Off The Ice

By Kirithetheory

79.3K 3.1K 4.4K

Oikawa, Suga and Akaashi were figure skaters. They all needed that freedom and the feeling of the ice. The fe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22*
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33*
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Hiatus and Small Note
Hiatus Note

Chapter 8

1.6K 70 43
By Kirithetheory


"Noya senpai!"

"Sup Shōyō!" The short spiky-haired male skids to a stop in front of the group, grinning.

"Glad to have you back." Suga says sweetly.

"Thanks!" He exclaims glancing around the rink. Oikawa is by himself, practicing some pretty easy spins, getting just enough adrenaline to clear his head. Akaashi and Suga are practicing close by, keeping an eye on their friend. Everyone else is spread out and the varsity hockey team, minus Iwaizumi and Ichiro, are hanging out in the bleachers. Noya scans the group and frowns. "Hey, where's Asahi?" Suga freezes and turns to Noya, confused.

"He didn't tell you?" He asks now more worried. He knew the two got into a fight but wouldn't they have made up by now?

"Tell me what?" Noya's eyebrows crease in confusion as their conversation gains Oikawa's attention.

"Noya...he quit the team after you were suspended." Noya's eyes widen in disbelief.

"What? You lying...he, he wouldn't."

"I'm sorry..." Suga says sincerely as Noya's face flickers from emotions. Shock, sadness, confusion, anger. He clenches his fists and quickly skates over to the hockey team.

"Whats going on?" Oikawa asks, watching Noya question the hockey team.

"I don't think Noya and Asahi have talked since the incident." Suga says slowly. He would have figured the two would hang out all day during Noya's suspension.

"What? Are you serious?" They all keep their gaze on Noya as the hockey team sincerely explains what happened. After a few moments of silence, Noya steps off the rink and runs to the locker room, face hidden from view. The rest of the figure skaters stopped their practice, feeling lost as to how to help their friend.

"Come on, we should go check on him." Oikawa and Akaashi agree, heading over and stepping off the rink. Luckily the hockey players keep their mouths shut, having some respect for Noya thanks to Asahi. At least they're not gay.

"Noya..." Suga speaks softly as the three enter the locker room, seeing Noya angrily pace.

"He's such a fucking wuss!" He complains, but they can all clearly see the hurt in his eyes. "Always fucking blaming himself and then shutting everyone out." He stops his place, eyes glossy but no tears fall.

"Look, we don't know entirely what happened between you two, but, either way, you should talk to him."

"Tch, why should I go out of my way to talk to him," Noya mumbles, the hurt now seeping through as he takes a seat on the bench.

"Because, as you said he's a wuss who's always blaming himself." Oikawa chimes in making Noya chuckle and sigh.

"He probably wouldn't even answer my texts..."

"Then we go to his house." Noya looks up as Akaashi takes a seat next to him. "If he quit then he's probably there. We can take you so you can talk to him."

"You guys would really do that?"

"Of course," Oikawa joins them on the bench. "We all know he means a lot to you. And we care about you." Noya sighs and nods in agreement when there's a small knock at the locker room door.

"Knock knock." The hockey team captain, Takeshi, pokes his head in, instantly getting a glare from Suga. "Relax, I swear I come in peace. This time." He smirks and Suga crosses his arms, looking unimpressed.

"Anyway, Noya, dude." He kneels down in front of Noya. "Listen, I may have overheard your conversation, and well, if you do go and talk to him, I want you to let him know that there's still a spot for him on the team." Noya looks at him and smiles.


"Of course, I mean, that man's a beast at defense. No puck can get past him. We could definitely use him, so try to get him to come back. Kay?" He stands up and Noya nods, the other three still glaring at the captain. "Aww don't look at me like that you three." He narrows his eyes, zoning in on Suga. "You'll hurt yourself if you glare so much." He taunts before turning on his heel and heading out the door. "I wish y'all luck!" Oikawa does a gagging noise as the others flip him off, even though Takeshi can't see them.

"Tch, what a dick." Oikawa mutters.

"Anyway, we can go right now if you'd like Noya."

"Are you sure? I-I mean I don't want to stop you guys from practicing."

"Nah it's fine. Besides, it's not like we were all practicing anyway." Suga sends a look to Oikawa who sicks out his tongue while Akaashi pulls out his phone to text Bokuto.

"Alright, yeah thanks guys." The three then all get changed and ready to leave. Oikawa finishes first so he goes and tells Kiyoko and everyone else what's going on. They wish them luck waving to Oikawa as he goes to wait in the lounge. As he exits the rink, he passes the hockey coach, who gives him a small head nod as they pass in the doorway. Oikawa's gaze follows the man out and then shifts over to where he came from. He's not that surprised when he sees Iwaizumi on the couch, the skin around his eye turning purple.

"That's a pretty bad bruise." Oikawa steps in front of the boy, looking down at him as he chuckles.

"I guess you could say that." He then lifts his shirt up, revealing the print of an ice-skate on the side of his abdomen, a red angry cut present as well, formed by the blade. Oikawa's eyes widen as he sits down.

"Holy shit!" He instinctively reaches out, running his soft fingers against the cut. "Are you ok? That looks painful." Iwaizumi flinches slightly when his fingers come in contact with the opened wound that just stopped bleeding.

"Ehh I've been through worse." Oikawa continues to run his fingers across Iwaizumi's skin, revealing in the way Iwaizumi shivers slightly.

"What were you guys even fighting about? I thought you were on his side." Iwa sighs at that as Oikawa hesitantly removes his hands.

"I umm...I'm sorry about that. By the way." Their eyes meet and he notes that Iwaizumi looks generally sorry. Still, he shouldn't just forgive him.

"It's alright. I get it." He shouldn't forgive him so easily.

"But yeah umm, after you left he started bitching about you, and ummm, he kept calling you the umm the F word..." Oikawa watches him intently, watching Iwa awkwardly try to explain what happened, trying not to offend Oikawa. It's kinda sweet. "Anyway I dunno, I don't really like when people use that word as an insult so I told him to shut up, and uhh then he hit me so then I lost it, and uhh yeah..." Oikawa smiles as Iwa looks down, scratching the back of his neck.

"You're really confusing, ya know." Iwa chuckles.

"Yeah, sorry." Oikawa shrugs and stands up.

"It's not necessarily a bad thing." Iwa smiles ever so slightly as the rink door opens.

"Hey there you are." Akaashi swings an arm over Oikawa's shoulders protectively, standing on his tiptoes due to Oikawa's height. "Come on, Kou's here." Oikawa gives Akaashi a grateful smile and follows his lead towards the door, waving to Iwa before directing his attention forward, trying to ignore the way he felt when he touched his cold skin. The way Iwaizumi shivered. He gulps and glances backward slightly. This is bad...


"Alright, we're here." Bokuto puts the car in park as small water droplets fall onto the windshield. Noya takes a deep breath, looking at the house, seeing the living room light is on, along with the bedroom light.

"You got this Noya. Just talk." Noya sighs.

"Right, just talk." He nods and in one swift movement hops out of the car and into the rain.

"How do you think this is going to go?" Akaashi asks, feet propped up on Bokuto who sweetly rubs his knee, his back pressed against the car door.

"I dunno but god I'm hoping for a confession." Oikawa laughs. "What? Those two have been running circles around each other ever since we met them. I'm tired of it." Suga whines, watching Noya anxiously wait at the door, his hair and body now damp.

"Oh right, before I forget, do you guys wanna spend the night at my house? My parents aren't home and I dont really want to be alone." Akaashi mindlessly scrolls through his phone while Oikawa and Suga watch as Asahi opens the door.

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun."

"Alright, I'll just tell my dad we're having a study group." Suga laughs at that.

"Ugh baby I'm sorry but I can't. I'm babysitting my neighbor's daughter tonight." Akaashi sighs in disappointment, putting his phone down and glancing out the window to see Noya speaking with his head down.

"Alright." He mumbles, crossing his arms while pouting.

"Hey..." He glances at Bokuto, making the pout more prominent. "God I wish I could. Alright. I really would stay in a heartbeat." Akaashi chews the inside of his lip, still pouting as Bokuto rubs his thigh. "Baby......" He whines, "I love you. Please stop pouting." Bokuto returns the pout with his own, getting Akaashi to roll his eyes.

"Fine..." He mumbles, giving Bokuto a small smile. "And I love you too." Bokuto grins and leans in, pressing his lips to Akaashi's, living for the hum and smile it gets from him.

"Oh my god guys!" Suga groans when he turns to see Bokuto and Akaashi. "Ugh quit making out and look." Akaashi sighs but parts them and turns to the window, seeing the two boys blushing and smiling at each other. Asahi then takes Noya's hand and leads him inside. Akaashi smiles at the scene before bringing Bokuto's lips back to his, ignoring the complaints from Oikawa and Suga.

"Y'all, come on quit it so we can go." Oikawa kicks the seat Akaashi is sitting in, annoyed. Akaashi rolls his eyes and parts them again, both more breathless than before.

"Ugh, you guys are the worst, fine. Come on." Akaashi gives Bokuto one more quick kiss before slumping in his seat. Bokuto sighs and glares at the boys in the back who simply stick out their tongues. Bokuto sits back into his seat and sets off again down the street and towards Akaashi's house.


1796 words

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