there were few pedestrians already wearing warm clothes, the sun has already been set and the streets are lit with bright lights and signs.

The two boys who were walking down the street didn't wear any warm clothes... one was wearing completely black outfit..with balck jeans and black hoodie while the other a slight taller male was wearing a light blue shirt with some brown trousers.. these two were exactly Jeon Jungkook and Kim Namjoon respectively.

They walked into a restaurant together... their expression nervous.. Jungkook hands keep fidgeting in his pocket. While the elder darts his eyes in every corner of the street.. afraid someone will notice them.

"You talk.. i will block" whispered Jungkook as they entered the restaurant.

"I know" whispered back Namjoon.

To save time and energy.. the duo decided to get all the boys at one place like Jungkook did earlier.. but this time they will not let them leave until they hear the whole story. After that it was their choice if they want to join them or not.

To make sure everyone shows up, Jungkook hired 5 buff men to 'politely' guide everyone to the location.

It was Namjoon's idea to use 'polite' force.. shocking Jungkook who thought that this man was all about peace.

Namjoon's reply was simple, "Learn from others mistakes.. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself. You tried to get us together but we left. This time its hard to say they will even show up.. so that's the only way to make sure they are here and to make sure they don't leave."

Each man escorted one 'subject' to the restaurant where they first met..

The place was still like last time.. with dim lightings and beautiful decorations.. but what change was the atmosphere inside it. Last time it was filled with nervousness and anticipation. This time it was anger and fear.

Like last time the place was empty except the table where they last sat. Reaching the partition you can see Jungkook's hired help was now currently standing behind each occupant of the seat.

Jin and Taehyung were fuming with anger.. and the men behind them were simply keeping their one hand on their shoulders to keep them at one place.

Jin just exited his store when he was greeted with a gruff man.. he was very polite (maybe because Jin really looked too good) and told Jin that he have to accompany him.
Jin refused but the man insisted. Ultimately the man hauled Jin by his waist and shoved him in the car.. muttering his apologies that he have to do it.

Jin was furious because he didn't like being manhandled like this.. but he didn't protested again in fear of getting hurt by the man. Yes he was scared.. but he was hiding it very good.

Taehyung was in his animal care center where he have been working from last 2 years.. when a man arrived telling him that Jungkook invited him for a dinner. Taehyung was in the middle of cleaning aquarium, so he asked the guy to wait but the man to told him.. they have to be there on time. Thus, he had to handle his job to someone else which was why Tae was furious as he didn't like anyone else to tell him what he should do and moreover didn't like asking favors from his colleagues.

Jimin was frantic.. he didn't like being pushed in corner like this and was constantly struggling.. making the job of man behind him very hard.. as Jungkook gave clear instructions that they can't harm anyone.. and most importantly they can't tie Jimin. So the guy behind Jimin was doing his all to keep that not so big but yet somehow strong guy in his place..

Hobi and Jimin were together on their first date. After 20 days they first met Jimin finally got time from his schedule to bring Hobi on a date, not even hour passed when two men arrived demanding to come with them, Jimin's first thought was that he got caught dating and they are men of certain someone.. so he got frightened to death and timidly followed them holding nervous Hobi's hand.. but when they arrived at this restaurant he knew he was really not in danger.. and he was angry that he showed Hobi his weak side.. thus he was trying very hard to throw off these guys and just get out of here so that he can hide somewhere from shame and self loathing.

Hobi who was sitting beside Jimin was in tears.. he was very afraid, he was grabbing Jimin's hand tightly in his.. and the more he sees Jimin struggling, the more he will cry. Maybe that was why after some time Jimin didn't struggle much, but he kept cursing to the guy behind him. Hobi was scared of the men but he was more scared for Jimin because he can see that Jimin was not looking in his eyes anymore. He maybe oblivious to many things.. but knew when someone wants to hurt themselves.. he had been there.

Yoongi was different case. He didn't care what was happening around him. He was simply sitting like he was in a park.. his eyes closed, he was humming some tune under his breath.. the guy behind him didn't even put his hands on his shoulder to keep him in one place.
First, he didn't need to because Yoongi was not trying to run.
Second, because when he first tried to block Yoongi's path near the cafe where he works, Yoongi was on his way home but before the man cpuld say anything he actually flipped the man over and beat him to plup until the man told him why he was here.. listening to him that he was following Jungkook's order, Yoongi simply said, "You should have told me earlier.. don't try to touch me again. Let's go". After saying this he leisurely sat in the car and came here without any struggle.. but the man behind him already have a broken tooth, a swolen face, bleeding lips.. and maybe 2..3 torn ligaments.

One might wonder seeing such odd situation why nobody called the police yet, the answer was simple. The restaurant belongs to one of many people who owe Jungkook a favor, he helped him get his money back from some big mafia gang. So no matter what was happening in the restaurant, they will turn a blind eye to it... the owner had already ordered it closed.. with just handful of staff waiting in kitchen to serve like last time. No matter what happens here.. not a word will get out.

Infact the men he hired was also one of those mafia gang.. who also owe him big favors.
There was a reason why Jungkook was so rich and powerful in less than 3 years despite being an orphan.. he owe many people many favors.. but no one have ever actually met him.
He calls in those favors when he needs them, like this restaurant boss. He simply told him one of his close friend is in need of his restaurant and to close it for day.. so the guy did.

The people he owes favor are all bigshots in the country and they all call him Mr. Big. No one knows what he looks like, and no one dares to cross him.. If he needs them.. he calls them. If they need him, they wait for being noticed. Afterall he sees everything, everyone got skeletons in their closets and Jungkook was one who collects them all.

When Namjoon found out Jungkook has such power and connections he secretly thanked heavens (which he never believed existed) that he was in Jungkook's good books.

The pair who was awaited by all finally walked in. Jin was the first one to notice them.

"It's you.. why are you with him?" Jin asked in a shock when he noticed Namjoon with Jungkook.

"Aren't you the one who walked out first that day.. why are you with him?" questioned Taehyung. His face showing shock and curiosity.

"Don't tell me you are in this shit? Why are we here anyway?" hissed Jimin

"and nice to see you all too" Namjoon said with fake pleasentaries.

"Hi!" Jungkook squeaked beside Namjoon to everyone.

This time Namjoon was the one to take head seat, while Jungkook sat at his right side where Namjoon last sat..
Jin was opposite to him followed by Taehyung and Yoongi while Jimin and Hobi sat beside him.

Everyone's attention was on Namjoon, including Yoongi who had now opened his eyes and was finally looking at Namjoon with humor in his eyes a small smirk on his face.

"It's dinner time... shall we eat something before we get to the topic?" Namjoon asked everyone polietly.

Jin snorted angrily, Tae nodded.. while Yoongi shooked his head.. laughing to himself. Hobi has finally calm down and was just sniffling softly, his head down.

"You asshole-"

Jimin tried to get up again.. now trying to reach Namjoon and maybe punch him, but Jungkook grabbed Jimin's both hands..forcing him to sit back down.

"Relax Jimin-ssi. We are here to talk. Please co-operate" Namjoon said sternly.

"When the belly is full, the head is pleased. It's late in evening, most of you are coming from work.. let's eat first and then we will talk" Namjoon addressed everyone.

"I insist" he added pushing the menu towards Jin. His demeanor was nothing like last time. As if he was a different person. Jin remembered how he found this guy cute and clumsy like a bear last time but right now he was giving aura more like a Lion King commanding his peasants. A chill ran down from his spine.. he reminded him of someone.. someone very peculiar.. someone they all fear.

Jin took the menu and passed to Yoongi.."Do the honors"

So Yoongi did.. not only himself he ordered for everyone.. surprisingly he ordered the same dishes and drinks what everyone ordered last time for themselves...

"Anything else?" he questioned finally after finishing..

"You remembered everones order?" Taehyung asked in surprise.

"I always remember.. you want something else?" Yoongi asked. Taehyung just shooked his head.

No one talked..

When the food arrived.. everyone ate in silence with few glances to each other..Even Hobi nudged Jimin to eat when he refused to eat at first but gave in.. Who knows what these two want.. they are already using force.. it was like a throwback when Dr. John used to force them to eat before talking about anything. It was nothing new.. through years of training.. they knew 'if they want answers they have to finish what's served.'

There was only sound of cutlery and munching.. After everyone finished and the table got cleared... the mood had already calmed down.

They knew its time for answers.. No one was trying to run anymore (which means Jimin specifically)

"We ate.. now answer us.. what's all this about?" Jimin asked in irritation.

Jungkook nodded towards the men and they left the area they were guarding and walked out of door, standing guard at tge restaurant door instead.

"Don't try to leave until i dismiss you.. they are still outside and this time they may not go easy" Namjoon warned to Jimin who was now eyeing the door where guards just left.

"Enough with your threats.. i have work in morning and i am far away from home.. speak up" Jin finally was unable to hold his anger.

"Jungkook" Namjoon signalled him.
Jungkook pulled out the phone and played the recording he last played for Namjoon.
"listen carefully" told Namjoon to everyone.

The recording started, everyone wore confused expressions but they listened carefully.

"Hello.. who is this?"

"Jennie it's me.. i found something of your liking this time."

"Rose i told you not to call me on this number"

"I lost your other one... listen i have to go.. but meet me at our place.. i am telling you you are gonna love it"

'Who is it?'

'No one...'

Recording ended and with it the calm mood at the table.

Silence..it was complete silence. No one dared to ask the question, they all wished someone would answer.

Finally for the first time in night.. Hobi spoke.

"How old is this recording?" he whispered.

"Almost 3 months" replied Jungkook.

There was an uproar on his reply.

Jimin's body went rigid.. but there were tears falling from his eyes..

Jin shrieked in surprise as he stood up.

Hobi was shivering but there was smile on his face.

Tae cursed and grabbed something on his chest.. his eyes getting big.. still not believing what he heard.

and Yoongi just nodded his head.. his hands covering his face as he closed his eyes.

Namjoon and Jungkook were prepared for this.. they didn't talk further and let the words sink in everyone's head.

"I need to go home" whispered Jin as he tried to run towards the door.. he wants to hide where he can't find him. He need to vanish.. before that man realises he is happy, but before Jin can even move two steps, I a big hand grabbed his wrist.

"Do you think hiding at your place will stop him from finding you? Or are you planning to live in your place forever locked up like your whole childhood" questioned Namjoon who was holding Jin before he runs away.

"What do you want me to do? What can i do? I have to hide.. we all have to hide.. he will come for us.. he will find us.. he will.. he will" Jin couldn't complete his words and burst into tears, he lost his balance, his legs shaking..Namjoon who was holding his hand supported him from falling. Jin falls in Namjoon's embrace still crying muttering we have to hide continuously.

Namjoon looked helplessly at Jungkook but saw the younger's whole focus was instead on Jimin.

Jimin who was panting heavily.. Jimin who was shivering and sweating.. Jimin whose eyes were watering... Jimin who was in between a panic attack.

Jungkook was looking at Jimin but he doesn't know what to do.

"Move" grunted Yoongi, he rushed to Jimin's side and shoved Jungkook from his seat and sat there instead.

He took out a paperbag from his jacket, emptied the pill bottles it was holding and made Jimin breathe in it.

He was rubbing Jimin's palms.. He turned and scowled at frozen Jungkook but still said in low voice.

"Give me something textured"

"here" Taehyung threw a small toy which had soft spikes on it. It was a chew toy for kittens.
"Its clean." he added hastily.

Yoongi didn't care if it wasn't clean, he put the toy in Jimin's hand...

"Keep pressing it.. feel its texture.. try put all your mind on it" he told him in calm voice.

Jimin followed Yoongi's voice, he started squeezing the toy.

"You are safe here. No one can hurt you.. breathe.. just focus on breathing.. We all are safe.. he will never touch you again.. "
Yoongi consoled Jimin in low voice every now and then..

No one said anything..after five minutes Jimin finally started to calm down.. his breathing getting normal.. his shivering and swraring stopped.

He finally removed his paperbag and looked at yoongi, "Thanks, i didn't mean to-" he said in hoarse voice.

"No one does" interrupted Yoongi.

He patted Jimin on his head.. making sure he was okay for the last time.. glared at Jungkook once more and went back to his seat.

"Jimin" Hobi tugged at Jimin's shirt.

"I am fine babyboy... i made you worry.. come here" Jimin brought Hobi in his embrace.. feeling his flowery scent he already started to feel better.

Yes he was still scared.. but he will deal with everything later.

Jin who was crying in Namjoon's embrace earlier also finally calmed down under Namjoon's constant consolation

"I am here.. you will be safe with me.. He can't reach you.. you don't have to hide"

Namjoon made Jin sit back on his seat but he kept holding his hand, so Namjoon let him.

Yoongi took out 5 pills from his bottle and passed each to everyone while taking one for himself.

"Anti anxiety pill.. take it.. there are no side effects.. it will help" he answered to their questioning gazes.

"can i have one too?" Jungkook asked gulping.

Yoongi looked at him.. staring for a while then nodded and passed one to him as well.

10 minutes passed... no one spoke anything.

It was Hobi again who took the initiative to ask the question.

"Where is Dr. John?"

"We don't know yet.. I am trying to trace him, but its hard to follow his trail... I just need sometime.. " Jungkook answered.
"Maybe a bit of luck too" he added in low tone.

"Is he in country?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know.. I am not sure" Jungkook again answered in negative.

"What do you know then?" hissed Jimin.

"He knows he is alive.. he is the one who found this audio" Namjoon spoke before Jungkook.

"Should I Thank him for ruining our peaceful lives?" countered Jimin

"Peaceful? Don't tell me the life you are living currently is peaceful enough that you have forgotten what he's done to us. If Jungkook didn't found out and you came across him one day on your own.. i bet you would have been in great fighting condition like right now" spat back Namjoon.

Before Jimin can retaliate, Yoongi raised his voice.


"What's your plan.. you asked all of us here.. surely you guys have thought of something"
Yoongi asked looking at Jungkook and Namjoon.

"I found out about Dr. John around 2 weeks ago, Jungkook came to visit me.. I will not lie.. i was also very afraid and anxious like most of you.. I was not confident to live alone anymore.. so i moved in with Jungkook. Jungkook here have a house big enough to accommodate all of us. My offer is simple, Move in with us. We are going to catch that Bastard with or without your help. I am not gonna wait until he finds us.. and ofcourse it will be foolish to inform the police about this, since they are the ones who told us he died at first place. I just think living together will increase our chance of survival. We can look after each other" Namjoon tried his best to make his point across the table. Jungkook kept nodding beside him

"What about our jobs?" Taehyung asked.

"Leave your jobs, i have money..loads of it.. i can take care all of you" Jungkook chimed in excitedly. Looks like his anti-anxiety meds kicking in.. making him more open.

"Jungkook" Namjoon warned him in stern voice.

"Or you can keep your jobs, i can hire driver and bodyguard to drop and pick you up.. or you can work under me.. i have lot of vacancies.-"

"Jungkook" warned Namjoon again

"or you can just go to work on your own if you feel good.. its all until we catch him" he finished in a pout...

"I am not leaving my job.." Taehyung declared.. and Jungkook's face fell..

"but i don't have my own place to live.. i can think about moving in if i can have my own room and you don't mind a cat and a dog" Taehyung added smiling.

Namjoon nodded

"Not a problem" said Jungkook happily.

"How big is your house?" Hobi asked curiously.

"Enough for your dance practice" Jungkook winked. Namjoon thought Jungkook got high on the pill. He was smiling for no apparent reason.

"Okay then.. i am in" Hobi accepted the offer. He looked at Jimin, hoping he can stay with him.

"I have my own house.. i don't want to leave it.. but-" Jin didn't continued.

"But you are scared now.. it's okay.. we all are.. that's why we are sticking together isn't?" Namjoon told Jin while rubbing his palm in soothing manner..

"Okay! let's stick together then" Jin sighed.

Now there were only two people left.. Jungkook looked expectantly at Yoongi and Jimin.

"I am not scared of that Psycho.. I am fine on my own" Yoongi told everyone.

"But-" Jungkook tried to argue but Namjoon stopped him.

"If you change your mind in future, you can find us here" Namjoon handed Yoongi a card with Jungkook and his number as well as house address. Something that duo prepared early on for the situation like this.

Yoongi accepted the card and nodded.

"What about you?" Jungkook asked to Jimin.

"I have a contract.. It doesn't allow me to live anywhere else"Jimin said in low voice.

"I am asking do you or do you not want to move in.. Don't think about the contract.. just answer me this" Jungkook for the first time tonight really looked like he was not a kid but rather someone you can depend on.

"How does it matter.. I am still bound-" Jimin started

"Just answer it for once without trying to be smartass" Jungkook scolded. Anti-anxiety medicine, Namjoon reminded himself to never let Jungkook take it again.. this boy was getting extra bold.

"Yes.. i would like to move in" Jimin answered.

"Cool then" Jungkook smiled.. his bug tooth showing.

"What you gonna do?" Jimin asked nervously.. he guessed already that Jungkook knows what kind of contract he is in.

'This guy really know too much' he thought to himself

"Just some calls" Jungkook answered simply.

Finally.. finally their operation 'winding in'was completed.. they almost winded everyone in.

Namjoon and Jungkook looked at each other.. they didn't expected it will be this easy. Turns out fear of Psydoc was greater in these people heart than they first guessed.

"Welcome to the family" Jungkook and Namjoon sang together.

Everyone started laughing at their childish greeting.

True they all scared
But it was also true, that they finally found someone they can rely on.

So the cat is out of the bag now.
It's finally time for everyone to be together (well except yoongi.. he didn't accept the offer)

Also, the reason why i defined Jimin's panic attack symptoms and handling measures is to educate you people.

1. Always ask the person havung attack what they need.
2. Touch them only if they are comfortable
3. Don't say repeatedly eveeything will be okay.. its irritating.
4. Its better to say other comforting things or maybe talk about something else so that they can divert their mind
5. Give them a textured object.. so that they can focus their senses on it
6. If they are feeking cold.. wrap them up in a blanket.. for a safe space
7. If they are having problem in breathing.. give them a paperbag.

I wish this information can help you.
I will keep giving handling measures for these kinds of things..

Feel free to reach out in comment section if you have any questions.

Don't forget to leave a like.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

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