Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)

Da AshleyH713

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One forgotten, One corrupted. Hawks' greatest mistake was always letting his sister down, so much so that yo... Altro

Fly Away..
Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Don't Make Me Ask Twice
Meet The League
Protect Me? Sorry, Not Interested
Playing "Hero"
Nice To Meet You Princess
It's All Fake, It Has To Be..
Bitter Memories Never Fade
Hangovers Are The Downfall of Everything
Ghosts Of The Past Haunt Us All
Far Too Innocent For Your Own Good
You Don't Find Valkyrie, Valkyrie Finds You
What Have I Done?
Looks Like You Made The Wrong Choice
Do You Want To Forget?
The Weak-Hearted Won't Survive
The "Real" Hikari Part 1
The "Real" Hikari Part 2
Let The Games Begin
(S2) Welcome Back
Long Way To Go...
Opperation: Reformation!
Fake It Till You Make It
I'll Break And Break Again
You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?
The Weakness In The Word "Friend"
Twenty (ish) Questions
Just A Call Away
Are You Sure You Don't Care?
Pull and Push
The Test
Trust Is A Difficult Thing
Safe Space
Look Who's a Double Agent Now
You Todoroki's Will Be The Death Of Me
The Man Under The Mask
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 1
A Villain's Perspective
What Could've Been
Old Friends, Even Older Enemies
What Begins Must Always End
The Fake Fiancée Game Part 2
Raise A Little Hell
Just Like His Father
Sister Mine Part 1
Sister Mine Part 2
The Birth of Valkyrie
(S3) Out In The Open
Without A Shadow Of A Doubt
Something Missing
The Truth Won't Always Set You Free
Keigo's Sister Part 1
Keigo's Sister Part 2
Keigo's Sister Part 3
Dabi Part 1
Dabi Part 2
I Would Burn The World For You
Enemies To Lovers?
More Like Lovers To Enemies
He Who Suffers In Silence
Between The Black and White
Two Birds On A Wire
One Tries To Fly

Whatever It Takes

1.1K 58 14
Da AshleyH713

Shoving one arm into his pockets, Hawks used the other to push open the door to the building in front of him as Shadow followed behind, the man's half lidded gaze staring towards their destination with intent.

After some convincing, the tattooed man had allowed the hero to come with him to check out a couple possible leads in order to find the mysterious and elusive Valkyrie.

Apparently they were hard to come by and Hawks knew he needed to get his hands on them before they decided to do something with that file.

He didn't know why such a villain would take something like that. On all accounts it didn't make any sense and from Shadow's description it seemed like they acted on client based requests.

Although that didn't make him feel any less anxious though because that simply meant that someone that hired them to steal the information, that someone has suspected him as a traitor already.

And that was enough to make Hawks absolutely terrified.

His first thought went to Dabi but the man quickly shook it away knowing that the villain would've already had his head if his cover was blown. So that was out for now at least.

But that didn't mean he was safe forever, no eventually he knew that information would find its way to the stitched man soon enough. Hawks knew his reach in the underworld was great after all, and that's what made it so important to find this villain quickly.

After a few flights of stairs, Shadow stopped by the specific door before speaking to the bird with heavy seriousness. "I'll go in first and you follow behind, we've been advised not to overwhelm him if we want any information."

Nodding his head, Hawks then tucked his wings behind him before knocking on the door in front of him as a middle aged man appeared a moment later. His eyes were sullen, turning towards the agents with confusion. "Who are you?"

Shadow responded by pulling out a small piece of paper in order to show the easily anxious man. "Good afternoon Haruto. We are from the Hero Public Safety Commission. I've heard you have some information that could be useful to us about Valkyrie."

Although at the name, Hawks watched as the man's shoulder densed up immediately before turning his head towards each of the hallways with a fearful gasp, almost like he was afraid that someone was watching him. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. Good day."

Haruto then turned around to shut the door as Shadow quickly reached forward in order to stop the movement, scaring the ex-gang member immediately. "We know you were there that night, the one where that villain revealed itself. It's okay, we can protect you, just.."

Yet the words seemed to catch something within the man, his hands starting to shake before trying to force the door closed as his voice raised. "You don't understand, you have no idea what you're talking about! Nothing can protect me, nothing will stop them, do you understand?! They have eyes everywhere, just talking about them could.."

Haruto then started to ramble to himself before Shadow stopped him a moment later. "Sir, we know about Valkyrie's capabilities, that's why we want to take them down. You want that also, don't you? We heard that you were close to the past leader, Riku Suzuki. Don't you want revenge for your fallen friend?"

Although the man only shook his head, his hold on the door tightened ever so slightly as his eyes casted down, clearly remembering something that haunted him. "That night, we didn't know what we were dealing with, Riku didn't know what he was dealing with. We paid for it, we all paid for it..."

Screwing his eyes shut, Haruto then wiped the memories away before letting out a shaky breath, recalling the cruel words of Valkyrie after she had visited him at the hospital, her piercing amber eyes cutting through his very soul.

Never forget Haruto, I'm allowing you to live. And if you ever step out of line again, I will find you and I will make your life far worse than you could ever imagine. I will make sure that you regret your choice with every fiber of your being and I will destroy you without ever giving you the mercy of death. So don't ever cross me, understand? Because I'll know.."

Shivering at the invisible voice in his head, Haruto then shut his mouth before letting out a small whimper of fear. "I-I already told you too much already. Just leave me alone, leave me alone before they know..."

The two realized they were losing him, watching the man turn around once more only for Hawks to grit his teeth together. They were so close to finding something about that villain, they couldn't let Haruto walk away now, not when so much was at stake.

So much so that the bird felt his wings puff out before stepping in front of Shadow, his voice slightly desperate and rising in volume. "Do you know someone named Hikari?"

He needed to know, he needed to know what kind of connection his sister had in this, what kind of awful things she was stuck in and if this guy knew Valkyrie then he was sure he would know her name as well.

And Haruto did freeze at that, his body unmoving before the man's eyes twisted in disbelief, not having heard that name in years. "H-How do you..?"

Yet as soon as the man turned around his eyes grew wide with fear, taking in Hawks' looming red feathers as his mouth ran dry and a thousand horrible feelings of nostalgia rushed back to him. "N-No.."

Not understanding, Hawks took a step closer before the man took one back, clearly afraid for the hero in front of him. "No no no no no s-stop it. D-Don't, I didn't say anything I swear, I didn't...!!"

The hero stood in silence though, watching the man fall apart in front of him. "H-Hey Haruto. What's up man? I'm not going to.."

Although he was quickly cut off by the man placing his hands up towards his face, trying to block out the sight of the red feathers as his breathing picked up immediately. "R-Red, red, it's everywhere, just red, so much's always watching me...waiting for me...I can't..I can't..."

Shadow couldn't help but watch his breakdown with intent though, recalling a similar reaction whenever he brought up the idea of the villain that any of Valkyrie's other victims.

They always mentioned the color red, that seemed to be a common thread. Interesting.

Hawks on the other head was terrified beyond belief, realizing that the one Haruto was afraid of, was in fact him. He had only acted this way after he had spoken after all.

Something about Hawks seemed to really frighten the guy but the hero couldn't understand why.

Choking on a breath, the man then took another step back before forcing the door from Shadow's hands in order to shut it. "I'm sorry..I'm sorry for what we did.. I'm sorry for everything...j-just leave me alone!"

Haruto then slammed the door in front of them as the bird blinked in disbelief, his head swirling with a million different thoughts. "W-What was that?"

Yet Shadow didn't seem nearly as surprised, a loud sigh echoing through the space. "That's the usual reaction. Out of all the victims I've interviewed, they all seem to break down at the very mention of the villain. I thought this one would be different but it seems I was mistaken."

The hero couldn't help but widen his eyes at the newfound information. Everyone had reacted like this? That was insane. What kind of power did this kind of monster hold. "He kept saying the color red.."

Nodding his head, the tattooed agency only hummed. "Yes, that seems like a common link as well. I always assumed that the color meant blood, given the circumstances. Although it seems like your wings triggered Haruto more than anything. Perhaps the color reminded him of blood, or something else.."

Pushing his hands into his pockets, Shadow then made his way towards the exit as Hawks hurried after him a moment later, his mind still in disarray. "Wait hold on here, where are ya going? We didn't get anything from that guy. We can't just leave..."

The other commission agent didn't seem bothered though, entering the city streets before turning towards the bird with narrowed eyes. "It doesn't matter. As long as Valkyrie uses their scare tactics it will be impossible to get any information from any previous victims. Haruto was a dead end."

Running his hands through his hair in anxiety, Hawks got what he was trying to say immediately, following behind the tattooed man with a heavy sigh. "So what you're saying is we are back to square one again.."

Shadow only gave a silent nod before the hero felt his eyes fall. This wasn't good, how were supposed to find this villain if no one would give them information? It seemed impossible.

And from that guy's experience, it seemed that this was the normal reaction to Valkyrie which meant finding someone that was different was going to take time, time that Hawks didn't have. He needed that information now, or else he was ultimately going to suffer for it.

Although that's when Shadow pushed his lips together in hidden intent before speaking back low and plain. "Not exactly, there is one more lead."

Hawks didn't understand at first, turning his head with silent thought. Wait, they had a lead? Why hadn't he told him this? "Hmmm, who is it?"

Yet one look from the agent caused the bird's eyes to fall, his expression finally connecting the pieces at exactly who he was talking about, his sister.

Almost immediately his wings lifted out in a mix of disgust and anger before shaking his head and shutting down the idea without a second thought. "No, we aren't going to use Hikari. I already told you, she's been through enough as it is."

The other agent seemed to expect this though, sighing heavily. "Hawks, that girl is the only one that has information on Valkyrie. You said it yourself, she's lying about her involvement somehow. As commission agents we can't ignore that."

Although that was true, the hero felt his heart plummet into his chest. "I don't care, she's my friend and I promised myself that I would protect her. We are leaving her out of this and that's final"

"Think for a moment, will you? If this was anyone else, if this was any other kind of assignment you would act differently, wouldn't you? You would find whatever lead you have and exploit it, that's what we were taught to do, that's what we should be doing right now but you are too blinded but your love to see that."

As much as he hated everything that Shadow was saying, Hawks knew that he was right in a sense. If this was some kind of random stranger then the bird would have used her weaknesses and broken her down without a second thought. That is what he had always done before.

But this wasn't a random person, this was his little sister.

Yes, Hikari may have been at the center of this investigation but the very idea of manipulating her made him so incredibly sick that he couldn't stand it. He couldn't do that to her, he just couldn't. What kind of brother would he be if he allowed such things to happen, if he had willingly participated in them?

Finding those files was the most important thing to him, sure, but Hawks forced himself to shove away the easiest option in order to protect his sister with everything he had.

Because if it came down to the commission or his sister, Hawks wasn't sure what he'd pick, and that absolutely disgusted him, far more than he could ever begin to stomach.

Staring back at his utter stubbornness, Shadow couldn't help but sigh at the silence. "Do you remember what the president taught us, what the sole rule of our job is? The method's don't matter, it's the result that she cares about. We were taught to find the weak point in a case and take it. Don't you see, Hikari is that weak point, why aren't you taking it?"

Hawks took in the words before his feathers twitched in shame at the utter power that those words held. Shadow was right, Hikari was the weak point. She was just a weak girl and the bird knew that if he bent her a certain way, she would indeed break for him.

Through every flitch she gave and every tear she shed, it gave him even more blackmail to use against her, to take her own insecurities and shove them in her face to the point of her spilling any kind of information.

God, he hated it but Hawks couldn't help but see the possibilities before him, the ones the commission drilled into his mind.

And he could break her, he knew he could.

But somewhere inside of him couldn't help but be utterly vile about that knowledge, Keigo's weak heart creeping in without a second thought as the bird shivered at the very idea.

This was his sister he was thinking about, his own blood. This was the person he had promised to protect, the one he had failed to protect for so long.

Why was he even debating such heinous things, why was he even considering the possibility of hurting her for the sake of a mission? It was utterly disgusting and Hawks hated himself for even the mere unconscious thought of using her.

The president's voice then appeared in the back of his mind, twisting his horrible thought in one single solitary sentence, the one that he was taught as a child over and over again, the one that made all his previous sins bearable.

Whatever it takes Keigo, you have to do whatever it takes.

Yes, whatever it took. That's what he always had done but this time it was different, this time it had to be different. For Hikari and for his own sanity, he couldn't choose between them. He just couldn't.

Simply because if it came down to it, Hawks was sure he'd hate himself for the answer.

Closing his eyes in heavy self loathing for himself, Hawks then shook his head. Shadow may have been right, it was the easiest option but he couldn't let it happen. It didn't matter if Hikari was the only lead they had right now, they would just have to find another.

There had to be more people out there that could get him information, Hikari wasn't the only option, right? He prayed that she wasn't.

"I'm not blinded by anything. We will find Valkyrie, without Hikari. There has to be someone that will talk to us, I'll find them."

Sensing the complete shut down of the topic, Shadow only twisted his lips in disinterest before turning around leaving the hero behind. This bird, he was a lost cause. "If you say so, although let's see if you change your mind after you find out the truth, after you realize that there aren't any other leads besides her."

Hawks only stood silent, letting his words sink in before seeing the commission agent completely disappear from his sight. He had to be lying, there was no way there weren't any other leads.

Shadow just wasn't trying hard enough, that had to be it.

Blinded by that unwavering idea, Hawks then let his hands fold into fists before narrowing his eyes in serious intent.

There has to be another lead out there, one without his sister involved.


After a solid week of searching, Hawks had turned up absolutely empty in finding any information on Valkyrie, all of the possible leads turning to dead ends in just a few hours of finding them. Shadow was right, this villain was seemingly impossible to catch.

Rubbing his face tiredly, the bird sighed before placing his hands into his head, the idea of Hikari's involvement swirling around more than ever. If only Keigo wasn't still lingering inside himself somewhere, if only he wasn't sane or human like Valkyrie, then maybe this case would have closed by now.

His phone started to buzz a moment later, Hawks' eyes traveling towards the president's name before flipping the object over so he couldn't see the screen. He had been giving her empty excuses for the last week and the bird was sure that she'd figure it out soon.

He needed those files, but the question was how?

Letting out another weighted sigh, he paused when his sister's blonde hair appeared from behind him, her expression seemingly mixed with unsaid confusion for the bird that was falling apart before her. "Ah, Hika-chan. Did you have a good nap?"

Although for Hikari, one look at her brother's pathetically tired face told her everything she needed to know. He was exhausted the last few days and although she didn't care, she was in fact curious on why.

He had seemed like a closed book nowadays which was strange for the man, usually she couldn't get him to stop talking. Something had changed, although the girl wasn't sure what. "Are you okay Kei-chan? You look tired."

She hoped that would give her some kind of answer although the only thing the girl received was a half hearted fake laugh from the bird. "Yeah, sorry. Things have been busy these days. I know I haven't been there for you lately, I'm sorry..."

His face was riddled with shame, something that Hikari really wanted to slap off as soon as she saw it, her voice forcing itself to be even. "Remember, you can tell me anything brother. I'm here for you.."

Her words made her want to gag but she held it down, hoping that this time she'd get some kind of explanation on his behavior. But once again, she was only shut down. "Thanks Sis, that means a lot. I'm here for ya to.."

Grumbling internally, Hikari realized she wasn't going to get anything from the bird, turning her head with slight annoyance before moving back to her room. If he wanted to shut her down then fine. She didn't care. "Yeah.."

And Hawks could sense her distaste in his words, causing the hero's chest to fill with sadness before turning his head away in order to ignore how much his sister's response stung. I'm sorry Hikari, I promised not to tell you anything. Trust me, I'm trying to protect you.

Although as soon as she turned around, Hawks caught something out of the corner of his eyes, the bird immediately standing up from his seat in order to call out to her with a small smile. "Hika-chan, your hair.."

Not understanding, the girl stopped before allowing her brother to catch up to her, his hand touching the strands with a small smile. "It's all tangled in the back. Looks like you still don't brush it out after you wake up. Silly girl."

Hikari's face couldn't help but light up with embarrassment before Hawks chuckled to himself, using his feathers to bring out a brush from her room before pointing to the sofa a couple feet away. "Come on, let big brother take care of ya."

Reluctantly, the girl made her way over before plopping herself down as her brother did the same next to her, brush now in hand like he used to do when they were kids. In fact, a long time ago her brother used to love to brush her hair whenever their dad was asleep.

But for Hikari, she was only hit with that same familiar longing of the past all over again. "Keigo, I'm not a kid anymore. You don't have to do this."

Yet Hawks only shook his head before using his hand to turn Hikari back towards the window so he had a better view of what he was working with as he ran the brush through the tangles. "No, but is it bad to say that I missed this?"

At the feeling of the comb weaving through the strands, Hikari couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia from the motion, her body immediately relaxing without her permission before letting her eyes fall at his words and speaking honestly. "I did too."

And she did, she missed these small little insignificant moments more than anything else in the entire world, Hikari's eyes closing before picturing herself back as a child, when everything was so simple.

Humming at her words, Hawks felt all of his own anxiety float away before recalling all of the nights he used to do this for her. "You used to crawl into my bed after Dad went to bed and beg me to do this. It was really cute.."

Hikari let her eyes fall at that, recalling his words as clear as day, before trying to wipe them from her mind. No, she couldn't do this. That Keigo didn't exist anymore, he was gone.

Even still, it's like she couldn't help it, feeling herself mutter under her breath with a small pout. "I didn't beg..."

Although that's when Keigo pushed his lips together before humming behind her, causing Hikari to widen her eyes at the song. It was the same song he used to sing to her from time to time in order to stop her crying, the same one that she had heard a thousand times before.

It all started the day that their dad was gone and Keigo and Hikari found a stack of movies belonging to their late mother, all of them in english and tucked away in a small box in the closet.

The two kids decided to watch one called "Dumbo" about a cute little elephant with large ears that was outcasted from the world and as soon as heard the song Baby Mine, Hikari immediately felt herself humming it over and over again, wondering what it was like to have a mother to sing something like that to her.

That night, when their dad found the movies he was furious, taking his drunken anger on her before sending her to bed. Crying to herself, she heard a door open only for Keigo to walk in silently, pushing himself onto her bed before looking her at silently.

She recalled the conversation almost immediately.


"Kei-chan, why don't we have a mommy like the movie? Is there something wrong with us? Daddy is always so angry and he says it's because of us, because we're bad."

"Hika-chan, it's not your fault, we aren't bad. Daddy is the one who's bad."

"I don't want to be bad. I want to have a mommy to sing to me like the movie.."

Pushing her head into her knees, Hikari's eyes filled with tears as Keigo watched with sadness, not knowing how to quell his terrified sister.

He wished they had a mom also, then maybe their dad wouldn't have to take everything out of them, maybe he would have been able to stop him from being so angry.

Little Hikari felt herself stifle a sob before hearing her brother's voice a moment later, his voice singing the same words from the movie that they had watched a little while ago, except with one small change.

"Sister mine, don't you cry, Sister mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, sister of mine...."

Realizing the familiarity of the words, Hikari lifted her eyes brimming with tears before falling into her brother's embrace and crying out all of her worries, something that would be tradition for as long as they lived together.


As his voice filled the air, Hikari forced the idea away before she swept away the memory completely. Yes, the action was so simple, so mundane but even still it brought back a wave of emotions into her throat.

How ironic that her favorite movie ended up being the one about an outcast reject since that's exactly what she turned out to be. Even the lyrics seemed to mock her now.

So much so that Hikari felt herself speak honestly to her brother for the first time since she arrived, her tone laced in mountains of sadness..

"I never thought I'd get to feel this again..."

And Hawks recognized the change right away, his hand pausing for a moment before registering the heavy emotion. He didn't know why but that last phrase felt different somehow.

"Me neither, in fact I regret not doing it more. You always had to face dad by yourself, you always had to face everything by yourself. I'm sorry.."

It was a regret that Hawks held ever since they were kids, not being able to protect her from their father, having to watch from afar as he beat Hikari wherever he was angry. He was such a coward back then, and it seemed that part of him never changed.

Although out of all the things that Hikari hated her brother for, their childhood surprisingly wasn't one of them, the girl turning her head before meeting his eyes. "What do you mean?"

Letting his eyes fall, Hawks felt the shame pool into him. "I always just watched, I just wanted him to hurt you and never did anything. I protected myself when I should've been protecting you."

Part of her wanted to agree with him but as much as she utterly despised Hawks for the things he did to her, she had never once thought of their childhood as his fault. Many other things were sure, but not that.

"Keigo, we were kids. Listen, you may have thought your silence was nothing, but just being next to you, just seeing you was enough for me. When you would come see me after dad got angry or you would put your hand on my head when I cried, it was enough back then."

It felt strange, speaking so honestly to her brother like this. Perhaps it was the nostalgic atmosphere that was making her sappy but for some reason she wanted Hawks to know that their childhood wasn't his fault.

What happened after was.

Hawks didn't seem to believe her words though, the bird lifting the brushing up before continuing his work on her hair. "Thanks Hika-chan, as little as that was, I'm glad it helped you. I just wish I could've helped more.."

The girl couldn't help but twist her lips into a bitter smile then. "That's the hero in you Kei, wishing to change things that have already happened. It's no use to do that, you'll get wrapped up in your own head that way, it will make you crazy..."

Just like me.

Hawks didn't seem to pick up on that though, pushing her words away before replying. "Well I'm here now Hikari, I always will be. Whatever happened in the past, I'm going to make it right. I promise."

The irony of his words was ever telling, causing Hikari to drop her smile as an unpleasant mix of unease worked its way into her stomach for some reason.

Oh Kei, it's too late for that. You can't fix anything. This is what I'm trying to tell you.

Forcing her lips into a grimace, Hikari masked her sadness a moment later, knowing that in a few days her brother wouldn't look at her the same ever again before muttering. "Don't make promises you can't keep Kei..."

Hawks just barely heard what she said though, his feathers perked up at her voice. "Hmm? What did you say there?"

Yet that's when her grimace turned into a forced smile before shaking her head. "Nothing, never mind. Thanks for combing my hair Kei-chan."

The bird opened his mouth to speak before his phone began to ring in his back pocket a moment later as Hawks looked down at the caller ID and Hikari recognized the president's name before it was ripped away from her eyes.

"Ah, no problem. Hey, it looks like I gotta go in for work. How about when I get home I pick up some yakitori and we can watch movies together? Your pick!"

Knowing it was a plain lie, Hikari narrowed her eyes in silence before standing up from her seat with a fake stretch. And there he was again, the commission agent, the one that hid everything. "Okay.."

Hawks then beamed before rubbing her hair once with a quick thumbs up, already making his way to the balcony. That was enough messing around, he needed to get to finding that villain. "Perfect! I'll be right back. Don't miss me too much little sis."

Then he left her alone as Hikari let her hand fall before picking up the hair brush, closing her eyes and willing the nostalgia away as she hummed a few notes to the song Keigo sang a couple moments ago.

It was nice, having a real conversation with him for once, if only it could have lasted forever.


Moving to another set of people huddled in the corner of the bar, Hawks tried to sweet talk them to no avail, their lips sealed tight on everything Valkyrie. It was like no matter how hard he tried, the minute that villain was brought up everything was immediately shut down.

Shadow really wasn't kidding when he said that the power Valkyrie had on the underworld was intimating. He could see why no one even dared to face them half the time. Just the singular name was enough to send most running after all.

As he plopped himself down, Hawks gave a fake beam before leaning towards the group of people with a laugh. "Heyo, can I buy you a drink? I could use the company tonight."

The female giggled in the group before lowering her eyes seductively. "Sure, but what's a hero doing all the way over here? I think you took a wrong turn little bird."

Knowing he had an interested party, Hawks then threw his hands up to a waiter before scooting a little closer in order for the tension to rise. "Actually, I'm looking for someone, and I'm hoping you could know something about it."

Humming in response, the girl giggled. "I know a lot of people around here, but it's gonna have to cost you lover boy. Who are you looking for exactly, I'll tell you how much of a payment I need for them.."

Hawks then leaned a bit closer so that his lips were near her ear before whispering low and raspy, hoping that she was turned on enough not to freak out over his next words. "Sure cutie, I'm looking for Valkyrie. You know where I could find them?"

Although as soon as the words registered across her face, the girl pulled away, her features changed into something Hawks read as fear. "Y-You, do you have a death wish?"

And though that wasn't the case, the bird continued his game, hoping that this wouldn't be a dead end as well. "Not at allI baby bird, I just wanted to have a quick chat, that's all. You know here to find them?"

The girl only backed away further though, his lips twisting in disgust. "No, and I never want to. I've heard the rumors, I'm not stupid enough to go looking for trouble like that, and you shouldn't be either. No amount of drugs or money is worth finding that psychopath."

Then she hopped off the stool before immediately moving towards the crowd with a heavy scowl just as the waiter brought the drink over. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll stop poking your nose into trouble before it gets you killed."

Just like that, his lead was gone, causing Hawks to grumble before taking the drink he had paid for and shoving it down his throat like a shot. This was getting him nowhere.

Although that's when a low raspy voice rang with familiarity. "Oh, look at what the cat dragged in, some chicken shit."

Hawks recognized the man right away, just barely lifting his head to see Dabi's dead skinned arms as he grumbled. He didn't have time for his bullshit right now. "What do you want Dabi?"

Hearing him so annoyed only made the villain chuckle though. "Ah, trouble in paradise I see. Never thought I'd find you here. Shouldn't you be playing "loving big brother" to your sister right about now?"

As soon as he heard the mention of Hikari, the hero lifted his head in slight annoyance, not liking him even mentioning his sister in the slightest. "Just taking a break, that's all."

Humming at the response, Dabi then pointed a finger behind him. "Couldn't help but notice the scene you were shamelessly making back there. Do you scare all women away like that or what?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Hawks replied with a half hearted laugh. "Not at all. She wasn't my type. I think I dodged a bullet there."

Dabi only watched him with hidden annoyance though, knowing that his words were all bullshit. No, he knew exactly what he was trying to do, the rumors were everywhere. "You sure you didn't have a hidden agenda bird boy? You know, about Valkyrie."

And just like the sucker he was, Hawks' eyes lit up with interest before his mouth hung open in shock. He hadn't told the villain about any of this. In fact, he was trying to keep in on the down low. "H-How do you know that?"

Dabi only smirked though, gesturing to the waiter to get him a drink. "Oh please, everyone here knows about it, how you're on some kind of crazed hunt or something. Lemme give you some advice Hawks, you won't find them. Not if they don't want to be found. That's just how it is."

Taking in the words quickly, Hawks only caught part of the meaning, turning his head in disbelief. He was speaking about that villain far more than anyone else. Did that mean he had information? No, impossible. "Do you know them?"

Yet he only laughed at some kind of hidden joke before shrugging his shoulders. If only Hawks knew how comical that question was. "Who knows."

Just then the waiter came as Dabi swiped the drink from his tray and took a large swig. "But what I do know is that you aren't going to get anywhere running around with your head cut off. You're going about it all wrong and I have to say, it's so satisfying to watch you fail so miserably."

It was like he was making fun of the bird and Hawks was not pleased in the slightest, like Dabi knew something that he didn't. "Alright, if you're so smart, how would you go about it?"

That's when the villain's half lidded gaze dropped just slightly before a horribly wonderful idea entered his mind, turning towards a group of boys in the corner, the familiar faces causing Dabi to chuckle. "See those low class brutes over there? That's where you should be directing your attention. I've seen them work with Val."

Almost immediately, Hawks turned his head to the group before already standing up from his seat. Those people knew who Val was, they could get him information? Then what was he waiting for?!

Although that's when Dabi added playfully. "It's no use though. Picking them out is easy, but you'll never get any information, not the way you've been shamelessly going about it anyways. You gotta think smarter chicken shit, although I'm not sure that's possible for you though..."

The villain watched as the clueless bird stopped in his tracks at his words, seemingly trying to use his small little brain to figure out what he was saying.

But the thing is, Dabi wasn't really saying anything. Frankly, he didn't have a solution for Hawks but it was honestly just fun seeing him try to accomplish the impossible. Hikari made sure that her trail was impossible to find, she prided herself in that so it was no surprise that Hawks wasn't going to get anything.

Even still, he was curious on what the hero would do, to see just how desperate he was with finding the villain that happened to be his own sister. What kind of underhanded boot licking tactics would he use, what kind of lies what comes out of his mouth?

It was all in good fun after all, that's how it started out.

And Hawks was indeed freaking out, wondering just what Dabi was trying to say. What did he mean his tactics weren't working? What else could he do besides ask for information. It wasn't like he could make Valkyrie come to him...

Although that's when a familiar phrase popped into his mind, the very same one that he had heard yesterday from that low level thug. It pulled at his throat, making his mouth run utterly dry all at once.

You don't find Valkyrie, Valkyrie finds you.

He didn't understand at first but after what he had seen today, he couldn't deny that the phrase rang true. All this time, Hawks was trying to get information in an old fashion way, he was trying to find Valkyrie and catch that villain off guard.

But maybe that wasn't the right way to go about it, maybe Dabi was right with what he was saying.

Valkyrie wasn't a normal villain, that much was obvious. So why was he using normal tactics on them? Of course that wouldn't work, the villain was too smart. He needed to think outside the box, he needed something that would make them come to him.

Although that posed a new problem. He didn't know how to make them interested or even what they wanted. Everything about them was a mystery, there was nothing he could exploit to bring them out of hiding, nothing they were after..

That's when a flash of blonde appeared in his mind before Hawks widened his eyes at a realization, a horrible, awful and disgusting revelation.

His sister, that villain was after his sister.

It was obvious, from her sudden appearance to the connections to Val, to her kidnapping during that villains raid. Hikari always told him that she was afraid to go out outside, of some unknown force stalking her, all of that had to be because of Valkyrie.

Sure, he didn't know the connection just yet but Hawks was one hundred percent sure that Hikari was involved with the villain in some kind of way. She was the only person that had walked away without being physiologically ruined, without being broken.

Shadow was right, there were no other leads, just Hikari.

And that utterly broke his heart, the commission soldier in him telling him to jump onto the opportunity that had played out before him. If his hunch was right, then he could bait Val with his sister in order to get that meeting. Then, he could get the files...

Immediately widening his eyes, Hawks then shook the idea away, a bit of bile working its way into his throat.

Wait, what am I thinking, she's my sister! I can't lead her into this, I can't use her as bait, I can't exploit her like that. What's wrong with me?!

Yet that's when the commission president's voice appeared in his ear, causing the hero to close his eyes at the venom in her past words.

Whatever it takes Keigo, you have to do whatever it takes.

Yes, whatever it takes, that's what had to be done.

Wait, no that's not right. What was he even thinking?! This wasn't the same thing, this was his sister, his blood. He couldn't just use Hikari in order to get what he wanted.

Don't worry about the means, only the outcome. Sacrifices have to be made.

The old woman's voice appeared again, causing Hawks' feathers to ruffle with shame before dipping his head. He knew the means didn't matter and that sacrifices had to be made. Hell, he had overlooked hundreds of crimes by Dabi and the league over these last few months.

He wasn't a stranger to turning the other cheek and pretending not to see the damage. That's what he had been conditioned to do, that was why the president chose him for this mission. If he didn't get those files, then everything would be ruined, he would be ruined.

Don't disappoint me, Little Keigo. You know what happens if you do.

The trigger word of his name lingered then, causing the bird to grit his teeth in overwhelming conflict. He didn't have time for this. The president was watching him, she was waiting for an update of the case.

If she found out about the stolen files it would all be over. He'd be nothing, thrown on the streets and stripped of his title. He would be an alcoholic nobody, just like his abusive deadbeat father. No, that was not happening, he couldn't let that happen..

So much so that Hawks felt his legs move on their own towards the table, his eyes fixed in a serious and determined glare as all of the training and psychological effects of his childhood appeared ever so slightly.

He couldn't think about anything else but the mission, that's what the president had molded him into thinking, and that's all he could think about now. He didn't want to be a nobody, he didn't want to be a coward, he didn't want to be Little Keigo..

At his appearance, the group of boys looked up with confusion, seeing the dead and clouded eyes of the eyes. "What do you want, hero?"

Their tone was less than friendly but Hawks didn't care, the words forming before he even had a chance to think about them. "I need you to send a message to Valkyrie...."

And as he expected, the group pretended not to know who that was, turning their drinks down before one answering for them. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Yet that's when the bird slammed his hands on the table, the sound erupting the bar before Hawks spoke with clear and dark, his tone raspy like jagged glass.

"I have Takami Hikari. If you want her, then I get an audience with your boss."

Widening their eyes at the name, the group remained silent as the bird simply turned away, already making his exit before holding up his phone with a single hand. "I'm sure I don't need to give them my number, considering they'll contact me first."

Then Hawks wordlessly walked out of the bar, causing Dabi's mouth to hang open in utter surprise and shock. He half expected the hero to do something stupid, but selling his sister? Now that wasn't something he thought would happen.

Swirling his drink around with his finger, the villain then smirked under his breath at what that exactly meant.

Oh Hawks, you have no idea what you've just done.


Realizing that her brother was taking forever, Hikari frowned before hearing her stomach growl loudly through her shirt. He said he'd be bringing home food but she was pretty sure that idiot was going to be another hour or so.

Hawks may have been too fast for his own good but between bending over backwards for that president bitch and Dabi, the bird was hardly ever on time for anything anymore. In fact, he had been MIA more than usual lately. This was probably just another lie.

Her stomach rumbled once more before the girl kicked her legs off the sofa in order to make her way to her room. That's it, she couldn't wait anymore. She had to go get some food.

Upon opening the door though, Hikari took one look at her pastel closet before suppressing a gag and filtering through the clothes in order to find something not awful to put on.

To her displeasure, everything was horrible, the girl settling on a rainbow pastel colored fluffy knee length dress with light pink baby doll shoes. At least this one wasn't completely pink.

Choosing not to look in the mirror, Hikari then grabbed her phone before shooting a text to her brother so he wouldn't freak out on why she was leaving before heading out the door.

Halfway to her destination though, the girl felt herself humming subconsciously, the lullaby of her childhood slipping into her steps and Hikari moved through the crowd.

She couldn't help but recall the calming sound of Keigo's voice as he combed her hair, the familiar motion and the ease she felt from the small movement. It was like for the first time, she had a little bit of her childhood back.

Turning the corner, Hikari hummed a little louder before realizing what she was doing and immediately stopping. She hadn't even realized she was humming that song. What was that, some kind of reflex or something?

The girl couldn't help but grumble before scolding herself under her breath. "What are you doing? Stop it. It was one moment, so what? It doesn't change anything. You're just getting sentimental..."

Shaking her head in disapproval, she didn't even notice when a large hand wrapped around her arm before pulling her into the nearby alley before Hikari widened her eyes. Who in the hell?

The stranger's hand moved up as Hikari only frowned using her other hand to detach herself before immediately spinning around and elbowing the attacker in the side as the sound resonated through the space.

It was so dark, but she just barely made out the stranger reaching for her as Hikari stepped to the side before grabbing their arm and twisting it behind his back without a second thought.

Then she let a single feather out of her pocket before aiming it's bristles at the man, just a couple inches from his face, although he probably couldn't see given the dark lighting. "You picked the wrong girl to mess with. Now, I'm gonna be nice and let you apologize first.."

Although that's when the stranger chuckled before the arm that she was holding turned scolding hot, causing Hikari to squeak in surprise before the man quickly turned around and grabbed her wrists before lifting them above her head and pinning them to the wall behind her.

As Hikari hit the brink wall, the girl gritted her teeth before the stranger spoke, causing her to immediately recognize who her attacker was, and why he was so fast. "Kinky, but you know that's not really my style Princess."

Looking up at the man, the girl couldn't help but groan before rolling her eyes in newfound annoyance. "Ugh what the hell Dabi.."

The villain only chuckled with amusement though before taking a step back as Hikari's hands fell to the sides of the wall. "Just wanted to see if you've grown soft since hanging with that bird brother of yours. You know, playing the innocent and weak sister and everything.."

Hikari only scoffed at that though, rubbing her wrists that were still warm from his quirk. "You wish, as you can see I can still kick your ass easily. How sad for you, isn't it?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Dabi only smirked. "On the contrary, I was hoping you'd give me a show like always. It's always so amusing.."

The fact that he was insulting her was not lost on the girl, her eyes narrowing before taking a step back from her friend. "You're just pissed cause I can beat you. After all, I've done it before and I'll gladly do it again.."

And although that was true, Dabi wasn't about to admit defeat. You see, the reason they were on the same level was solely because the two knew everything about each other. Their weaknesses, their fighting style, they had all seen in before and neither was intimated with one another.

Which honestly was refreshing given that everyone else was usually rather boring to fight. The two loved to see how far they could push each other and what kind of tactics they could use in order to outsmart the other.

Shaking his head with a mix of annoyance and pride the villain let out a heavy breath before taking an imitated step towards his friend, his voice far lower than before. "Hmm cocky as always. It really does make me want to wipe that little smirk off your face once and for all."

Hikari couldn't sense the challenge though, taking a step closer to Dabi, just as he did to her before lifting her lips into a devious smirk. "Why don't you then? It's been years and you still can't win every match. No, I think we are rather even. So go ahead, try your best Dabi.."

The tension was heavy as the girl lowered her lashes towards the villain, her heavy weighted look almost telling him to make the first move, to attack her so that she could prove a point.

And she thought he was going to, watching Dabi lean closer in another form of intimation before purposely looking at her lips for a moment and smirking, his breath seeping into her as he exhaled.

They were so close, their bodies tense in slight wait for something.

Although she was surprised when Dabi moved his gaze away first, the atmosphere breaking almost immediately after. "Cute, and as tempting as that is, I'll have to pass. It seems you have other things to worry about right about now.."

Blinking at the utter whiplash of the conversation, Hikari couldn't help but be dazed. "Huh?"

Then she watched as Dabi shoved his hands into his pockets before leaning against the wall behind them lazily. "I thought you'd be interested in what your brother has been doing."

At the topic of Keigo, the girl couldn't help but scoff, crossing her arms over each other before rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I know. He's looking for Valkyrie, even sent a commission dog to the apartment to question me. It was a close call but I steered them away."

She felt pretty confident in her answer, although that's when Dabi laughed under his breath, seemingly finding something utterly hilarious. "Right, if you know then that means you'll know what your dear brother did just a couple hours ago, what I saw him do with my own eyes.."

Turning her head in confusion, the girl replied. "Look, whatever you say, I don't care. I don't care what Kei is..."

Yet that's when Dabi cut her off, taking utter joy in his next words. "So you don't care that Hawks just agreed to sell his precious little sister just for a meeting with Valkyrie..?"

And that caused Hikari to stop, the girl processing the words extremely slowly before her own eyes widened against her will. What did he just say? She must have heard wrong. "W-What?"

The villain didn't seem to have a problem repeating it though. "Big brother of the year just agreed to trade you for information. Pretty fucked up, am I right?"

Although as much as Hikari wanted to join in his sadistic laughter, the girl only remained still. Keigo sold her to get information on Valkyrie? He was going to give her to villains just for a file, for a job?

Well of course he did, didn't he? Those actions did fit the type of person Hawks was in her eyes and the person she always knew he was. A commission agent, a liar and a cheater. This was nothing new, this should've been nothing new. She should have been laughing with Dabi, she should have just brushed it off.

All of those candy coated lies, all of those sweet gestures and nostalgic feelings, they really meant nothing. Of course they meant nothing. Why was she expecting anything different?

Dabi noticed her silence though, glancing back before speaking through her swirling thoughts.

"What's with that face? Oh, don't tell me, you started to believe his words, that you fell for his little trap, that you're disappointed that your big brother has always been a piece of shit?"

No, of course not. She didn't fall for anything, the girl knew they were fake from the beginning. Every word wasn't real. She knew that. But if that was the case, why was she disappointed about her brother's decisions, why did she feel, sad?

Maybe, just maybe she wished they were real, just once. Yes, it was foolish but the reality that he was actually fake was something she wasn't prepared for, even though she told herself for years how it was.

Those cruel words appeared in her mind once more, except this time instead of making her feel unconsciously safe, they made her feel like an idiot, like a fool.

"Don't worry baby sister, I got you. I'm going to take care of you, okay? You don't have to worry about a thing.."


I'm not leaving you sis. Nothing's going to happen. You're safe


What? No no no it's not that. I love having you here. Don't ever think that Hikari. I don't have to do anything. I want to protect you, I want to care for you. I just wanted you to be safe, I didn't want to drag you into the things I have to deal with, that's all


Well I'm here now Hikari, I always will be. Whatever happened in the past, I'm going to make it right. I promise


Obviously he didn't care because her brother had just promised her to villains, had sold her in order to get information for that commission bitch. It didn't matter if she was Valkyrie, the facts didn't change. The sister he said he'd protect, he gave them away just like that.

Did she really mean that little to him?

And it hurt, god did it hurt. She tried not to realize it but it hurt so bad, knowing that he would never care for her in the way that she always wanted. No, Hikari realized that she was just delusional, she always was...

So much so that Hikari felt her hands ball into fists before forcing the liquid in her eyes back down so that no one could see it. "Of course not. I always knew where we stood, why would I be disappointed?"

Dabi wasn't fooled though, noticing her change in voice before choosing not to speak on it, only kicking himself off the wall silently. "What are you going to do then, Valkyrie?"

At the sound of her villain name, Hikari felt something spark inside her, all of the devastation and sadness changing to anger before pulling out her phone.

Screw this mission, screw everything. She wanted it burned, she wanted it destroyed forever, so that she would never see his stupid little face and that warm cozy apartment ever again.

Turning her lips into a cruel smirk to hide the need to cry, Hikari knew the answer immediately.

"I'm going to give him what he wants. He wants Valkyrie, I'm going to give him Valkyrie, even if he regrets it."


As Hawks placed the bag of yakitori on the kitchen counter, he paused when he heard a soft ding enter from his pocket, the bird taking the object out before seeing a text from an unknown number.

Narrowing his eyes, he then opened the message only for the letters to dance across the screen as the air suddenly grew thicker than before.

Bird boy wants his files, doesn't he?

Well, that works out because you have what I want too.

Hakata Mall 9PM

Bring Takami Hikari.

Also don't bring else anyone with you, I'll know.


The hero couldn't believe his eyes, seeing the villain's name appear so suddenly. The rumors were right, weren't they? It was kind of scary, Val being able to contact him so easily. Who else could they contact like this?

Although he had finally gotten what he wanted, a meeting with Valkyrie. And even though he accomplished the impossible, the bird couldn't help but feel the overwhelming disgust from it.

Hawks had just done the one thing he said he'd never do after all, he involved his sister.

Of course he'd protect her, that much was obvious. The hero wasn't going to let anyone take Hikari, not on his watch, but the fact remained, Hawks had dragged her into this dangerous life, he had sold her out in order to get what he wanted.

And he felt so vile because of it.

Sighing to himself, Hawks then heard the door behind him open only for Hikari to step inside, causing the hero to throw on a fake smile for her. "Hey there Hika-chan, sorry I'm late. Foods on the table."

The girl nodded her head though, before the bird cleared his throat, remembering the message from the villain all at once. "Oh, and also, how would you like to go on a little trip with me tomorrow? You know, have some big brother bonding time!"

And though his words were innocent to most, Hikari felt her mouth run dry at his words, speaking with a slight mutter with fallen shoulders. "Where are we going?"

That's when the girl heard the words she had dreaded to hear, the ones that confirmed that Hawks had done exactly what Dabi said he did. He sold her out.

"Oh uhh I was thinking the Hakata mall, maybe get ya some new clothes or something..?"

The words hung in the air for a moment, causing both parties to stew with a thousand unsaid emotions But while Hawks' was filled with inner shame and disgust for what he was doing, Hikari's was more melancholy and devastated.

So much so that the girl forced her lips to curve into a fake smile before shoving the burner phone she had in her back pocket, the screen just barely showing the message she just sent her brother as Valkyrie before speaking back in order to hide her true feelings.

Soon, it would all be over soon.

"I'd like that."


Oof, this chapter was a monster to write. No because of the length but just because of the content in here. We have some big decisions coming from all characters in this and I really wanted to make their reasons for their actions believable.

Poor Hikari, she puts on a brave face but just when she was starting to talk to her brother normally, this happens. It's rough.

Also keep in mind, we as the readers have the whole story so the sister/villain thing seems obvious but for Hawks all he knows is that his sister and Valkyrie are connected somehow. Nothing has led him to believe that she'd be the one behind it, so that's why he thinks she's a victim.

And Dabi, well he's just enjoying the show, isn't he?

Next Chapter: What we've all been waiting for (or dreading) the reveal. 

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